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APR-2?-2011 12:51 <br />P.002 <br />�# 8 x 0 Departmes►t o�l• the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service <br />Far� 6�a (;�� Ce�rtifica►te �of Release of Federa� '�ax l.ien � 0110 319 i <br />Area: :3erie�l Number <br />3MALL BFSINESS/SEL�' EMPLOYED �R�A'#� <br />Lien Unit Phone: (900) 913 -6oso 2722449b6 <br />I certify tF�at the following-nam� taxpayer, under the re;quiremerrts of 5ecti0n 6325 (a) <br />of the internal Revanue Cvde has satisfi� the taxes listed below and all statutory <br />additions. Therefore, the lien provided by Code sectuvn 6321 for tF�ese taxes a� <br />additions has been released, The proper ofticer in the office where the notice of <br />intem�t reve�ue tex lien was filed on �ebruary � 15 <br />2 0 0 6 , is autho�ized to note the books to shnw the release of thls lien for <br />these taxes and addltior�s_ � <br />of Taxpa� yer <br />N'� M KOSMYCKz <br />Residence 13 07 � W DIVISYqTT <br />GRAND ZSLAND� NE 68801-5��9 <br />COt7�ZT RECORDTNG ILQFORMATI01� : <br />Liber Page IIGC No . Seri�.3. �o . <br />n/a n/a n/�, 2006013�0 ' <br />IGnd of Ta�c I T E <br />Date of • Lart Da for Unpaid Balance <br />Assexsment Refi�g of Assessmenc <br />io4o a.2/3i/aooi xxx-�:-�szs ii/i5/ZOO� 12/15J2014 ��ro5.8� <br />�.040 1Z/31/2002 XXX-XX-�52$ 04/Q4f2005 05/04/20�,5 20710.32 <br />ir#�k+t*�k*�k Mr�k�te*ir,t�k#at� �F*�le*,4irir,k�drie�k:r* �k�t�k��k,r,r�k�tik �Fi1r�lF�lr�*ih*iEil�ir �k*�k�*�Ar*ie*�r�k�lriedrir�Tt�k <br />Place of Filing <br />Register of DEed� <br />Hall POBOS 1692 <br />Grarid =sla NE 68802-�.6Q2 <br />Total I$ 27416.13 <br />This notice wa�s prepared and signed at CHZCAGO, IL , on this, <br />the 13th day of September � 2006 <br />Signature <br />Title Director, Campus Compliance <br />� Operations ' <br />(NVTE: C�ertificat� of officer authorized by lew to take ucknowledgmsnes is c�os aseantiel to ttis validity of C�rtifioete of Release of <br />Federal7ax Ilen R�v. Rul. 71-466, 1971. - 2 C.9. 409) ' �orm 6d8 (Zj IRov. 10-2000) <br />Parl: 1 - RECARDING OFFICE .. • - <br />� TOTAL�P.002 <br />