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<br /> ..�r_...
<br /> , ' T'�`:.
<br /> DEEDOFTRUST 9�_ �,d'�►9�9 C� y � "`�� ��:.�
<br /> . � ...�. -- -- - .
<br /> 60ftRQYVER GRAWT4A �,��� �' __a" _
<br /> . . Lonnie Hauaoa ,Lonnia aanaea, huobaund aud aife _;������".._.��.,.`_�
<br /> u° ;Ditana 8aa0ea, huebaad aad aaife -�=�°'.s_��
<br /> .a:.�...�.—.--
<br /> ..E' j ' _ .�niALii�R"�":
<br />. ' 1 ! ! �•�,,1•��1--,�-����_.
<br /> I I I -���•-- -
<br /> . .._ I �� �` aaan�ss � ;�f-_.}�-_��d=�: --
<br /> '409 8 isTh St I'�09 B 14Th 9t ' ,,. .� �:�-
<br />. Graad Islaud, NS 68801 �'� ��
<br /> . ' Graa�d Ze�aad, NB 68801 �rru�c+►�ga • � ' :�`.'"
<br /> ..+ tDEIiiKItA1101tND. ZEjEfHOHEiNd ' �.�.-
<br /> . '•i"r' -_....
<br /> ' Tti�.TBaion Haak Aad Truet Camyaay , r..
<br /> - da08 N Nebb &d• ` .t``•' "x' .•r:-•-
<br /> tn oansrera�lion of the loan or other acd"A sccommcdaticn herotnaftet specifted end arry tuNre advancoa or tuture Qbfigations,es defined rteretn, ���,,, �
<br /> whicA m�r�hezelnaftar be advancad ar i:►curted and tho Vust harotnaRer mentioned anW�her�good and valuabte eans6teration,Use t�eipt and ti. •�
<br /> i gviRd¢rt���f+uhICA ate hoteby actmo• dged��r h4te�irteuCCabill baz9y CiYa��I91t a���Ch�2008 N�P.�TmL�tr�A�•Als �^ E ; �.
<br /> ; ,- suxes^+a:��n-�t$igna(a uust�Bc 3 And su8t Carsnoaa � � ,
<br /> (�i��.tAe ,,,,%f � �� :. . . ,.�,'
<br /> �'�''': �;,• • i
<br /> • ' beneficiary:uaCar tria 4aed 21 Trust.et:L:,�wer of sale and dpht ot ermy and poase�iert a1!of Grantor's pressr►t an9 tuture�sffita�ri���� • 3`:.',, :�I f., �-.
<br /> �: ,,.. irroerast in att:d fo the re�?rs��a�'y�i�d in Sehed��te AwhicA is attachad to ffiis Oeed c`Trust and inwrparated hereth by t4�ia referenca� r
<br /> ;, with ali proseM aad fu�..-�ra fiKi�rrovet�nrs'ss a�d fixturos;eH tenpibls personal propetry irtd�n9 wtthout I(mitatlan aSl machtnery.aqutpmeat,tse'.tdi:�7; , �+;� �
<br /> m�e�a�s,�,:gooQ�pt every n�ture(muetuding eonsumv good�)rtow or heteafter located on or used in eonnectton wlth 1ha real proper�WhABsex ,•. ._> ,:j; :,____
<br /> or not ati�.a�t to the tend;ptiviteg9s.harcditamarhs,and appurtenanc�+inefuding ati developmer►t dghts associated vrith the Prape.;yi•.r�iher � ;�E' _
<br /> • prevlous.'d�a"sutisequertHyUansteR�d to trie P[oparty irom ottier reaf pro�rty or now or hereaft9r ausceptibte of transtor from tA(s Prope��i�3 atAer �
<br /> sf
<br /> nai propsrry;lea4es,licenses cnd otMr eemants;rents,issues and prafitn;water,woll,ditCh,resscvoir and mineral�fahts and atoclrs�caim��cy7 to �;��',�� ._-Y
<br /> yw roai property(cumutativety'Property�to have an0 to hold the Property and tns rtghs hsraby grartad for the use and beneftt ot?'r.r,�rao,hi� .�. -
<br /> e
<br /> " guccesaors and essfigns,urtt11 payrtten!tn tutl ot ait ObliaatianD s�eured h�reby. �`��;� -
<br /> Mo[9o+rer,tn 4urthet consideratlon,(irantor dnea,tor t�rsntor and GrantoPs hefrs,repres�".atives and assigns,heraby aq�vsaty wartant,cov�nant "�'r�`-
<br /> (ra ;: :..,r --
<br /> andagtee wlth Le�der and T�ustee and trtetr succesaors nnd esslDr�s as toilows: ' "'�_-�`.-:�-__
<br /> 1.08LltiATi0N3. This DNd o!Trust st�.*t!Eswta the payment and porfortnanea of atl present and tut:.�rr�'.rdd.arlt�mss.Ilab(ItUes�ob:�sEons and ,,,T„�.;t=-a. „i-
<br /> ��••� .
<br /> �� � eovcnants of Bortawer or(irantor(eumu'.a�vni�r:"Ob1laaUons'�w Lsnder pursuarrtto: ��a����--�i+;
<br /> (a){his Oeed of Trust en9 ffie toftow:o�p�issoql notes and other agreemants: �°':,.X� ;
<br /> ,. ��. plWiTiORr AS1ltii7iilPlp�1'[� CA , . - � ��'=--
<br /> 8I� SS0,133.00 10/01✓96 04/d�/,/g'� 1388�5 9H 1076s5 •�_; �=-
<br /> I ,. � .
<br /> . ,���.
<br /> � . • -�.,��=___.-
<br /> • . . ' �-n�— .
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<br /> � ��y-�c -
<br /> '� _ � �' ,]4��p.,yY.�rm':.yT.......
<br /> 'x "liti
<br /> . " ' (b)ell ather prasent or tuwro.written agroements wrm Lender that refer spueHl�ta9•�t`t'a Qaod of TNSt(v11rs2?�o mxsuiefl 6:a 9G►n onm�or .. .. l�:e:"
<br /> t�t)�.r._...y M11'
<br /> .�.�) .%�I:11�....
<br /> Q1�ft7iltpUTQ0iN1�Yfl1�Ntor�otet��� c �:.:k :;1,,.,._
<br /> . , (c)ury 8uaranty of oDligaSiono ot a5.�u,�:rdes eivan to Lendet nov+or hereaftar execut�^d V�ai r`'^��s�ei8 D'.°d O!TNSt; .:�+I��` •
<br /> '�'`�};�,:1'�:
<br /> (d)tutun advances,whethu obligat�ry or op�onal,to ths same extent as N made ooM.amporaneu:�y with the execution ot tfiis�waa�at Trust, °-.,.+..,:;,��,},
<br /> made or extended on behalt of Qrantor or B+orrower. tirantor agrees that if ons ot tte Obifgatlons la a Iine of crsdit,ths�ion of tfiis�uas o!Trust
<br /> ah�ll conUnue unUl paymertt In tult of all debt due under ths Uns notwithstanding tt:e t�:ttnatfrom Ums ta Ume(but befon tertninaUon ot the I:ne� '-`-"'�'-"',
<br /> ' no balance may be Cu�tanding.At no Umo ahall the Ilen of thla Deed of Trust,na:�r7csting sums advancad to protect the sewriry of thls Deed ef �__-
<br /> Trust,exoeadS 70.000.00 •and
<br /> �-�--`•'-==...
<br /> �. (e)eli amendmonta,extenslons,renovfato,madifications,repiucemenrsot substltutions to any of the foregoin8• ..�.... „_ _�:-
<br /> IL�used trn UUa Peragraph 1,tRe term9 Grantar end Bortow�r shdl lncluao m�d atso mean any(irantor or Borrowe�i1 more than ona. .-:_
<br /> 2 R�VTATlOH3�WARRAIYiL�i,��1D COY@NAN�9.Qrantar re�seMS,xrartanm and c�venants to Lender that ' �.A,�::`�
<br /> (a) (irantor has tee stmple markc�l:f�r�ftlo W the Rre�Ry end shatl malntain the EYOperty trce of ali tlens,aecur�ty Int�rosts,oncumbranms ar.e �.�y;,,.
<br /> clatm3 exeep!tor Shis�aed e4 Tr.i�t a+r,tho:s Cr�rJtLrod in Schaduie B,vrhie�f is si.�ched to thiu Deed of Tru�t and inoorporated hmroln C,� ••����<°•����-��*��-•�°�_�;;
<br /> nia�nG.whicA Grantor asreasu��m�rar.e pertarm�ma t�mery manner. _ • .• .,..� ���:..
<br /> m
<br /> (b) Grantor is In compflance in cll run{:�esta with ali appUc�abte 4edeatl,sffite and lacal laws and regutaUone,inctudin ,wtthout IimifaUOn,thoss , ����"
<br /> refaHng to'Haxardous Ma�erats;a�daflned he�ein,and other environmental matters (tha'Environmantat L�sws�and netther the tedual �i"•:',;�;� .
<br />� , govemment nor arry other govommu�l or quasl govammental entity has Tiled a Uen on the Property,nor ere there any povemmarsr.:t,judi�al or � ,,.—
<br /> adminisVative acUons with ros�eet to environmental mattere nding,or to the best of tt�e Grantar's knowtedge,throat�ned,whleh imoive the r,�,�,,H�;rt •;
<br /> Propsrty (Jetther(irantnt nor,totho best of Iirarrtor's knowt gs,erty othsr party has uscd,gonerated,ceieassd,disch ed,stored,or disposed �;..,,..�.;�-...�.
<br /> � � ,-:.: .r;.,:'}`•:•-_.
<br /> pf any kazardaus l,RaNBnio as Qefined herein,in conneeUon wtth ths Property or transpoKed any Haurdous Matsflals to or irom the PrapeRy. , . , •. .� .
<br /> Grentor shall not commit or perm(t sucn a�►or�s to be tetcen in the tuturo. The tarm'Fhzardous ARetsriafs'sAsll mean arry cubstance,material.o+ .�...�,�•- .�-.
<br />' � wnsts whtch Is or becomes regutated Ey any gavemmentel authortty lnctudin8,but not timiud to,p)petroieum;(ii)idabte or noMr1a01a asbestos; -��.-•'�':
<br /> _�. ,. Gii)potychtoflnated biphonyis; (v)those su6stuiee�,matedtls ar waatea designated es a'ha:ardous substence'pursueint to Sectton 311 of thn ...;�.��..:,�_ _
<br /> Clean Wat�r Mt or Ostsd pursuam to SecNan 307 ot the Clean Water Act or any amendments or replacemonts to thoso stanit�s: (v)thosb
<br /> suDstancea,mateAn(s or wastse deflnM a9 a'hazardau9 waste'pu�suant w SeMlon t004 0!the Resouree Conssrvation end Recovery Aet or any
<br /> � amendments or replacamems to that staeite:and(vl}those sub3tanc�s.materiais or wastes defirtsd as a'hazardaus substence'pwsuant to ... .. .
<br /> Section tbt oi the Compr�hensiv�Emlronmental Response,Campenaation and Uabiliry Act,or any cunandments or rep►scamems to that stemits •^_^�• °'_'
<br /> � oi the R�c�erty ito a�tenar.teor�s�ub:enant whose oupetrations�mayaroSUi4�n contam naUon�of tho Property with Hazd oua�Mater alssob�tox o , `
<br /> ��,.
<br /> su�sYartCe9:
<br /> (o) Ali epplicabie laws end cegulations.Incfudmg,without Umiiatlon,tho Amorictms v�ith disabiliUos Aet.42 U.S.C.SecNon 12101 ei saq.(and ail „ __
<br /> '� rcgutatlon�oromulpated theroundor)and e11 zoning and bu�lding lavrs and rogutfftions rotating to tha Property by virtuo of anY federal,state or
<br /> muNcipal authortry with jurisdiction ovot the Proporty.pto�cntty fuo end shaii'ari ovsorva�i unG c���ytieG w��1 ir�a41 r..o':-ria:rr',.g�,'s'.�'.!! - -�--: =--�_.,
<br /> . •• dghts,ucens�s,pormits,and corGficatos of oocupancy pnctuding but not limited to zoning variance9.speciaf oxcepUOna for rtan�Morming usoe, ;.,,:����:,,
<br /> and f1na1 inspectlon approvats).wtiether temparary or permanent,whtch are materiai to tho use anO oceupancy of the Property.prerantly tue an/d��� , �
<br /> � shall be obt�nod,preserved and.whare necessary,renevred: , j� � , . ,
<br /> �. lDNE511 f.FormAflan To:hno'og:ef.�nc(0/�BiGS) (BCCf 9Ci73JB3 Pa�o�of 3 . � �t Y!�' . , • '
<br /> •- ,c�•
<br />.. ___—__ '7C�1S�ln7!_rJf4_"�17�-R!ilO�X�l+�1P RP'�:i��:SIE� . • . . � � � ' . , � .
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<br />