, :: " ' � , ' , , �� . � .. . . T .
<br /> . r. , - .
<br /> — ,� _ — _--' 4 . ; r- ; .-_-�- - ; . ._ . _..i r. -i - - _��.` --- -� - - ' -- �j = -"''�_ � :_ -
<br /> - •---- - ..�_.t...-__•__-._ ^'�_ . ' .._-- ` � __ . .... ..._...__ .. _. .._ .. �. . . .�rf .. . . -
<br />; �� �V S��I , � '°, ' � i . ._
<br /> S.Herard or P�aDerty Insuraa�a Bonow�shatl ke�p t�e im�rovementa now w�i�g or her�atter erected on Q� • � . •�• =`�_
<br /> i�s u r e d againsl t�ss b y G r e.h a�r d s includrd witfiin�ha trrm"eacte�dsd coves�ne" end�ny othc�hazcu�,inelu�ing r' `
<br /> floodis�g,fo�wdich 1�der c�q'.asres insutens�e.'I�his�su�ce sh�l1 be maintaiae�in the amounte an d far t he p P a i o fl s�no °`, � _
<br /> requirns.l�e insur3Qce c�srier Orovi�in�th�insivance s8a11 be chasen by Bflm�vet sub�ecs to Lendet's a,ppro _ ; �
<br /> be anseasonably ai�het�. If�oiravyer f�]s tn main�in wveaagtL 3ragtap9� above. Leader msy. at I.endrr's aptifln,obtain ; . '<
<br /> coverage tu pratect Leadra's rig6is in tPee PrapertY in accordance der and sh�?l include a staadard mort,g�e clause.Lendrs sha11 . .
<br /> _ Ail ins�uance Po3icies aad re$�r+als st�all be acce�P g�irower shall pro�P�Y 8ive tn Leada all r�ceiPts of p�td -� - -- -----: .
<br /> have the rigi�t ta hold the Policies aad mnswals.If Lender iequires, �'`, • . . ,
<br /> pre+ainms and r�ewal ao�ces.In the evrnt of tnss,Boamwer shall give Psampt no�ce ta th�u�surance caisia and Lea�dgr.I.eader , ,
<br /> .. may at�ge�oaf af Lvss if not m�d$p�on►p8Y bY Baimwar. ���lied w r�sto�ation as repair of the • .. ��
<br /> U�2ess I�er u�d Baaowa a�erwise a�ee ia writim8,msutauce pmceeds . . . _ ..
<br /> p�erty damaged.if the restnr�nn os r�a�is economicaIIy feas�L°sad Le�dea's�caIIity is not l����the�sums '. � _ --_
<br /> repaa i�aot e�on�m�EY • s woald be lessQaed.tt�insivanse Pror�s " , _- -
<br /> . secnrod by th�s Sec�i T feas�.r ar�ar not then dise. witb a�►Y exc+ess P���v�o.�°�O�e a claim,the� . :",".""4�'
<br /> ry .�.��,.�........ ... .
<br /> cri�5in 30 da a nofice ftom Leader that dsr iasutan c-:�"Y,a.
<br /> pmpPaty,or does r,oi answ� YS � er resta�the Propgsty or to P�y sams seco�+ed ,�'.�-,��'�.
<br /> I,eader may coRect tre�rsar�nce Proc�d.s-Lea�1�°ay Use the pioceeds ce� ;:,�"', ,°-=��
<br /> 6 wh�ea the norioe is givm. •
<br /> I�strnm�t,wheihea ar not ti�n due.'l�e 30-day periai w�U i�eg� rio , ..` --
<br /> � by t�s Sec�ity an Sicatinn of piaceeds Princ�pal shall not eadea��postQone .'���
<br /> Unless L�a�er and Ba�aawer atherwise a�e m�S Y� tO ��
<br /> �.'� paymeuts.If aadea paraB�aP ,
<br /> t�e c2�cbte of�monthly paymEnL�refesred to ia paragaaFhs 1 anA 2 or c6ange the amount of the ��e tn the ��� �',
<br /> ms�sz.ros licics and procx�ds�alt�B �:�`:;:.,
<br /> :� 21 the Prap�°��:� �1��Y�der,Bo�uwer's right ro any �° ,�b this S�writY 1ns�raeat immediateIy .. .�'�. . � �;:
<br /> scquisiti,�n shaII pass m3 L�d�r w t'�attent of t��rs sea... Y •f.f..�`�A�,.""�,�;�',;```
<br /> ;;�r �P�►Y P��c'� � ;•:'•�.';, :�':��;�'`'
<br /> .' pr�s tn the ar.�w�on aasl�n!th�Propzrty, ��a�'s Lo�n APPlie�t��L�seh° ::#;�.��f`:f<<�'�r� ,r<,.,
<br /> �n �.�.
<br />.,:' p PreservfiCi�,Ma�ntEnaa� ��rvithin sbctY daYs afrea t�e tixecutian of ;��:���r �.�..�t!�•f�_
<br /> Bu�vw��PY.e��'�.aad use the Property<s IEi�c�aawe='s purunc3pal t;?% t'.`�f,,•,"'tthi
<br /> o n��•s ��for at least oae yeaz afur the ,�`�;,, ��J,
<br /> Uus Seeuriey In..��ent and shall contmue�accupy the��tY as Boao �t be unm,�sanably withfiet�,or unZe�s •+'A'; .��4�`,.:`;r��:�=',
<br /> d3?e of uccu�^�'l, anIess i�er otheisv�ss �grrees m ��S•wh4ch�nsent�y,t destsoy.damaSe or img�r the Propcatg, �.:•:.�;``•':.:'F-`�� r �.� F
<br /> �g �'s conuol. ` '•���•��
<br /> , �g�e�whicL are yond Borm , Boaowra s'�a�H�i n d e f a u l t i f a n Y forf�acti�an � .�z+�`"''."�'�•_.;,a�:' .
<br /> s,Itsa�tt�Pre'�3' m��as oommit waste a� ttee�faith d �h �.;
<br /> • �,�w av�1 c�r er�cm�1,is begun t�a�in it���a Ja S�t�result iu foafdmre o��e�Y�T , �rr:;: '•� �.
<br /> / ��rf�� a }�� }��� �{/•�,.,�Q,�.� Inst�ur�at as I.��r's s�7int;eres�Burrowe�r�acc9��sac3�a f�r�Y�'�, � .n:
<br /> '�'Y,�4r �W+�Li���Y..��UGl!�"J •���.a�7Pr�`ty W W��4l a�g�I ffi �•I� ^ �
<br /> .�'''-;, :i��;i and�as provided in Pa��'a�'h IS.bY caus�8 the ac�on as�n8
<br /> i�u►�ea's gao�fait�determlaa�an,P�ecl�s f�feiUUe of the Borrower's m�a�t in the F�a�Y aT�hrr m3Letia]impaimar.at of _�'�` :.,-
<br /> intcres�.Bosowea s8sa1��iw bs in de�ilt if Barro�vea,d�uing the . �,
<br /> , dcc lien�ated by this SeCa�itY Tns��eut ar I.eadvr's seauity e. . �! - ;;�� .
<br /> w w
<br /> ,, laan applicaiion�ocess.Save mate�a129 false ar in�ocaratz�a�o���O Leu�es(or fait�d to grovide Latder with q�:,,:;� ,
<br /> tarians `
<br /> - � any mau�ial i n fo3maiiun) ir►c o n n x c d o� w i t h t h e t o a n evideaced b y t h e N a t e. incl�+�in�.lnrt n j�4im��d�o�wer •'{tR� �
<br /> ' concaning Baaower's accupancY of the Pmperty as aprinapal residence.lf thLg Security►Iasuumen ���+�"-.'' ,.
<br /> . shari camply wish all the grovisions of the kase.If Hanower acquires fee tittle to the ProPertY,the leayehoid and t�e fee tit2e sha11 •�;;�
<br /> not merSe�mless I.eadar agrees w the merger m writing. ts�ntained fin - -�''
<br /> . 7.Ptottctfu�o!l.eudar's ltlghb in tIIe Property. If Bomawer fa7s tu perfarm the cuvenauts and a�e� ;a.,;_
<br /> . . this Soc�ity Instsameut,ar th�e is a Iegal proc,e�edin8 tt�as e�ay signifiCantly affoct Lender's rigbts in the YraPa1Y(s�as a — � y,� -
<br />' , '.� psoceedin8 in baniauP�Y,P�b�for ooade�nna8nn or forfeiuue ar to eafo�e lawa or ngaladons),theu Leader may do and pay - ,,._�N�
<br /> '� t�.e valme of tice I�mPatY and I.easde�r's rights in the Propeny.Le.�►da's actions may inc�iuda �'��
<br /> . �`;:'. for wLaLeves is ne�5►�F�� pver thi9 Se�ultY Insuumcat,app'�ns ffi caut.P�Y�S�� ____ --
<br /> . p4ying any smns secmred by a liea wh'sch bas prioritY h 7.Lwdu � _.-.�__,��.,�_.
<br /> attnme}►s'fees an�ea►termg on the Propeity to malce re�s.Nd�gh Leuder may to�action under ttus paaagiap �'�._�-
<br /> ,';�. tei
<br /> �� `' does not Lave to do so. �'`'`�`:"
<br /> 7 shall become additinnal debt of Borroaver sec�e�3 by this Seca�iry
<br /> 'f`�� --- -
<br />.,.;4y;��ii Any amounts disburseA by I.euder amde,s t�is y�� these amomits shall b�ar inteiest from the date of .-_.�.�._-
<br /> � Irswment Unless Botmwer aad Leadet a�e tn o•�te�tns of paymen¢. _ .--
<br /> � disbursemeut at the Note iate and shall be payable,w:dh�.aPon notice from L��to Bormwer requ�tin8 PaY���- r•�
<br /> � 8.MortgaSe Iacurance. U Lc.nder reqused mc�.'�rHz��as a cor��i making th0 toaa secaueol�y d�is Security . : . .
<br /> Le �,Q �nce in effect If,f�anY reason,the .
<br /> '`' I�^orament, Boirower shall Day th�premiums r�ia maintain the mortg2,;..` �
<br /> s�ar�eases w be in effett.Ba�mwer shall pay the ptemiut�c►s req�e� ��1
<br /> ;1;`;'�� r...ortgage insurance coveaage required by Lender iaps at a cost su6srandally equiwal�ut tn the ����-�—
<br /> a�:�:h�;;1 �ga8 a to tbe mo�;�inauiance�eviously in effect. ��
<br /> .�,;;'?,:',� �btafia covernge substant'rally equivaten ved by Leadet.If . ^� �'::�..::. .'
<br /> � �,st w Borrower of the mrs.�age Ins�isance yrevcoz�.'�i�►effect,from an a1te��sue moitgaga ins�uer appro �� �.. _ --;r.
<br /> ��tanti�alty ecluivalent rcc��a insu�ce cove:age ns�t availabte.Boaow��1�Y tn Le�der exh mo�h a sum egnal to -:�
<br /> lt d b Borcower wi��insivance co�ern8e�psed ar ceaseA W � ,;- , �
<br /> one�twelfm of the yearlY�ortgaSe�u��c Pre�inm�1°�P� Y .
<br /> �,�;i;;:. e�ts as a loss msave in lieu of martgage ins�rance.Loss rese�ve ,_•�_.. y_.
<br /> � be in effoct Lendea w�l accepL use mrdt r�in these paYm �--u���
<br /> . Form 80Y8 S�4ti .. .;���;�-
<br /> ; mum�:— _ '`=:;;:
<br /> � :.. �•Ap(NE�1�2tx1.ot Pay.aofe ' •. . .. .. ..r.
<br /> •.` � —: p.,�' , . . .. . . , . ..':,�a,, �
<br /> � � ' .j�':��.�� . ," ........---�-+•1 , .��. .. . � , . � , . � � �4_r` .- . 1��� 1� _ . � .
<br /> . � . . � . . . �:1''P . � . . , . . -c. � . '1�3�� , � .. . .
<br /> . . . . . - � - ' . _ - j` . . , . • 1,. . ••ri! .' . . �_ �7.h.%..+;?':
<br /> - . � ' . . " . . - - . - � . • • ' ' l�i ���`�-
<br />. . ' ' ,', � ' . ! - � . " � � . . . � i�- � . ;::.• \ —
<br /> • - • i :�{t . i f?-:i --.
<br /> 'r! 'y, ,� . . • 'tf: " . � ,SN t. ,a,.:
<br /> . � . � � ' ' � . • . • '.�;;;' • `i:••=.
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