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<br /> Upon rscd� of p�yment 0f tite prlce bid, Trustee�a�! defjvee io th� p�rr6ass�' Trustee's d�d coarey the _ �._.
<br /> ' Pr�acaty.'i4te recit�Ls tei the 7'r�stee's d�d shall he prtmn fade eti�idern€e oi the twth af the st�it����`��� __
<br /> Teastce sba(1 uggtY the Psaceeds of t[t�saie in tlie fat9ovr[eg order:lu)to ail ws�s ttnd e�p�sQS �
<br /> sai2�s�atl the ss�ie.lncTu�tke pa,yatemt of t�e Trustee's fc�actualiy incumed.not to e8ceed --
<br /> af tt�prdciciFa9 u�unt of the Qute nt ihe Bme af t!+.dQrlarattoa of defaalb end reawnabSe ut4oraeys'Cc�s�s�:tmti4e�9 �-_-
<br /> by taw:N1 to a!1 snms s2cared by thts�ecarity Im�mment;and(c)uny exeess to 4he peysfln or pe�ns tegaily ea�[tled W =-
<br /> h. —
<br />� 2Z. B�a�vey�e, Upon payraent of all sums secured by this Security [astrument. L'xnder shaiD request Trustes tfl =
<br /> recanvey the Properry and shail surrender tl�is Security Lisuument and�11 aotes evi�encing debt securad bY this Set��i2Y --
<br /> �� [asteument to Tcustee.Trastee shall t�convey the Froperty withaut aarranty and without charge to the persoa or gersons legalIy -
<br /> • entided to it.S�cch peison or persons shall pay any rcconlztisa costs-
<br /> . �3,gn �+;uYe Tr¢stee. Lender. at iu optinn. may fcom time to time r�nove TrusteQ and appo�nt a succ�unr tnutee to `.
<br /> siny Tnistee appninted hueuader by an ins4iument recorded in the caunty in wttich this Seivrity Instrument is recordad.PJithout
<br /> � ooriveyunce of the Property.the suoczssor vuste�shall suoceed to ap the tid¢.pativer and duties conferred upon Trustee herem —_-
<br /> � a�tsy apPlicable tatv.
<br /> ?q.B�ue�4 for Nat�ce9. Bonower re4uests d�at coPies of the natioes of default sind sale be sent to Boarower's address �.
<br /> ♦vtvch is the f�mperty Address.
<br /> ' 25. �R:�ers to tt�is Seca�ity tnsl+'amen�ff oae or mors rideis are exec�►ted by Bormv�er aad recorded together with t�is -
<br /> gecurity InsuumeQi,the oovenants an�agieements of each such rider shall be imorporated into and shaU amer.d and sappieraent ��•
<br /> tke coven2ats 3nd agreemeats of this Seausty ie�tmment as if the rider(s)weie a part of tlus Security Insuument_
<br /> [Check appliv�ble 6ox(es)i = -
<br /> �Adjut7able Ftate Sider Q Ca�omittiiun[tider ❑ 1-4 Family Rider
<br /> . []�radutued Pttymettt Rider 0�Iazu'ted Uait Development Rider ❑�iweekly Payment Rider �s�°`:_
<br /> (�Bulloon I3idat T�ate Improvement Rider ❑��ond Home Rider =_—
<br /> — Q V.A.Rdor �Other(s)[sp�cif3+1 . o
<br /> BY SI�PJINd BE�TAW.Borrawer acce�pts and agrees to the terms and covenants conta6ned in this�ca3rity i�stnur�ent and _
<br /> ; � - in an}+ridens)exec+tte�by Batz�aer and reoorded with it.
<br /> .,; Witn�ses: '
<br /> ..�:' .Gf�w.! (3eat)
<br />�;;,,. ESB
<br /> .r -$ott+ou�T
<br /> .z —
<br /> .,ti „
<br /> �--',3 SS � -Sortnwer —
<br /> 'i
<br /> ($Ca�� �$l'ii�)
<br /> �. . .Bomawc� -8ott+ower
<br /> � �
<br /> � STATLQ)F�NCBg'u,�o-.SKA. AALL Countyss:
<br /> � ���ii�R���"�►�$t!�'��"�Dl1i��All�l���me this 3� day of OCTq�ER , 1996
<br /> by � " Ci$AND T�LANID r NEHRASKA � -:-.
<br /> ��i�ness my hand a�id notarf:•�!:!:�eal at in said Coanty.the date aforesaid;
<br /> '" � � ' �..�/t� /� �-•f
<br /> i� My�'�+mmission Expires:
<br /> ' ' . - ,�j`;�.l,�t:�Tf.9T•Si9tta11fl011S1i N0�'Public
<br /> ' :,; � . 8' OAYiD F.Q0ltMEN --
<br /> � � Mf�aEq��L�.2G00
<br /> ' :'4�f .
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<br /> wc.e or e Form 317w�. 9h30
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