_ lii '�I' �� , ' ��at'�.�' � ��'�� �c-�c•-.�1 �tiY� _� �f.� , _�y:. 1 •.�: �y •n� " . .� . ' . , .,i�.iaF;;..� .11�:4�.��5_ll/�!S�I54Y�12�F7l- -
<br /> !43'�.����:��t .�'•�' )�:' . ly a'��lI' � �i, i. 'r r }„1 ! I I �..A - �•�: >tl�t.�� �_
<br /> {17316.1N!
<br /> tj11 .l"� � . ��.'Sl�'� �'��•1 �X.1 ��'ll:r... `.il . _ ,,,.,,.., 1..._�3tlC - _'
<br /> { _•..' ,pra dM w}Igrq! I 1��y�IM�..�o-w.........,,... , . "'�'�'�a."'^n"'��7'l��_-:.
<br /> � �(��, ��...,r'.tY�+►<'!�v,..v .r� _-..- .. .. . _ a.�
<br /> •Rn..rYt cKyj.+' M{t.�,
<br /> . . :nr.�J�w���,.__..- . ....- .
<br /> i , � __ �...�.u...�.�w� . . ,:.ri'-
<br /> ......+r __ ..,, ...-- - -
<br /> -''-_._._ --- .�
<br /> ��`i-d�irl.�rs.�.�. .• 6 r... � . Uf�lII�IIGf�Nd �`�_--`-- -
<br /> l . ' .. �. TOC�THER WITH �N ih�Nr�provem+nt� now a h�INr �nct�d on tne proprty,�nd W w�an�nis.�PP Inapwmnt.
<br /> 1 ,� Ibcturo now a h�lb►�put of Ih�propwty./1N�pl�o�mw�ts�nd�ddllions�hal�so b�cov��d by thls S�aulty
<br /> All W th�lapolnp 1�MMnd to In tbl�S�curUy Imhum�nt��Ih�'Prapaty' ,;��w-r
<br /> �� BORROWER COYENANTS tMt Bortowr b I�w1uW sdaed ol lh� aub h�nby conr�y�d �nd hn th�d9ht to pr�nt�nd � ��
<br /> �.�+� � � �'';+ry� • oonvyr th�Prop�ty md lhat th�Prop�rty I+t unmaumb�nd, u�e�pt la �noumbrAnas o1 ��oord. 8arow�r w�ts�nd �-�.. .�-,__.,-=,:`�.-.
<br /> u
<br /> .. wMl dNmd�nKaly th�iNl�to Ih�Rop�rly�p�Mut aP dums�nd drnmdi, subJ�ct to�ny mcumbnness 01 r�cord. --
<br /> - k-".'�'•�:�� THIS BECURITY IN9IAUMENT combin�s unifam cov�nants la n�tional w� and nomunHorm oovmmts wNh
<br /> � ° imll�d vul�tlon� by jw1�d�Uon lo coneUtute a unHam s�curqy Inawmmt cov�inp nd prop�ty. .ccs ._�,•a-_
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borraw�r�nd Undar ooven�nt�nd�prN�e faYows:
<br /> "- k^ �:. ' ° 1. P�ym�M o!P►inalp�l �nd IM�n�t; Pr�p�ym�M�nd I.al� Chs����.BoROwer sh.0 promptN p.r wh.n T�
<br /> �'�.�:�.:�.�w.,�
<br /> duo iho pr4u.ipal ot and {ntarost on the detit evide�ced by the Not� �nd �ny pnpaYm�M �nd �to ehwYe+ dw undor Iho � , _��_
<br /> . Not�. -_ -
<br /> ' 2. �unds for Tpc�s �d Inwranc�.SubJYCt lo�pplloabb law or to �written walvN by LM1de►. BoROw�r�hdl p�y
<br /> � to L�nd�on Ih�d�y monihy paymmts en dw undK th�Note, untN the Note la pald in(up, ��um('Funds')lor: (s)yeuy
<br /> R� •� ' Wc�s�nd aa�ssm�nb whiah nwy att�ki pibrlly owr thle Securily In�trum�nt as�Wn on th�P►oprly:(bl y�ulY I�asehold o
<br /> � haard or p�opaiy Inaurancs prwniums: (d)Yea�1Y Ibod Insunuiee - „� -
<br /> p�ymmts a pround�ts on th� Pn>p�rty.fl�ny; (0)Y�N �� �
<br /> pranlums,H�ny; (�)yeuy mortp�pe Insunnas promlum�,H�ny: md(Q my wms payable by Bortower to land�h�ccord�nce ;�_
<br /> . wfth th�provlalons o1 paraynph B.fn Ileu o1 th� p�ym�nt of maty��e Inaunnce promiuma. Theae itans ue adlod 'Eacrow .y;. ,-,,.iz�.'t�•.'-
<br /> It�rna.' Land�►m�y. �t�ny time, coA�ct�nd hoW Funds In an unount not to exc�ed the m�num �mounl�lander for a '`d,..�"; - ,;�„��
<br /> ,i'.'�:..
<br /> " bdwaNy rM�ted mortp�ps loan m�y nquln for Bartower's eicrow �ecouM unde►ths f�danl Red Estete Settlement Proc�dures � ;,4• , •
<br /> " Act ot 1874 a�am�nd�d hom time to timo.12 U.8.C.�2801 d eeq. ('RESPA'), untssa�nother I�w that eppYea to th� funda
<br /> • sds �IestK amouM. N so, Land�r m�y. �l my Ume.capect �nd hold Funds M an amount not to sxceed the lesser amouM.
<br /> r
<br /> Lendx m�y etlkn�te ihe �mount of Funds dua on the b�ais of wmnt d�t��nd nason�bN aWnrtos of uq►en6ltun+of futura w.;'�,s_
<br /> E�crow It«ns a othwwbe In aeeord�nce with�ppAc�bk law. �s���. �������
<br /> Th�Funds �MI b�held In an bstih�don whoae depoait�ara Insured by�lederal�O�Y� �°�-°-"—�
<br /> � Lender.N Lendar Is euch an InadWdon)or in any Fede�l Home Lwn Bank. Lenda ehal�ppty iM Funds to pay the Eeuaw ��r�-. -{— T-
<br /> " Items.LendK rtwy not ch�rge 8orrower tor holdiny�nd�ppylnq ih�Fund�,ennu�Ay�n�yzlnp the eacrow account, or verifying ; ;•^' ----.
<br /> th� Escrow It�ns, unkaa Lenda pays donow�► Intenst on the Funda and epplicabN I�w pemdts Lender to make auch a � ,, �;,��
<br /> ch�rg�. Howwar. Lender m�y requlre Barowrr to pwy� one-time chWpa!or m indepmdont red osWte Wc repoNnp serv�e -•' -.� .---_
<br /> � • .. uaad by L�nd�► In eonnection wqh thls ban, unlesa ippUcable{aw providet olherwl�e. Unleae an ayreemeM Is made or k -
<br /> � � applicabt�I�w nqukas intenat to ba paid L�nder e1NN not ba requkad to p�y Bortawer 4ny Intarest or eamin0s on tha Funda. _
<br /> Borrow�►and Lender may a�es In w�idn0� howevx� th�t Intereat ahap he pald on th� Funds. UndK ahW glve to Bortowx. �
<br /> I wflhoul chups, �n�nnwl�ccoundnp of th�Funde, showMp c►edita�nd debfte to ths Funda and the purpose tor which each �_
<br /> d�blt to tha Fund�w�s m�de. Tha Fundt aro pledged�s addiUonal eeewity for aN suma aecurtd by the Security Instrument.
<br /> N I t t h s F u n d s h e l d b y L e n d e r�c c e a d i h e�m o u n i s p e m d t led to bs hdd b y�ppWc�bN law, L�nde►ah�q�ccount lo Bortower `��
<br /> .. .. � 1a the exc�sa Funds In ac�ncs w8h the requkements of applicable law. If Ihe�mount ol ihe Funds h e l d by Len d e r�t�n y
<br /> Wns la not sullldent to pay the Eaaow Itema when due, Lende►m�y so notHy 8orrow�r in w►idnp, �nd, In such c�ee BoROwer
<br /> ahdl p�y to L�der Ihe amount necassuy to meke up the doflciancy. BorcowK sh�A m�k�up 1h� d�fld�ncy in no moro th�n � �r__
<br /> ' iwdva monthN MY�ta.a!Under's aola disaetlon. . _'�. •,�`'.';�-
<br /> .1 I�_.:;iY
<br /> _ - •- Upon p�ym�nt in IuY oi aN auma secuwo by thia 3eariiy inrUur�iani. Lendsr shad pramptly ralund to 9a►ower �ny �,!+';'�i��..
<br /> ' Funda held by Lender. II, und�r p�taqraph 21. Lender sh�ll ocquka or aeU the Properry. Le��der.Pdor to ihe ecqulalUon or sale �`�"''' '' ''�� ��
<br /> of the PropeAy, ah�Y apply my Funds hald by Lander�t tha tlm�of acqulsltbn or oalo as� cndil�pelnat 1h� sums s�eurad ���` _ ,� `��-';
<br /> �;:
<br /> . by thla 3ecur(ty Inatrumar►t. • • ;.
<br /> ente recohred b Lender under
<br /> 3. Appltcatlon of Paymonte. Unle�a �pplicable law provldes othervvlae, �N paym Y �
<br /> • puayaphs 1 �nd 2 sh�q be�ppNed: Iknt,to any prepayment cheryes duQ under the Note; eeeond,to amounls p�Yabla under � ,�
<br /> paaynph 2;thkd,to interest due;IouAh,to prineipd due; and last,to any yte ch�rqes du�undw the Note. ' , •
<br /> 4. Char��i; LI�n4. BoROwer ah�A p�y aA taxea, assossmenta, ciurqea, tines�nd Impoafllona �tt�ibutable to the �
<br /> PropMy wh�h m�y tlhin priority over thia Secu�ly MaWment, and le�aehdd p�yments or qround rents. it �ny. Bon'ower ; �
<br /> shdl pay these obYy�tlona in the manner provided in pe►ayreph 2, or H not p�ld in ih�t m�nner, BoROwer ehal P�y lham on
<br /> , Um�directy to the peroon owed p�yment. Bor►ower ahNl promplly tumleh to Lender�1 notices ol amounts to be pald under .--
<br /> � ihis parayraph. If Bortowe► m�ka�thes� payments dkrctly. 8ortowK sh�ll promptly tumlth to Land�r roeolPis wldanck�q � , ._=6s�;--
<br /> �:.,.:
<br /> • ' th�p�yments. � -_.
<br /> Borrowar ah�0 prompUy diachuge�ny Nen which haa priaily over thla Security InaWment unleas Bortower. (a) �preea ,. -
<br /> in wiitinq to the payment of ihe obliy�tion secured by ihe Ilen in a mann�►�ccepUble to Lender; (b)contasis In good hith the
<br /> Aen by, or delenda sysinat entoreement ol the Iien in, legd proceedinqa which In the Lender'a opinlon opwate to prevent
<br /> � lhe enfarc«nent oi the Uen; a(o) securoa hom ths hotder oi th� Ilen an�yroement a�dslactary to Lender aubordinatinp tho
<br /> Yen to ihis 3ecwily MaLument. 11 Lender datamYiea th�t�ny put of tM Property in nubJect io� Iien which may atlein prlo�ily � Y
<br /> � over thia Security IaaWment, Lend�may ylve Bortower a ootice IdenUlylnp tha Iien. Bortower shall uqay th� Y�n a lake • .,;--. .
<br /> on�or moro o f t h��e tl ona a e t fo r t h�bove wHhin 10 d�ya ol the givh y o1 noUce. , � -••`���n
<br /> 5. Hwrd or Proporty Inwranco.Bo►rower ahall keep tho Improvements now exialiny or Aere�her ered�d on tho . ����.1
<br /> ' P►operty inaured apdnal loea by&e, hwrda IncWded wilhin ihe term 'extended covenge' and any Wher haz�rds, induding
<br /> � 1loods a IlootWiq,tor wh�h Lender mquires Inauance. This inaurance ahdl be malnU�ined In tha�tnounts�nd lor tha parioda
<br /> that LM►dar requlrea. Th�Inaurance urtier providiny the Insunnce shaM be chosen by Borrower aub�ect to Lender'e approvd . ,. ��
<br /> • which sh�N not be unre�son�bly wfthheld. II Bortower iaNs to m�Mtaln covarage described aDov�. L�nder m�y. �t L�ndw's •
<br /> opUon,obUin covraye to protact Lender'a Aphi�In ihe F'roperty in�ccordance wlth pangraph 7. ,
<br /> , AN Inauhnce polides and renew�ta sht4 be acceptable to Lender md aMA Include a atuidard mort9age claune. Lender
<br /> shall h�ve ihe�ight to hold the polides and renewals. II lender requlres, Bonower shNl promptly gNe to Lender aA raceipta ot
<br /> i psld pr�niums �nd renewd not�es. In the event of loss. Bortower shdl ylve prompt notfca to ihe Insur�nce c�rriK�nd
<br /> •;�::�: i Lander,Lender may mako proof o1 loss B not made promptry by Bortower.
<br /> � Unksa Lender and Borrower otheiwise�yree tn writinq. inaurence proceeds shau be�ppUed la restoraGon ar repalr ol
<br /> I the PropMy dam�qed. B the restoratlun a rep�k is economlcaUy feasible end lendei s security is �ot leasened. II the ,
<br /> restoratlon or repalr is not economlealy leasidk or Lender's security woutd be kssened. the insurance proceeda ahdl be
<br /> �ppBad to ihe suma secured by ihis Security In�hument, whether or not ihen due, with any excess paid lo BoROw�. It
<br /> Barow�r abandons the Property. or does not answer wdhln 90 days a nodce hom Lender that ihe insuranee cartler has
<br /> oMercd to setile a cl�im. then Lender may coNect ihe insurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repak or
<br /> reston the Properly or to pay aums secured by thls Srcunty Instrumant. whother or not thw► duQ. Tha 30•day perlod wfp
<br /> bpin when the notice Is yivm.
<br /> Unless L�der and Bortower otherwise agree In wriGng. anY �pplicaWn of proeeeds to princ�pal shall not extmd or
<br /> postpone ihe due date ol the montAy payments relerred to in paregraphs 1 end 2 or ehange lhe smount of tAe
<br /> wvments. N under para9►aph 21 ihe Property Is acquked by Lender. Bonower's nght to any Insunnce polide� end proceeds
<br /> _ e..�...:w. .
<br /> resutthg hom damage to tht P►opMy p►for to the acqu�siuo� Sh�4 pass io iender�v i�a vxi��i vP i�����:��i�.`.»...........,
<br /> Instrum�nt Mrwr�a�ialety Pnor to the acqulsi6on
<br /> 8. Occupancy. Prosorvatloo, Malntananca and Protactio� of tha Proport�►: Borrowar'� Loan
<br /> Applie�No�n; Loas�holds. Borrower snan ocwpy. eslab4ah. �nd use Ihe wopeny as eonower s pAncipal rosfdenCe
<br /> wUhln sixty d�ys�Rer the execulbn of th{s Secunty �nsUUment and shall conGnue to occupy the PropMy �s Bortowe►'s Prinapal
<br /> rcs{dence for at teast o�e yw�her the d�te ol occupancy. untess Lendr olhenrise aprees f�wnt�nq. which consc�t shaU�ot
<br /> de unro�sonMty withhNd. a unkss extenwting arcumstances ewst wh.ch are beyond 8ortowei s control 8ortower Shall not
<br /> dretroy, d�ma9� or Nnpafr the Roparty, �1ow the Ropeity to dotenotiM. a commt waste on the RopMy Bortower shaq be
<br /> h defaup N �ny tafature actfuun a praceecrng. whdher dv�l or crknfnal. �s begun tlwt in Lender's good hrth judgment couid
<br /> resuh in IorfeiNn of the PropMy or oth�rwbe m�terhlty impoir the Yen cre�tcd by this Secu�ty InsWment or Lender�s securiry
<br /> intwrlt.
<br /> i F�f�6�M3 ;��'.91� c.��.•: •ey
<br /> I
<br /> . • \'
<br />