� � . �: . .. .�11,: . ' . t . :y, . J[l'i.:'.'�..S.J_-
<br /> f.."-
<br /> .-_, _ . . - �,"+ � ►�y��: F,.-
<br /> ±cy•t^ . • `r;. ' �'y�S�� t � •
<br />..,.�. 27. COi.iE�fi�ti CQ97'S. To th�sxtlrrt pertnitted by law.G�ant�r agrees to R�I tardar's ma�nabta tc»s ur�wsss.tnciud(rty�h�t rtot limitud to, =-_
<br /> tees end aosts at a�om�ys und a"hsr aflattts(�n�!udinp wiL�out 1lmitation paraleSa[s,c{erSca and oonsuita�}g,�or rert sr6�yunQei t�s��d otgTrual, a, ---
<br /> ' w�h�thu a nat faut�t ts bi�u�irae��1�,���at�l mt�te�to.e tl t�ee�8an�i eo�inai�reeed on aPpe ,� in�baefvuP2cY�and for pos2-�udgmeni eofts�tton =-_
<br /> cctlona
<br /> � ppg7�Rp,Epg� Lond3r msy rolcaca in irderost tn a partion a!the Prapert�r blrr execut►nD end reeordlrtg ona cr moro Partlal Oeeds oi -�-
<br /> pocamrayancs w(thaut affecting its Inisre�t In ths romalntn pcRtan oi 4ne Pragorty twttiing haroin ahn�be dNmod to obit eRa I�ndttr to rcta+�:s �,c.
<br /> a�I �ho Prap�rtyitGrart�o�
<br /> eny of fta trR�reat in th�Prape�t7►(�xeaPt as raRuIrad ursder�89)�nor shalf Itndu bs obfi�at�d to rot�wtth�espect to that partion ot ths = ---
<br /> � Is(n defudt urtdar tAis�¢d of Trutt. 7Ai Utn and atc�Mry IM�rtst cn�d bY���Try���ln , �,s
<br /> ptopQrty.�s doflnsd In tha Oaad ot Tn�t,that h notth�aabjactof Yht�ar atry Pastt�l Qc.d of Reeorneyance ___
<br />`_',, �y. ��pi�lCpTEpH/I�iD WyASii'Ep. Ths madifl.aaUan cr watv�r ot eny o!tituibots E)bl'�attone ot Lend�fs tlghta itndot tists Q��d of Truat must be
<br /> i�!
<br /> ���y�a�;�g si wy my Lnnd�r. Lamf�r mty dorm eny of�Bert�onwp�►'a or Gramar's Obli aSons,6s1 ortall to oxerctss etg►ot(t�dafitm or � -.
<br /> ,, no�t�ru�ta�i�ratver�rantoro�trhar�oc��slan�Qrar��O�Ugatton�undert�ts Da�ad�a�f T����no�t bs �aftected M LenQeiaamanda,comP mts�s, = _--
<br /> ?: a x c h a n g e�,f a i t s t D e x a r c f s e,t m p a l r s or rotaa�oa eny o!the O�nder'e talture�o��n s l s t uF�on s U i e t Re to r m a nt a s°f��e n Y°f 4 1'°a b�t g ationa aAs�lt�be =___-
<br /> _ �sy arantpt,8artnwer or third puty ot�ny ot tho F t eperty. _ _
<br /> deemed a waiver and Lender sRa71 h3va tha dght at arty ifine�ulerea��r to ins�st u�OSr sUlct psrtannance. - -
<br /> � � g�g���u�, �ease a}tha dealh,lnabp;ty,raiu�!to aet or absanee of the Trustee irom tho state whare the resi property is Iacated _
<br /> or(n easa the holder otthe Obiigaitons shall desire tor any_re�nato 8mhav�yo�Y����g�Y�r�o�iM In w[i�ng aesubs�titute trustee�p�� --.
<br /> � a new trustee in hi9 ptace and sitad,tt,o hotder af tfcs Qtt! p
<br /> Trustas,end the substituts trustee shzll.when appotnted,becomo sujeoessor 4o aU rtghts af Trustee hereundat and tho eamo sriail become v�sied in ��--.
<br /> • him tor the purposes end ob;eets of this Oeed at Trust wfth eif fhe Fowe�+d�+t�e��06119�arts harein cos�terted on fhe Tnastse. ____.
<br /> 31. SUL'CESSOqS AfiD AS5tQH8. Thls Qeed of Truat shall be binding upon and Inure to tho benafd of Gramar and Lortder and sh�.r�e�ive -----
<br /> suxessois.asaigns,tusta2�.�eoefirtra�adminis4�ators.Per&onni reproser�4ves,legatees s.�d davis¢es. _-
<br /> 22
<br /> , ': 92 NOTl�. Exc�tpt B,s at8�+dse requtred by taw.aey naUc�or other cemmunira��9�rl�ta�rnrtd�ur�+ar tfit dDee���.�,a{t�s� ----
<br /> .�
<br /> and atttt L4 tttm fi&tffss at tf,�srt3r,.�ti�dQSCri6sd in th(s Qasd of�Trtrat er���r����Tre,-ol tttta�r C33 drEs��•�e�is ---
<br /> SHne.kari 3tu��Gva e��r,t�t�r:ti�,+fitst claas maU,Po�B Pt�F� . -
<br /> s�ttt a x�raceiveQ C�/tl�iQ C�ss�uJ+�ran such natice ts Dait�9�n• _
<br /> 93. SEV�RABtt,fTY. vktuirt��r pass�`�e�aech�rovtslen af thia Deed ot TNSt shail De fm°srpreted so as��e eHec�iv¢�vald us�sa���"`��a • t;;,;
<br /> :`` � cust vfatet�s n�s taw ar is uneMorte�bie,Sf�cest of tAe Deed ot T�ust aitrdi:r..��tiaue to�a?�r.'3S a.�d.
<br /> �'" state law. H any►provi�fnir�V+.is Dz�d cfr T - .
<br /> ,��+� enforaabla. is Iactf�. Un18tx�i"t�D tr.a�
<br /> �.F�� .` 5+1. APPIICABLE lA7[;.�'RCS LTOed fi Fru�t sha!t�e gs�am�d by the taxs af ths stats whers the roal P�P�Y
<br /> ."�:. . • lacated in that
<br />;`;'tc..L`c' p m v i des o t h e t w i s e,��n s e t t t s t e t f�s f a n s d�c H a n�d v e n u e a f a c ry e ouR setec�d b y Lcndar,in its sole disc�etlon,
<br /> �' { 35.1i[SGELL1ll�EGi1S�C�da.itorandtanderaQreetimfrf�^atsafthoessbnca. (ir�nmrwalvea presRrttrr�srtt.demc+�dtorpaymar►t.nottcedc9i�.�r _
<br /> `"'``' " and proDest except as t�!ihbd b v la'N AU retarenceste�(�eslor in U�is Oced of Tnist ahall inctuda aD persons si in b�►ow. B the[e tm m;.:34han ane
<br /> Ut
<br /> _� an atsranding tetwaan Gret►mr and
<br /> � G r a n t�r.t h etr Obli g e H r a s r s d r a 1 1 6 e jo 1 M a n d c e v e r a t. �`i t s J e e d of Ttust re presartts 1he aomptete irtteg
<br />.,`�;�, IattderpeAdt►inatDflt�l�t3s?sendconditionahereuF -
<br /> .'„ 30.tt0 THIAD PAWY1!'�418. Ko person fs or�+ail br��s fhirQrRany teeneficiary►o!amf R�on of this Daed of Tntst Ait pravisiarts of fhie D�d ot _
<br /> `" T c u s t I n t n v a r o t L s n G e r�'s�t t n d e d s o:o f o r trie banefit of Lendar,and no third p a r t f►sft�.�be entitled to assvme or expoct that LenCar�vIN rtot wanra
<br /> � ar epnsar�4 to the madift�anon ot arr�p on o?4iis Deed of Truad,in Lende r'9 so l s d i s e r e tl an. r��o Qppg�qone.or atry
<br /> ' �l. PREB�RVAT10710F tSA81UTY AtiDcPe(���o����eM�pefio��m ot tt�s Ob;�►igationa,8 an�w�tthout aHecting tha dqhte ot
<br /> ' oi�er pstaon(e�ept a peman expsesslY
<br /> ''�� tander wr�rospect!o any P4opetY�����Y fe��in writfng.and withaut Im,R^.�rinp in tns PAorft�l oi thla D��d ot 7rust ov�►4fis
<br /> .�i
<br /> •: - irterest of am�persan acquind os Nrst evidenced hymeacdl�subsequ�M to the rs�r8 af thls of Truat,Landes may afther tsetoro or aftor ---
<br /> the maw�i af ris Q�:�ians,and wt�o�e no�ce ar canns�r�reSeas�any persbn te tar paym�nt ar p�tarmanca oT a11 or eny pnrt at ehs
<br /> : {: s Pet ot ths ODtt a� Bxe�iss ar�»fram
<br /> ¢f.�,F.�: Ob1lgaVorrx maka a�y�e m2�at0ertng 8is tertns o!paym ent or performancs of NI ot arry part Q
<br /> axerc�ing cr wa�'VS arty r�gh�t or rem�J that landar may� have under Ns Deed ot Tm�k asceDt e�ditIonal��y +�7/Wnd tatarry of tl�e
<br /> pt�,� -�or nteass or att2ndse�aE�ffih arry roal or patsonat propr�t�sawrfng ths 061fIIaUona My person aequirinp ar re000dta�evfdonao W
<br /> � ,.. �r�� erry .�,.s,"tusc�3 ai8�}l naturi in tns Pra�r�rr�`�11 be Haemad.by ecquirss�swfi tMerest or recording acry svldenee thereof.tn have ao��d to aif or
<br /> . 'F; � 9tIyECF3i.�tI6(IStiyl6ildEf. .
<br /> .,`j,.'`. ' 3d.O�FEASANCE Uyon the pa�rme;�and prun o�f n�tuGranm s.�.�De�spo�na�tbti m�PaY aaY coe a�b o�f�Otdattonr to Gra[Km L�dacumanto
<br /> • that may 4�raqufred w�e'.ease tn.s Q2ed ot'! —
<br /> � 3� {�pSTHpCT[QH LpAtL �Thls Osed of Tn:at is a con��an mortgago under ttis Unitortn Commercial CnC��sscuro an obUgaUon
<br /> incurteJ ta th�consfi#lon of an mDrovametK on lend.inetuding�2�ulsition�of land. Tht9 Dsed of Ttust cccuros a con�LucNon loan,and R
<br /> Wiuo i�n�ts��cont�bu�on,�davstopn�i-_'n'nl�,a ope�n��tho P trop�wlt�mmsterad on oi oft t�he PYO��ehaaitPaleo bswblectm fhs i�tan�M�li�0iliQ
<br /> - oi Tasi -
<br /> 40.WAtVER QF HOi1E$fEA!)AND bTEiFA E7(E�iTRiQN9. Grantor herehy tivaIves aii homeaflead and oth�r uamPtJans tn th�Proporyf to whtoh
<br /> Grantor wou�d oUtatwlse Do e%�ti'Ead under arry apPtic�hie law.
<br /> UPOt�.'fit[S OEED dFiRUBf. -
<br /> . �2.AOaRtOTlALiEH11S:
<br /> '� `,.
<br /> r,ti$�{ . ,
<br />,. : .. _
<br /> , .
<br /> .� •'�-, Gttnttarn..�imowlsdg�atha!(irM.orlr•z��vsd.undetstartds.andagrees4athetermstndcondiUmmolt4aalQtacc2c9rr�r,t.FU:daclmow:ed3earaceiptot �
<br /> � art e�l coAy of camta �
<br /> O�tedtAh� ��---d�Yaf Octobes, iB�9f£ __.
<br /> Luaaa Ioa� D9emos awUrro� �O�oi Aaa D3eraas -
<br /> ,� oR w
<br /> � �
<br /> d . �--5 ac o ve
<br /> ' aaa orne =
<br /> �M� cRauro� -
<br /> . k:
<br /> � cwu�rtox owwro� o
<br /> . �-
<br /> - ��T�� G'tAMOR -
<br /> v�asots -
<br /> LP�L-'9tt0�PorrNUlonTatJ�no:og:aa.tr+c.(9/20/6�(fA�89�37G3 _
<br /> � . _ .. � ' � . . � - - . . �
<br /> , ',' -�. . _ . . . . . . . ;. i. � � . :• • - . - � � u '• .
<br /> . . . .
<br /> .. . . . _ . .._. .�_ '_. .... � . - � . . - . • � .
<br />