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<br /> �V�� 3' � ��—
<br /> Uitless othenvise agreed in vmii��.a!1 inswance proceeds shall be appiied to the resiorxU��or repair of the Praperty � ?.;.�.;��.,,���Y`°•••
<br /> � • or ta ttt�Secured D�b�whether nr not t hen due,at L en d er's option�ny application of proceeds ta princi�a l shall not ,, �. ,-.,,�.rg,,�,�:,, :__
<br /> • extend o:postpnne the dae date of the ssheQuled payment nor change the amount of aay paymen�Any excess�vill b� `�,� : �''.':� ` '-
<br /> • .. , ,.,�.,-
<br />. paid W the Grantor.If the Property is�aeqtc3red by Ler�der.Grantor's right to any insurance policies aad proceeds '��� . ' � ` ....,�..->...:-
<br />�. resulting from daa�a�e to the Property before the acquisitioa shaU p�ss to Lender to the extent of the Secured Deb3 �� °=«`�'�.�-
<br /> �' immediateIy before the acquisition. `-'_-�•��-'�TS:`'�
<br /> �._}:�,._
<br /> :�.;�;:�
<br /> 20. E��EtOW E�R TAXFS 4ND UVSUIItANCIE.Unless othenvise provided in a separate agreement,Grantor will not �..:�r,,;:-�..:-
<br /> be required to pay ta Leader funds for taxes and insurance in escrow. �� -- - �'"��{� •=
<br />_-. .'-.. ...�,..,.�.
<br /> Zl, F'aVA1�ICiA1,1t�P�ZYTS A1VD ADD1140PIAL DOCi11��TD�.Grantor witi rovide to Lender u n uest,an ' � ,
<br /> r -' P Po �l Y a� k�-
<br /> financia!statement or information Lender may deem reasona�iy necessary.Grantor a�rees to sign,del9ver,and fi1e �1��°
<br /> . any additional dacuments or certificatioas that Len�er may consicfer necessary to perfect,continue,and pres�rve ��=�,,�,�;.��;;,;�-�,�°
<br /> . Grantor's obligations un�,er this Security Instrument and Lender's lien status on the Property. �-;s;��„���:
<br /> under this Security Instmment are joint sind individuaL If Grantor si�a�s this Security Insuument but does aot sign an �'�" w
<br /> n
<br /> ,, , : evidence af debt,Grrantor daes sfl on1y to mortgage Grantor's interest in the Property to secure payment of the �`�',, �f,_��;::�
<br /> Secured Debt and Grantor dnes aot agee to be peisoaally liable on the Secured De6L If ttus Security Instnmient ���+��-�..
<br /> .,,.�-�,�..�
<br /> secures a guaranty behveen Lender aad�tos.Grantor agrees to waive any rights Wat may prevent Lender from ���t_F°�•°•
<br /> biinging any acrion or ciaisn against Grantor or any party indebted�mder the obtigation.These rights may include,buE _ m°�'`���G_
<br /> n
<br /> . are not timited to,any anti-deficiency or one-actian laws.�'ira�tor ag�ees that Lender and any part}+to this Sec�ly � -;f,-
<br /> Instnrmant may exteud.mo�ify or make any change in the tereas of this Security Instrument or any evi�ence of d;bt '�:��"�;:
<br /> ' without Grantor's consenL Such a change will rtot retease Grantor fzom the terms of this Security Instrument The f.�,;w t;.
<br /> - dt�tes aad beuefits of tt�is Searrity instrt�ent shall bind aad beuefit tlae su�essois aud assigm4 of Grantor aad Lender. " �� � �..`�,,:�,.'
<br /> �
<br /> ' 23 APPLICt�iBLE LAW;SEd�ItAB�.ITY;IIV'I'ERPIt�I'A'ITON.Tgis S�curity Iaswment is govemea by the laws of .��� ���,� ,
<br /> the jurisdisaon in atuch Lend�r is located.except w the esteat oLtte�wis�raquired by the law�of the jurisdictioa ����`•'�`�°!=">'��`+�'`�'
<br /> - - �� : t';�`
<br /> ' R+here the Property is located.'Rus Security Instrument is cor�tete acnd fu1Zy integrated.This Security Inshumeat anay __ �!. ,, ,�'; .•
<br /> . � noi be amended or modi�ed by oral agreement. Any section ia this S�carity Instrumen�,attac6meats.or angr ::�1_: "'" �`:f'����<`,4�"°
<br /> agreement related to t�e Secured Debt that conflicts with app&cable taw a�l a�t be effective.unless that law expressly �»�•:
<br /> _ , or impliedly permits the var�ations by writtea agreement If aay searon of this S�carity Lutrument cannoi be enforced '�'!'�`
<br /> accor+ding to its terms.Wat secfion will be seveced and�vill not affect We enforceability of the remainder of this ���: ;-
<br /> � Security Instnunen�Whenever tued,the singular shall include the pl�aral and the plural ttte singutar.'I7�e captions audt �?'�
<br /> headingS of the sections of tbis Security Instrument are for convenience only and are noi to be usQd to interpret ec , ������±."a:' :.-' ==`�
<br /> de5ae tfle ternis of this Security Instrumeat Time is of the essence in this Secunty instrument -
<br /> ?A. SUCCGSSOR TRUSTEE.Lender,at LendEr's oprion,may hom dme to time remove Trustee aud appoint a '.�' �-
<br /> . successor trustee cvithout aay other fomtality t�*zn the designation in cvrinng. The successor trustee,without �;�';:;:.•Iw•���.; •. ' '
<br /> �f,,,,:,�.:. . . :
<br /> conveyance of the Property.shali succeed to all Yhe tide.potver and duties omferred upon Trusiee by this Security � �,: j
<br /> � Instrumsntandapplicable law. %��'�.,,_. �1r:���`,
<br /> � .,, , =,y;;�'�f;�f'
<br /> �".;����.,�:; Z S. N d i Z G E.Unless o3hsrwise r e yuire�6 y law,an y notice shaI!b��i ven b y deliverin g it or b y mailin g it b y fust cla.� ,�i�•:, ,• '� .���„s�,�..";
<br /> �':> �a1 to the ap�ropriaLs gariy's addresg on page 1 of Wis Secur�y Instniment,or to any other address designated m :{r,�� .: r y1�,
<br /> . ; writing.Notice to one�antor wai be deemed to be notice to all grantoYS. �� - .� = �'_
<br /> Zb. WAIVERS.Except to the extent projubited by Iaw,Grantor suzives sU appraisement and homestead exemptioa rights `�`�
<br /> , ' .,... •
<br /> �� relating to chs Property.
<br /> ,,.•';;,•. -:�a�°;
<br /> �'.;`;�;,r� 27. OTl�It TERMS.If checked,the fcoltowiag aze applicabte to tf�Security Instr�ment �Y� _� �„_
<br /> �� _. '� �$X�ae oiCred3�.'the Secured Debt iacludes a revolving line of�xedit provisi�nn.Altiiough the Secured Debi ,m.��;���-,:.-_
<br /> may be redu�e.�rt:o a zero balance,this S�e�ty Instrument will remain in effect until released. ���'i'�=�°'`
<br /> : � �`.�r ❑ Coustractton Loan.T6is Security Instara�,��t secures an obligatimu incurred for ihe construction of an -�-,.f--- -_'°"'�
<br /> .. ' improvement on the Property. ��
<br /> ❑ �1'is4ere F'�ing.Graator grants to Len�l.�a security i�:_;::r•:st in all�oods that Gtsmtor owns now or in the �.��y��?. �'
<br /> -..,--�.. ,.
<br /> f�nture and that are or will become fixtc��s zelated to�Prope�.:�is Security lnstrument suffces as a - . --
<br /> . 6naucing state�.nt aad any carbon,phc�, ,�. Iric or other repral}.ia5�n may be Sled of record for purposes ..;_.,.
<br /> � of Article 9 0:tI�Uniform Commercial C�,ie. ,.��.� • �� � ""`�
<br /> � ❑ Iii�ere.Tfiie �o�enants and agreements of eacb of tE:ridecs,d'�ecked below are incorporated into and '
<br /> . srr.�£emen=:��amend the terms of this Security Iasavun,�ynt. [�eck all applicable boxesJ � � '� � �'�
<br /> .. „ ....
<br /> �a•,.,. ,:
<br /> � . � C�Condo�.-���Rider O Planned Uait Development Rider �43ther.......................................................... `, . ,.
<br /> .: ❑ ABdiflonal'ii�s. "� --_
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<br /> . . ";��� - -_�.:�..�, , .�. _
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<br /> . SIGNATUIt�S:By signin�beiow,Gtantor agrees to t��:erms and ooven�nts contaiaed in this Security Y6sL.*t:meat and in °`�':" •''� ":�`
<br /> ' any attac�cat�.Grantor also acknowtedges receipt of a copy of tbis Security Instniment on�e date statsd on page 1. ' ' �
<br /> � �,.�,.�...,�_ �.
<br /> ��.�;r�.��,�
<br /> ...,.�.. ,:
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<br /> � • . u�wm�� This i t as a v�e�Qed before me this.......................da���f............................................................... • =
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<br /> A GEUERdliiO?A�Y-SG;eoltJe0ns1� ' . _' ' ' _.__ . • �
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