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201103144 <br />1. This conveyance is made upon and subject to the further trust that the said Trustor shall <br />remain in quiet and peaceable possession of the above granted and described premises and take the <br />profits thereof to his own use until the default be made in any payment of an installment due on said note <br />or in the performance of any of the covenants or conditions contained therein or in this Deed of Trust; and, <br />also to secure the reimbursement of the Beneficiary or any other holder of said note, the Trustee or any <br />substitute trustee of any and all costs and expenses incurred, including reasonable attomey's fees, on <br />account of any litigation which may arise with respect to this Trust or with respect to the indebtedness <br />evidenced by said note, the protection and maintenance of the property hereinabove described or in <br />obtaining possession of said property after any sale which may be made as hereinafter provided. <br />2. Upon the full payment of the indebtedness evidenced by said note and the interest <br />thereon, the payment of all other sums herein provided for, the repayment of all monies advanced or <br />expended pursuant to said note or this instrument, and upon the payment of all other proper costs, <br />charges, commissions, and expenses, the above described property shall be released and reconveyed to <br />and at the cost of the Trustor. <br />3. Upon default in any of the covenants or conditions of this instrument or of the note or loan <br />agreement secured hereby. The Beneficiary or his assigns may without notice and without regard to the <br />adequacy of security for the indebtedness secured, either personally or by attomey or agent without <br />bringing any action or proceeding, or by a receiver to be appointed by the court, enter upon and take <br />possession of said properly or any part thereof, and do any acts which Beneficiary deems proper to <br />protect the security hereof, and either with or without taking possession of said property, collect and <br />receive the rents, royalties, issues, and profits thereof, including rents accrued and unpaid, and apply the <br />same, less costs of operation and collection, upon the indebtedness secured by this .Deed of Trust, said <br />rents, royalties, issues, and profits, being hereby assigned to the Beneficiary as further security for the <br />payment of such indebtedness. Euercise of rights under this paragraph shall not cure or waive any <br />default or notice of default hereunder or invalidate any act done pursuant to such notice but shall be <br />cumulative to any right and remedy to declare a default and to cause notice of default to be recorded as <br />hereinafter provided, and cumulative to any other right and/or remedy hereunder, or provided by law, and <br />may be exercised concurrently or independently. Expenses incurred by Beneficiary hereunder including <br />reasonable attomey's fees shall be secured hereby. <br />4. The Trustor covenants and agrees that if he shall fail to pay said indebtedness, or any <br />part thereof, when due, or shall fail to perform any covenant or agreement of this instrument or of the <br />promissory note secured hereby, the entire indebtedness hereby secured shall immediately become due, <br />payable, and collectible at the option of the Beneficiary or assigns, regardless of maturity, and the <br />Beneficiary or assigns may enter upon said property and collect the rents and profits thereof. Upon such <br />default in payment or pertormance, and before or after such entry, the Trustee, acting in the execution of <br />this Trust after the notice of default has been recorded, shall mail a copy of the default to each person <br />who is a party to this instrument, at the address set out in this instrument, as well as to any person who <br />has requested any notice of default and notice of sale by recording said request for notice with the register <br />of deeds in the county in which this instrument is recorded, and after the lapse of time which is required by <br />law after mailing the notice, the Trustee shall have the power to sell said property, and it shall be the <br />Trustee's duty to sell said property (and in case of any default of any purchaser, to resell) at public auction, <br />to the highest bidder. First giving five weeks' notice of the time, terms, and place of such sale, by <br />advertisement not less than once during each of said five weeks in a newspaper published or distributed <br />in the county or political subdivision in wrhich said property is situated and written notice of sale shall be <br />mailed to each person who is a party to this instrument at the address set forth herein, (and the <br />Beneficiary or any person on behalf of the Beneficiary may bid and purchase at such sale). Such sale will <br />be held at a suitable place to be selected by the Beneficiary within said county or political subdivision. <br />The Trustee is hereby authorized to execute and deliver to the purchaser at such sale a sufficient <br />conveyance of said property, which conveyance shall contain recitals as to the happening of default upon <br />which the execution of the power of sale herein granted depends; and the said Trustor hereby constitutes <br />2 <br />