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<br /> ��'-n�� ...... " .. ' "'"'-�___�'.�_ __--_— .
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<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVHNAN7'S. Burrawcr4nd l.ender further cavenem and agrce as followa:
<br /> 17. Fonclawre proctdurt. li Lender uirc��mmediote pnyment in full u�erpnr��ph 9.L.endcr may invoke�ho
<br /> _ In�Ng��rcmedlej�p�ovid�ed in t1�i��para�raphAl7.�incluilin�,btit not limit��locnt tl�i ed bleinamoyr f���ndicast af
<br /> dlle evidence.
<br /> � It trepo Nd'O/B�IQ I!IOYOI�Cdr�'11/iL'�#�u IYCOrd�IIOIKQ 11�dl��YU III!�I!COYtI!'�A WMICII�DY�Ot fllE
<br /> P�p�t y Islocated�nd e1u�U aiui0 coples at sucb notke In the nwnaer pre�cribed py ppp1kabk IAw to Borrow�and
<br /> �son�� �i6�d by wp Ikable G�w AKer the tlme requfred Uy aPplknbk law�'11��stc+a shall give
<br /> to tM a1Mer pe P�
<br /> �ublic aatke af iaM to tMe per:oas�in the maaasr presc�ibed�by�pplicabk I�w 7lrwtee,rvithout dem�od oa
<br /> _ , II�rrawer.abap eell the Property ot poblk aucUon to Ibe bt�6at bWder wt the time�nd p i w c e A o d u n d c r t h e t e r o n �
<br /> deaipakd IN tbe aotke of srb la oae ar more paraa and ia�ny order 7lrustee detendao. 'ilrustee ma9 1�
<br /> ak d ap or any p�rcel d the Property b'{wblk�neonaceme�i at th�d�ne aad pl�a ot�ny provtaudy�
<br /> �alo. l.eader or its desiBnee msy rcb�se the Piroperty d an�yeak. ,
<br /> Upoa r+e�ipt ofp�ya�ent��prk�b�d+'�'�tK sb�il deliver to the purch�ser 7lrustee s deed coaveying the
<br /> property. Tl�e recthfs la ti�7lrustee"s de�d ihafl ba prima fwck evidence ot truih ot the�tatemeats m�de thereta.
<br /> h�e s6a11 apply the proceed�ot t6e sak In lhe�ollowta�orders la) lo �II eaets aad expe�es of exe�cisia� the
<br /> - pu�vEr ot sak,snd tUe sde�lacluding Ihe p+�ymeat oi t6e'IYustee's kes Rctually Incurred.not to exceed f i ve �
<br /> -= of qb principai npxwat of Ihe note at Ihe time ot!he declaratlon of'detault. pnd reasonabk attoroeys fees as
<br /> pMp(�bg _laa;i�b)lo dl waa acure�by tbis Securlty Inotrument;and(c)Aay exce�to the persou or P�r�o�
<br /> I�Wy tkd
<br /> lg, Itecopvoyance, tipon payment of all sums secured by this Secudty Instrument,l.ender shall request 7tustee to
<br /> reconvey thc Property and shall surrender Ihis Secu�ity InstrumcM and all nwes evidencing debt sccured by this Sccudty
<br /> Inauument w'itustce. 7tuatee shul�rccomey the Property without waRanty and without charge ta the person or pe�ons
<br /> Ie�aUy endqed to i� Such perwn or persona shall pay uny recordution costs.
<br /> 19. Sub�titute'Ilrustee. �.ender.at ite opdon.may from time to time rcmove 7lustee and appoint a successor truetee
<br /> to an 'Itustee appaintod heneunder by an instrument recorded in Ihe county in which this Secudty Instrument is t+ecorded.
<br /> ' Without rnnveyance of tha i'roperty.tha successor uustee shali e�ucce�l to ell thc tiHc, power und�uties confemed upon �
<br /> —.-- -- • 7tustee herein end bp applicable Iaw. �
<br /> ?A. Reqnest ior-Notices. Sorrower requesta that copies of�he nodces of'dof4ult and r�lc be sent to Bomnwer's
<br /> -----��;._� addresa which ia ti►e Pmpeny Address.
<br /> � Ridere to this Security Insirumen� If one or morc riders arc executed by Borrower and recorded together with this
<br /> �� �'� Securiry Insttument, the covenants af'each such rider ahall be incorpornted into and shull amend and suppletnent 1he
<br /> - n-:3
<br /> - _._ covenents and agreements of this Security Instrument as if the rider(s)were in a part of thia Security nctrument.
<br /> �Check nppliceble box(es)J.
<br /> � �Condominium Rider �Graduated Payment Rider �(irowing Equity Rider
<br /> __ ���'��'�''��� �Planned Unit Development Rider �Other�Specify� ADJUSTABLE RATE R IOER
<br />::o.�'--�,.'.`:.�:�
<br /> _���.�� BY SI(3NIN(i BELOW,Borrower accepts and agrces to the terms contained in pages 1 lhmugh 4 of lhis Security
<br /> .__�__����,.k� Instmment and in any dder(s)executed by Borrower and recwded with it.
<br /> _-�.�
<br /> _-_�����_';�
<br /> esses: ��►//�L�� ' •
<br /> �_....::;�•f�� � (Scaq
<br />__=-�,_a_�s4. I� ANT NY ANJO . eormwer
<br /> __:.- ,-� �v! 1 (Seal)
<br /> __=,.R�-r.t."'� HARON M NARANJQ aorrower
<br />---�--.1_.__ ,�
<br /> - -----�",�� eomn�wer
<br /> ---1-.._.. -�-:.`ti;� (Seaq
<br />--- ,.s.,,� -.- ;:_� Bormwer
<br />,.��''�,�s-ir:�
<br /> � �L�' COUllly%ti:
<br /> --=�;';�yj:;`�� STATE OF NEBRASKA,
<br />-.-aoc.__�p�.v:T�l•`•''.
<br /> "'"�'" �` � p����i, 26th duyof June, 1992 ,brPore me,the undcr�igned.u Notery
<br /> �—�i7x:4��::�.
<br /> v 3.:.-� �, ,� .. Public duly commisxianed und yualificd for suid county,per�onnlly camc
<br />;;;��;,�,;�i;;;,:,: . ,ro mc known to bc�hc
<br />:�._•..::..... ,
<br /> �.�,;,r.� � identical person(s)who�c numc(.)arc+ubscritxJ to�he li�rcgoing instrumcnt und ucknowledged�he execu�ion thcr�wf to be
<br /> - .�� thBIT vuluntury uct and dccd.
<br /> �"�'i,'�:�� � Witness my hand und noturiul+eal ut 6RAND I SL.AND in said c�iunty. the
<br /> dute aforesuid.
<br />� ���y�YbtA'ta'11�� _
<br /> � /
<br /> "' � M Commisxion ex ircs; ' �'���V —� � �`�"----- �—
<br /> �:.°".•..°,•..�_ JU�p1�E�l MQl�il�te 0t NeErnY� RUBE 7A L REED ����,,����un����
<br /> NOBEflTA 4 REED
<br /> a'.,i'�� �-�' r I��ri00110.�J�.�Ilh�.��i .
<br /> .. . .:Yo•!c..
<br /> : . �k..• TO TRUSTEE:
<br /> y _, 7'he undenigneJ i.thr huldcr uf thc ni�te ur n�nc+srcurcd by this lAwd ul"itu�t. 5uid notc�►r ni►tc..lt►gCthcr with al)
<br /> . other indebtcdness secured by �his Deed nt"I�utit,huvc been paid in lull. Y��u arc hrr�hy direcl�J tu canrcl tiaiJ natr��r
<br /> .' ° " " notes and this lkcd nC9hitit,which arc drlivcrcJ hcroby.smJ iu rcr�mvcy.w•ithout warrvmy.all Ihc�.1alr nuw h�ld hy y��u
<br /> a'`'"'.., '� under�hia t)eed of'Dvst to the perr+on or persons Icgully entiticd thcreto.
<br /> . , .. a
<br /> , � . �.. DaIC: __. .----—--
<br /> r't:..
<br /> ., �...�� 'Sr,wl
<br /> „ . . � 1►uX�•J�if'd�rdg:�l
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