� .. � �.� • ,. • ' _ t.. ' . 4'. . . .1 .. . .. :;.Z'g�" .c_,_
<br /> . .4 0. . . :4.,........___.�...-�--.�-.-� __—.��.. ___�_�.'__�""__'.—___'_._.�_�..__._�.�...,._..-._c<_—.�.. ._ _..._._ ._...» - c, `.r,�. ' ' Y':.`.:
<br />�.� _ . .. �_- '
<br /> . :i - .- _ - -_ . �`-_
<br />,. � �~ �l!`�67�� . t� ` � �
<br /> � by ov+no�'o and opatotote o4 BlrstilEtr propoRtos end as Beneficiary may requirs for its protection. Trustor wilt comply �, ` , _��
<br /> ` witP� oucfl oticor roqulroman8e as Banoficfary may from time tn time request for the proteciion by insurance of tha •f`- .` ; ��,�.��� '""s�
<br /> ' kntsraat o1 tP�Q rQOpactivo p�rtlns. !!Il lnauranca polictes maintained pursuant to this Deed of Trust shetl name'frustor • ���. . - •`-e�`-�`.,`
<br />. anA Qes�ellcf�try ae Ineurad, as thafr veapecYivo inierofs�c mey eQpear and provido that there shall be no cancellation or � : ..,
<br /> modlflctsilon ev►thaut Hitaon ti6! Aovs�HOr written notificetion to Yruates and 6eneflciary. IN the event any poticy �.�'•� r � ....
<br /> Raroundflr Ia�ot rpno��ad on or bofoce fiftenn 116)days prior to its expireiton data,Trustee or Beneficiary may procure ;, ,• '. � _ �, � �::
<br /> euch Insurenco I� accaadancb wlth the proviatona of Paragraph 7. Trustor shali deliver to Beneficiary th� orig9nal � • '. •- • ` —
<br /> polt�lvs of 1�»urartcti und ronowata thertto! or copies of such policiets and renewals thereof. Failure to furnish such '.` � � " �<;7°�
<br /> -- insura:�ce by vroa3or, or renewab ea required heret��der.shell, at the aptian of�enaficiaryr, cor�stitu4o s dafESUlS. Ap -r=�--- ----_ '- .,_ � ��
<br /> �. unonrnad prctmlums arm hor�by a�algnad to Trustee es edditional security,and a sale and conveyartce of ths Proparty � ` ��_�,,:
<br /> by tho flu�tA6 eleelt Qy�erete to convey to the purchassr tfie 4rustar's interest in and to ali policies of insurance upon �
<br /> � the lrust Reoperty. `� � � - _ _.,;,; �-�—
<br /> 6. Tex�9�Aita�m�nt�. T�uator shall pay a!!taxea end specia!assess�nents levied or essessed against,or �_��.•-?•<�� : ..:�.?'.• =—
<br /> duo upon,ti�a Propar4y botc�ro doiinquency end w81 delivar to Baneficiary coples of recaipts showing payment of such � ,`:�•�,.�=i�f . ,. .. �
<br /> .� toxao ond�paclel esae�amente. ...; : • �;:��•.:� .�r ,. .__
<br /> �. AGdittand lt�ns. T`ustor shmll mekc►elt paymenta of intarest and principal,and payments of any other charges. } ` � �'i°
<br /> tees. ond expensee eontre�ted to be peid to eny existing lien holders or prior ban�flciariss under any prior Desd of ���.�'[ ^' ° '"° '�, ��I '�"'
<br /> t_�
<br /> `
<br /> . Truat, MottQeae or other socurity agreement,before the date they are deiinquent a�d t-cr pay any ciher ct�im v�e��ch �` := '� :� �`;:,•;._•
<br /> , jsopardlzos tl�o etscutity fltantod hereln. :,```�' '�x f�-.``
<br /> 7. �rot�etlon ot Bsn�iidary'�Sscurity. Shauld Trustor fail to make an�payrrsscst, `-�i! te d��ry a���xrc3in , .;•l�`��.",t.°f` ,'`'=';':``_
<br /> ! ,���F '�Gl��.i( :Sr_-
<br /> ��' r'�. :�J'� `�'�:�..':�+.-':'?'�'
<br /> � M1:.:r.�'s: .L
<br /> � provtded or if eny actton ot proceeding is commence0 whi�ch materialty affocts eerteficiary's !rtt'�r�r�t�;n the Rroperty, Y�:,,...::,-; �y�„F,f J��;;y�;___`
<br /> t
<br /> `.r �r.,��b� `•. • u`�'a�re
<br /> Inctuding, but no 8miteA ta. emineM domaSn. lnsolvency. arrangementa or proca�irgs invotving a bantuupt or ,:;l<�� • , t:`
<br /> • ,, �; :.,, .,
<br /> decedont�th�n�oneficfary or Trustoa.�ut withaut obligation to do so,and without aot�sx3 to or demand upon Tru�tor, '. • '- ��.. K,._._ �� �' -
<br /> and withouE relaosing TruQtor irom eny obllgetion hareunder, may make or do the s�me, and may psy, purchase, ` ��
<br /> contest or com romiae endy encumbrance, cher e or Itan, which in the udgement of either a ears to effeat said ,`������"••:�=�--
<br /> . D 9 I PP ��s�:
<br /> Property:in exercisfn any such powera,the 6enetfcie or Trustee mey incur a liability and ex end whatever amounts, � s'' • �'�
<br /> � �V p :..��..,�,,..�'_-- �.:
<br /> including disbursemente of �eesoneble ettomey'e fees, which in their absolute dlscretion may be necessary. In the �=-•,t�: • ;s
<br /> . - event thet Truator shafl feit to pro�ure fnsurence, taii to pay taxes and special assessrrtents or f�il to maka any '.�-r�**�,; `�`-
<br /> paymente to exlattng or prtor Ilen halQere or bensficiaNes,the Beneficiary may procure such insurance and maka such .�����'��,.' . 3�; '•_'
<br /> �� psymenUs. All eums tncur�sd or expended by Beneficiary or Trustee in accordance vuiih the provisfons of the��d of �':;,�;Y y�• ' �. �
<br /> v,} t�.. ��� ;.,;"�
<br /> Trus4 are secured hereby artd,without demend,shal!be immediately due and payable by Trustor artd st�all bear interest „";.I;:,.:; ,
<br /> •sJ-.�s1, ' ''��.:ct
<br /> ' ,•� .'. .� P :�'.•." .i:17}' ']
<br /> '.�, � { ..1•� �'..:��, a _
<br /> et the rate provid�ed tar advancoe under tho Loan Agreement;provided.however,that et the optia�e¢.:the Borta'ficiary , ,..,K-�'^n�,�; .��;a•:r:-�y.<�:�u
<br /> ': � or Trustee, such suma mey tre nddad to thls princfpal belance o4 any indebtedness secured heretr.,��d shall boar the '*"'`�,�,,! �. �` �:'1r ;;�,<i,?��'�
<br /> -:'�.f: � �,,t;:?'''I+#�r,�'. .f. . , : c .
<br /> seme intereat as such Indobtadneas end shall be peyabto ratebty over the remaining tQ�thereQf. .•.�,�.• ,:�• �:;
<br /> •• 8. M:tpnma�t of R�nts. BenetiCl�ty shati heva the right,power and euthority durie��t(te cae��u�uance of thi�Oemd ' � `�''"'t'� � ' � �
<br /> ;,::, �� � � 1;• �
<br /> 'f,.�;�r' �. -• -
<br /> ' . of Trust�o collect the rents, issuea end profits o4 the Propeny and of any personai prc�arty laca�thereon with or • a �=��:` :�'�'.
<br /> '--- without tektng posaeasEon a4 ths Property e4tactod horuDy,ond Trusto�harei�y ebs�icstety�nd ur.�a�d(tianelly 8ssigns •� � -_�"�.��:;��_
<br /> !`�`r°.
<br /> : ell sucb rontr;.issueu ond profito tn 63no4iclory. Benoflclary,however,hereby consQnts tm the Trustor's coiloctimv�� ;' ��
<br /> • re2entton of ouch rente,iaaues end protite e�they aocrue end becoma payablo so long fis Truatar ia not,et suctu 4i�ern, f���% r• ..,5"''i-F,iie'
<br /> - In default with reapect to p�yrrtant of eny indebtednese secured hereby or in the per�armance o� any agns�cv::�^.t ��,;���'�.;_,-.'.:�_,",
<br /> ���.�.�,< . . ,- �� .
<br /> . hereunder. Upcn eny auch deteuit. Benefictery may et any t�ma, either In peraon, b� agent or by a recetvc�r to bs .�f��r .y��,,�,+ ,j;,,,
<br /> �gpointed by e court,without notice end without rogerd to the adequacy of eny sBCUrlty for the irtdet�2edn�ss hereby - ��sf,�;!'�•..:rr;.� , .'rJ
<br />. .. �f�ti���,•i;�?;1'�;�� 4.
<br /> � secvred: la1 entor upon and take posse9sion o! tho Property or any peft theroof and in ito own nama suo foT or �q�;�.,5,:,.,:�}�.;�•;
<br /> f �; otherwlse cottect such rents,issues and profits.Inctudinp thoao Dost due ond unpeid,an apply the aeme, lausa wccasts ' <; �
<br /> a
<br />', and expenses oi operetion end coftectlon,Including reasonabie attornoy foos,upon any indebtedness secured has�by ' ���''"'• ' ..
<br /> µva.:
<br /> and tn euch order es Benettciary msy aeiermin�: Ib)�e�torm such ecte of rapnir o�protaction os may be�eca�scry or '`�;'^'�`����� � ����
<br /> �.-_
<br /> • � proper to conserve tho veluo ot tho Proporty:(c1 loaso the eamo or ony port horctof tor such rental te�m end upfln stc�h __ _�`_� �
<br /> canditions es Its judgment may dictete. Unteeo Truotar end Beneflciery egree otherwise in wrlting,eny appllcaYt�n of " . , �:�
<br /> . '�r ronts,issuea or proffte to eny Indebtedrtass secured hereby shatl not exte�d or poatpone tho duo data of the inatallra�snt �� •� • -�� �
<br /> paymente es provided in the loan Apresment, end the epplicatfon thoroof es aforeaoid ahall not weive or w�re any �� •°'� . -'^�—'
<br /> ��;,�._..
<br /> . . default ar notice of defautt hereund�r or ia�valtdate eny ect done pureuant to such notice. Truator aiso essigna to '^��: :. _ . -
<br /> Baneticiery, as further security tor the pertormence of Ihe obilgotlons aecurod horoby,a1i prepatd rents end ail monies - "":
<br /> � ' which may heve been or mey harooiter ba depoeftsd w�th eald Trustor by eny lossee o!the Property,to secure th� s��Y�.
<br /> payment of eny ront, enA upon defauft in ths performanco of any of 4ho ptovfaione hereof, Truator agrees to deliver �'��� --
<br /> ���
<br /> - � sueh rents end deAosits to the Baneficiery. De�ivery of written notico of Benofieiary'a exerclse of the righta granted -�;x - ��'�.' `�
<br /> herein to e�y tenant occupying eeid promisas ehell ho eu/flcient tb requiro seid tenont to pey said �ent to th� !
<br /> . -.'i,. -�-- �' •
<br /> Beneticiery unt(I funhe�rtotice. ° ��.�`�'^`�'�°` _
<br /> g. Co�Bannatlon. It titto to eny pert o}tho Proporty ahatl be 4aken in condomnatlon procoedingfl, by rlght of '`"=`" f'��;�° --�
<br /> ominont domaln or afmilar action.ot ohall D�ootd ur+dar trrent of condomnatlon, all owardo,dnmagas anti proceeds �;;•���"
<br /> . are hereby esalprted end shall be pald to Beneficfery who aha11 apply auch eward,domaAos ond procaods to ths sums ' � ����� —
<br /> secured by the Qeed of Trust,with tho exce�s, H eny,pald co tho Tructor. `'���'�
<br /> � 10. Futur�Advanca. Tho Loan Apraomont providae for advoncus from timo to timo to Truator by Ben�fiGary ������;�;�'
<br /> � es provfded thotein. In edditton, upon raquoet of Truator, E3anoflclery, ot Bonoflciary's option,prior to�econveyart�o �. :����:
<br /> of the Proporty to the T�ustor, mey moko e�ldiHonfll luturo ndvencae to tho Trufltor. fiuch iuture advences, wi4h � -�-�^!��""i� �
<br /> fMOrest the�eon, shell be secured by Ihis Deod ol T�uet whon ovtdoncod by promiasory notea atatlnp that said naat�a3 ��`�i �''' ' �
<br /> are securad heroby; providod thnt nt no tfmo ahOt! tho eocurod ptinclpnt ond tututo edvancoe, not includiRg sttm� • ��'���.
<br /> �. '�'.":•��--•�:.
<br /> edvancod to protect the socu►ity, oxcoed ano hundrod porcent ItOfl°GI of tho oripinal principal emounts seeu�l�c3 � T��, '
<br /> hareby. . . ��
<br /> 11. R�m�dt�s Cumul��iv�. All remedte�pravlUed In thle need of Yruat ere dimtlnct enA curttlllet� +�n1►o2tvar • �. • ' � �
<br /> • rr�.�• -�.'T.—+:'�.si90.'rT"�k--�.--.
<br /> • right or roQnedy under this Oeed of Tru�t o� oit�tdad by IAw or oQu1lV. end moy bo exerclsed concu�roes2`,�, � � • . !°
<br /> � indopandon4iy or succaes�vc�ly. �
<br /> v
<br /> 12. AeesiN�1lan; Rt�er�di�s:Bals. A defeult 6l�all onrot m tho ovont af: � r
<br /> •� tAi Arry iraud or mi�rapro�ontotion by iho Truotor !n cflnnmction v,rith tho Ilno of c►odit vuh�ch thia Oa�d of Trust �� ---
<br /> secures: � • • �"
<br /> - I: -- - - -- . . =l
<br /> � � s�sa aoe�a � �� . � Y
<br /> • . . . !�"'�.
<br /> -�_ _ _ ; . ..,..�-.,.,--...,......�......,._,. .. . .. , . . . . . . • � .
<br /> .
<br /> . ; . . ... ..
<br /> . . . .. ,.
<br /> . - .. .. . : . . � . .
<br /> . . .
<br /> :
<br /> .. . . . . :. . .. . . ,
<br /> . : . .. . . . ..; .,�,. �.�.... , : � . , � . , . .. ..
<br /> . � . � � . . � ' . � . . , . • .' . . . . .. .. • � � .. � � ` .. � ..: ��.. � , '
<br />