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:� _;�„�t�le�e"=A?�+.;::;�e'� ___,rt�:_i�' . .,. , <br /> �rri__ — -�--�-� :. : <br /> - - — .�r o ---- . ,. . <br /> ,.���.__.--- . � � `, ."}".�-- _ �! , "�� <br /> '.. � „ :,..�:.�',,,,�:�:� ��`'�: �y'- <br /> � � _ �--=`,...`-- <br /> ' • � <br /> =��� -- - <br /> -__"�'��'-�y„� 92�. 10ari..6� <br /> - --_=��""�-�"� 1. P�yakot of Priacipal.inttnn!nnd Lwte Clw�e. Bormwcr ahall pny when duc ihe pdncipal of.wid intercst on. <br /> �he debt evldencod by the NWe w�d Ipte chargcs duo under Ihe Note. <br /> ---�,,-�.r„� 2. MonIWY WY�1�nd I interc�tlawraafce h„io th�e Nou anciany�tate charge,�nn�in tullmenicotmany(�a)Pwue��nd <br /> `� tir�'� togethrr with the princip� <br /> `��• '��'�' spocial assesaments levicd or tu be levled against the paytr�ent�a ground rcnts on the Propeny.wid <br /> - (c)promiums for in�ut+�nce rWuircd by Pa��raph 4. <br /> — ��}.�+i..vo'►h:� �,� <br /> _�`��,,;,,,,e,� Fach maNhly irwtallment for items (e), (b)and(c) shall equpl onc•twelfth of d�e annual wnounta,as re y <br /> -�--�;;� eatlmated by Lendcr, plus nn amount bufficient to m�lnwin an additianul balance of not more than one-sixth of the <br /> 4 s;, er,tim�ted�unounts, The full annual iunount for each item ahall be accumulated by l.ender within a period endiog one <br /> �. month before on itrm would become dclinquent. l.ender rhull hotd�he amoun�g collected in wst to puy items(a).(b)ancf <br /> �.��_�±�" (c)before they becamo deHnquent. <br /> __=�;�,c'A'e�;u��� If ut any limc the�ot�l of the paymcnts held by Lender for items (u), (b)ond(c),together with the future monthly <br /> '�'!"�'�"�'�'�1� rr►ents for such itema yable to Lender priar to the due dutes of such items, exceeds by more thnn ono-sixih the <br /> �---��'��=-'���_:�' e�atimated omount of puymenta requircd to pay such items when due.and if paymen�an the Note ar�e current,then Lender _. <br /> -�;���.;�,si rt�;�' , shall efther refunif the exces.s over one-sixth of the e�tim��ed paymen�s or credi�the excess over one-sixth of the estimoted <br /> �-���� � . .��• ` payments to subsequent payment�by the option of Borrower. If Ihe tatul of the puyments mude by Borrower <br /> A1Ye::._'`�:..,...._ , <br /> `_�r�++�*r�•• . � for item(a),(b),or(c)is inaufficient to pay�he item when due.then Borrower shall pay to Lender uny s�mount necesswy to _ <br /> �-�'^���*"�= �� make up d�c deficjency on or before thc dote the i�em becomes due. — <br /> ,......:. � <br /> 1:.�i;�.;,�.r:�;� . . As u�ed in this Security Insttument,'Secretury"means�he Secretsry of Hausing�►d Urban Uevelopment ot his or her <br /> -� r�.;:...•., �;. ,,..�. designee. In any year in which the Lender muxt pay c►moAgage insuranee premium to the Secrewry,ench monthly payment _ <br /> °��a��4_�.- shall also include either. (i) an installment of 1he annual mortguge insurunce premium to be paid by Lender to Ihe <br /> ti �`"• a monlhly charge instead of A mongage insurance premium if thia Security Instrument is held by the <br /> --�•- ''��' - Secretary. F.uch mon�hly instaliment of the mon ege insurance premium ahull be in an omount sufficient ta uccumulale the `_ _ <br /> ,�,.,•- - <br /> T:.;: .!"","'r'.•. -. <br /> f:�,�t,;,,+{,�;,y,,,. ' full onnut►1 mortgage inaurnnce premium with nder one month prior to the date �he full annual monguge insurance ___ <br />"=��`,t,��_Y::�� _ premium is due to the SecRtary:or if this Security[nstniment is held b�r the Secretary,each monthly charge shcll be in en =_ <br /> amount equal to one-twelfth of ane-half percent oi the outstunding princ�pnl lwlance due on the Note. <br /> �- J " ' If Borrower tenders to Lender the full payment of all sums secured by this Security Inslrument, Borrower'�uccaunt � <br /> � �_� " ahall be credited with the balance remaining for all installments fur items (a). (b) and lc) and any moRgage insurance __ <br /> =��� � premium installment that Lender has not beco`o f����o ure ulc of the Prope�r i4 ncqu sit on by rLende'r Botruwe s �``"` <br /> � �'' . � eacess funda to Borrower. Immediately p <br /> :3��..,: � • - ��;, -_ <br /> __—"__�;�, ,�,. , aecount aha116e credited wlth uny b�inncc rcmaining far ell instnllmen44 for items(a),(b1 s�nd(c). � <br /> _° 3. Ap�Ikallon of Payments. All puymenta under Puragraphs I and 2 shall be upplied by Lender�follows: � ..., <br /> - � ,,�,�.�,',�:; . � F�g�Z,to the mortgage insurunce prem�um to be paid by Lender to the Secrctary or to the monthly chiuge by the = <br />;; <br /> —�, .. . , Secre insteud of the monthly mortgage insurance prernium: <br /> •'�� �,to uny twees.special nssessments,leusehold puymenls or ground rentx.and fire,flood+md other hazard <br />___s, . <br />,_- _- --__-W.•+�-._�.:.-_:-� insurance premiuma,as required; <br /> : -- --- ,.-- <br /> - '. �,to intcrest due under the Note; <br /> ' EouarH,to nmonizution of the pdncipnl of�he Note; <br /> °``''�"' to late chur er due under the Notc. <br /> ����+�r�'�° �ftl. 8 • <br />`''�= 4. Fire,Rlood und Other Haza�d Insurance. Borrower rhall in�ure r+ll improvements on the Propeny,whethcr now <br />='��r,�i' in eaistence or aubsequenUy crected,ugAinst uny hazards,cu.4uaUies,and contingencie�, including fire, for which Lender <br /> ''''• � � requires insurance. This insurance shnll be mAimamed in�he umuums s�n�i fbr the periods that Lender requires. Borcower - <br />-J�� shall ulso inxurc ull improvemenis on the Property,whethcr now in cxistence or tiubsequernly crected,against losx 6y floads <br />-.�'-`���• � ,.. , to the extent required by the Secretary. All insurnnce shull be carricd with compnnies upproved by Lender. The insurance <br />�"�''� � policics und ony renewuls shull be held by Lender und chall include los� puynble clauses in tuvor of, and in u fortn <br />-�J acceptable to,Lender. -- <br /> In the event oP loss,Bortower shull give Lender immediutc notice by mail. Lender muy make prcx�f uf loss if not _�m. <br /> ` .i�':�� made prompNy by Borrower. Euch insurunce company concemed is hereby uuthorized und directed�o make puyment for �_: <br /> �'�I ' such loss directly to Lender,instead of to Borrower ru�d to Lender jointly. All or uny part af 1he insurance proceeds may be <br />'��''� � epplied by Lender,at its optian,cither(a)to the reductian of the indebtcdness undcr the Note und this Security Instrument. <br /> firsl to nny delinquent urnounts Applied in the order in Purugru�h 3, und then �o prepuyment of principul, or(b)to the _ <br /> r <br />: " � ' •� restoratian or rep�ir oF the dumaged property. Any Applicutfon ot�he pr�xeeds ro�he principul.hull not extend or postpone __ <br /> - ' '' the due date of the monthly p�ymenls which nre rcfcrred to in Pnrugmph 2,or chun�e the umount�►f such payments. Any _ <br /> r•"' ��"`�. • ezcess insurance proceeds over un am�wnt reyuired to puy all out�tundmg indebtedness under the Note und thir Security - •�- <br /> =:,;.' • • Inatrument shall be pnid to the entity Iegally enulled Ihercco. �. <br />;_�:':- ,. In the event of forcclosure of thix Security In�lrument or other trunxfer��i'tille�u thc Property that extinguiaher�he _ <br /> �.�. .+ " indebtedness,all right,dUe und interest of Borrower in und to insurumc palicies in force�hull puss to�he purchaser. <br />- f� ' S. Occupancy, Preservapon, Maintenunce end Protection nP the Property: Borrower s Loan Applia►tlon; �-_-• <br /> ;,,,;,� __ <br /> _:'. ° �' Leaseholds. Borrowcr shall cecupy,estuhlish,und uxr thc Propeny us Borrowcr's pnnripal rcxidencc within s�xty duys �^ <br /> :°=•.'�� ,..:;•� ufter the execution of thix Security Instrument und�hull continue ro ikrupy�Ix:Pro�ny as Borrower's principal residence <br /> ':,::: • for at IPUSt one ycar aftrr thc da�e oPoccup•rncy,unlcss the 5ecrewry Jrtcrn�ines thi�rcyu�rement will cuuse unduc hardship <br /> �_ <br /> • for Borrower, or unless extenuuting circurristunces rxist which ure l�eyond Bnrtuwer� cuntrol. Barrower shall nolify ;,;;;-: <br /> . ,:,i. ,� Lenders of any extenuating circumstunces. Borrower xhull not cummit wuste��r de.uoy,dwnuge or sub+tuntiully chunge •3� <br /> � ' '�,. � • the Property or ullow the Propeny to dcteriorutr,rcuwnuble wrur uixi tcur exceptcJ. Lcnikr may mspect the Nropeny if the <br /> ,;����. � PropeRy is vacAnt ur abundoned or the loan iti in defuult. Lendcr muy �:ike rcusonuhle actiun to protect unJ preserve tiuch <br /> ',"',:: vucunt or abandoncd Prop�:hy. Borrower shull ulso Ik in drt'uult if Hormwcr.Juring thr I��un +�pplirution pnxesti, guvc <br /> � � mutcrinlly false or inuc:curute infonnution or statementz to l.cndcr I��r 1'uil�d to pruvidc l.endcr �vi�h smy matcnul <br /> '� ' � information)in comx:etion with the loan rvidenced by tlx N�Hc. including,but not limi�ed to.rcprc�entutionti cotxeming � <br /> • Borrowerk occupnncy of 1he Property a�a principid retiiJrne�. If thiti Srcuruy In.lrument i��m i�Iea�ehnld.Burrower xhall <br /> � comply with thc prov�x�om of thr leu�c. If eorrowrr uryuirc�I'rr�idr i���h�I'ru�x ny,thr Icasrhold unJ fcc tidr�hull nrn 4 <br /> . be merged unlcsti Lender agrec+tu thc mcrFrr in writing. E <br /> . 6. Charses to Borrnwer and Protection of l.cnder s Rl�hts in the Property. fi��rcuwrr.hull pay ull govrrnmentul k <br /> •• ,s,� or municipul rhurges,fines und impotiitiom thut are ni�t includeJ in{'ur:�gruph 2. Nortower�hall p:ry Ihr.e uhli�.utiom on i <br /> time dirccQy to thc entiry which is owed thr puymrnl. If 1'uilurc a� pay wuu1J.iJvcr.ely uffrct LrnJ�r� intcrexl in thc � <br /> Property,upon 1_cndcr's rcquc+l Borrowcr+hull prumptly 1'umi,h tu Lendrr rccript.rvid�nrin��hcsc paytncntti. <br /> .:`� � . If Borrowcr fail, to muke thetie puymrr�i+ur thc paymrnt+ myoired Ny 1'uragraph ?.or fuil� t�� �xrtiinn uny o�hrr <br /> covenunts und aiRrcements cun�aincd in thi,Securi�y In,�runicnt,ur Ih�rr ir a I��:al�rix�edin�.lhut muv+i�;niticun�ly uffect � <br /> �_.. ..�... .., <br />--_- -- Lender�rights in UK Property lsuch as u pnxeed�nE m ban�n�p�c}•. ii,r cunuc�n�w������ .�� a,:;���::�.� �..,;:a:.r......E:::.... . <br /> \ , . then Lender muy do und puy whatrvrr i.ucce.sary w prutcrt�hr v;duc u(th�F'�o�xny:ind LrnJer' thr Pro�xrt�•. , <br /> including puyment oi'taxes,hsvurd in.uruncr unJ othrr itrm�mrnli��icJ in Parugraph 2. <br /> Any umounts dixbuneJ by l.endrr under thi.1'uragraph�hi�ll Ixc�mu nn udditian++l dcM uf Horto��rr;mJ Ix+rrurcd <br /> . " by this 5erurity Instrumem. Thesc umounts xhu�:t►�ar imcrext from 1hr dalc ut'disbur`rmrnt.ut the Natr rutc. und at Ihe <br /> , option ol'Lender,shull be immcdiulely Jue und puyublr. <br /> � 7. Condemnqtion. T'hc pr�eeJ.uf uny awurJ ur claitn li�r Jam;iges.Jin�r1 ur�on, runnrctiun with any <br /> condemnation or uther tukin�e ut c+ny part uf the PrnExny.ur fur ranv��anrr in plarr�d'c�mdenmatiun.un hrrebq ati.ignrd <br /> unJ shall be puid to Lcndcr lo Ihe extent��F thc full amnun�i�f�hr indc�trJnr,�thal no�uin.unp.ud unJrr Ihc Nutr anJ Ihiti <br /> Security Instrument. Lrnder+huU apply wch pnxerJ�iu thc rcduruun of thr inJrhtrJne.�undrr thr Nut�and ihi.tirrm it} i <br /> � Instrument, fint to any d�linyuent amuunt. upplied in thr urd�r pruvidcd in Paru�:ruph s. :o►J thrn ta prepaymem ul <br /> prinCipul. Any applicutiun uf thc pttk�eds to thc prinrips�l shull nu! rxtcnd ar �x+.t�xmc Ihr dur Jutr ut�th� munlhly <br /> ��tircr:,�N��.ier� <br /> � <br /> i <br /> f� - _ _ <br />