. . . . , . , . . . .. . 4: . . �T`�`tti�r✓;�E � � ' < <
<br /> - � — ----'__•_. _� �.:._____._--- '- -_�,.�— - -. ._ ..._._....__�.,._. i t _ i � `"°.ti
<br /> . �i-_� `�. ` �.� _
<br /> i� - .�-. -
<br /> • 4. . , -
<br /> S. �
<br />. . ����.D�� , .. :'� r �, . .
<br /> , 0� :?• � .. • . . � .. `-�,�,�._
<br /> a
<br />- ,t.. 3; �C: . � . .
<br /> ` ����,," c
<br /> At We optian of L�nder. �il or any part of We agreed fces and charges. acaued interesi and princapal s�a11 �eoa�a `:�.,:�, . , ; , •,�';
<br /> °-�" immediately due and payable,after giving notice if�equired by law.upon the oxurrenoe of a defaalt or aaytime thec�nft�. i�,•E', ..` .•,� . ' a _
<br /> In addition, Lender shall te eudtled to ail the r�dies provided by law. the Secu�ed Debt, this Dead of Tivst�uuy .,�` ` . � ��
<br />� reicued docua�ents iacluding wi4hout limitation,the power to sell the Property. E. �' � _
<br /> z'.: If there is a default,Trustee shall.in addition to any other pem�itted remedy,at the requesc of[he Ixnder. zdvertise:,r.,�sr!! €; ' .� � ` _
<br /> � the Property as a wlsole or in separate parc:els at public aucrioa to the highest bidder for cash and oonvey abso3u�e ti2t:fcee �.: .,; ; �° . •
<br />.�., � and clear of all right.dde and interest of Grantor at such time and place as Tmstce designates. Tnistee s�all gave wa2ece of g •. .
<br /> .� s�e racluding th�tune,terms an�pl�e af sale aa�a dascriprion of the pm�nyr m be sold�,s required by the a��lica�ie lavr C` ___ _r � �
<br /> in effect at the time of the proposed sale. `: < ,
<br /> �.
<br /> IJpon sale of the property and to the extent not prolubited by law,Trustee shall make and deliver a deed to the ProFerty sa:d c_�=•
<br />� . wtrich conv�ys absolute title ta the puicb2ser, and aftEr fir3t paying all fees. d�ar8es and costs. shall pay co LVn�r�iJ _ . ,
<br /> m�n�ys advaas�for regaatc, ta�s, insurtmoe. li�s, ��me„rs and prior e�nsufnbrances aud 'mtemst[h�.�a, a�d t�c -:�.:�..�._... . . -
<br /> �riacipal aud inte�est on the Setuted D��PaYing the s�nPius•if aay.to Crrantot.Lender may pur+d�s�the Pso�'.'Ylte i .;. •�_.;;4.-.
<br /> . �sitals in any deed of conveyance shall be p�a fa�ie evidenoe of dr.e fasxs s�foith ffierein. .x�..�..
<br /> . !�ll n�dies aze distinct.ca�tive and not eacclusive,and the Lea�r is entitled to all remedies paovided at lavr os eqrri.�', : .� �t:r:.,��;;:;:
<br /> u�aiher exp�essly sea fo�tln or not.'ti�e acxeptaace by Leader of any�um in paym�i or pa�rtial gayment o�the�ett Dehc .��:::•`�;,:�.�.,:•:�.;.=� .
<br /> after the ba.l�,ce is due o�is aaxlerated or after fonclosuie pmoe�dJn�s�e fiYed shall sat canstitute a wnivcr of L�der's ' �`��_ �°
<br /> right W reqt:.�e full and compl�e c�e of any existing defaul� By n�t exe�is9ng aay re�edy on G:znwx's defanl3. I�tndar r�.,k44;�;��;3%t
<br /> does not waive Leader's right to later consider the event a defauit if it contimies or ha�P�� �i� �. 1 � `�� --
<br /> t�m . �- �
<br /> ,..,�-:;•.. .�:•.-�,_. .y
<br /> • ,k�,�,_�..�,_. .
<br /> 1�.I��ENSES;ADVANC��N COVENANTSi A�'EGPZ��IEYS'FEES;COL�.r.�L�P1 CQS15.Faccept when p�i�d . ` ��,
<br /> 'd'� ="� ',,�,. ,�,- .
<br />. °_ i�:1aw Grantor agroes ar t�211 of Leade�s expeo..�s rf�rantor breaches any cuv�ia tP�is Dexd of Tm�Qiru�nc�will _ �.��r�,��;`���=-��
<br /> ' res or rotecxiQ3 the Pta�sartf a��'ns anq ��'�{��"s"t`�`�
<br /> � �-=w PaY on d�aad all of�nder's expenses ins�ured in ooll�.a��urin8,P �� P �y ,
<br /> urtn � •
<br /> . � inv�tories.�its, ins�CStions or other eaaminaiion by Le�ter in�cspect w the Property.Gr�utos ag�ces¢o gay ali costs ':� ;'F:;• ,-•-,;
<br />'; ,` �sl e�� �curred bg Leader in enfo�ing or pmtecting I,eader's rights and iemedies vadet thn3 Deed o� Tn�st, �''�` } • __----
<br /> ii��uding,�not liffiite@ oa,attomeys'fees,Parale�r�s.court costs.and other legal exgenses.Qr.ce�Le S�cuCOd Deb2 Is . : .�: ;�,.,;�^-.`.
<br />; .." 14-��,i ry acd�y paid,Lender agre�to release tb�s���Trast and Grantor agt�s w pay fos any reca�lati�ifl COSIS.All ;... -�;-�„-�, •..�_,
<br /> �am��are due on demand and will hear iat��^�the cr.�re of the ulaa��t We hf r�est r^4re s��.fcom tIme •�-.
<br /> � tu tims,��vided in the Evldence of�t and as g�ed by��- f� ;:�. ''��;����;'k�^±
<br /> "' `��.f:�';S�-=.�_
<br /> - 1�.�WIRON1ViENfAI.LAWS AND HAZAYtD(DUS�'�STANCFS. As usr�in��s s�i�m> (1) 'Ea*rironmenial Law° ��.:��:'�':,'-:?-�yy•�}'•;�:�._,.
<br /> ... ,:..�•,t:- � .� �s..•-
<br /> � �r�nv, without limitation.the Comptehensive F��in-^.�..°ntal Response, Com�x�s�s �:.8 Liah�i�n• E4ct (CP,RCI.A,42 ,,=�=�,xl,''� ;;;.. '_--
<br /> �_S.C.9601 et seq.),all othez federal,state and lo�U�s,reguiations,ordina�v�..�urt on�cs.aro�rrna►�genecal opin4ans .;lr�;;t;:a''.. ::�:, . .-.�.-
<br /> � rr in reiive l�tezs conceming the public health, safety. welfare, enviro�eat or a h.�zzs�laun sabstanc� aad (2) � ° ��'Y
<br /> 1 �� `�N�_
<br /> "IIezardovs Snbstaace° meaas aay toxic, radioactive or hazardous material, vraste. Pn3��c a caas,�minant whirb has � ;;1 �.._
<br /> c�aracteristics which render the substance dangeious or potentially dangerous to the puhl�c h�enitiz. saf�il►, we1f� � ���:_;___
<br /> �-� ��, ' _.�
<br /> . - �vimnasent. '!he team inciu�es, withont limitFUiaa.any substances defiaed as'1ie�ardaun�rial." °toxic subst�sces.° _,.r `�
<br /> . � � '�-azardaus waste" or'hazardons aubstanae°undc-r a�Environmental Iaw. Granwz cep�.vraaauts and ag�rees tbat, ,r ..: ?;�. ' _-.
<br /> � ��t as pieviously disctosed and acimowtedged'an�-�ng:
<br /> .. A. No Ha�ardous S�bstance has beea,u,or will be lo�ated,uansForted.manuffactm�'�+d,1ra!'.ed.refined,ar baa�dled by "".Y;�:':
<br /> . aaY pe�soa on,imder or about tl�:l�erty.except in the nni�ry wurse of busin.eas mr�f in stdct oo�llance wit� �r ���4}:�.
<br /> . M�9�`it��
<br />:+.. a118pplicable Favitonmeut2l Lsvr. � ' ;�iu�irs�::��`��;.^::
<br /> B. (irantflr has aot and will not cavse,conmb�sg rn,r_�:permit tite�tense af a��aaa.n.ia�ca Shbstance on the praperty �ii,-,; �:':•
<br /> �C. Grantor will �iate3y notify Lender if(i} ���se ar thzeateQed- �r�reu of H�.ardous S�sG�ucc�-r occuzs on, � �`�-�__
<br /> � nr.sies or about th$Praperty or migrates or drm_u;�s to mi}�^.,:�e fram a�ai��,�rapertj:or(2)these is�vialatlau af --- �,.Q�
<br />' � �.g r v3ionareutal Law oonceraing the PropaF?.En sudi au c.w+�,Gra�u.�wid�e al�necessary rem�dial as#oa it� �,,+`�. .�'�-''��>:, <
<br /> �..kmce with EnvIronmental Law. �===__--- �
<br /> ' �. �.r�'�r has no lmuzvledge of or reason ta fac�:.we thete is any peadin� or ths+tnteaed invesdBatlssn, clai��py �t �,��`.
<br /> ' p:�ceeeding of any klnd relating w(1)aay Ha:�nfous Substanoe locat�an,nnder a,about the Propetty�Or`Lr)�r'Y ���iN_Nf4 -
<br /> . , v'w7�tion by Graator or mry tenant of any Env�*�,+�+�+tal Law.Grantur wil&in�divtely aotify L�der in wPitia�;s� :.�.
<br /> :4rn;u9 Graator has reason to belleve there is any such gendiag or t�n�sieaed�a+�eaa�acica.claim,or proceeding.Fn. `
<br /> s.cda�a e�rent.I.�der has the ri�fis,but nai the obligation,�partictpnie ia auy s�cb p��ing inclutliag the rt�ifi: �,��ki�-��`•
<br /> u a �;� -
<br /> w recxive wpies of auy doaimz��relating w such pmoeedings. ---=��t��,:,�,��,�-�"i�
<br /> � E. Giautor aad every tenant Lave been,are and�1 remain in full compliance ait�uay appllcable Environmenial Law.
<br /> F. There are ao imderground storage tanYs,Priv�dua�ps or open ae1L�tacatecl on az uuder the Property aad no snsfi �'�` ='--
<br /> ��.�=
<br /> tank.dumP or nrell will be addod nn2ess Lender fiist consents in wri�ag. :•.:�_
<br /> G. Cnaat�r wiU re arl the "-
<br /> 8� Y�t �P�Y,monitor the activitie8 and operatianp�n the Property,aad wnfinm t�aL
<br /> ... a11 permits.llcense.9 or approvals requited bY�Y ePPlicable�vironmeamllLaw at�obtaiaecl and comp➢ied with. ������*--�--
<br /> H. Grantor aill rmit.or c�se aa tenant to ageat td mter and peRy and �'�;''�°'
<br /> P� Y P��+Lender or Lendet's ia5pect the Pto #��'!,�ly�"',,��::
<br /> review all reoords at any reawnab2e dwe w d�ermine(1) the exisiEnue, locuteon aad nature of any H�rdous �;�°;,,t`;,..; �.,..-
<br /> Substance on,uads or about the Ptoperty; (2)the existence. loc�on,t�mn.. and magnitnde of any Ha�ons i•� , -r,±°'#�
<br /> ' r:%b;���a��f:.�.;
<br />�` • Sub3tance that has been released on.nnder or about thc P r operty:oe(3)w he t her��r not Granior an d any tenan t nre in -•,�,�a�;v,���
<br /> 0o Htu�ce with a l�cable Eaviiansnental Iaw. '"`.�"��s�`�"—-
<br /> �P PP ..>>4�,�
<br /> I. Upon Lender's request aad ac afay time. Granwr agre�s,at Grantar's espenas,ta enguge a qnalified environmmtal , � � ---
<br /> aa `
<br /> engincer to prepa�+e an environmental sudit of We Prnperty and tm submit t�:retults of such auNt to Lwder.18e • -� :t-.. . . ;
<br /> • �.:
<br /> choice of the envimnmental engiaser aho will perfotm such sudit es sutsject ta Leitdet's approval. `� ��
<br />� " l. Lender has the dgtnt.but noz tUe obligation,to perfoim any of i'iranwr's obli;;uiirsns aader th3s sQCtion at Grantor's : �
<br /> eapense. �
<br />�. K. As a oonsequence of any breacd�of any representatifln,wmpanty or promieas mnde in this section,(1) Granccrr�vill ��"� ��:�_
<br />� • inaee�iify and i�old Leadzr and LendPr's suocessars or assigns hnrn.alass fra� and against all losses. claima. ••. .
<br /> . demands, liabilities. damages.cleanup, response and reme�iation w�.fl,Pmnl�es and expensQS.iucluding withcut . . f':':..
<br /> limitadoa ap costs of lidgatian aad attomeys' fces,whIch Lender and i.itnder's successors or assigns may sustain: _ - '
<br /> and(2)at L�nder's discretion,Leader may release this Deed o�Ttvtt and in feturn Grantor will pmvide Leader with '
<br /> collaceral of at least equal value to the Property secu�d by thic Deed oi Trvst aithout prejudice to sny of E.eader's �.
<br />, �, rights undet this Deed of Tn�st. � . �r:. .
<br /> � : e � . ` : ---
<br /> ' t�.x7a4al8 --- -- _— --- --.
<br /> . Ot9938z�v�Sysiemf.�nc..5t.CtouO.MN It-806397•23411 Fam AGICdDT�NF 6Bl93 �� - '
<br /> � r,
<br /> ._� . . lr:��.
<br /> I
<br /> -__—. __ . ...._...... . .. .. . - . .� �....d.. . . , ' , �- rt^',-..,,. , , . .• ,� � ...,
<br /> ' `3 • . ' .. � ,� � ��,nt+��` '. .. . ,. : .
<br /> . . . . . � n� ... a � . • - � . . . . . . . �(�S .t .� � _ • ••. . .. .. . • •• ... �F'. .. d
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