,. . .f , : . � . .;�
<br /> - . , . . .
<br /> , . � _ . . � .
<br /> f : . . . . . . ' �� . . . • _ — _
<br /> r . •
<br /> . .
<br /> .•
<br /> .: _. :� _ ..a� - - '' ` . —. . . _ � . . -�
<br /> .. ..�. . .. _ :�. .. . .
<br /> .c . . �r � ' � t
<br /> .
<br /> .
<br /> . � . _
<br /> .
<br /> _-� ._—_ ___—.� _ _.__ ._ . . - -. ._ . .—._.___—'_.__'. ..__—__. ., � __` ,,.�_ __ _ _ .
<br /> . _f
<br /> . . .� . F _
<br /> � � �6°���� . :Y " �.:-
<br /> ,:•: (c) p,y a�icab;e L3w3 ertd ru�fatiorts.Uicfuu�ng,erithout t'urit�ton.tTr.�Arr�rtcans vriv�Disabilittes 42 C. on t 0� et seq. (and e;l . "
<br /> U Cf 1
<br /> re�t?ons pr�rta��tcd tt�rewQar)and al ian'.ng and buL'd�ng iaws and regi'�'ans relading ta ths Properry by virwe of anyl federal.statg or rremiapal , _
<br /> � authodty ivnh yurfseEeton avti ths Pro�pnry.prds9rtGy�a and sha7 ba a�tswe8 and eort�Ced vrith in aD rteterlal respecis.and aU rtghts.G�znsss. • _ , - z_--
<br /> sha -
<br /> pemats,arsd oertifieatas of aoaiyaney('Mdudng Cu1 not llrti:ed to zoning varlanoes,spedal ex�ptions tor rtanconfoming ussa and final inspeeUan , , � �, =
<br /> ` ay�ovals).whothcr t�mporaty or p9mzannartt.efnlrfi¢ro mat�rlal to the use end aauPaneY of tho ProPerty.Pressr�Y are and shall ba aEtair.ed , �, �,'
<br />_ pmservc;d and.wnera rteoessa�y.ceno�Nad: � .
<br /> TV
<br /> (� Grarnor has tho�t�ri end is�dy euthorized to exea�te and pederm its Q��gaL'ans under tNs Deed af Trust and these acUcns ds not and shali nct , '. . _ ,
<br /> ny
<br /> eant�et wish ths provlstans of atry st�ute,reg�dstton.ar�r�ce.ru•e ot law.eontrap or other a�eemam whieh rtay he�tnd�ng on Grantor at arry ttme: . . �. -
<br /> .�.. (e) tNo acUon er�adng is or sha�be pendng or thre�ened wAtch mtgM rtgterially�tect the Property:and ; �, . , _,
<br /> - tho e govam g Hazardaus M�adals)vrh:di mlgTrl rretertatty���e P�rop��am r�Lendzrs nghts or irrterest in�FmPeriY P�rsu�arti to Uus Deed of . ' . .
<br /> '.r.
<br /> `�,, Ttusi. --; =__-=; ----- -
<br /> . g PRtOfi OEE08 QF TRiJ9T. Qrantar represerrts and warrarrts tfiat there are rso plor dosds of trust affactin9 anll Pa�'t of ihs PraP�nY�P�as set tanh . , "_
<br /> do
<br /> ' on Sehedde B attad��d to this Deed of Trus�t,whieb Qrarcior a�ees t�and periortn in a tvrQly manner. If there are arry pswr de�ds of tmst then �
<br /> � Grsrttor agrees fo pay a0 artnurtts axred.and perform a7 obltga8ans under su�deeds of trust and the indebie�ess�d thereby and further ��•`'- . .
<br /> �ees that a de�ilt urtdet arry prter deed af trusl shall ba a defa�t under th�s OeEd of Trust and shaU erttitts Lender to a►I r'gtm and remedes contained ;�`�r:.
<br /> .. . here(n or in iha 0lttigaVans to wht�Lender vrou:d�enti4ed tn ihe sverrt cf any other defauit. f �, . ...._. .-. .
<br /> " 4, TRAHSFERS OF iHE PROPERTY QR BBiEFiC!AL L�17EFtE5T8 R�1 QRANTOR8 Ofl BORROI'4fEF1& In the evem ot a sale,wmeyance.leass. ��.~ . ,
<br /> ,•3.�.
<br /> oartrac1 br deed or Usns*ar tnarry peraon of aB or arry paTt of the 2al property dt�sai�in Sd�e�fa A,ar arry itrterest th�in,ar of a0 ar arry hertefidal . -. x�• - . . � ., , -
<br /> irdetest in Bortawer or CirEntur(if Bartavrsr or G'rantor is rtot a naWral or persons Cut is a carporation,lirtited raL�'chl�Y.P��R�.ar ' . : ^'
<br /> other tega!emlry�.Lertder may.at its opUon derlate the outstan�ng�balance of the Ob+•igations ptus acaued Uiieres!lhmear+i�.fiate[y�se and �� :' ; ,� .' 4, __.
<br /> ` payabia. A1 Lenders tequest.tirarrtor a Borrawsr.as 8�a rase may 6e,st�alt f�unish a cortplete st�emerrt setting torlh aD ot its sWeldio;dsrn.rtm.rtd�ers.or •' s, • � , -
<br /> ,tY "
<br /> - � parptars.as app�oA�te•and the extem of thab respective ownershiA mteresis. . . ` � ��
<br /> = •"` .�r-�-.:�J�.,
<br /> 6. ASSitiNli�IT OF H@l'�"'a In eon�ideraffon af tl�a Ohtigatlons.whtd�aze seaaetf by�hts Oeed of Trus1.(ir�tcr�cuteSyr asskyis to Lend�r alt . ' .� «�`�.=,;_�,.
<br /> .s::�>�...._
<br /> ` Grantafs estate.rl�n tit(a.tMerest.da'sn and datnatid naw avmed a hereaftar c�qu.`cctl.L�aU exlsGng and tunue I�.�of the Property(inch�d�n� •,1.-�'. �.`�
<br /> � e�cm�sfons.rertewaLs artd subteases},alia�eeme Ms for use artd ouuyancy of the P��ail such leases and a�8s a�Riether written ar oral.are� •.:,�, '• �;,;,';;--.-
<br />: � ,r �r c t f e rt e d w a s t t�s"l e a s e s 7.a n d a 0�s of Iessees'p e�t f omrartee�mdet'd�leases.to�tfter witfi ths t:rn..�iate and cominuing d�rt ta ;;.' f.,.;:- ,,� . --
<br /> oa9cet and reoelve a�of tho terrts.(nea�.reee revanues.lssues.Ptofits and other inearte oF�yr nauue now or here a n.sr�s(i n du d mg mry irao r re o t {•.•. ,. .,;"....F,, _
<br /> y�y���r�ng�ts during any tedertpEon pariod)urtder the Leases w frem ot arising aul of tha Rrc�y(ncud�g:r�nimtm retrts.addrt:onal rents. � •�`�.'`,.• ,. "
<br /> �enc�eers;�^�cqu:dated damagzs foDawin Y�,,. . . ,�a.
<br /> ._ percarrtags rerrts.Daridn9 or oammn acea naUrterrarroe camitwtlons.tax ar�d insuranoe eomrthudm�s,c� sduetion or i', . ���-'�„i' ', ,•;
<br /> defautl in anyr Laase.eJ pmceeds payaEts un�r any po9qr of tnsurance coverin9 toss ot re�ts re5�61in9(mm�a�srta�tr��Y�d bll da
<br /> ,,,,w�
<br /> danage to fie F�apeAy.a0�aee�WY�te as a resuti ot a tessee's e;cemise of an option to pur�asa the Prop�y.a5 poceeds derived tram the �4Q,Fr"��,:'-�=�� �;:;:�',-_'';:
<br /> tertritnation or re�aetion of arry Lease tn a banleupuy w other insaMen�y pracee6ng.and all proceeds trom arry rt�ts araf ds�lrs of anyt Idnd which Grarrtor .� � t
<br /> . . of the aaave are heraefter coQeWvety rderted to as the"F�errts�. This ��,y ,�., , .,.,�.:, .,-:
<br /> .,i' may hava a�lnst a�r lassee under the leases ar arry oxupants cf O�e ProPenY(a� .. , . ,• ,
<br /> acs}�rr�srnls sidojeet to the r1�t.Power and authority given to the Lendorto ca�ect and app[y the Rents. �hls asst�ment is r�orded In�ardanoe with �• , , . . .:r.., :l
<br /> ca
<br /> e p p g c a h t e s t�I s H:t h s G e n�s e a t e d b y t h i s a s s l�m Is ltrtan�d m be s p e d fiG pertected.and ehoataupnn the reoar�ng ot thls D�M Trus1,sl as •�..,��
<br /> pro v(d a d b y a p p f i r a h t e s t a i e taw as�mr�ded from Ume tn t6ne. As Ian g as thece Is no d e f a u t t u rc d er t h e O h i'.g a t lans er t h t s O e e d o t T t u..�fl.I.e n d e r�a r i t s --�-r�� �v r�
<br /> In Grarrtofs 6usiness a r�ons. l�usver,t e n d v -'"�r � .��--,
<br /> �ffi azry�°r�ert�e;°t��posRil a�n Re�tns'm�to an�amnu�rtt nrt�tafi d�by�c�.t�al Lenders msriWtion. upo�dera�,st m me aayRenr . �e;�; ;-� .>� ��_
<br /> of,a fi 8ie perfomgr►ee of.any af ths 06Ugasions.Lender may at its o�'t[on ta}m px,ses�a 7f ffie Pmperry and have.hald.'r,anage.lease and opsrats tfia� __� ,. : 5 , €�•
<br /> an terrrs and tor a perlod of Urte tha�Lsrtdet deerrm proper• Lender rtay praa�ec�'ro eoRect and reoetve aU Racr"s f�n the praperry.and Lend� . ` �"�t,`x'=�'' .
<br /> .,;,
<br /> �t�v e U d l p o w e r t o rt e k a a l t e r a H a n s.r e n a v a t l a n s.re p a l�s o r r e A l a e emerits to 1he Rro D e r t S r as lender rtay deem pra� lenc�r rtmy n.�ty ail Rerrts in M" , �:�,���y s 'j'.:
<br /> ts s'G�.': ,_. . . s�;, ,
<br /> '� Lsndeds sob dsaeUon lo payreem ot the ObO�tfans a to the payrtent of 8re eost of su d i afterations.ren o v a t l o ns.reFaits an d r e p l a s�e n t s a n d a r ry �• ,.�:.,. -r;
<br /> ' expenssa tnctderri to taking and re�a1�1n�pesse s s lon o t t h e P r o p e r ry P e d o d c a R y a n d t h e m a n a�m e rt t a r s!cp�r a L a n e f t t m('m p e r ry.L e rt d r�t m a y keep the .r..?.. .i..,.i .,,.
<br /> i.':'.
<br /> .: {b P�rtY P�P Q�Y ins u r e d an d rt s y 6�i i a t g e a n Y t a x e s.c h a r g e s.d a f rt s.a s s e s s rt e r rt s a n d a t h et Gans w{�fi rtey aocnra The exyense ffi:d cost of these �;`f.; -,'-:"•
<br /> �•�'r<' acUons may be oald hom the Rertts receGred.and anY iu�aid artnunts sha7 be ad�d to the princlpal a!the O S Lgat�rra- �ese artoutns.toga]her with : S�',�. .r:`
<br />�'::�}� other easts.shall Yeao[rsB Dar1 of the�hlig�lona secu�ed Dy t�ls Oeed o!Trust. -- ��r r� ;. ',
<br /> .;,�;. --
<br /> ' .> ��
<br /> � Q. LEASEg AND OTHEH AGAE�t�1'fS. GranIOt ahaU nol taim or fail to�arry ectlan whid►may cause or pemii E�termrtatlort a_�he�withhotd'mg oI . �ti: ;€`..: --
<br /> in carmecilon witt�arry Lease or ott�rageerr�ent('AgeertBm�PertaWn9 to the Praperry. In addrtion.G'rantor.wilhoul I.ssri�a prior written ,
<br /> � oanrar��na5:Ia)wUezi anY rtonles payabia underenyr Ageertem trare than one mom1�in advance:(b)rr�fty arry A�eemem:(G)mcti�or aJtew a
<br /> Con.seaaitN iRterest er othor enairt�rance to be pla�dupon(irantar's dg�ts.tnle and Urterast In and to atry Ageemem a the ar�urrts payrlte
<br /> ihsreunder:or(d�terminate a caneel anY Agasment exoept far tt�nortp�a ot arry wm or other tr�ert�taearJi bSl the o4�er party therato. It C3ranter
<br />� � rexives at arry ttrt�e arry wrltten eomruntqtlan assepinng a default itry Cirant�a lundar an A�eemam ar purpoNng w temtnatn or canoel arry Ageamr�t. , —�;:
<br /> Qrantor shall�or�Iy twward aoapy ot su�corm�mteatian(and arry s�dssEtqueM oomrunkatlons reta'Jng thereto)to lendar. All wch Ageerneri2s Mrt ;.- '
<br /> .. 4ie amo�mts�e to Grdtrta tAereunder ars hereby assf�ed to Lender as ad611ona1 cecutltY fo►the Ohligations. _ " :�_
<br /> ' . �:":Gt'#P�u::�•:.-�:.
<br /> 7.COL.LECiION OF INDEBTEONF.SS FROY TlURD PAHTY. Lender shall be entitled to notity a ro�c3rantor ta nu�Udrd pariy MGuu�ng.6ut :�j��..-- ',3;ae�-.�::-�- �' .
<br /> ` r�ol&rited to,tessaas.ficenseos. authodtlss and insiusnce oartp�nfes)to pay l�nder ar:•,�t�r,�htedness r� an owing to l�anta with t, ,.°... �°_:.___
<br /> h..''� il�o.-�'
<br /> �_���� r e s p e c l t D U 1 0 P t o p e rt Y( �ty 9�n�ess�NAwU�e►a nnt e defatDl exists under Uda Deed at Trust Grarrw shaa dII$emry�ct 9ro �" �--. .
<br /> ' '�'� tndehle�e;s owivg t�Granta from 1 h esB thfrd parCas urAD tha gving ot such notfflceQion. In�event t�Q r a n t a t p�as ar�a o a h r es posse s s Wn o f � •_
<br /> �. �r.'.•��::.�>�
<br /> Fsry tnsvumerits a ather remluances wlU�re�spect to the Indebtodrtess tollwrfng the gMnp ot sut�natiflrr�lon a H L°��fa�inurQrns or mher renitlBrtx-� _
<br /> eansUWte 4�0 yrt�ent ot erry tndehtefiess or the payrtent of arry Inauarke a oondem�ation Praaeeds•(irar�tu stra�hold surh h�rumerns aid affier �_^�,�:._ _
<br /> �ertittanoes(n tru�st ta l�endar apan(rom Rs ether FroPertY•enderzo tha(nstrmrenb end oTher rertivaroes to Lender and Irtrr�ty prmri�s Lender w1U� , -
<br /> po�assion a1 the Instr�urertts end atlxv rert9ttanaes. L+ender sha0 6a ernY�ed 6u1 rtm mqutred.to wL�ct lbN��P���SS or oUsww�ca).exiend the . .
<br /> � � . Crr�fw peyrt�em,�ss.exchange w release arry ob8ger a eollateral.or otherwlse settle aJry ot tha Inde�ess vfiether ar not an evem o!deta�dt ��°�'�
<br /> ::��^��----�---�_--�,- -
<br /> extsts under thls Ageement. Lender ehall nm be 1'iable to C�ranta far arry ec0on.er�or.rnist�ce.omtssbn or delav oertalning to Q�e acllons desaibad in 4ils --
<br /> � pera�aph e► anl► darreglas resulting thoreirom NoMrhhstan�n9 the loregofrt�. nothing horein sAall esusv Lendor to be deemtu! a �'�::�`�`---�-----_-_"---
<br /> . . mort�In�Pussesstan. �°'��'�-
<br /> & USE�qD WYiTElIANCE OF PROPERTY. Granta sha0 talaa a9 adlons end malw r•sry naeQed to rt�almaln the Property In good condiion. �''�'_--�''�.=
<br /> G�msu:r sha11 nat oortmlt or pemit eny waste to be oort�Nttod wlsh respect to the Prap�rty.�trn�shall use 4ia Propeny soteJy in cortptl�ce wiUs '
<br /> . eprl�abfe law and Insurar�ce polFctex (3ranta cha8 not rtialmsrry aRara6ons.ad6tbrt3 ar'crt��a�rs tn the PropeAy wtthoN Lendafa prla written �_,
<br /> r. : �serrt. WAhoull:trtdng 9�e}ore�pIng�all alt�eratlor�a.addtlons end I�roverr�rrts rr�ad9 t�the Piropes^j d�a[I be subject to th9 benetidal Imorest heionging �!!'•�°�`-�--':' —
<br /> 'Y''�'+/'- to LeRder.sha7 na�bo mrmved wlthaN lertdefs pr[a w.itten oortsent.and shafl be rrse�a af Ciratrtofs aole o�ensa. ., :,..��
<br /> ,.f;}}�;,; • , -�
<br /> '`iS''?� 8. 6a6S OR DAYACiE.GrarRw shall bear the ertL�e r'sk o1 any loss.theil.dastcuetlan or dart�age(a+rtula�ively 9.ess cir Dartage�to tho Prcparty or any ...•.,
<br />.,.�';:;,, . . �".�._:
<br /> '�ji;±;�i;;' poitfian tr�ereot trar►ar►y a�use whalsoeve►. ln 8�e ovem ot arry Loss or Oatr�.Gratrtor ahall.at the apllon of lendJr.r,�patr the ettected Ptoperty to Ita :r�;',�`�}�,,, ; ''�
<br />;7,�44��?! �fr_us oandtlon a pay or cause to be pald ta Lender the deaeasg In Al�falr rterkat va[ue o11he effec�d PropeAy. , E:_:,-.
<br /> � ,.------
<br />� `i,�.9{� 10. tNSUNAHCE The PropaRy wiU be kepi insured tor Ns full Insur^'�R valuo(re�aoemerrt cos9)aga�r^�a(I hazards inclu�ng tass or d3srego caused bY ��� •+-'=:
<br /> � ��{,�}, . ., ,
<br />`.�;�:�`;; ftoad,earfh�aks.tomado and Qre.thefl a oU�er eau�ariy to tho ex.cen iequlred by lender. Gtanta may obtan Insurance on the Properry hpm surh _��'----
<br /> °�.;��1`� corrpan o es are axeptabie to Len�r In its so(e dsaeUon- The Insiva�no poUuos sh,�re�lro the lnsurance oor�ar�y to{�ovtda Lenderwith at least �� • 9�;�y; '
<br /> � �� days writtan notloe befote such polirtvs are�tered cr earteellad In E.ryr rtenrter. The ins�uance pofidos shall name Lender as a I�aa �-; _ ��, __
<br /> �ay�ihat no ael or omis,lon ot Gtantor or any atherperson sAaJ aftca tlt�d�n of Lende►to be P'Jd the Insurance prooeeds pertalnfng to thn "` ���i���� =
<br /> :�; ;�:,-�.
<br /> i�ss ar dart�aga o}fhe Properry. tn ihe event Grarttor laits to acqulre a rralntatn Insurance.Ler,der(aker povtang nottce as ma�r Co�aquired by taw�m�y }j�3_���:�,.�.r:
<br /> L�N a 6:.�t e t b n p o w r e �toprIate I n s+u a n c e oove r a g e upon the Pro p erty and thg insuranoo cost d�al1 he an aduanca payat�e snd hor�fng in:e��ta ";�ryr,-r-:--.:--.�-:�..
<br /> . , d^r.aiyed in Paragaph 2�'3 a n d s eaued heroby Gtantar e h a ll fiunlsh len d or wi4i evldence ot in3�a�sas in�c a t i ng 8 se re�u hc d eoveraga l an d ar trey a r= �,`- �- � • .
<br /> aa attomey�fn-tael for Grantw in rroJdng and ssttting etairre under i�suranao polidcts.eanceUing�ry�r.lE er enda�x:ig GreTrtflVs nr•sne on any dcft nt ���: ;•'. ...,�.
<br /> rtygotIa6to Insfimiom 6�aHrn by arry ins�r. AU surh insurancepo�idos shail be Imna�ataty assig�ed.p:�s!scd rlriHvered to Lertder as hmher�ec�uM�� .. . `:','� . `.
<br /> ' ta iho Obltgat:ons. In ihs et�ent of Iass.Cirantw shalt Imr�edateiy�va Lender Nrtittsn notice and lsnder is 6uUtarized to m31ca proof ot toss. F.ttdt .:,,- .
<br /> �nwranee eonpany is dreetod to rtnke payrterrts d�roclTy to Lender instead o1 to Lender and Grantor. Lender shNi trava the rl�t,at its solo opUan.w ,,.,_. • , _
<br />' ' appty such rtnnles to�Hard the Obl?gatlnns ar tcNard tho oost n1 rebuildng and rustor(ng the PropoAy. My emotmts may at Lenders optlon be apptied fn . • •w'�
<br /> � the 1m+erse order of trie due dates therool. - . .
<br /> . t..
<br /> ' 11 ZONINO AND PANATE COYENAliTB.Qramor shall not Initlate or ccnsem to erry change in the zoning pmvls'.ons or private oover�atns affecting ths �.� ' .'�- •• � _•-
<br /> � use ot the Pmpeny wNhoul LAndo/a prlm written oonsont. If Grantota use of the Proporty hecorms a nonootdmrrtng uso imder erry ianing �fslan. • , .
<br /> Grantor sha0 rtot cause or pemit such usc►to bs msonrtUnued ar abandonod tivitheut tha pflor vrrit!en conserA of Lendsc Grarrio►w1I1 imme�ate�jtovido
<br /> Lc3ndor wiUi v�ritten noUao ot arry prapo�^d e7�ang�s to the zoning provlslons er privato oovenams aftecting the Proporty. . �.
<br /> � 12 CCtIDF.6�]AliON. Cirantor sh�ll imrc�iatoty provlde lendar vr8h wriHan rtotieo ot any astual ar threatened eondemnaCun or ertinem doman : .. �===y. —
<br /> • praoezdng paAaWng ro the PropExty All monfes payab!�to(3ramar from suoti oondsm�atton ar tafdng aro hor�Cy assigied to Lender and shall be� � ., ��_a
<br /> -- firsi iu urt,�}�s�tti ot Ls."'.,.:.s's rtt...^z�;.:!�.�1°�ses er.d aFh9►!�MS�mr�uR*+g ar�nr.�lsal lees)in oennection w��h tha candertsiaUon or =--- --_--_--___
<br /> �y, domain proeecdngs and th3n,at fio opL'on ot Lender,to tho paymarrt o1 tho Od:gations or tlio rostor�lan or repalr o1 ihe Propefry • �
<br /> . . �.
<br />_ , � NEDOiB Hev tt4a P+,gg2d6 - .---_- --„--- .� � - �:
<br />- �-��". , . . . . , . . n � . � ..
<br /> . .. •�`� .,.. ..� . _ �. ' .. �. _ ... , . ' . . ' . . • . .. - - ��_ � , .. ' i .. _� . - .. . �,_ ... ... � ' .. . .,
<br />