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<br /> the power end procedure pravtds�for b law tor the substitution of a Trustve or Trustees in the tace of the Trustee �`r--
<br /> Y P Y:-;_
<br /> or Trustess nars►ed herefn. �"`���
<br /> . 17. Fairbe�m�zcv by�ana�cisr�o�Teu�4se�"�ot�Wsiver. k fctbearance by �ertef�ciary or Truste��n eu�rcistng
<br /> any rtght or reme�y hereur�ar, or otherwise efforded by appticabta law si�oa�l nflt be a waiver af or preciude the
<br /> .,,<-. :
<br /> exoreise of any rigt�t or ramedv hareunder. Likewise, the wadver by Bensficiary or Trustee of any defeuit of Trustor "� �
<br /> `�p�,�-°
<br /> under this Dea� of Trusi shaU not be deemesl to be e weiver of any otP�ar or simttar defaults subsequenYly occuRing.
<br /> 18. Truato�Not Reta�aed. Euienstan of the time for paymont or modificaYion or amortization of the suma securEd .��`��
<br />� by tho Deed of Trust granted by Baneflciary to any successor in interest of Trustor sha(I not operate to reloase,tn any - �..�.-.s�,>
<br /> manner,the liabiqty of the odgtnal Trustor end'�rustor's successor in interest. �ane�ciary shail noi be required t� r^`:::
<br /> commenae proceedings agatnst such euccessor or�efuse to extend time for payment ar otherwice modify emo�tization �
<br /> �,�.;`�-_
<br /> . of the suma secured by the Qeed of Trust by reason of any demand made by the origfnat Trustor�rtd 1'austo�'s �--,�,
<br /> .. � succsssars in itsterest. j� '
<br /> � i 19. O�tIae�to Foreci�ae. Upon the occu►rence of any defautt hereunder,Baneficiury aha11 have the option to
<br /> ����_:.
<br /> � � foredose this Qeat!0f Trust in the manner provlded by lav�for ttse foracbsuro of mortgages on resf property. �:-.:�= -
<br /> � �0. TcusYa�`¢C�pht�,Absent Qaf�uit. Untlt any d�fa�it in the payment of irtdQbtedrtess here�y&eCt�ee�,or unYi! ` �•��'
<br /> ' the 6rea�of sn cavena�t herein contairted the Tru�r, ItS SUCCBSSOfS SR[f 015*�i¢6YS, shal! possess r�c� enJoy tha �,�:�—°�-_
<br /> Y 1...,��•�
<br /> ,;''i' pro(s� znd receive the rents and profits therefrane. Upon paymes�t of all su:�^.s secur�d by this Q�-rl of Trust, �_ .
<br />. - Ee�t��shall toquest Trustee to recenvey the property and shail surrendar this Deed of Tn�E end atl naYes and Losn `°`��`'
<br /> ' Agrcerr�ts evidencing ind9btedness sscucr.�t hy the Deed of Trust to Trustee. Tnistes�is.�I;i-�onvey the property ��-�'�
<br /> ���t� w�tit�p�x�nrarrenty and without E.narge t„t1rc���.ao�s legai.•entiUed thareto. The Grentee ran�,�recnnveyance may
<br /> � 6e��rc?bQd as "the person or�ersons et�ed t3�$rc�o°, and the rec(tats therein of any r•.c,..=�tars or S"acts shail be ��,
<br /> L� caadnrt�rs proof of the tnithfutnass 4tnereef Suc3i��asn or Qersans shall pay ail coots o4 r�a�rdtng,if any. �;�;
<br /> ; 21. 7Yertsgea of tha �raperty; Asaum�d�an. if��vr eny part of tha Property or �n t�rest thesein is sotd� ����---
<br /> � � transferred w�tlT�uft 8anefidary's priar vir24�ri�ons:�t, except as otherwise provided by frfv+, B�neficiE.ry may,:�sc ��,-__
<br /> j�s Berteficisry's e�ren, dectare aU the suRSS secured �y this De�d of Trust to be Immediatafy due and payabte. ��=--���{`,_..
<br /> �.,�,,.
<br /> :-� Bsn��ry sha11 have waiv��:^.h optton i�ecc�ler�i#,prior to the sale or�ac�far,Beneflciary and the person to r�'R;";"
<br /> �;�.� whatn+ttse Pro�erty is to de sm�l or transferred reac��ement in wrtting that t��a��edit of such psrson Is satisfactory
<br />' �� 1 to BeRefidary and that the interos4 pa�r,til�s ron tnv g�:ns secure� by the Deed of 7rust, shaA be as such rate es �
<br /> ',` Bene�ciary sha'I request. If Beneficiery 5::��+��v��.�e option to accelerate provldad in this Paragraph 21, and if =�-
<br /> ,..: ° Tnc�t�;r's successor in interesx has exer.;�a��a w�ts-.�,,assumptIon agreems�rt accepted in wrtting by Bsnaficiary,
<br /> Hen�li�iiasy shafl release Tru�t:�-,str�'om al►o��;;�stFons�.rd�r-thf§Deed of Truat and the Loan Agreement. �f Beneftciary • �
<br /> ' ' exarci��rs such option to accE!:��ri�, Benefls�ary m�9rzc�lce any remedtes permitted by the Deed of Tnssst. - �r;
<br /> i�. 6ioque$t tor Natico. Yhe Trustar r.aqUSSt�7r:e a copy of any notice of defeult and of any no4ice of sale �:,��`� `
<br /> �s;;�-t�. hereander be m�J'�to Tn�stor at the edd�,�z��reintretore set fart�h. �=
<br /> � F� .: ��::
<br /> ;`._�:.: ,
<br /> , IN WITNESS WO�IEREOF,the Trusicor has executed this Dead of Yrust the d��'�nd year frrst above w�itYen. ��
<br /> . :,�+`� -,�:��.;
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<br />`� �'" STATE OF NEBRASKAI ��
<br /> '.�,..' COt�MY OF HALL SS: � ��lt�
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<br /> �. r�� :• Betore me, a Ho4ary Publlc quallfted fn�said County, personatty csme ��� L RABLR T.27� TRi1CI A RAS�t, avs�
<br /> ^ AFD SfIHB �
<br /> � known to me ta�bo the idendcal persart�E) who aignad tho foregoing inatrument and acknnwledged�."se executlon �-�'.
<br /> thereot to be hisiher/their voluntary ect ar.d deed. ' = ,.;
<br /> �
<br /> �_- :_
<br /> �,,, ' VY'ttness my hand end Notartei Sar�!tnia 3� day of oc.°t'OBffit „ 19s6 0=�_--
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<br /> My Commission Expires: 2/14/9a
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