. • . ( ' ' . ' ' ' . . . ' i`:• _
<br /> .t . � _�\. , .a0` t . .. - r . .. . � � i a � � ` ....�..��.__.yS.c.... ... .� �;� . "
<br /> .t_���� � _...__ .�—.—. ._��--�._ . _ "_"�_c..._ —.._ . J. .."'—'_`" _ " " u��� , .
<br /> . __—— 'm�:,<�,._}
<br /> "�—.
<br /> . � ..
<br /> r 1&. TAXE9 AND A3S�SS3Y[ENT�. (�rantoi shali pay etl taxes and assessmanb reiaiing to Propttiry when due and immadi�4ety provida londer � '�t,�
<br /> ' evldancs oi payment of sartte. Upon 4'�e cequa3t af LenQer,t3rardor shatl depositwith Lertder eacn mornh one-iwetRh(t Jt2)of tha astlmatcsf tmnuel � .`: , :����_
<br /> �insuranoe premiur»,wttos and ea,essmertts�rffiining to tRa PrPReRy Sc fong as tKaro is no detau�,these amoun23 st�ail 6e appi[:d m the paymeni � -
<br /> ' o}taxea,8sses�men�s and insurancs as required on t�a PropSrty. tn tha evant of dnfault,Lendar shal!have tho rigM,at its soto opiion.to apPty tha _ . '_
<br /> tunds so hetd to Ray any mzss or agutnst the Obliga4ions. AnY tunds app�isd may,at Lend9r's option,be apyiied in revors9 order of tha dua date ... ���Y
<br /> thereof. �•,
<br />. 16. iNSPECRON OF PROPER7'1►.800iC5�RECOADS AE�D R�FOfi7S. Carerttor shall Nla�r� lsndsr or ib agarrts to e�nina and�ncgnct ths _
<br /> property and examine,inspea and make capios ot C:rantor's Eooks and rocords pertaining to tha Prop�rty from time m time. Grarttor shuit provida � ��
<br /> � any ag5istanee requirod by lsnder 1br tfiese Futposes.Ati of the signatures end iMermetion coMstned in Crantor's books and reeoMa shWi be , �
<br /> • genuine,trum,aceu r a t e ers d cne'�P t e t e t n a l l r o s p e c t s. G r a n 2 ar sha[I note the existence of Lertde�s Cenafidal imQ�est in its books and rea�fs , ,.. _ <�
<br /> pertaining to tha Property. Addfionalty.�tantor shati report,in a torm satislactory to Lsnder,sueh information as Lendot may request re$acd�ng
<br /> Grgnt�r's financial oontlition or tha Praparty. The inform8tion�ha►I De fot such(sadcds.shail reflect Qrantor's records at such time,and sl�alVBa�/ . �s,
<br /> hat ' �
<br />_. rendsrad with such ireRusncy as Lendar may des[grtate. A!!i�ottnation tumishad by Grantor to Lender sh211 be true.scceirato erld completu in akt��, , . .
<br />_ fp. r03gsct9,and slgned by Gtantor'rf Lender requeste. � - - l,
<br /> 17. ESTCPPEL CEt7i1FlCd�1TE�. Within ten(10)days af4er any requast Dy Lend°r,Crantot shafi defever to Lender,ar arty intandad U�tu�att�ot .
<br /> Lenders�Ights wlth respect to the Obtigffiions,a agned antf ackr.cxledgad s�tement specity!n9(a)the autstending balance on the Q'bir�ntfar�ant�,, �""v-: ,^ .�°t`° "
<br /> � �p�whether Grantor posse�es any claims.defenses,satoffs or cow�terolaims mi�respect m the Obligations and,if&o.L'to nature of such ciaimsp'�', ;
<br /> "' detenses,setoNs or eourr,�arclaima t3rantor wiil be eandusively Deund by asiy reprasen�an thai Lender may maSce to the intended tranafaree . . .
<br />� . respect ta thfJSa matters tn tfie event that(iranter taits to provide the raquested slater�sM in a timefy manner. � -- - - , „
<br /> t& D E F/W L T. C i r a M O r s fi a 1 1 b o i n d e f a u lt unEer this 02ed o!Trust and the Trustea's pov�er shatt become operativs in the av9M tha!GraM.P�-� �: .;'`;�'� _
<br />` • Borrower ar any guaranmr af the Obiigations: :�-';- �_.,�'`i;`` ` --
<br /> -:a= .�_ —
<br /> (a) faiis to payany Obligation to 4ender whsn due; '3 - <:
<br /> (b) t a i i s t o p e rf o r m a n y O b t i g a t i o n o r b re a c h e s a n y w a rt a n t y o r e o v e n an t L o L e r�d e r contained i�this D2ed of Trust or any ather ptessnt or tutu� ;. f.: '..'_�,4.�_�L-
<br /> • agreemenk � -`�:,'{.'
<br /> . (c) destroys.loses ar damages the Pcoperty in any materia!respect or subjec�the Property to seizure.confi�cation.or condemnation; : ,4 .^ •�_• .
<br /> (d) seeics to revoke,terminate or otharvvise limit its Gabi!'rty under any guaraMy m Lender, � �
<br /> (e) diea,becomes legaliy incompetent,ta disso[ved or tertninated,becomes InsoNertt,makes a�assi$nment for the bensfrt of cxediiora,taiis to i� �" ' �` _ —:_-
<br /> pay debts as they Eecome due,fites a petition ander�e tederal hankruptcSr�aU+s.has an invotuntary petitian in bankruptcy fi�ed in which GrartCOr, �, ,,_r��,,::,.
<br /> ' Bor[otrer or any guerantar(s�amed.or has properrytascen under any writ or process of eourk : :�� .�`f; : , `
<br />,,' _ {q allmxs goods to be used,Vansported or stored on the Property.the possession.transportation.or use of which.is it(egal: ;: ' , .. .
<br /> (g)atlowaenypartyotherthanGrartmrorBortowerroa�umaotundertakearry0nligationwithoutthewriueneonse:!r.cfLender,or �' '= w'.:;:�._., .�
<br /> (h) causes Lender to deem itseif inseeure due to a�ignificar►t deciine in ffie vaiue of the Property;or H Lender,in r�faitti.tor any reason. ; ' ' _
<br /> believes thai the prospeat of payment or Rmrformance is impaireA. '" '; �: '::`_<-
<br /> 19. R(GHTS OF LENOER ON OEFAULt N there is a dsfautt under this Deed af Trust,Leoder shall 6e erttitled to exe.�cis�one or more of th0 �:��;;..• -_-_u_ "�-'�-�" �
<br /> foltawing remedies without rtoUee or demand(except as required by lav�): ,..,: . ._ ;:- �:�..
<br /> � ..`'{f.:;r`..1�., -.:�,
<br /> (a)to daciare the Qbfigatians fmmediatety due and paydble in fuU; =-;;------�
<br /> . (b)to collect the outstanding Obtigattons w(th or withcut resoding ta g:r3�i:,a pmcass; : +: �"��s..�-
<br /> (o) to requlce Ora�r tt•:al'rver and make a�railable tv Ler.der any�eisanal property or Chattels constit�ng the Pre�Ct!�at a ptaco reasonehiy ;.; �,_,f
<br /> convententto(3rantor���nder, � .'. r�' -0�'�'::i�.
<br /> '. :.• (d) to eMer upon and ra3�possession of the Properly wifihout applyUg toror obtaining tha appoirttment of a receivar a.3,ai 4ender's opEOn.m ,,..�` • . r. •
<br /> .��" appoint a reeefire�withou!bend,wiihout first 6rin n suR on tfie Ohli ations an9 v�tt4�out othonrrfse meatin fu► st�ttutory condi8ons � , ; �;.�= �� `�f y� ` ,
<br /> g ury �H�d�'�8 a., . ���,,,.
<br /> ceceivars,it being intended that L�snder sfiall have 1�Ais eontradual rigM9w appoint a recefver, `•
<br /> •r (e} to emptoy a managing agent ot the Property er�d tat the�ame,e�thar in Trustee's own nama,:�'e'�e aame of i.ender or in the namfl o4 :r�',� :'ti.,,��,'�" �,�' '�,.;�,��.
<br /> ,.am
<br /> . Qranwr,and roeeive tl�r�r9rns.in�omes,issues and�cr.ra�of the Property and appty tha same, aRet paymeat of al necos3ary chazges and ��.';�', ";�`°•� '�`t��`r;;""
<br /> , � ,.. . •, �' ! �•x:-�:_�_
<br /> • expenses.onaccourtt¢O1�e0bllgattons; ,, . • , �1. -:":`°
<br /> • � (fl to pay er►y sums tn acry fortn os manner daemed ex�usnt by lsndar to protect tha security of this�eed of Tru�or�airo any datavBo�or r,-;?�= -�
<br /> � ��
<br /> than paymem of intarest or prind,�al on the Obtlgatlons; f•'��• �
<br /> , (g) tc Yore^aase thia Daed of Trust judidaly or nonjud�cially and rs d'�ect tho sate of the proparty through e�cerc�at tha powar of sal�as ' �'�,.y�',� �v
<br /> - tefera�ea�z pat�qraph 20 hereof In acaotdancewith applicable k^ra � �.•�'' -
<br />- (h)to ss;.:fT Grantar'c CCilgatlons against any amounts owed(irarrrn hryB�nder inciuding,but not li-2a"w.meril�.tn�trumorim,and depffaSi �-� . ,�q
<br /> aS
<br /> aeeountamaintaine�urrtE�:enderoranycurrenttyexi�Ingcr.futureaffiliateof Lender,2.�fl � , � '.ri,1 �:,;�.
<br /> ()to exaroise aIl othcr r:�:�svaileblo w Londar under r�ay�her rrritten agreemertt or�i�ab►e law. �.'s_-.-�=*��+�i�_,..
<br /> tandefs rIghts are cumu:�:�ue}umd may be exerctsed tog�.-rar.seAatate�Y.and�n any order. in the evers`t".Y�:3nder institutas un aation sea:dn�2ho ���- � '� .°-
<br /> recavary of any Of ths ProFfl'¢��by way of a iCrejudgment remedy in an acdon agafnat Grantor,(irarttor rn�:uaa tho posting of uny bond whic7i mipM , : . •
<br /> ! ���. athervvtse be requtrad. Lender ar Lendcr's�as:gnea may purchase the Property at any sale. Proceeda C�r arry T�ustee's saYO hsroundar sh€'.:he � � �_
<br /> applied flraL to tne costs end expenses cf m:r�sing the pawer of aale and ot fi9 s�te,(nctuding the paymar.z of the Tru3tea's teos actualhl in:u;ro� � :• �j„ •
<br /> and not to exoeed the emount which may be provided for ln this Oeed of Trust,Eecond,to payment of the�bligaUons securod hom0y,thlrn,t0't�fl J"'• .�..: ...
<br /> � paymer►t of juniortrust deeds,mortga�es,or other lisnhctdmm:s,and the baiance.N nny,to the person or persons legaliy enUtJed 1Norom.Th�propeny r� 'F„i.���� '- •� ---
<br /> ct
<br /> ' or any part Utateof may be sotd in one parcel,or in wrdfi t�arceis,manner or order as Lendat in its so:e diacretion may el�7t,end ons or mam �
<br /> '�"---
<br /> • �- exeroises of tho power heroin granted shall not extlngWSt►rv 2xhaust the pawer uniesa the enUre propeRy ia sotd or the oblfyadnna aro pald in tu!1. �,,;z..��
<br /> 20. TRUSTEL'S El�RCfSH OF POWER OF SALE OH D�FAULT: Upon defauit by tirar�tor in paymerrt of�ny Ob1lgaUona 4aoured hereb�,W:rata ���� '-�'
<br /> ' �" m a y d e d a r s a l l s u m s s s c u r e d h a ro b y i m m a d i s t e l y due and p a y a ble and�;�,)cause to bs fited of raoord a wrttten notia of dotuuit und etect�on to aelb �'�'_•��-� . ,. '�
<br /> .'�..�_�
<br /> the Prope2y�- After the tapse of such tims as then may he requirod by e�v%'r.�towing recordaUon of auch n�tice ot Q e f autt,an d n o t tc�o f e a to b a x i:� ,�,_ �
<br /> �� Deen glven as then requtred by Iaw,Trustee,without damand on Grantor,ct^�!1 ee11 auch pcoperty.ettAet ms s•+xnots or In sepat�ie parc�ls,artd tn cuatdi ��=��-=� —
<br /> � order as it or lender mcy detsrmine at public aucUon to tt�e hlghest bidder. Truatuo may poatpone tha s�o of all or arty portion of the Pro�erty by _t�,'.. -r.,�-^.�-•r°.�
<br /> pubilo announoement at the time and place of sale.and irom time to Ume thereafter may postpone the saie by pubiio annaunaorrtont at the mm�r�d `���,�,,
<br /> pla�e flxed by the preeeding poslponomertt Ttustee shafl delhrer to such putchasor its deed come�ing ths prap�rty.or poRran theroof,so so:a.Aut ?�,��•,�,_,;�;��__
<br /> �� ; wfthout arry covenant or warraniy,exprosa or implted.Tho recitals in such daed of any matters of fact or a�e:wise sha�4w conctuahre promi o9.th� �j-- --•„�,:t.��c,=,
<br /> • vutflfuiness thereof. Any petson,inctuding(irantor,Trustee or Lander,may purChase at such saie. ��vr«
<br /> • • 21. BEQUEST FOR NOT[CES: Qrantor roquesis that a ccpy of eny noUce of detault and a copy of an�:rst�s3 af sate heroundor bo matied to sach ^ ,-ry;';f�A��S;�„�,,_ .,�•
<br /> peraon who is a party horeto et the address of such peraon set forth herotn atthe same Ume and in the x�-�e�:anner requlrad ue thaugh a saaarEt� L�� •�� -_
<br /> � request thereof had been fita:by each sucA parson. ' r�.,
<br /> 2 2 S E C U B I 1 1 f I N T E R��'R U;H D E R T H E U H i F O R M C B I k f�..R C I A 1 C O D E T h i a D o e d dr'�s t s.��S �a a on sidorod e tinnnc►n g statomem anD A ���e,�ff_;.
<br /> • fixturo filing pursuant to the provlsions of the UnHortn Camrnnrt+'.ie1 Cade(as adopted in Use�'a wharz�a ro�l property is lacattod)co•rerin9 fuduros, _ � '�*-
<br /> � chattal9,rznd aNctes of personal proporty now owned cr lnern�!ter atter.hed to or to Oe used�n eonnacca:�vr,th the Proptirty tagothor with arry artd all
<br /> � roptacemerKS theroo?and addit3ons thoreto(the•Chat!e's'? �.tl Granwr h�sroby grants Lender a secu`,:�i•�r�rest fn such Chattols. The dabrtor is tha � Y �
<br /> Grantor doauibed above. The securod paRy ie the LenQo�Eascribed r•.ia�.+e. Upon demand,(3ran:or�t�n].rnaka,exewte and daliver such soeurity -- _-__
<br /> a� .
<br /> aqreamertta(as such tertn is deflned in eaid Uni(orm Comrr:er:ial Ca�o1 ss:=nder at any time may Cee^�a�cessary ar propor or roquirad to pr�rst to T ��`� ����
<br /> ;.s.„ �,:
<br /> � � Lender a petfected securit;�'r!arest in the Chattels,and uBa"JaMeYs`a�r�to do so,Ler..2sr?s suthor.zaC to sign any such Agroomarn tts tRe agertt ,,-
<br />� o!arantor. (irantor herctx�,.�.i.ihorizes lender ta file fin�ncrt��temerris(as suct►term ts�`r��in said Unlform Commorals!Cado)wlth rospect to ��,
<br />• the Chattels,at any tIme,�vut��ut the slgnature of C3raotar �,;,a-nor w 1 1 1,hawaver,a t a ny t m ac r s�n ro quest o!lender,sign suc�f flnanoin g statemsnL9. =_�=�°=-'?
<br /> 6rantor will pay all fliing{mz�°or the fiting of such tinencs�r,�zatements and for tt�e refilic,1�ra�c!at the Umes requtrod,in thp opinian of 1.ender,by — '""'
<br />� ' aaid Unifortn COmrt�arcta�Codo. It tho lie�ot this Deed oi;rost be subJect to eny security agresmeM a:�ering the Chnttets,then In ti�e evont o?ar�y Y..-� - -��'�
<br /> detauit undet thia Dead of Trust,ail tho n�zr.tiUe and Nterest of Gr3ntor In and to any and ell tsf tho C.�mni�s Is heroby assignod to Londer,togettier -�% ' r`��,•;; " , P'_�
<br />� � witti the benefit o}any deposits or pay►rasr.�s naw or hereafter made the:eot by Grantor or th�prefe��mFr..rs or suocessors ln UUu of C�ran�or ir,tAm ��';;•;��'�:�:.
<br /> . , ,;t4:�sy;�'• .
<br /> PropEtty. �..y�;i1,y�:+;��, .��.
<br /> ?3. REIAABURSEtAEtiT OF A9NOUNTB EXPENDED BY L,EJ'�!&G�. Londor,at lender's opUon,may ez�-a F�nds pncludinD ettomsys'tees end tsgel ��•:.�,:. ;•.;,��•� .
<br /> expensesj to pertorm any act required to be taken by tirarttnr os to oxercise ony Nghs or remsdy of 1.3r:CY undar this Dea�of Ttuat. Upon damartd, - '':��..::,.�;��;;.'t,����
<br /> Grantor ahail ImmeQiately r�f,nburse lsnder tor ali such amounts expendad by Londer togeiher v+lU►;rr_srest thoroon at tf^o tarrar of the�Ighest ra!o ;..,�;x,..,,-.�,..,.at;f�t '''
<br /> • descrbed In any ObligaUon or the highest rate altowed by law from tha date of payment un2ii the C�.�of retmbursemant. Those sums shall b9 j;;�{��•�`;�,,.i�
<br /> induded in the definiHan of ObligaUons herein and shell be secured by��a beneflclal interest grantad��m�in. M tho Obiigationa aco patd attar tho . ''�'�r��;;��. ''
<br /> �5'�%"�..
<br /> begtnning of pub�icatian o}noUCe of sate,as herein provid�d,or(n the evant Lender shall,at its safe c�^r�n,permit(irantor to pery eny�-art o1 U:o � .�;}�.,�7
<br /> c..
<br /> Obligatlons after the beginning a1 publicaUon of notice of sale,as herein provided,then,tirarttor sfiail;a/on damand eill expenses incumW Dy tt+A :,=�r,;j,�.;; -� �_�
<br />• � Tru9tee and Lender in eonaecUan wtth sald publicatlon,Irtcluding roasonabte eriomeys'tees to the attorrtays for the Trus�teo and for tho Landsr,and u '
<br /> reasonabta tee M tho Trustca,nnd thl9 DEed of Trust shall be seeurity tor all such exp�!!ses end fees. ' . ' �`"-''
<br /> • 2i.APPUCATtON OP PAYMENTS. NI paymertts made by or on bohaM ot(irarrtor may ba appliodag ainst ths amounta pa+d by Ler+dor(ndudfr.g ---
<br /> . • atbomoys'fee9 and legai expensoa)in connacGon with the exercisa ot ita righffi or romedies described(n thls Oeed af Trust and thon to the psymorri ;_ ._ � s
<br /> of ths remaining Ob1lgaUons in whatevor order Lenderchoose9.
<br /> 2S. ROWER OF A7TORNEY. Orantnr heroby a�poIMs Lender as its attomayin-tact to endorso GraMOr's nama on till insuumento and ott�ar *#���
<br /> documents partaining to tha OhligaUons or Oeed o?7 r ust• In addiUon.lender shall be entftlad,but not required,to pertorm any acdon or oxcart�aml , � ,
<br /> � document required to be takan or oxecuted by Grantor under tAls Qeed ot Trust Lender'a performance of such action or oxocudon ot such �
<br /> documenffi shali not roflavo tirantor from any Obtigation or cure any detaWt under this Oeod of Trust Ail po���ers ot attomey doseribed 1n thia Oeetl o! • . , �
<br /> Truct ate coupted with dn Interest and are irrevocabta. �' ` � �
<br /> _-�_ ?8. 3UBR0(iA7ION OF L�NDER. Londer s�flll De subrogated to the rigMS of tha holdor of an�provious lien.security Intnrost or encumkr�r:co . �
<br /> � dlschargod�vith tunds advanced by Londor regerdtass ot vmotnor meso iiens,svcvrtty irrterosts ur o��a�z�icurnLranoes hava�s:r!:s:.�d d r.co:sl. -- ----
<br />