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<br /> �V"" ��Y a��'4 . -r_ _-��,�-,.=r.�`-- `_
<br /> � (�)All or part of the Pra�erty.or�be�eEdal interest in a tna.st owning aal or patt of the Property,is sold ` . � _
<br /> or othenvi:�s uansferced(atttcr thaa by davise or desAeat).anfl _ �. .
<br /> tii)'Ihe Ft�gx:ty is a�t�pied hy ths jfllf+C�?..�l:s or�ox as hia or her pri�[gal ces'sds;�.or Ehe -- --- - ---
<br /> purchaser or �antee �aes so oca.►py the Properry but his or hu credit h.an aat bam appmvcd in
<br /> -� axordznc�whh tIle ccqaitem�nts of tha Sectetary. _ . :
<br /> (e?Pdo��s�:er.If dra�m�uoes oxur thas wuuld permtt l�ender ts zeqnira�+++�Q�,•P p3y�t in fuU. trut .
<br /> l�i d�es Qnt teqni�e sach paym�m,D.endss 8oss noi waiva its aghts wittt resQect to subssqrrent eveuts- :�--� ::-.�.:�r.:;..�.:-
<br /> . (�Ite�al�tiam oI HiT�Sec�'emr9-ln e�nY a��22tons issued Dy the Secre�y will li�it �,?; . �;;�:�;�,�,.
<br /> I,e�der's r�g�,in the case of paymeat a�efaults.w�u�se im�Faymm�iu full aad forac2ase if not : �_�.A,::�_
<br /> pud.'i�is SerurIry Insorwmeat dncv nat�uharize accaleratioa oi forac2osnre if nos permitie�bl+�5�� . . -_ -�N--_—
<br /> of tIIe Se�tmy. ..:.=-:_- --
<br /> �� (e)1Nortguga Na2 Y�.B�mwer a�es tt�t if this S�rIry Ias�amgnt aad the Nate are aot da�rmi�d ._ _ --�_,�_..
<br /> to be ellgi6le for instu�oe�u the Natiaffel Haasing Ast wIthin 60 daya fmra the due heraof, I.eude� .._,.�Y,�_,��
<br /> may. at its agtIon, reqaire iiamodi�u Pa�►meat in fall of all sums aexu�d by chls Saauity Insnumeru- A " ; :'=--------
<br /> �rriuen sqte�eat of�y�thorjzed�eat of the S�creta�yr dated subseqnent w fA days€mm the daie heaea$ `.::"•��`_•—- .. ,
<br /> ,. : � - . .
<br /> dtclining to ins�e this �aurity Insu�t and tlte Nate, shall be d+e�mad oonslusiva proof of eudt �_�
<br /> 1 �b , ,
<br /> i�tigibility. NutsyitLst�ing t�e foregoing, this oPtion may �t be tx�ciscd by Lenda whm the � �`3= ..�.�;.�'
<br /> -�_.r�.: .�,.
<br /> u�va�7ab�ity of insurauoe is saleiy das w lender's ta�lnre w remit a mortgage iasu�aase gremium to the ----. _ , �*�--
<br /> ,.i. ��. �;-��:.
<br /> ��;•4 10.Rd�.Bonower has a d�t ta be reinstatod if I.�der has cequi�ed immediate paymeat in fiill �_�.-�---.
<br /> ( b�c�sz of Bou��ver's fa�ure w pay an amaunt due aade¢the Note or this Se�rit3►tas�t T6is rig�tt applies ' ?--
<br /> u ��� :_,:,/�..",_'
<br /> •f eveu after foiectas�pmc�diongs are insdtutod. To�e the Saauity Iasuumeat, Bormwer shall te�de�ia a -
<br /> . lnmp sam all ama�is ceqnir�w brmg Bozmwer's a000unt canent inctuding,w the oueut thcy sie ubHgations of - ��-'r:
<br /> Bflnuwer onder tWs Seauity Ia�,for�elosa:e costs and ceasonable a�E castamary utamrys'feea and expcasts ���;- ,
<br /> PioP�i�+associated with the foiorlasuEe pt�cee�ing. Upan ie�t hy Botruwer,this Sa�uity Iastiamcnt and �.;,.: �
<br /> . � thC oGlig�ions that it sec�Shatl te�min ia effect es if F1�e[had u0i Teqni�d ��iar�pay�; �II f�r1L • `. 'S ':
<br /> � '� Howevu. I�wder is aot � w petmit ceimstaaem�uL 'a� (� Lwder �aa aco�t�d re�tate�znt aftFZ U� . ` _
<br /> .. � oommea�oemr,nt of fa�tosa�p�eeedmgs within two ye�s�iatetY Praxdmg the oommr,ne�mmi oY��t •i .� .
<br />,;,: ; foicctasure pracading, (i�� ieta�atame�u c�r7i �aestude €o�ectasox� aa diffarut gmunds �a the faaare. or fif�� .�.,L.
<br /> • ` �t will adveiseIy affecs t�e prioriey cf r:e 1i��by t63s Secority Iasu�. ,., ..
<br /> !� ''�
<br /> ;�'. � IlIIe Baei�wer RTet� Farbr�ranoe By Lc�ud�LKot a Waiver. Bxtenstuu af the dme of gaymmt ac ---- r;�, .
<br /> . mo�on of amo�on of tfi�svms sxlued isy this�e�lsiry Insuumeut graated 1ry .�'� '�"
<br /> Lendet w auy saoo�oz in �:sa;., �. : -
<br /> Inte�rst of Bom6wer aball nat operate w celeas�the liability of the ori�inal Bomawer or Borrovger's su�r in - .�. •. •.`
<br /> interest.Lmder stt�Ei nat be teqa�red w co�an ptooeedin8a aSainst�'�s�a�ssos in in�rest ar refl�se to extend � , e, �..,;'
<br /> ..�...,�_
<br /> � tIme fos paymmt ax otbetwise modifY amort�tian of the sams se�ued vy ti�s Seruriry Inst�ument by�son of aay �-=
<br /> demand m�de 6y du o�igiaa4 L�crsawer or Bomower's suocessois in inuras�My forbrar�noe by Lead�er in exet�ising `�'+�".___
<br /> � rS or:emed shall aat l^¢�n•�+aiver of or nectnde tha exercise of a�►right oz remedy. , �~'a;'
<br /> �►Y 8� Y P ���� ?'�;.`� ,. ,
<br /> . ]�.Socc�ars r�A.��Bo�3 Joint aaa Savers�D I.�ahSllt�:CcrSigaei�.The o�veuaats aad a�ammts �;iaY.•
<br /> � ga i ���:.;
<br /> . � of t�is SavrIry�s�a11 bind aad beuefit the saocesso�s and assigns of I�nder aad Bormwer,aabjax to t�e --,�._,�., -
<br /> },..' -�.,�
<br /> , p�vi�ions of paragr.tpL 4ib).��rower's covenants uud agcoe�aball be joint and sevesal.Any Banowa who ��`'-''�_'.
<br />';v;:f,_:� ca�gas this$auritY Inst�msa C�t daa not eaoeute the Note: (a)is oo-signing tUirt Ssr�uity Insuumtn3 onty to r��_
<br /> . ��JJS=•���'e]►tt�1�?atrov�er's fintecest in tfiz ptYpxrty uader the feims a�f�tis Securlry Insuament: (b) ��i{!�--�__.
<br /> � �., is not personalIy�33gated to pay the sums s�fry this Securlry Iastrumeat:and(a�a8reea tivt I�der aad�}+ �„, � a�-,r~
<br /> � other Bormwar ma��a�e to extend,madifp,forbea�t or make any aecam�aSons vdth�gard to the terms of tiils > �:'���r��-
<br /> . SxUrIry Iasuam�C.��r the Note artthout that Bomnwer's oonseet. �. ;„�.;.�
<br /> •'"?';,�... a
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<br /> .. �. .. .. : �.•. _
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