..��; . C . . . . . ,_�_ _.a.�� _ _"__.__ _."'._.� _�.,._..�"_"_A .�._.i . ' . 'r ' —'
<br /> .I._ E -�V�i _.. � —"-� � - ��ae''
<br /> ...a . �i. c._ �._s_ —
<br /> . �� y�° �,V`i'��� „ --��._____.T -- _
<br /> (d) prantor hes tho dgM&nd ia duly authoruad to oxocuW ens!RaAorm ks ObUgations under tt�ia Qeed of Trust and these actions do not and `` _- �
<br /> � sl�all not oonRiCt wltA the provis!ona of any atahatt,re8'+�aUan,ordinance.ru�o of la�v,contreCt or ottiat agreemoM which may be binding on„ , , ,`_
<br /> � Qraf�SOt ut My UmO: ,, ; y'
<br /> (e) No ac�tion or p�oceed(ng�s or shali be panding or threatened which migM matarially affecttho Prol�artl'.g"d • � -
<br /> � (fl Graniar has not vtalated and oh�ii not viaiatv any s�rtute.reCulauan,ordinance.ru!o ot laiv,coMr2ct or othor agc�ement(induding.��nafortt A =
<br /> { limited to,thoss poveming Hazardoua Mateflals)v Potch mipht material ry aftect tha Peoperil/or lander's rfghis ar fntorest in the PropeRy p , � :
<br /> ' to tltls��d of TtuSL �
<br /> � 3. PRIOA OEEDS OF�RUST. Grarttor�epros�nts and warrents that tMro ero no prior deeds ot mist aHscting any part of the Proparry except as set .
<br /> �-. � forth an Schedule B attache�to t1�ls Qeed of Truat.whieh Qrantor aqraes tu pa and psAorm in a tlrnehl mannor. N there are any Prlor daeds of trust , ' <:. �;
<br /> � then tirantor a�qrnes ta pay all amount3 oeved.o�a e o4 trust shai be a defau�t�undeQthis Da d of Trust end ahaJl�ontiUe!-ende to ali rtghte�an�
<br /> _ � and further agrnes that a detauR uneler any p �
<br /> "`< remsd?es centa3ned horein or in the ObligaUons to whicA Lsnder wauid De eM(tted in the event of anY ott�er detauft
<br /> �•:,'.,� � 0. TRANSFERS OF TaIE PRqPEHTY OR BBddEFlCid11 IHTF.RFS4���p���iQRS�O�,Rbed i�n�Schod o 0.or sny nterest theroi�n or af a!I ar any .. ' � .
<br />-«':. j coMrac�t for deed or transfer to any�seraon of all ar any part t� ., ` • ' _
<br />-,•�`;.' ; b:nafldal irtterest in Sarrower or G�f(����r or GtBntot ia nOt a naturel person or persorts but is 8 Ccrporatlon.limitad liab�lity ea.mpany. --'---- --
<br /> � � pattnorshlp,trust,or other legal emiry),Lender may,at its oQtion��d�eclare th9 outstanding principa�08ience of tfie ObGgatforts Pk+g$�%��°��
<br /> � thereon immediately due and payahle. At Lertder's request.�3fBfrtOf Ot BOROWBf,as ihe cas�mayr be.shali furnish a complete smtement seiting forth
<br /> j- al�pf its stackholders,rnsmbers,or pariners,as approprtate,sr�d the extent ot their respective ovmership interosts• _ _T _ 'i
<br /> -,..�� 5. ASSIGtVRiENT OF 6iEN75. In eoncideration ot the Ot�tigations,whieh�rs sacured by this OeBd of Tnast,G�antor ab=olutety assigns to Lender e�{ _ - y;=,., _ -
<br /> ;M��.� GraMOr's estatB.riBM.title,interest,daim and damand now ovmad a:hereafb3r acqutred in all exisdng and tuwre leases of tha PreAartll Cnduding +' � _f
<br /> �r.�tcria.renewals and subteases�.all agre�monts tor usa and acapancY of the ProportS►(�!such toasos and agreemenb whether written or ora1, �":,.m;�.:�_
<br /> �% sre hereafter retarred m as the"Leases�,and ali gusrartHes of tessees'pe�formance under the leases.tagether r�ith tha immediate and coMinuing '"..
<br /> "-.� ri gM to calleQ and raceive all of 4he rorit�s,income,recefpts,revenues,issues.Profits and othor incart:o of arry nab+r�now or hercafter due(ncludinD ` Y �=`S f _._'.--
<br /> :�. • arty income of anyr nature coming due du r i ng any r e d e m p i t o n p e d a�e u�d e r t h e L e s a e a o t trom ar arisin g oui o11ti3 Prop2rty induding minimum _�„. __
<br />''����.� rarris,add'�tQnal ror�ts,De�r►t�qe rertb�Parking or common are�mslrrtenanca wrttribu4ions,tax and insuranco wrttribut,ons.deficter�cy ro r n s, :, _. c:,�__,
<br />.;,; Iiqutdated damages foltawing defauR In arty Leasa.al�Proceeds Dayeb►a under arry poiicy ot insurance ca�erin9 tass of renis tesutting from �;,.r�,;�, „_
<br />',;-y • util9nen�ili�ceeds darivad tmm�the termin�at n or rej�ecti�on of�a y Lease in a b r kruptcy or�other inso e� rt e praceedin� d�al prpe�e ad iram _ '','.-::
<br /> . �Qertll. P c�► 9. .� .;.,
<br />��� and daims of erry kind which(iranLOr may Aavs against any fassee under the Leaxs or arry oxuPanta of tho ProPertY(ail of ths abave are , `� �;: _
<br />�} �t he�reaf�r CollecHvety refeaed to as the'ReMs�.fiis asstgnmerrt is suhject to the rtght,Power and sutliority given to the lender to aallect and+spA1Y _ _ .
<br /> � the Rertls. This ass�gr:�-�c is recorded in acoordance`vith aPplicabte sffite law;the lien cxeated by this assignmertt is ir►tended to be specif�o. ��. -.�f.�:" ---
<br /> . perfacted,and choata w�the recording of thfs Oeed ot Trust,ati as provfded bY$PPiicab[e state law as amended fram Ume to time. As long as .�:+;,. -,�c r.'�-
<br /> thero is no detault urtet�r:�Obfigatlons or this�eed of Trost,Lander grs.�Carantor a revocable Iicenso to collect nfl RaMS from the Leasas whan : A �
<br /> duo and m use sueh �eda(n Ci�antors bus(ness operations. Hav�maar, Lendor may at any tlma reQutre Qrartoor to deposit ail Rents iMO an �
<br /> ,` , '
<br /> -�
<br /> ' accpuM rrtas2tained L�r ErsMar or Lender at Lender's instirtuUon. Upan�.i�=rt in tho paymsnt of,or in tho pErEormanco of, ot tha Obligationa - =-
<br />..., . OR lE1MS BR�tOf 8 pltfOd O}hti10 • _.��rw-:-•_�.
<br /> - Londer ms�/.�.�'s ep2%r.n�lce possession af tt�a Property and hava,hotC,menage�lease and operatri tfio ProPeRY -r=':'.� - -�• _
<br /> •;c�` ��+�.,�-s�rq�x. Lsnder may proeeed to cotleet and reoeive ail Renb trom the property,and Lendar shall have full pavrer to make ::- y;,`_.�`;
<br /> � � ay 1 ai1 I�rtts in Lender's sola dlscretien
<br /> ai�r�•a+�a�+a-c.v,�a-ra.m.r�airs or replacemerrtsto tl�e Property as Lender m deem proper. lender m app y � :�;:
<br /> to�,�-aa-x��:e Q'c:r�ons or to the paymaM of the cost of sach a►terations,ronovatlona,repairs and reAtacemEnts end any expenses incldent to ',� 4 �
<br /> :. ov
<br /> ' � " ��,g.r-s+.aining�assesslon of the Pcopertyr Pedadiealty and Uie managemertt and operation ot the Property. Lender may keep the Property e , -,,�s.���
<br /> U r .
<br /> ,;�,;.� pry.�]y�'��red and may discharge arty taxas,c harBes,cra�ma.assessme^ts a"d other Itena whioh may aaxue. Tha ex�sa�.s and cost of B►osa
<br /> � actc„s rrrv te paid from U�s Rbrns recehred,and ar�y unpaid amouMs sfia1�be added to the principal of the 061tgafion3.ThESe amouM��8�er -s.:-;. .!r` ,. �
<br /> _ � U
<br />' �"' ur,th e7;e xsts.shali become part of the Obtigatlons secured by tfits Deed ot Trust. � ,,. . '. y�
<br /> ±; g, ��,q}dp pTH.f2�AGREEMEHTS. Granmr shail not take or f a l l t o t a k e e n y a c t l o n w h i c h m a y cause or P e�ddNon�t(irar►tornwithnut E` �4 -
<br /> �s . withhold'mg of arry�P+�am:in wnneeHon witfi arty Lea�cr other agceemeat('ABreemer�Y')pertaini�g to the Property. t p,,
<br /> LendePs pAor written ae�nt,shall not(a) ealleat amf rrn--r'les payable under arry ABreomaM more than one mo��advanee:(b)madilY�Y , ��,�`. �. ."�•r�y::`;��--
<br /> _ : �` � l�reemer�(o)assi��allotv a Iten.security Interest�-c�^ar encumbrance to be p(�ced upon GremePs r(gMs.L�!n�(nYOrESt in and w amr , ,.r..
<br /> ec(::f sum or other mateiifll �' ���;�;�:::_
<br /> ' �', Agreement or the arrraunts payable thereunder,or(�te:r^�at9 or�rr�r!anY AHmem.e'n except t°��nonpaym �Y
<br /> b m a c h t}.r tha oUtar p a r t y r thsreto. t?tirantor rece'rves at any time ac'Y��rtit�n communlcaUon asserttne a defau►t by C.-�u~ar under an Aereemerrt ar :,i : :
<br /> !
<br /> �r p��a�-g !� terminate or cancel any l�greemen� Grantor shal ��anT.Atly torward a caPY a� �" �m m u n i�o n (and a r►y subsequorR —
<br /> :�. oomcrtc;r��:cns refating thereto)to Lender. All such Aeresmerds an�''�e amounts duo to�rarrtor 4�.m_under aro hereby assigned to Lender aa ���• -
<br /> q additlar.�tsze:uitytor i��ObligaUona mdudin9� !f,, •`
<br /> t�. 7,(,pL�EC'T[BN QF IIlIIIc"HTBDHESS PROM THIRD 6�1t1�7'Y. Lender shsil be srtiUed tn notify or roquire QranLOr to n�'.-`�Y enYthird P�Y� �,:
<br /> , nut rtae L�r�!to.t�reas,tiaenaees.8a+emmerrtal a�rtnriitites and insuranoe camyanlea)to PaY�der thto Da'ed�01 Trust. �Qreurtor�hafi df.�ge tt� —_- �=.- ._.-
<br /> ..',-� Cran:.,,.r v.'L"+respcet�t f i�P t opa rt y(c u m u l a t l v e l y'N d e b t e d n e s s�v fi e t h e r o�n a t a d e f n u l t e�d s b u , ,
<br /> ,�;s._.
<br /> �"�. cailsct U�ic-c'ebtedness owln8 to Grantor from tAese thlyd paRies until the giving of euch naHfioation. in tho evo�thst Qrazitor possesses or ro� :,,, ,
<br /> possar,c�f any instruments or other rom'rttsnces with rospect to the Indebtednnu9 toltawin�th0 9tving a4 euch notlflcation or if the instrumer�or .,.,;�+;.
<br /> .�,;- , otlser m.rtnm�nces�n�fitute the prepaym e n t o f anY Indebtedness or the payrrteM of any in3urance or oondemna3lon proceads.Grat►tor snafl hold „�.:=�.R.�.p�.,�
<br /> such i:rs'�.rnerns and other romittanoes in trust tor lender apart t�om ils ather pmperty,endorse the InetNr�nanb end othot ramittenats to Londor, �'::a,;: �
<br /> � ;� and(mmediatety prov(d�Lsndsr with po�lon af�rv�rr.sWments and otfiar remtKanos9. Lender shafi 40 emitled,but not required.to collsct{�1� - '.�y�-�-
<br /> tepal proce�dtngs or otherwlse),extend the time tor�rrnent,compromfse,exchange or cetease am/obilpor or coltate�al,or otherw(se sattte ar►y oi : • .� .�..,:r
<br /> 1J . ths InQe'.�tednesa wt'+etNer or not en eveM of detaultes�s�nder this Apreement Lnnder shall nat be Ifablo to Grantot!a�any action,ertar,mi�a. ! , .Y�,��--.-
<br /> •`:' omis�a�r ar delayps rtatninp to the acUons desaibed in r:�s paraqraph or arry damzgeo rosulting theretr��n. NotwRt�.�midn9 th�toregoiny,nothin� - - '
<br /> . _ _�_- �,..
<br /> hero:n s1reJ osuss Lnnder to be Qeemed s RrortqeSaain-posse�;ion. �-=�:
<br /> e, pe,,,t"c qiYp 1AA1f�TEHAliCH OF�i OPEii7Y. Grar►tor shail tB(�e dt actions and malca eny re�+s r�aCed to ma.�ir►the PropeRy in gaod �.
<br /> oondttian. Gtamor si�a:1 not commit or permftarry wasts to te�mrrntt�d vrith respect to tho Prc�g. Granbr aP.ail use the Propefty sole2y in ��'��
<br /> d
<br /> compllancs wtth s�p,t���taw and tnsurance poticies. ��an�r slTau��,�t make any atterationa�ad tdtlone or imprc��mants to tha P�aoefil x�►aut ■���_-°:
<br /> �nder's pfiot xrr:�e^�c�+marft YYthout I(mitinp the faropr,�i:+�.a�'t��e:�ons.add(Uona erid impra��ert:sMs made to u�t'-�psrty shalt�e subjBC�t0 _ _. .
<br /> �' tha bzn�flclat intere=t�d�x�9ing to Lender,sfnali not be��m�sved vi�cLt Lender'o pder em��en consont,and aha11 bs�r.�nt f�rantar's sofe expenra. � �,����
<br /> .: ''.`:. p, L�33,4A pp�1►l�fG'e,Grantor shall bear Ufe enUre risK af any loss.9TCU4.desuueUa"9'�ama,Rs(cu�"�°Uvaty'Lcss�r 4ama9e')to the Ptaportyor ; �_,
<br /> any(�sfinr.thoreof irom any causo whatsoaver. U the event of azy�I.oma or B.�r.a�.3rantar eh�h at the opUOn o!lander,rep�ir tho aftoctad _r
<br /> P�riS;tn tts prevlovs conditian or pay or cause to be pald to Lender Um��t�r.crease in 4-o Eeir r.-,aAc�t u�luce at tha aHected Property. --,-�� -�
<br /> � tQ. t1'k�11i1tNCE �ha Qtopetly will be kopt Insured*ar its fui!Insur�Ia value(rs�:'�r.'nr.t or.m�,a(�u�st al�h2�.'Qs including tac�or darnqqo
<br /> ca,,�d Gy Rond,e�..nf�fiutice,tomado and 4ire,theft cr rntrar casualty to the extent reqW nsC 4�y Lor.C�r. �•�nLOr may ct_c'�:n(nsuranoo an tho Ptopa:f�,� wy
<br /> j.. ,.. ira:n such compa 3a¢a¢�o g�P�le ta Lert�cr�n ii�sole disaetion. TNe Inauranoe policias�:�?1 requlre L1��rta�:ranoe�mParY tn provldo �.
<br /> LertC�v with at IeaC: — days written iru11�beton9 such poficies are aftersd or cance�eC 1n any mar'.a�'. m�ins�ranc�p°1'c�'�='��A - . -
<br /> nacr.e l.rinder av a C��ayee and provlde thet no e�ot omisslon ot Grarrtar or any otiher parsan r�rz'i aftect tho fgM at lander tu bo pti,d r�¢
<br /> ' in:;tr,cnca Froceeds;.crtta:ning to the loss or damage o!the PropeRy. In the evont Qrarroor tails tn aquiro or malMein Insuranco.11�ndat(237r `,-
<br /> �� pro4tuin�rtatice as r..z�bs r¢quirad rs�taw)may in ita discreUon procure appropriate Insumnce caaa�EIIm upon the Property er.�tha tnmuanoo:�t ,
<br /> � '� ` slt�i 11m ar,advar.oe�yabte and teu'sg interes4 as described in Pataytaph 23 and secursd horeCy. Crat�tor shall tumiah Lender wtlis c.r�tdenr�of '.� .�
<br /> tnsur�c:cs indicafirtg�tta isaquired eoverage. Lender raay act as attomey-In-fact for Qrerttor in makinp artd settting daima under trtwt�mam Do'•tCEe�
<br /> � �.,,:;�'� cancetlin9�Y PQtis�,�ar rtr:dorslna Grentor's name an any drsH or nepotiable in�rument drawn by�r�y inaurer. All wdi►nsurartce p�:�es ctts�4 bn �`�g`•
<br /> :,�rt immediately essigrted,akedgad artd deiivered to lsr,G�r e9 turther sewrity tor the ObIlgaUona M the event of(or�,(lantor ehall imrr,odia3�:}}•pNm �.,,R,��„.
<br /> � � �••��� lender v�rtitten nouce and Lender is airthorized to make prool of loss. Each insurance company Is directed to mr>k+s n��merrt�dirr,�tfy to l.nn�m' . �
<br /> insbeitd of to LenQet 8nd Grarttor. I.�ndes shail have the dght,at its solo opUon,to apply such mon�es!oward tho db:;ga�ons or tov�m+!usa cost et ��
<br /> � rebuitding and rostnAnp the Praperty. J+nq amourt�s may at Lender'e aptlan be applied In tAe invar�u ard,er of the due datos inorctof. o��.
<br /> 11. ZONlIiG AND PRMA7E CO�i'Gttttiet'�� �rer,�r s4�a1�net�nitlate c:oonserrt to any changa In becomes a norteoMortni nuse�u der�an8 zonio L�R
<br /> the use W t�e Pto�erty without Lendar's prior vrritlzn consont B Grantnr's uae of 1he Property 9 Y 8 �zj -��:..*,�+�����-_
<br /> .; .i: .. "�':' �,
<br /> provision,Grantor:Aall not cause or permit wch uao tb be disoontlnued or abandaned without the pdor writton cansern of L+ender. (iraMor wfll �; .'•��.
<br /> • immsdiatoty provido LenQar with wrttten noiiceoi a�ry firoposod chartge�to tho zaning pravisians ar privste ooveear►ts aHecting the Property. , �,.�,}._ -
<br /> � � 12 COHOFJIANATCOH. Grar�tor shn11 immedlatety provlde Lender with written nmice of any actual or threatened condemnation or emtnertt damain __ _
<br /> � '. .: ' , proceeding pertainl�g to tho Properry.M monies payabin to Grantor Nom sueh eondemnaUon or mkin�aro hereby assigned to Lender and shall be . .. .. . ��.
<br /> applietl ftrat to the paymant of LendePs aUomey� tees, legal expen,^.es and other cflsts (Inc(ud nD appralsal fees) in connectlon w�th ths
<br /> condr,mnation or eminent domain prooeadings and thon,at the op@on of Lender,to the paymeM ot the Ohligallons or the restoraUOn or ropair o1 the
<br /> ��� ��,�:.'. �- .�:
<br /> • 13. tENaER'S BITHT TO COIAIYIENCE OA OEFEHD LEQAL ACTiOHS. Grantor shall immediatety provlde Lender wfth written noUce of any actual .'. , . . __
<br /> � or threatoned acUan,suit,or othor proceading effoctfng the Praperty. �rantor heroby appotnts Lender as tts attomey-In-faet to wmmance,intenrene • . . —
<br /> ' (n,and dotend such acdons,su'�ts,or other tegai proeendings and to compromiss ar setUa any ciNm or cuntrwersy pertaining thereto. Lender sAa;�
<br /> � not be lisbie to GraMOt for any asUon,error,mistako,omisston or delay pertalNnB to the actions deseribed in th�s patagraph or arry damngea �;,.�
<br /> resutting therefrom_ Nothing contnined hereinwill prevertt Lenderirom taking the eCUons described 1n this paragraph in its own nama. .', ; .- __
<br /> � 14. ItdD£MHIFI�TION• lander shali not�+sume or be rospansibte tor the peAormence o1 errY of GraMOr's emigations vrith respect to ths Property ���� �`'
<br /> ur:der arry circumslances. Grantor shail immodiately provids Lender with written noUCS ot and indemnity aed hotd Lender and its sharehotdero.
<br /> directors.officers. omployees and ageMs hartntass trnm all ctalms.damages.liabitities(nctuding attomoys'foes and legal expenses).causos of • • i n...
<br /> ' aclion.actions,suits and a9her legal proceedin�s(cumutativaty'Ctaims')per�iNrtg to the Property pnctuding,but not tlm'rted to,those InvoNing � � -�
<br /> HazFUdoua Nlatoriats). Gruntor,upan tho request of Lendar,shall hire legal wurtsel to defand Londar Nom such Gaim9,and pay the attomeys'tees. „ . ,
<br /> '--. ----- p��y a;����,rr�!n•_�•,n_4 in!+annA+;tien thereuritt�. tn the altamaUva.Lender shati bo ontit[ed to employ ib ovm legal counsel to detend . .
<br /> —_ • , ,_�
<br /> _- -_:
<br /> � such Claims at Grantor's cost. Grantor's pbligation to ind�mnity Lnndor undor this paragraph sha11 sunnve me termmavon•retesso r,��or�s;;ra • : „ �,....�,_
<br /> • this QLC�of Tmst ��/� • . r'
<br /> �cg�tg i LomW�en Tecnnotog.ef,tr�c!8/28�85) 15001937Jy09 Page2 o19.�S4���� . ..
<br /> ,T.^'i
<br /> i:.—,
<br /> —.... � .�,.
<br /> •---_-_ . .
<br /> ---�--` . ... ... . _. ._._ . ..,.. . . ....... .. , --::c- _—'. . .. ..__ .. _ . - .... , • . : ..
<br /> . . . � c�, ' -. . ,. ' .. , : � ' .�.' . , . . . � .. . .. ,•
<br />- _ _ . ' � � ' . - - . - � � , ' - . , . •. ' ' � , � • c:�.- . . .
<br /> � , - . � � ... . • . .. . . . . . _ . - _ • . ., • .. , • . ' _ .. ._ � . � . . ' . . _ .�'...� •
<br />