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<br /> I .
<br /> .:� 16.Barrozs�¢e�'s Ca�y. Horm�r�r shall hegrerea one oonformed capy af die Note and of Wis Security Insuwnent • _
<br /> ;?� 17.Tran�Tt�of tihe Prop or a�eaef'�al�nterest in Bor�wer. If all ar any part of the Propeity oz aay int�rescwithout •
<br /> .� �td cr��(or if a ben�cial mterest in Boirowea is sold or transfeaed and Bozrower is not a nan�al pe:son) - .
<br /> Lender's pai�avisten conseat,L.ender may.at its aQrian,m,�luire imme@iate paymeut in full of al!sums s�by ttus S�
<br /> -� Instrn�i.Noacv�,thi4 aption shall nflt be exc�cued by Leuder if exercise is p3ohbiltd bY fed�al law�s of dte date of this ; .
<br /> 'J1 Secariry Ia�arumt��. �
<br /> If I�r ea�ercisas ihis op�nn,Lender sltall gn+e BaaQwea notice of a^sxePeralion.'lhe norice shall piovide a 'ud of aoi less
<br /> n ��s�:�r
<br /> thffn 3�d�Y$�n igce date the notice is detiveseci or ac2�ed witlun wrt�.�airowea L��ma m�a�y�P�tt� - -- ------- -
<br /> ,s:� ��cer���IP Bt�ow� to gay these sums priAr tn the eapua�ion a8 tir�periad. Y _ ' : .. ,� .
<br /> " by ch�S�ity tasavme�i�.' aut fartj�,er ffiatice� Bmmwer r . - -;,.-
<br /> 1 1�.ii�srr's Rig�3. ��state.,,L�.���.�� oeatain oonditians, �aaawer sl�all 6ave t8e �ght m 6ave • . .. . ..
<br /> � � ed 2 t time prior w she ear��e aL- (a) 5 daps(or s¢sh a�puiad as
<br /> = enfo�emeAi af�his S Ir�qe��.�.�4.
<br /> � sgplisab!,�}aiw m3y specify �sal�o�e Rnpeaty p�suant w an��cswer af saTe r.a��ed"ci t�is Secunty ;''+ '
<br /> ' • T. ,�' .
<br /> ,a I n s t r u m�a�a s(b)�Y o f a j u d g m e at enf�g t�iv S e c u r i t y InsGtum�a.'Ihose condiSons aze st�Se�ccr-�r:(a)pays Leadea all , ,. ...,Y.. �
<br /> e
<br /> '` sums c��ttr.�w�nld be due under this�..�ly Instrumeat a a d t h�Note as i f ao a c c�e�a t i o a�fl o c u�d;(b)c�e s a�Y :<4�A���+k
<br /> " s a l l i n[�i n e n f o s c�g t h i s S e c u m t y JasOrum�n4�dm g„�'�3 . .. `x . :
<br /> defavll�f�y�.i�r coveom�ts or a�t�tc)PaY e�s� ,. �,:,;.
<br /> ecnt Ii���.ir.�.�oaable attnmeYs'fee�and(�talces su c h acaon as L+�e.�r a maY r e a s o n a b l y i e q�i r e w a�a e t h a t�r e L•.e a u f t i�s �.,,,,.�,
<br /> .t:w �Zjr I n.�r„��� r.e n a e a's r i g ri t s i n r h e P r o p e n y a n d B a i m w e a's c�3i�t i ofl w p a y the s�mns securea ny rlus seauity : •; ��-�.;l.
<br /> ''%�`� Ins�t s�a11 a�tinue anch�ged Upon re�st�te�neni by Baauzar�.�is S� Insunment and the o�+l'� se�ed _
<br /> � .a.,. .�.,.....
<br /> �; �Z^�y�all r��Y effecave as if no acreleaatinn h a d o o c u a�.����,t h i s n t t o reins�te shall not a P F�Y a t�e�cwc _ .,.��.�. -_:
<br /> ' �oet�2nv�a�P�b 17. ' , j `� `-
<br /> � i�.Ssla cd ATdte:C��aC i.oan ServIoer. The Y�u� os a p�ai intgz� im the Note (toSether.cri� t3�s Secau�y � , c.;
<br /> < ��al)msY�e sold o�e�r�e oimes without pritx mamr�e to Bairowaz.A���suit in a c6ange sn ti�c�:riy(l�aown `�,r-. . � '.,�,;��.
<br /> I:; �d+.r�°Im�S�vicer'7�i a.��mor.thlY PaYments dtte cutdet the Na W�����t"c'�,^"�i'Ihere ►�eaa?be one or :y,�r�:.� ` •�.� ,;�r v
<br /> ��.s�I��avice.r,��wer wU�e °*:%;���r� .�
<br /> m n r e ch�of tite t.oan Sessixr uuael�as a sale uf ttee�Iot,e.If tit�.e is a�g �� ,
<br /> <Y�r ,sivep a�rit�n nnnse of the change in�A�i s h pa�ap h 1 4 a b�a�;a n 3 r�a L.J,��.'�r�m�u a r w i ll s ta r a t b e n ffi n e a a:�. - ' �;��,�!<
<br /> y r�% ad.�.i^ess crS tbc new Loan Sr�vicer and:��dr����h payaieAts�`vzsi3��:i�.:TSn r�aiws�1 atso contain�ny at� � '"�� ���1;t�; ,
<br /> •;�ti� �E�D�roquie�edbY..�'Lysablelaw. .Y,,s;t� ;''-'.'�',�,�����•
<br /> , ,t,_ s.
<br />- '"�` �;i.Hexar6mm�Sab�. Bmrow��.� r� ^a�se �petmu We �r�.:�. ��''kd., sDOrege.or release o�� ;.'�;, J`�'��`--
<br /> tiy� E�d�s�s S't►bs�n�es on Qa�c�e Propeaty.B.,.�a-»,z s�lE���n.�c�ir_m�:��:�c���-?r�ing af€�crin$ �r � ;�;;5 '
<br /> ,`.'� c:�ia c�vi�of an�r F�vironma►tal I.F+�.'T��^�g twa s��s s�all ne3�:c�rlm.��.use,ar s�e a��e i ;:,�,�
<br /> !. Pc�a�ty�4�1 qoai►tit�es of Ha�ardoas Substa.�^s�s rJ�at�gx�,,,1�37����e�-":�a�aormzl n�'�..._...r��' ,�:,E� _;::":i t�`
<br /> `;f� �e►S�m�"v►]t�+ace of the Pmpe?tS►• .:,�,�', .
<br /> II�airow�r sball pmmP�Y S�ve Lendes wriitca noti�t�any "vrvestigation.alaim, demand.tawsttit os ot��n by a�ty .��, 5� ':,�,. ; . .
<br /> - gov�mtt�tsl�regnlanory a gc,acy or pm�ate PartY mvolving the Pmpeaty ancl any Ha7atd�as Snbstanoe or Eav�nmeatal I.aw
<br /> of ww�i:b Bnnower has s c t a a l l mow l e dge.If Boirawer l e az n e.o r i s n n ti f i e d b y a n y g o v e�n m e a t a l o r r e g a l a t a ry a u i h a a i t Y,t h 3 i a A y - ;_
<br /> remova]aQ atbar remediarion of aay Ha7ardons Substance affecdng tha Fmpecty�s n�yr.Boaowea shaU prnmptly take all � �: ;
<br /> �y rezi►�dial earans in�dat�ce witb Eavaotuneatal Law. � .. •:'� �.� �, ;
<br />���: ::f'. As cmatl in thi.a pa�ag�syb 20,"Ha�dous Subs�ces" are[hose substanoes defined ag wxic or naz�edoas substauces by .. �
<br /> �--•--- Frodocx�, ���:_�... :
<br />_._:=� �,.n„��,�sss! Lar: :s� the follawing substanee� gasoline, Icemseue� ath� ftammab3e or maic petroleum xg toxlc +�_
<br />� pe�ici3��u�t�crbicides.eoiatle solveats.materials containiag asbesoo9 or fammldebyde.anA�adio�ctive matenals.As�sed ia
<br /> � ��Z0."Eavimnmennl l$vu"inrans fc�al taws and iaas oi tt�e jurisdicti�on ahae the Fropaty is locatcd tt�t refate �,. ,,
<br /> ��% w�fb.�fray ar envlronmental protectioa. __
<br /> .� 1tiaK U?�IIzORM COVENAN'I'S.Boimwer attd L�der fu�thu cav�tt 8nA e�gcee a9 folbwa � . :�e,
<br /> ;' 2f.O,car3e�tbn;R�edi�.LemdPr shaD�ve aotiee to Bonower prlor to aoaekra�s to0awing Bunower's brr�ch ot '''�-
<br /> .:j-� a� c�+nvm�ut op agre��t fn this SuoriII9 �nsb'�men4 (but �at primr to Acce]tsntion under P�al�Ph 17 n� �i�:—�
<br /> -`' r aPD���D�vidts otherwise).TP�e nodce seaD specity:(a)t�e detaatt;(b)f�e acvoo reqWred w c�e tbsQd'iu�itj(c> 6 i:`-'�"�`�"°�'_-•` -
<br /> ,,. . . s,r-;-m--��'_-
<br /> a date,nnl Iras Wan 30 daye fmm t�e date the notdae�S g[vm to Borro�tr,by w1�tcL the dcfaalt mast be cared:�nd(d) `�-_-w.== __---_-
<br /> i tbat ta4nre to eure tDz ciefaadi on or bsfare the date spertfied fn the noiloe may regalt in poa7tratlon otlhe sa�sec�ed �i�,:`°_�_•_- ��
<br /> � py t�S�ev�t8y Instrumtnt aud sW�e af t6e 7'�e ao4loe s1�a11[�ar ioform Borr�vrr o�the rtghZ tn er�te �F ��"F?��"-°
<br /> :F au �'oD�7• ,•,:.-.
<br /> t ��� K� Rk�?�l.;�i, �.
<br /> afttr�3m�tion�nd We right to 6r1m�a eamrt�etbn to acstrt t6e�aoa�euE��¢ea�e o?a defan�2 or any ath�detesse ot �.;.;�trl,w�wy-;;�..,,�__-
<br /> B�rmzav to uscekratio�and sale.It the dttaatt tv not a�red oa ar betore the dau specif'Kd in ths notdoe,Y endes.at its '�"��s�, ,��,,".--
<br /> �;;;,,•.
<br /> oPt�,mDl�uire imme�tate paymeat tn taD ot�D wms aec�ed B't6is S�rartt9 In�a�a��vfthant t�tthher de�.�fl _;�:;, r'�_��``�
<br /> ,.,�.,� ..
<br />' a�ud mn�in�a�e the paw�r ot sa1e and any other ramedies Permitted by appfL�abie taw.I.��aD be mtitled to ccti�t °E�;:���� ,,.;'�'-.
<br /> alii exp�atra i�c.�arra�!i�pursaing t6e:emed3es pravided in t�Ip,ar�grap�21,indadyng,Dcs m�4 C�uo,reasoaaDSs ----- ���
<br /> �...,..:.��,__..__.��._
<br /> 9 ^'+Y*'�� ,.
<br /> �jg'EDC.9 8II�C'�Ot��!C9�lnCG ��'�'��.r,.�'��`_
<br /> If tDr prsaver of sate is i�olce�t,Trosta sh�reeord a notice of ddtntt in eae8 oo�u."Q m wbicb s�ny part of tht
<br /> �+epeN�i�s 9o�tea afld sma�m�oopizs of�ac2�nottce in t�e mana�prascribed by appliaiNi�Ilaw to Botrawer and to ths .--*�e�.sr-z..,��-�-
<br /> »! -
<br /> atRmr pa�presc�'bed by applknbte�aw.After tbe time requtred by appVicabk is►w,�s�U give pr►blic notke ot �'� ��'�'',�-
<br /> �!tv thr y�sons�tn t�c¢znanner presc�Ibed�Oy r�ptica6le iaw 7'aoshG�N�r,nt d�mand on BarroWes.a�sell tht -;.'�. - • � �_�.
<br /> .. Ir'�roy��ry��pnblic onction on�t 6ighest 6ld�er at¢P��dme and p9aa and a���r the terms destgnnted in th�notice o!s�e ! :�;.�`,��,-�,�:_�
<br /> ���� �•�
<br /> ,.�,..;,;,.
<br /> Form 8028 G/IIO . , • _
<br /> �-SR�'li�i9z�21.ot Paps em e �nuiata:-_--—- •, ` .
<br /> 4 • � -d',•_r,�'..
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