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<br /> � ... . . ' .. . - —"
<br />'� � ApPL# 001-60802006 f --^ _- .-- '-,ti:-
<br /> ML# 0000000000
<br /> 1-4� F��4Y��ER 9� ��`�9�'� .� � -. ; -.. _ __�
<br />_; --,,�=-- -- ---- -
<br /> 2ND � Of OCfOBSR � 1996 ,SIId iS :"' -
<br /> THIS 1-4 FAMII..Y RIDEI3 is�de this Y .. . ,S`••
<br /> inc�pmased ia3a and shaIl�deamed m amrnd and sugp�ent tt�lvtortga�e,Beed of Trast ar Seairiry Deed(thE _ _.:;,,.,.,.�,-.�. :
<br />- •geauiis,InsuumenP')of tDe same date given by the��(thz"�armwe�')to s�ue Boaower's Not�to , ' ",�_r=:�,�'s';
<br /> .�e�:. =sc::1:;a,�-..
<br />. ,��-`==' T------
<br /> HONi� FSDSR�6Y+ SAVAdtiB � IAAN AS$OCIATION OF tiRADID ISI.i�PID a 'r`ra'�=--
<br /> dp,4,.:-.- -
<br /> _�.:
<br /> (1�18�..Q��i`� •:�e.:�,: -
<br /> A d�i1��ID l$v�ECiF31Ly�ii..�UIIIIt'�I2i'it�ZOCct1�EL _.''�;5'`_{s''_=�`--
<br /> of the same dale?rtd oav.�g dt„��anf `a � w
<br /> ,
<br /> ��.�
<br />' ;� 2522 4S6ST �C� ;£,+jsl��'s} ', ,t,.r`'°�cf ,-
<br /> �<" QF1�6L`17Z �Y=F,:.^�:. �i13�ffi'a fi8803 ���"����f�,r .���,� `l_
<br /> E�.�:af: � �r.;. f ,�/�r*!3� �:
<br /> w� • p� 1<}s.o ,�y'}�
<br /> y _F����x 2 y�F. +r:
<br />�.�.,^ t . f��� Sf;�47�('7r Yi"' .
<br /> 1-4 FIlR�.Y��'�AI�fR,"II�. �a�s�z,�2,�,he•s:,�«�ss��;.a�.r.�rcaar�"�i�::�S�=��'.4.'� .S �. ;;'- < :�����t_�;:-
<br /> ;:i Bormwa and Lender fr�thear eati��:m��.'*�s�s��`�'s ,: � ' '�s.�'�t:,'-',:
<br /> - A.ADDITIONAL PItOP�F'fl`�P S`Q�'��'d"+�3'� � ' IPiST�t�JR�'�. Yn at��i� ia c� �,;;�,�,�,
<br /> -�-�:,..
<br /> Pmparty de�m the Seauity Iastrumeat,t2�fn�cviag it�s ate added w the Propercy�,�d sbaD ";:°'-'-'�'=---
<br /> aLsa constimte dte Yrape�ey covesed isy the 3eaocin►Instcumz��bn�g mataials,aPPI'raaoes and guo8s snf every -
<br /> namre whatsoever nnw or hraeaftea lorated in.an.ar ased.or�L�ded w ire nsed'm connesxion witb t�a�topertY, �
<br /> inr.tnding,but aot limited w�ihase for the gv�osrs oY supplying ar disOdbuti�g heating,000ling,ekcorici�tY•F�
<br /> watnt,ait and tIght,5ra iueveat�n ead e�3nBuishin8 app�s�'tY and aooxss cantrol aypatasns,plumbing,
<br /> 6n�tnbs.aarrr 6eatus,waus ctosets.si�s�ranges�stave9.refrlge�awrs.dis�►washas.disposals.washas,dsYc�s. .
<br /> �w�Ings.cwim wfndawa.swta�doo�s.scaeea�s.blinds.sbades.Ctutains ead c�um3n mds.�ttacbed mirm�s.cabimeis.
<br /> p�oliing and ail8ched tloar c�vcaings noa an c�rtaftet ati�ched ro 91t8 P�►�P�Y. ¢Il of wAicG. includ�►g
<br /> te�t�ta aad aQ6itlans�h�eifl�shaU Da derancd m be and re�ain a part ot the�topesty wvaed by tha Secarity - �
<br /> aQa
<br /> I�tr,:ra+em.AI!oY the fotegoing to�hrr witb tha�peaty de�cai'bed in tha Securiry Ins�uneat(ar tbe kaul�old `�'
<br /> lt�BTD��(hB S�ity IA..�T iS O�8 IE85i110� �C ZEfsif�0d W IA tbi9 1� Fe�ily Ii�87l,$th8 SCpffl[y ~
<br /> I�IIDti1f1Q1183!�C"PId�.° LD Of II18{T� 8
<br /> B�.USE OH PROPL�i'Y;COMPLIANCE WI'i'�I LA'f�. Baanwea shall not seek, ag�cee
<br /> c�anga m the ase of the�raperty or e��maing classsi'6catIo4 unl�as Len�ar I�aBreed in anhiag w the chz�ga r-,_-�-�=—
<br /> B�irc�a.��x ahall camp�y with aU lawa, urdi�es, reguiadon3 aiut i'eflnirem,mts of any govemmenml body _ �°`
<br /> g _��--
<br /> ' S�11Et1'bZ6 W t$CPIOpRty.
<br /> C.SUB08I1INATE L�i3. B�caept ag pamitted bY federallaw,Barower sha11 ao2 s'ilt�sv�y�a�nfeaint
<br /> ArithoutI�e.ts�rr's�wr�+��a ���;�"==�g-=-- -`
<br /> ttr tlw S�vriiy Itu�oment tn be pesfeettG ag,ainst Qie P�oge�y► "��'.�;:_ ��---
<br /> ' 1D.REi�P�LOSS YNS�J�tANCE. Bormwu st�11 ma�ttam uu�uance&gn�s+t ta►s l�ss�n�o�q the othet �,.•,,ri
<br /> . har.ptdo Eaa wmch insutaace 3s r�by Unifazm Covmant 5. __ " ��r_
<br /> � G°B�OWER'S�IQrHf'a'O LY�IS�Aq'E"DFd.EI'ED. LTnifam Covea�r.n Il$is deleted.
<br />