' , . . ` �::a ' • , , `s. ' � -
<br /> - - � . - . _ . - . ' . . . . _ ..� � . . . � � .. . . . �y � � • '-
<br /> , _ - _ - _��_ - - - �-,- _.-.�_... - ...-__.__._._�.._.c.�c.J.�.__.-._�,_..�� `.=..i.._.� ( -., ' � �_
<br /> p„' F., �.c F'�i�.
<br /> C
<br /> ;: - � � �,�'?���� �� ��� �_
<br /> 22 &'E�tJRI4Y{tiTERE9T liNSER 7HE UN!FORtA COt�EERCLIL CCgE Th(e Qe2d of Trust sh2J�cca d�tad and bo ofic�titv as a lin.:nting � '; s 'Y .
<br /> .. is torBledl . _:
<br /> s*�Cmpr�i sn d a f o m a e F.�n g p u r s u 2 n t t a t h e p r o v i s.a r i s o f i h o U n i t o r m C c rt m�r c 3 a 1 Codt� (as a�p 2ed tn tha stato►vhere tRa real propertY •` . _.
<br /> •". < �overing Cixaaes.cfiattels,and aAt�os of�rsana!pro�+ry ncri vrmed ar hetea7ier an..�ohad to�Le�r��dmry Uitere�st n such C�tot s y 11s�o d�effior is `�` .'.,.5. ..
<br /> � `' any artd a1!re p i a a ema t rt s t h n r e c l a n d�ons th.,rato(tho'C.haftMS1.�d Grarreor hsrsby grant ' ;::,�-:d
<br /> tha Qran'or desen'hod aba�ro Ttils Qeed of Trust wiD 6e eHectiva ss a Bnanefng s�emem fi!M as a fumue�,ng with resy�ct to e!I Rxtures i n�d-d w i s t i t n '� .,.;.,..,.t,
<br /> ' sad�aecrdas and is to be Red for r000rd in iho real esiaie racords of eaeh ee�mry wltero any Part of said�o-rertisas(mdu�urg sa:d Fxtsuas)fs situaied TA!s �, �..:'
<br /> � � '.�,t=.
<br /> Qeed of Trwt sha7 also be eftEetiva aa a flnandng smtemeflt ea+cr(rg arry athar�sos�nd may Ce E'sd!n any ather a�ropriate filing or recordut� , . _ _
<br /> ' p�Fce. A ea�pon,photogaph:c or aU►er roproduction ot ihis Doed ot Tnist or ot erry Cn�ndng sta�marrt ralaEn9 to thls Oeed o!T�u9 sha9 bE sufikdam ea a �``i:,t;__
<br /> Rnenc�ig statemeM tm atry ei U:a purposas raferred to in ttils P�ragaph. The seeured pa�ty is the Len�sr deseei6od above. Upon demue0.(irarttor sha`.i ;�, ; .` ,x�r'f�
<br /> r � �..
<br /> �+�,exea►ts and dofrver sudi sewr(ry agesretns(as sud�term is definsd in said Unifam Corr�r�rdal Code)an Lender�arry ume t4ny deem `::' ` ,`;°Y.
<br /> � neoessary or praper or re�rired to¢am to Lender a pe r feec e d seaui t y l rt tete s t m i h a C 3 s a n Q S s,�r e d u�n Crarttafs iaiture to da sa L�nder�s autharizad ta ....•:_ ;�:.`_
<br /> si�any sudi�e►rt3m as the ac,�nt of Gran:or. Grantor heseby au►teodzes Lender to 13e fmat�n9 sC�tert�ems(as sudi tem�is def'ned In sad Unitarm . ,. _:,..:,��;r;��--
<br /> Comrrsaraal Ce�a)vrith respeet to tho Chattots.at erry Ume.vvill�oN th�sigi�sus of CaraJae► Granter�ei�.havrever.at arry tirrn upan requast ot Lendor. -
<br /> sign s�t�tuiancin9 st�emsMS. Grarrter en'9 p3y aD fung feos far Iho fi1in�of�d►fir�rscing state,-rnmrrss and hx ma te';Iing tRerooi at tife brrrJS rQquirod in - _ '.. • .
<br />'�i.� tho ogin:on of LenBar.bY sa:d Uniform Co��!Coda. It L'sa F,�o!thr Q.._^^�o!Tntsl h9 sub;ed to anY azairiry a�em�►q tavaring iha Chalteis.Than - -- --- - ';�ai;
<br /> m Uis svem ot any de�di unda►this Deed ot Tnut.a0 th�dgM,tit!e and irttereSt of Grartta in and to any and aD of the Citattes is hareLy ass'.�ted to .'`. ';xy_.
<br /> lendar,Wgether wih ths banefit of any dzposits ur PaY�►�s�rts ncN or hereafter rtada thsreof bJl Grarrtot or the��rc or suoeessors in tit:4 01 , � ��''., .;. �.,_-
<br /> ' Grdntar in the PropESriy. ,�S',.:`; `_�_._..
<br /> • + p� nd tunds[mctu�sg attomeys tees and leg�l . �,.,, .; '��r:...,•�,:--
<br /> 23 ii�tc4UF4S�Ei'JT GF!L2^OlINT8 EXPEND£D 8Y L@IDEH. Lemfer.at Lendars e an.rtsaY e�pe , _ .., ,.�. ,.
<br /> . e�enses)to psrlorm anY aci�rd to be t2asn tr�Gramm or to exerose any ti�ri or retnedy a!lered�r w�r ihis Dead nd Tnut Upon der�nd Grarttar ,.:;�.�,.`-'.�,:�� L•-, ,.. _
<br /> stral trmiedatety rsim6urse Lender tor a11 such afroimts o�ended bY Lender together wlth arterest itu�r5en at the terrer of tha hfiyfi4s9 tate dasrn'l�ed in azry t,..::, :_,.•. .y .�: . �,
<br /> � O�or tRe h�st r�e aRarNed�l law iram thg d�ie ot paymerR w�Uea�e of mirrbinscrrent Thase sums shal ba i�du�ed in the defin�6nn of �s�e ; , - . <
<br /> seane0 b Y fhg l�eneEGal brterest g^o[Red hatefi. It th�OhPgazians are p�d after Qie be�nn�9 ef PubL�:on of rw�ce af ..: .. .: ,.-.:.�r.; r
<br /> � s herain and sha7 be rRed } t•',;`•".:.;.� :'t.,r_.:k�_
<br /> �+5.as her�in�ov�ed or tn the evern Lendet st�aD.at its s o�ap6on.p e m i t G r a r�t o r t opay a n Y P a rt a f t h a O b G g�i o n s a ft e r t h e b s�i m t n 8 o f p u�i p i ien o. `. . ��
<br />• � nptiea ot safe.as here�provided.then.Cuantor sfiafl pay on derrond aD e�ertsas ina�ed by ih�T�stes and Lender:n conn..aceon with rdd puL�catlon. .�;�,�'.�:,,;, �•
<br /> . txes to the attameys br the Tnistee end(urthe lendar.and a reasa�a tee to iha Trustee.and ihts Oeed ot Trust stiall tn , ; �';�. ---.
<br />..'� iridt�mg reasanaLte aaarrreYs ;_���:' � yf�� �'
<br /> .:< �aa4nj fo►a0 such ex�penses and fees.
<br /> �,�� _.
<br /> ,� :` � a�5he trustee's�,fust.to tne wsts and expensos oi exercising the pa�rrar af ����!:�.±�-. ,.` .
<br /> 21.dP�ILiCA710N O�PAYwAEtiTS�.The Trustea� the pro�
<br /> ..`, sa!a msd of ih3 sa3e.in�I�p ihe pa�of the Tnutee'�s�y�����exeeed the mrn*mt tvt�eh may be pravided tot in ihe Deed oi Trust. i,���." , -_�r,___
<br /> :''fJ• �d tp payt�rp of 8ts�6Lg24ttrri Seaued tsy the Oaed of Ttus1.ri�[�d.in the paytro.�t af jarriot�ot s'ust.rrnrtgages ar othar Genhalders.ar�d lhe ':_''�• r,�5;�f�. ; ,-
<br /> ':'�!.� �f to$te person ar persat�s 1egaEy e1rt(GHd therot0. )'���r'.f .�
<br /> . �'�^;. bal2rtCe.'anfl. ''.!'z t��y � •
<br /> ?8 P�Y l E A OF A7TOti?IEY.Grmnor hereby lm�der as its attcrosy-�-tact to en�tir�rr i?r�re��a exeatte anll d�m ,'•:+''�a�'p G�";•-•;
<br /> �y m�
<br /> peeain�ng to the Obs'+gations or Dead af Trast Iri add2�.L�tdst fi1d39 Cle efR'NEd.bUT � ` �`• _ .
<br /> ro to 1�taken ar exewted dY fir�itor urtder tlis Da�o!Tru�t Lenders_pertomran�at su��ar�� D2s;�ed o1 T��st���n� ��'M "` � '~
<br /> ru ��
<br /> • re�Crarrtnrr finm arry Ob1i3aUon�c�e anY defaut3 im�sf t!ltiss Ocacf af Ttwt. Au�awaps _ . .�
<br /> t �..L �,
<br /> lM.er�t�1d�o irtevoeabfa• ��,�:
<br /> d�me ri�ts ot ita hafder of rsr�previous 6en.seaaitY irs��est or enaurixartea , �'
<br />• 33. SUBRCGA7[ON OF LFI�IOER. Lender sh2(f bQ� � ��••'�":r•
<br /> sh Mar�scs o�mhm enam�anoes have been�.eased of rewrd. .:
<br /> : ...: �tged with fimds ativanced by Lender re�at�ess ct vfhethet4;esr�CFns.securitY. . � � *t
<br /> to Lerrd�rs reasorra�ie fees and eosts.iReludn9.but not 6rtited to.fees �x r � ', �,-s
<br /> 27, C4�1bCYtON COSTS. To th9 extertt mittled by law.t3rentat r,�s paY
<br /> � • ,<• a n d e c,K s of an Q m s y s and other agenis(mdudng wnheut fi�p�".�8��derks and eonsuttarttsl.rrhe0ier or not sa�di attomey aragerd is an -y. • . .:���:..•;� ,, w'n^:
<br /> ee af LendEr.whid�are inwmd b Y L E n d er m c a 7 e c i(n g a n Y m�s i s r.s t d u a o r¢M o r e i n g a r ry d s#rt o r r e r re d y t u ndet ths Oeed.of Tmst.whether or no1 ,.�+ n: -
<br /> empio� and T or Pea1-yudgrent ooDeetion actsons. � � ��}�•r�� �y :
<br /> •��::, s�t is tndudm8.6u1 rrot firritEd to.aU tees end m3ts tr.cua�-s4 as�.►���JI• -
<br /> : y „
<br /> "">~'t°�_ andre��q an3 or more Par�al Deeds at ,?u,,,,��` j �`����4�f . .
<br /> yF 2B. PARiIAL HE6FJa3E Len�r may ra!ease i's rts.'II:ast in a p�l�of ihe� in he�re6�st�he 6eert�ed load lrertdsrto release anY ot fis F� rL� �L,�;,.�;'�� �;-.-
<br /> �`�` Reeameyanoe wnhoul aSectln9 its(nterost m tha rerrr�it►:9 Pertkn et tt�Properry. Nc 9 py�py,nor sha7 Lender�ohEgated to celease arry P� � ��'�•� ,
<br /> ..,,4�• ir�est tn 1he P�o�except as re4med unde►P�38 or as�6e othe►wlse re�dre/ae�r!
<br /> ��p�r�y i� is in�fa�Ct�S�1�Oced ot rusi.Tha tiFn atuJ�rtry irtterest I�r}ihe Oeed of Ttust renafn in efttel with raspeei to ;i`r.• ---��r ,t'`
<br /> tNai�on ot 9ie prope�tY.as defined t�tho Oeed of Tnist.UiaA is nat ttsr��bleet oi this or arry Rar�l�cf Reoomraya� , _ - .--
<br /> U an
<br /> pM l,,>.: . 't':.
<br /> � :C '�A1f0lU Ai:D!HAlVEA. �hs rm�fie�.ofl or walve ot f8orta avre��a�Qta�Ys��n06E�tiorts.�r ar fdl to o�2�[�As�T�ts oi aa� .r'� '�E -, -,
<br /> , oortained irt a wttUrs9 d9�ed bY Lende►. lender maY P���Y �s c�o�an st�aA not eanstinae
<br /> `� " paymerrts from Granwr aar�mne ather that►Granta�r Uif�d o•1 Trus1 shall��ffaffeczed�flender amends.o�o�m rt�sas.e�csttanges faJs to �
<br /> . a watver on arry othfx ocras(on. Grarrtofs e °«'�,�. . .._;_.
<br /> pro . .v:. �f;.�.
<br /> � exesdse.tnpalrs a reteases e►iY ot 9�06�deA�9 m anY Qrar+Sar.Borrawer ar thirdparry ar arry ot its ris�ts a3atnst anfl Grarttor.Boriavrer or �.:• ,,,�w•. .. . ."7.:"
<br /> 41rd party a��y ot Bie PrepertY. Let�dora fatt�e to iru�st upon strkt pectermanoe af arry of�e ObUp�ians shatl natbe deemed a�vaNer and Lender sha�l °. ,-
<br /> h3ivc�fio rf�t et ar►Y titm theteaftet to in�st upan str�t petioma►roe• ; ,��.•..•:;�r
<br /> ��.,.n'_ffi_-
<br /> ,� 9p, StiB9TiME TRUSTEE;TRUJTEE UABIliT11;COIfPFJVSA'fiOM. In case of tha de�h.hrabiTity,retusai to act a ab�enoe of 4�Tn�neo trom tt� •.,: .`_:;
<br /> cmte wt�er0 the reai PrapenY is to�,ted or u►case tt�e hdder of tha Ot�Qgatians shafl d�`rs for mry reasan to remove tho Tmsteeor arry s�fnstiwt3 ttustee as - �
<br /> , t e �1 Her t0 appolt�t tn writitip 9 �� •.
<br /> . q�e{�te�yyder and tn appotrA a new trustoe{n tJ��isee and stead.iho twider a(tha OhOgations is herehy�atrtad po' ��;',.';>'r:
<br /> . s�S1(nt,e Wstee ta said 7tus�Eee.and U�e s�sLURa�v�ea sha8.wf�en appotrned.bec�Yra aiocasr.or to a0 d�ts af T►ustr�h�eunder and tho sarte stszt7
<br /> ����ry�m{�r g�e p�pOSes and objeGS ot thls Deed o!Trust with aU 9�epawer.�rtiss mZd c�g�ions hereln a�:?�arted on tha Trustee. Teuf�ed " �{;:.e;''.�''`-.;
<br /> sh2tl n�be Qabte tor arry ertar ot� a aet dcne by TtustEe.or be o9te�wise resp�m�.,�ie cr+r�xuntabl�wder any d���'�'. --
<br /> Tn�ee shaA nm tro persnnaQ�+Uable rn ca e o!ermy by it or snya�e actin8 bY vhdie o9 the puxe��tsarair� H t�an Uw OeEd ot Tnut tar c� F,�;�s":--.=_--=---
<br /> _ �.,;...,,...:.
<br /> • conuaQed w IiahiTity a�s inwrred tn fiert�na�rr�nt or operatinn ot said prerdsea Tnu��r hava tho H�tt w cm ury 1ns�:tr+zK. '.�,�i�'.'�- 5��x�:_-- �`�
<br /> � do�a�rrt er sfg�amuo auth ng orsupport1ng eny actlnn tal�en orptoposed to 6e tatcen by i1 Ae-:u:�er or bE('�ved bl/d in S�.t.h ta hs g�-�.si�a. -
<br /> • Trustee 6iaH ba er�titled to rtrU�a�nsemem to►e�er�ses inanred bY it in the Pertamm�oe ai its d�s hereunt�r and to re oompxnsaVan tar�ds 6a��:�� ..__
<br /> • 01 tts servfcos hereimder as st�a0 6a rendased. d3rantar wfd.itom ttme w tUre.PaY mcr�ens�ion�e Trustee here�uider and retmburse Trustee tu::n�i
<br /> savo and hoid it hamtess ham�d against arry and eU loss.oost.Gab�itf�.d�9a���nse whatsoever innmed by It in�e periom�anee af fts�� • ,`r{,�'�
<br /> AQ moneys teoehrea bY Trustee shall.umil used a apqied as here�.n orovided Ee hdd M c�ust forthe Wrposes tor whid�iheY were rea��ec3.bN need not , '"`_ -�-.�;�,
<br /> �so�o�ed fiarry rrenner from any other rroneyrs(oxeepl to tfie oxtent required�y law)artd Tsustee shall ba�de�no liahil9y icr-(mertrt on any ��' • -
<br /> b ,
<br /> ' rrorteyn reoetved isY it here�mder. � .;:. :., -.
<br /> ' ,.;.;6=� =
<br /> � ' St. Sl1CCESSWtB AND ASSi�iHS. This Deed at Tn�st sAail be�n�upon�:s!inura to S*Q�enafA ot C3racn�r and lando►and theh respeeUue �� i�.'ci=t��.;;-,. "_._:
<br /> rac
<br /> cuecgssors.assi�ts.trustoes.reoehre►s.adrtllntstr'�ts,tmrsonal te�resettfatrves.legateos and d9vtems f��'.l�;f. ,
<br /> ` .��z•M�Y_.� .;
<br />�°�' ' 32 HOiiCE9.Exeept as otherwise reGuired by Iaw.anY notiw w�cr wnrnrnkaUon to be prsrid�i ur.Cer itds Deed of Tnut shall Ge!n writing�d sEmt � �--�-- -
<br /> to tho paRles at the addrosses 8esafb��in$ds Dee7 ot Trust ar�other addre�e mrrli�hr+�13j 3�a�ftcr�suY hnrroU�is�s�rt ot v hen�tv�od F�?a[c!9lT.+�4�a7sT��� :
<br /> no1im so glvan�d satA first da�rnaU.Pcsta�P�ePaid.shaD be deemod�ven -- - -
<br />, • py itw persan to wham su�notico ts being�von. ��er.�es�►_
<br /> 33 SEVEHAB1si�on ot filW a O�eed�a Tnist vio�es t�law o�is�merttoroeabie,the rest�e�De d of Ttust hall on�in u0 to bs vafid and anio�tte p ee cL�Ce _""`�.7�.:g`-� ,
<br /> !�. tf any prmA o kt_ .�.�
<br /> SQi.A6PLICABt,E lA1Y. Th's QeEd at Trust shall be gavemed bI►tha�vs ot the st�e wtiere tho re�ao�erH is tw�ted. Untnsa Fppf�raMo Iaw ptav4�s ��u� +,�
<br /> re
<br /> _ olatt�lse.Cuantor canserrts to tho jurlsriction and venua of arry�ourt s=.ected by Lender,in its sofe d'saetlon.(oeated in that slate. �9. . F„
<br /> --.,,,..�
<br /> 9d� A�SCELLAMEOU9. Grantor and Lender aga�ihat timo is of the essence. Granrsr w2Nas prose�m.demand ta paymerA.nmtoa of�shonar and ��'�`• _.'::'*`.+�, � .
<br /> �o�e�e�t asrc�(red by Iaw. All retarenoes ro Crantor in tMs Oeed of Trust sha(I Indude allpnrsons s'.gning bataw. tf ffiere is rtnte ihan one Gran:�r. ; ,.•.
<br /> LneU ONigatfons shall bo�'oUA and severaJ. Thia Deed of Trust represerrts ihe eartplete ima�acad understand�ng batween Grarrtot and Lendor peA2U�ing to ^���.+`....�-:.-
<br /> ths temE and oonditttons hereaf.
<br /> ��..�•.. . .
<br /> 9g. NpTH1A0 PARIY RiGFfTS. Na porsa►is or sha0 be e ihird party benefldatY of anyp�As:on at thia Deed ol7rus�. AU provisions ot thls 02Ed of .
<br /> ' Ttust in}ar�pt of Lender are irrtended sotety for tho benefd of Lender,and no th.lyd party.shal�ba ent�kid to assumu or e�eA that Lender will nm wahre or .. , , _
<br /> conssnt to th3 mod�fteaUon ef anY D►avtson of thls Oeed oi Trus1.in lender's sola t6scrotcon. - _
<br /> ot Hcrtower.Caratrtor.or ot tho ObG s.orerry uthar _ �`
<br /> � gl. PAESEAYA7{ON�F LIABILITY AND PRKIAITY. Wtthout afteetlng ihe Gabi:'rty ��°� � • . � _
<br /> � � pqrson(exeepl a person e�ressly ra�oased in vrtitina)for t1�e paYrn�m and es ot iTe O�s�ns, without afte�ting 8ie ot Lender eihh . . . , . �
<br /> el to FropeAy no7 rc�oased in vmimg.znd tivlU�ou1' g inar�y way ihe prtoriry ot tiiis Oeed ai Trust over ttie irrtsrest oi ar�(person
<br /> � �od ar fi�rs�evlderwed tr/Q�►�g subs�quam to ihs recorBrt9 ot ttils Desd ot Tnist.lender rrsay.wihm baforo or after the maturiry o1 m�Refi�ihe ".
<br /> ' and wrthaut notice or eonsern:re'oass any pe�son 13hte far or po�tarrtenee o!a�or ariy paN of the Oh�tlons:rmYe anY agee n9 . :
<br /> �--- terrtn of�oroertomanee ot aD m arry part ot tho 'g3tions:excrcisn or refraln(rom exeretsing or tivaive any d�t1 or remady that Lender nay hava - -- --.
<br />:�' �,�� �of Trusr aemp�s�t!onal seqirity o!arry Idnd tor any at the�btigaiians:ar mteasfi or othenviso d�a�w�ih real or�orsonal properiv �_1Ly'��•
<br /> as,
<br /> sewring tha O b l E g a t tons. A r ry P a t s o n a c�u i n g c r re c ord.'ng ov��nco ofarry irrteresi of n�ry��;u;a fi 3�a?�cFa:t�al�.,��^�.4;�:'�!+��'.�h
<br /> 'vrteresl or reoor�ng atry awdanos ihereof,to have conser�tsd to all or etry suCh a�tians trj Lender • _
<br /> vaT�ads .. . ..- -- � ,.. . . '_ �.,�
<br /> NEDO7D Rw ttM � ,
<br /> -•' - .�...-.-r-.-. . -,gv �-� - � . . - . .. .- , '
<br /> .�.._�....-..._..... .. .�.
<br /> .. . . ...._i V. . � ' . �. �-n.- -,. ,i. . . : � � . . . . . . _ '" `. . , 1� .- e -' . . , . ._ .
<br />