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0 <br />�� <br />�� <br />�r� <br />� <br />�� <br />N � <br />A = � <br />«0 � : FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT <br />0� )W INSTRUCTIONS (front end back) CAREFULLY <br />(�J � ME & PHONE OF CONTACT AT FILER [optional] <br />� eey Ostermeier 308-381-8906 <br />� ND ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO: (Name and Address) <br />i <br />v ' Great Western Bank <br />Attn: Stacey Ostermeier <br />I PO Box 5018 <br />Grand Island, NE 68802-5018 <br />L� <br />r`�' <br />_ 1 � � tJ� <br />u p �{ � <br />�� � C � N <br />� �,- z . <br />C --. !". ^ � —1 (T � � <br />O �1 <br />o � . N � � t—' 6� <br />m � C1"t � � h—, � <br />� = rn <br />� D w O � <br />m � r � � � <br />�, r- n <br />� <br />0 1 - -s,� � D � � <br />� � O �� +`.i � <br />�''� � cr� C+�J � <br />N � � <br />THE ABOVE SPACE IS FOR FILINCi OFFICE USE ONLY <br />_. ........_ . ....... _.. -- —.... _..._... . <br />#0200803691 fileci May 1, 2008 I � t� �=;or recordj (or recor a m e <br />REAL ESTATE RECORDS. <br />� ERMINATION: EffecGveneas of the Financing Sta4eme�t identifled ahove is tetminated wlth respect to sacur(ty ic�tereat(s) of the Seeured Party authnrizing this Terminatlon SlatamaM. <br />3. CONTINUATION: Effectivenesa of the Financing Statemant idanNfied ebove wltii respect W sacurity intarest(s) of tha Sacured Party authorizing this GonUnuaUcn Statamant is <br />contlnued for tha additional perlod provided by applicable law. <br />4. ASSIGNMENT (full or partial): Give name of assignea in item 7e or 7b and eddress of assignae in ttam 7c; antl also grve name oT essignor m rtem e. <br />5. AMEiVDMENT (PARTY 1NFORMATION): This Amendment affacts Debtor cg Secured Party of record. Check only one ot these iwo bozes. <br />Also check g�g of the following three boxes @QQ provida approp�iate tntormation in items 8 endlor 7. <br />❑ CHANGEnameandloraddrass:Pleasareferrothedetailedinstructions ❑DELETEname: Givarecordname ❑ADDname:Completeitem7aor7b,andalsoitem7c; <br />inreaardstochanainathenameladdresaofaoartv to ba daleted fn itam 8a or Bb. alsocomolete ttems7a7afdapalicablel. <br />6. CURRENT RECORD INFORMATION: _ _ <br />OR <br />� r.unnir.Fn rN�nn na annFn INFnRnaaTloN� <br />See Exhibit "A" for legal description. <br />9. NAME OF SECURED PARTY OF RECORD AUTHORIZING THI5 AMENDMENT (neme of asaignor, if this is an Aasignment). �f this ia an Amandment authorized by a Debtor which <br />adds collaterel or adds the authorizing Dabtor, or if this Is a Terminetton authorizad by a Dahtor, chack here n and enber name of DEBTOR autboriaing tliis Amendmant <br />oR Great W� <br />/M r� <br />Troy M Rainforth <br />Intemational AssociaUon of Commercial Admmistrators (IACA) <br />FILINO OFFICE COPY — UCC FINANCINO STATEMENT AMENDMENT (FORM UCC3) (REV. 05/22(02) <br />Describe collateral � delated or ❑ addad, or give endra �rastated collateral deschption, ar dascribe collaterel � assigned. <br />