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<br />- ,. fll�toi� �crci�t c�t Rayntcnt �f Ihr pat�x bid� Trusi�ee s6aft deliver to the parrhaser T�tee's deed conveyiag the _
<br />_ fhvopc�ty. '1Y�r rc�Stals 4t�the 7'nt�tcc's de�d shalt be pr�me PArte evtde�r�oP 8be truth oY the statements�nude ther�tn. --
<br /> 7'c�usten rhall e}�piy iAo pro�`ecQ.�a!�he�nle in thc fbitowi[�g or�er:(a)to all co�t.c flnd exper�ses of exerdsing the poae�of
<br />`� eatr.aad thz�w�te�itta:tu�it�l31r peaymrat oP tiie 7fnasYea's fexs actualiy Inc�esed,not to exceed 5.00 �,
<br /> ag fttr pPiate4�ai u�Hi►un!�f titc aoYe e3 tke tW�e ot eQ�de�dura3lnn of dePuult,nnd reasonable uttorneys'tees as perrn[tted --
<br /> by t�stia3lb)tu e!1�urn�aecuted By thls�c�urity En�1s�+mrni;and(c)uny excQSS to the�erson or persons legally entitic+�to
<br /> , t4.
<br /> _ gE, f�c�ran.eynnc�c. Uwtn �ayment of ati sums sccured by this Seauiry Instrument. L.�nder shail reyuesc Truscee to
<br /> rec���tve� tRc Prajh:rtq nnd ehali burrender thi4 Sscurety Instrament and all nates evidencing debi secured by this Sewrity
<br /> Inyttutncnt tea Tn�:tec. 7'rvstes uhnl!i�canvey the Properiy with�ut warrar►ty a�without charge to the person or persons legalty �'
<br /> :;� cntitled to i�. Su,:h per��n�tt pctscros al�nN pay any rer�rdati�m costs. _
<br /> 2J.l�uAstttute'Prtt�tee. Lcndcr,ai its optiun, may fmm tim2 ta time r�ntqve Truster and apyoint a suocessor trustee to
<br /> : �ny Tru,tcc urp�i6itcc!hcrwnJcr by un instrumcnt rceorded in the anunty in whic�this Security Instrument is recorded.tNithaut -
<br /> ;,;: canveyoncc uY tttc Fa��ctty,thc nu��ress��e truste�sfiall suce��eci tn all the title,power and duties conferred upon Trustee herein
<br /> and by a�p!lra6le law.
<br /> 20.Iiequ�il loP�Mlke�. Fiumuwcr rcqucsts that wpies of the natices of defssult and sate 6e sent to Borrower's address •
<br /> ' Khich is ttsc Pn►pcny Address.
<br /> °`�� 25.ltlde�s ta tt�tg lsecuNty lu.�trttment.lf cxis ar more ddeis ut+�executa!by Sorrower amd r�corded together with thls
<br /> ;-`?` SeCUSily btstruttt�nt,t!!n covenants und agrccmcnts of e�clt sucd r�der slu:ll b�.inaar�nmted into ar.���rSl�unend and supplement
<br />;:�;; thc wvenants and agrcemcnts of this Sccuriry Instrument as if the rid�r(sl wesc a part of this Sc-�vrit��tnsnumeat
<br /> ;„<. jChec&appitcabtc hoa(c�)1
<br /> ;:,:: —
<br /> �':, �Ad�ustnbtc R�tc Ridcr Cnndaminiwn Rider �I-4 Famity Rider _
<br /> ;i:,,. �ru�untcA Puynunt Rider Ptanned Unit Developmeni.itider 0 Biwee;siy Payment Rider --_
<br /> B:illc�n Rider ftate improvement Ridar ❑5ecorc�Etome Rider =
<br /> - V.A. Edidcr O Q1hCP(A)[bpCClfjl� —
<br /> n_
<br /> BY SIONINa BEIAW.l3nnowcr aa,�cpts am�ugrees to the remu ruW cov�n�ts cont�ned In this Security Instrument an� _
<br /> : in uny dder(s)exc�cuted by[brrow•cr ond rcrnrded with it. --
<br /> �
<br /> Witr�esscs: —
<br /> . ..�_ (s�) --
<br /> . M � ��t+�i�nct� -Bortawer
<br /> .. �' ($P.�31) �'_
<br /> ;.. _ CA4�CaG.Ls S VfFJYO�A •sorrowcr
<br />,;..,
<br /> :��;
<br />. , ` -- — (Sea11 (Sr.al}
<br /> •Bc�rmxcr .Borrowcr
<br /> ,�� - _
<br /> STA7`E OF NI:HRASKA. Caua?y�s: HAt�1.'
<br /> . Tbe forz�oing instwnent was ackaawlodgod bcfut+e mo this 8TI4 day of OCTO$E�! .1 g9C3 .
<br /> +�; by JI�1 S DEN�AAN ANfl CA�OLE 8 VEJVOm�6 .
<br />;':'� . Witness my hand und notarial seai at QRANO I8LAH0• �Q�3�,�i�d1 in�ga€d�Cuunty.th�dn2oafaresaid.
<br /> My Commias�on Bxpires: ,,;,,
<br /> �EItElUtNOlAA1•SW��IikW�:l� h��ury rue�s. '
<br /> MMit 8.KERBTEN
<br /> W G�ei E,�li�n.tKl
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