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' � . <br />� . <br />� 1 {2798 <br />BXHISIT °A° <br />� 20110310� <br />File No. 958 <br />9� �.€�1+�2�. <br />I. The collateral consiets of the following to the ext�nt that a secured <br />intetest therein is governed by the UniEorm Co�nercial Code of the State of <br />Nebraska: <br />A. The ��Property," bein.g the real estate described on Exhibit °B" <br />attached hereta and by this referenes incorporated herein, together with <br />all rents, i.ssues, profits, royalties, income aizd other benefits derived <br />from the Property {collectively the "rents"); all estate, right, titZe and <br />interest of Debtor in and to all leases or subleases covering the <br />Praperty, or any portion thereof, now or hereafter existiag or entered <br />into, including, without limitatian, all cash or aecurity deposits, <br />advanae rental.s an.d deposits or paymenta of similar nature; all right, <br />title and interest of Debtor in and to all optiona to purchase or lease <br />the Property or any portion thereof or interest therein, and any greater <br />estate in tb.e �roperty owned or hereafter acquired; all interests, estate <br />or othar claims, both in law and in equity, tvhich Dehtor now has or may <br />hereafter acquire in �he Propexty; all easements, rights-of-way and rights <br />used in connection therewith ar as a means of aacess thereto, aad all <br />tenementa, hereditaments and appurtenances thereof aud thereto, and all <br />water rights and shares of stock evidencing �he aame; all right, title and <br />interest of Debtor, now owned or hereafter acquired, in and to any land <br />lying withia the right-o�-way of any street, open or proposed, adjoining <br />the Property and any and all eidewalks, alleys an.d atrips and gores of <br />land adjacent to or used in connection with the Property; <br />B. Any and all buildings and improvements now or hereafter <br />ereated on the Property, including, but not limited. to, the fixtures, <br />attachments, appliances, equipment, machinery, and other articles attached <br />to such buildiags and impravementa (the "Improvements"); <br />II. The Personal Property cor:sisting of: <br />A. All right, title and interest of Debtor in and to all tangible <br />personal property now,ocvned or hereafter acquired by Debtor aad now or a� <br />ariy time hereafter Iocated on or at the Property or used in connectian <br />, therewith, iacluding, but not limited to: rall building materials stored <br />� on the Property, goods, maohinery, tools, equi�ment (including fize <br />sgrinklers and alarm�systems, air conditi.oning, heating and refrigerating <br />equipment, equzpment for electronic, entertainment, recreation, <br />window or atructural aleaning, maintenaace, exalwsion of veraiin or <br />inseats, removal of dust, refuse or garbage, all kitchen equipmeat, and <br />all othex equipment of every kind), other than such property owned by <br />" • tenants of Debtor; <br />8. All af Debtor's interest i.n all exi.sting and £uture accounts, <br />contract righta, general 3ntangibles, files, books of account, agreements, <br />permits, licezsaes and ceztificates necessary or desirable in conneation <br />with the acquisition, ownership, leasing, construation, operation, <br />