. Y . , . . _ .Cr,� . . , . ;i.: . . . .. �
<br /> - • a-<:f�r`. ..��• - .� t �:(iyd! -
<br /> �. ,. ,
<br /> . c � �.
<br /> � - -�- -. Y• ; .. -...
<br />, �;`" h�`' . ' _ . _
<br /> _ '_�o--._�— _. � -
<br /> � � h
<br />' ,.'�,. ��.,f�F .. � .[}`, .eN�.,.
<br /> �° �.��� �� ° . -
<br /> B. Atl tuture advances fram[xnder to Grtu:r.�r os a�!�,:r tuxttn a�v'.ig�xis�ns of Grantor to Lender un ..r any promt4sory _ _ .
<br /> note.contracK.guaranty.or otl.her evidec:�e of dei�:�aer-uted hy Eirsntor in favor of Leader executed aficr this . .. �-;��''�' _
<br /> Security Instr�meat whether or r.ci tt:s Srcu.-it}� klytau.z*-tnt is specifical�rr.ceferenced [f more than one pesson , , . .. .�
<br /> si�this Security lnsuumenL each�Cr^4eLn�z ap.T�s tP�it t�1'1&SCCia31ty I[L�ti�JtTY.A�t�ill SeCUir�a11 futufe:advanCes aRd , ,� ,°
<br /> future obligations tl�t ar�given to ar�r.u,-red tsy ary<xz�ue more Grantor,or any one or more Graator aad o„ � , . -
<br /> � .�_
<br /> others.All future advar�es ar.�otlher fa't�.�:dvi�atvv�a�srraTed by ti�is Security Instrument even thaugh 2ll or . . ;Y,:. �..
<br /> part may not yet Be advancxd.All Futtre ad+arr.es a.r.�����:r fu'-ure obligatiors are secured as if made on the daie . �
<br /> of this Security Instnunea�.Natbin2 ie t�ws Securit� P�urrr:�nt Shall cua,litute a commitment to make additional __ _ :_� ' _ _ _ �� �•�:,
<br /> or future toans or adva�c��in:uty ac:�r:Rn}such cnm�:iL:�r.nt meut be agreed to in a separ�te writing. � .�::
<br /> C. All abiigations Grantor o�yes to L��r�.�r.wh:ch vr.ay later irir•e,ca the extent not prohibited by taw,including.but , • ' , � _ ..
<br /> not limited to.tiabiii�i�far overdra�'ts retatiss�r,t,c�a�.y de�sic account agreement henveen Grantor and Lender. . _--�-�w--,_--°�.'•.
<br /> D. All additioaal sttms advanced arrd eYperases iea:u,.-rc�9 i�y L.entlzr for insuring,preserving or olhenvise protecting J:;`Fit,�.�4��i.�_��:�--
<br /> the Property anc!its va1L.e and any ottwa su�s a�iYanted and eapenses incurred by l.ender under the tern�s of -
<br /> this Security Instru�.enL -��� _ '��
<br /> --�--s��r--.,�c:;
<br /> 'Iliis Security Instrument wil!n42 s��au j os�,Yr�r.tx:if t..�Qder fails to give any required natioe of the right of rescission- �.'`:'rr�;y, - _
<br /> 5. PAY11'I�MS Granf4r agrees ti�aA al1.�34+trPr.J,S u.:.�ie€itn.Seuu°� Debt will be paid wb.�r�due and in aoc�rdance �t�� L �'•° * r ..
<br /> with the tem3s of�e Secu:ed ITeht acr�eh.is Sarai..-�ity L�ut�r.r,r.. j s--° _ , .
<br /> ms
<br /> 6. �YAREEA�PrY OF T�ATI.,E.GranGOr.r-arrass�s t.fi.�L C.sant,tY is Ar mll be lawfully seized of the est�te conveyed by this ��' ,•Y`�,,;_„ �„`�,—=
<br /> f ,, . -
<br /> Securitgr Instrumeat ar.�!has th�:rigj:i tp ureccv,�i�'�1 g�ar=r..caavey. and sell the Praperty to Trustee,in trast.with .R r � '��_._
<br /> �awer of sale.Grautar also warr�ut*s th3t?.i�Pca�tty is��Racumbered,except for encumbrances of Tec;ord. ���y -� :�
<br /> 7. PRIOI�SE�iJRY�lI YP�Ti'�LRE�•t'���t�re�e."d tx►arY•��S�S m�o�tgage,deed of tnist.se�vriey ageement or other lien r:, -� _�.,_
<br /> document that created a prior securit}•ics:.reat�as ea►r.ut^!�ca�.ce oa the Property.Grantor agrees: r _� `.
<br /> A To make all pay�r.ents whx►z d�;,.ar.�r�i ta p.rfi.�::rc�nr�comply witb all covenants. �� '�_��=iYry,u..:�_---
<br /> B. "fo promptly de1�rer to LeRr3:c a�y w�i:es tf:tt•rrantor r.xeives from the halder. ,�` ., S.���,' �
<br /> r3: •; �
<br /> G��t '�� i. � , ....:�.
<br /> C. Not to aL'aw any cr.�w.''u.'�,.'j+►i:r.or e:ct�.sir,n;�'',aor to request any future advances under any note ar.��C�ment ��.,�;.,,:,.�-,.. ... �_
<br />' se�ed by the lien dtru.�_^�:n.t titiittu:va;.Y,ecrZaF's prior wvrit*.en consent. .��;�.tr�:�t,.�+.
<br /> ri .:••
<br /> 8. CLAIIi4S A�A��d''��.�.Gr�r.v�•n��iL°p3y al!taxes,assessments,liens.encumbrances, lease payments,8round ,,`�.��`�''"`i��` �
<br /> �'."d rents,u3�.i�..s,ans�V ot�:�rha�ges re(�t_ic7,tu tl's:F^tr�ecty when due.Lender may require Grantor to provide to I.e¢dsr �� ���'�;`. �`=;
<br /> � oopies af all n�o�res th�t.sush.a�nvr.�LS�du�3 ar•r!tbc receipts evidencing Grantor s payment Grdntor c�idl defe�d ,��•-`��-
<br /> i titie to the Pro�rty ag�.i.�t:�cay clairs th�t wpu'�imp�ir.the Gen of this Secwity Instrument.Graator agee�tn zssig� '�•.�'�. �
<br /> - 'j `�''p�`� � k� (',r' ' "._
<br /> '• ;� to Lender,as request:.�tsy:..eccr'r.r.,ast�c�t}1.�'s.elaims uc defenses Grantor may have against parties who�r��?�labor ?,
<br />.. :{ or mateaials Eo mai�t�:in ar i�Y:�r•t►v�e tta:.L�`.;ficarty. .�I�r`���,r,,,r,_.�
<br /> � g p��,y�,g @R EN�dlD�Hlil�,'°I�T.Lettder may.at iu option,declare the entire balance of the Ssc�ed Debt to
<br /> �{ be immediaU.Gy d�arJr�nayab7�u�n the creation o�or contract for the creation of.any lien,encumbraare,tcansfer ri.,. c.? • _
<br /> •��;... .�`,.'r..:. ,....� ' :;, ..`�,
<br /> or sale of th�Paa�r:rty.Thir rig�t is subjeet to the restriztions imposed by federal la�v(12 C.F.R.591),a:,.,�lica6le. ,5,f��,,_� , ,F-
<br /> . This cavec�a�:sb:3iJ n�vrit�•the Property aad shali remain in effect unlil the Secured Debi is paid iu G�J��an�this 1 '•r>�_� ; � , i��==
<br /> Security instau�.�ot i�reteased. �i�,�;,,
<br /> ,�, 10� PIiOPEFlTY C�1`Y�I'�GtDN,ALTCQG#TI�NS AND [N9PECTQON.Grantor will keep the Propeny in good ��::, -
<br /> co�ditio�ancl m�k� aD1 rc:g,3irs that are reasonably necessary. Grantor shall nat commit or alloR sey�vaste, ° `'��
<br /> imQ�airmxr�t,or et�t°.�irccar.b.cw oi th�Propert}+.Grantor will keeP the Property fiee of noxious weeds,�r,ei!�-asses. �.::`,_
<br /> Gran�7 a�ees tt,at tEua c�3t�u-a of the occupancy and use will not substantiaity d3:�nge without Lender's�:r.i.�r��:itlen , :,�._
<br /> � ca�Mser��.Ci�,r.;�♦:/�n,i�.�^,:.u.t.,�trsr5t anJr change in any licenw�,restr,ctive covenant or easeraent without Len4er's prior _..�"'�
<br /> R� ,.,•`lyPli yr�i.LSCY�I..�1{µILI:c•�ctih motify Lender af all demands,praceeding.s.cfaims,and actions aao?�t Grantar,aud oP. �� _
<br /> ? any lcc�s as cla�^.a�e ta�L•�i��t�a�SRY• �.�- "'
<br /> j� Lr_�ti or L.enc'rr's a{�cnt,g•snay,at Lender's opiion,enter the Property at any reasonaS��s�e for the purpose of ��'#' c�'�
<br /> r�1+';��'•�v.. .
<br /> � in..p�:cting the Ptopsrtq a.4.�ender shall give Grantor notice at the time af ac t?efore a:� inspectioa specify�ng a s,�,. ,�.�:�-�-'� '
<br /> ' reasa:�a�'¢puip�ose foc.t�r; inspection. Any inspecuon of the Property shall Gc entir�Fp� v��r Lende�'s t►°.nefit and • ���i;::. ;�„.,�:.. .-.';�'
<br /> QrFUrtr,r_tiuii�in no aayre'.y an Lender's inspection. ' � • �YU�,. .,'-"
<br /> : �':`'•.�..��_.
<br /> . .., 4:-�.+r i anO,�Yla°,� __
<br /> ; 1L AN1Z3O1113"Y•7yID PERFORM.If Grantor fails to peirform any duty or any of the cc°+��yants contained in this - -- �,
<br /> ; 3ecur,it};�:nutu►uar,t„Lender may,without notice.perform or cause them to be performed.�rantor appoints Iw:ndee �==.-�-.-
<br /> s aa at?:�r�ay.irz�Eact to si Grantor's name or a an amount necessa for rformance.Lendei s ri t to edorm for �r�
<br /> �;__..
<br /> $a P Y Y r9 Pe P�► P .�,�
<br />, i. ra7.rtti:r.t•shc�lt not•creat:an obligation to perfor�and Lender s failure to perforro will not preclude Lender from . :�
<br /> � 4�ercising an f of Lendee y other rights under the!a�ar this Secudty Instrument.If any constsuction on the Property u _ ��-�mt�v-�r
<br /> =+�.�v�-----
<br /> 3iscon£�_�iic�i�r not casried on in a reasonable mannc�.Lender.rrzay take all steps necc-s:�::.ry to protect Lender's �--•_;,•-,=..
<br /> ,�i ,ecurity invtr.�t in the Property,incluch:�g completion of the ca_r��r:.ttion. '" �-��'�%'�'����"``��
<br /> : ,�:•�.� .
<br /> 17;. i46SIGNMEIVT OF LEA��'Si A1VD�N I'S•G r a,�:-�s irrevoca b ty gran u,conveys an d s e l i s t o T n i s t e e.i n t r u s t f.o r t h e M,���y`��,:_�_.�
<br /> � t�s��nefit of Lender.as add�innal security all tt�e ri�����z�tle artd interest in and to any and all existing or futare leases, �,t,;;�•.,,.,.,,...,,,:.: :,.;,o,
<br /> . i xableases.and any other•a,Titten or cerbal2b.-e�r.:�e�cs for the use aad occupancy of any portion af tL-e Property. .;�,•';,���'���- � �
<br /> � t _.�:
<br /> inciuding any extensions.renewals,rr_od.�catioas�:snbstitutions of such agreements(all referred to as"Leases")and -
<br /> rents, issaes and profits(all referred tv as"Rents").Grantor wil! promptiy provide Lender with true and canect -.- - __
<br /> copies of all existing and future Leases.Grantor may wllett,receive,enjoy and use the Rents so lon�as Grantor is not �z==� .�,;�,F=
<br /> in default under the terms of�his Security Instrutne:�. �`` '
<br /> �;�:.,`�}r,�;4�s��::... _
<br /> �:rrantor aeknotvted es that this assi rttent is rf�xx:.d u n the recordin r,t chis Deed of Trust and th�t Lendcc i�s �.,4;r�;.;,, ; ��=
<br /> 8 P� P� Po � ±?�t;�'�.:�d'.::•.:�-.:.:
<br /> entitled to natify any of Grantor's tenanu to make payment of Rents d�se ez to bewme due to Lender. Howev�r. - ___
<br /> I.ender agrees that only on default will Lender notify Grantor and Grantur's tenants aad rnalce demand that all futur� __.�-_"
<br />,;.;;�;,�� Rents be paid directly to Lender. On recciving notice of default. Grantor will endorse a:�-.3.deliver to Lendcr any '��• _ � ,
<br />;s�+`�;� .r.a y m e n t o f R e n t s i n G r n n t a P s p o s s e s s i o n a n d will receive an y Rents in trust f�or Lender�r_�,yvill not commingle the ' ��..
<br /> [2ents wit9�any other funds.Any amounts callected will be applied as provid�d ia t!;is Secnrity Instn.^�:�^t.Grantor z���.,. .;
<br />