. �. , _ . . _
<br /> .,, . . .. ._ • �,�_,=' , �-
<br /> �_ ` - . ....�� ` f' ' --- - __�- �_ � ; � �`.
<br /> � � � , ., �
<br /> 9�- �Q'��� � . � � ; _�
<br /> UtdIFOFiM�OVENAIdTS.Borroevar and Lender cov�anant and agrs9 as foilo�vs: . .
<br /> 1. pa�ymaa��00 RN�Ipat are�lniares4. ro���n he'Noie.ptly pay when due the principal and intereSt indebt4dnass . . ,
<br /> , evldenced by the Note and la4e charges as p ���1e ta�yor awritten wa(ver by Lendsr,�orrowe�shal�Pay to Lender • . ,..__
<br /> 2. �unds4otTgxe�andlnsueaneo.SubjecttoaDP
<br /> . on the day��n4hty paymenta of Rrincip�l and is�tor�etd���Olnts(incl ding coo�dcmi ium artd planne+i�untt deva apment � : .` .�
<br /> "Funds )equal to one-tN►elfti�ot tRe ysarty taxes f . , � �
<br /> ifan , tusono-iwe►ft�
<br /> assessmante.!f any)which mayaYtaln prtodryover thisDs on�4wr�ulfth of yoarly prert►i�um nst�l�ee�ts tar ma gage insurancs, ' ; , . _ —
<br /> , of y�arty premium instatimenb br hazatd insuwance.p. � . _-
<br /> if any.aii ss eeasonably es8mated inWalty and from tirns to tims by Lender on the Dasts of assassmer►4s and bilts and reasandble `G.
<br /> . -�,� �qJ���-�t,gprar;svrsha!!nol6eobligatQdtomakesuchpaymentsofFunQstoLendartothewcteritthatBorraRnrermakes 4
<br /> �� such pay+nents to the holder of a priar mortg�e or dse�af trust ff such hotder is an fns4itutionaf ten�r. �, . ` :
<br /> .� ff Bcrtower pays Wnds to Lender,the FuRds st�alf ba hetd in an ins3itutton the daposits or accAUnb o!wt►ich are Insueed � `��
<br /> or guarenteed by a Fedorel or state agen�t f n���n9�nder if Lender is such an insMution).Lsndsr shall appiy the Fursds
<br /> to pay satd tax6s�assessmerrts,insur2nce p�&+'s��:�ns ass�gro!1nd rnr�ts.Lend�r may noY charga tof so holdtng and appfyirtg ' - ..-- '.�. .
<br /> the�urtds.anatlNngsaidaccouMorvaritytngar�doompilingsatda.4sessm�ntsandbilfs.unisssLer�d�rpaysBorroweri�erest ,a,���='�s;,, �
<br /> an tho Funds artd appticahlo law pe�nits Lsrtder to make such a charga BoROV�rer ared La�edsr may agree in►vritirtg at the ti�no .. __
<br /> •� '• pi execution of this Deed of 7rust that fnterest on the Furtds shall be paId to Borro•rver.an�untESS such agr$emer►t is msd�or '."'`• �.'�:``'��
<br /> � app;icable Iaw requires such interest to be paid,Lendsr shall not be requi�ed to pay Borrower any ir�terest or eamirsgs on the ���' ..� .f-�.._��
<br /> � Funds.Lendsr shall give to Borrower,without charga an annual accounting of the Func9s showing credits and detsits to the
<br /> •, .,r..,::..�; -
<br /> brwhich8achdebittotheFunds�vas�readaTheFur.dsarepladSedasedditIonafsecuritYtorthasu�s : �•�. ,,,�-.�..-----_;- _
<br /> .. . Fundsandthepurpase -- '--��'=`�-
<br /> secured by this Deed of Y�us4. �'��:`.`.�,'^�
<br /> ;:. �T- ,�'r��.�
<br /> IftheamountoftheFurtdsheidbyLender,togeiherviriththefun►remonthlyinstaltmentsofFamdspayableprtar4otPted4e �� ___l__ ;
<br /> ;� . ...- �:r—_ .
<br /> datas af taxes,assessme�,insurance premiums a►id 9raund rerds.shali eucee�b the amourtt required to pay said t�xes� (�,`.y�M • j ' _�
<br /> assessments.insurarsaa pr�iuiais and g roun�ren�asttr�ytall due.such exoess�Vr�Li be.at Bomower's optton,either premp�iy ...,k, ,•
<br /> a ,;;r_;. ..._. ��;
<br /> ��` L�� �'.-
<br /> � ..;k..��ai-
<br /> � repaid to Borr�a���o�crediteci t�Borrower on monthty issslal�menb of Funds.lf tFce amount af tfta Funds held by L en�de�� _, �� ^ � _
<br /> notbessrfiiciert4t�asaytaxss.assessments,insuTartc9premiumsandgraundrerdsastheytalidu�.Borror�ersh�ilpary :-,k�,�,r.� � ,,,,�... �",':
<br /> stf _, . _...
<br /> ` any amount n�'�ar�/to rreake up the dsi�Cloncy in orte or mare R�ar�ts as te�der may requira ,::�;�: , ,�;•�i�,��=.�
<br /> „e„r�
<br /> ,� Upon payment in tull of all sums secured by this Q�of Tn.�st,Lsnder shalf�samptiy refund to Barrower any Funds Et�fi� ���-.�*--• _��
<br /> ' byLgttder.IfunderparagraPAl7QtereoftheProperty[ssmC�orthePrcpertyisoth�c��eaoquiredbylender,9r��d�arshalla�Rly, :.�;�.
<br /> � �, no later than i�nmediately prtor to the sale ot the Property or rts acquisiYion by l.e�rerier,anY Funds heid by L�dQr a t t he ti m e � � `�:�,=; ��
<br /> .;._�;.� • - . `.
<br /> �:';��:'• oi application as a credit agalnst the su�^�s�uted by this Deed�f Trus� ;,, . ;{i ,.-.
<br /> '` 3. ApPlia�tlonog�fnter�s.U�!t���licab:at�►providesotherrrdse.allpaymer�tsrecff��edbyLendarun�art�tat�a . � _ :
<br /> �..
<br /> ac�!paregraphs t and 2��.�1 bo apR:ied by L�'..�rBrst in payment of ae�«�,rnts payable to Lender b��9 adrrower arxier � �r� __
<br /> p�c�raph 2 hereof�ther�t*a d��ast payable on the t��,and then t�4ho p�r�a:�ot a oNBorrower's ob��sfu,r�s und�anY ' .`��.� ,``-'
<br />� 4. Pd�r Me►rtgages andDeeds o� , � •C�rg�:Lian�.Bor�aauer shalt pr�'+`o�rn `� ��=
<br /> r .,rr'_ ,.::
<br /> ':�'{ mortgage,d�oftrustorothersecu�Y.ya�aemon3�^rithalienwhlcP.r,r-r�spr�orityoverthisDesdofTrust,inc������'g �,,��.. .�
<br /> �.. .
<br /> ,:.
<br /> � ca�asra.�tstr�m�cepaymernswhendue.�aNersfiallpayorca:r,���aepa�daUtaxes�asse��n�t�sandoUrsrch�.�►�+'� �;i,�'_
<br /> -..- �dfir;,�-&�tinn§attribu2�4tetothePropeRywh(chmayattainaprior�.yaverthis0eedofTrust,ant3i2aseholdp�rzne�tsc�r��unfl .-t,`:}. :.,
<br /> . ;a�- :.— �.
<br /> ��' :��rtr�::any. F;r+�:;: :-::
<br /> � �� '' S, H�rd��s�rance.Borrawer sha(I keep tfi�e improvemants now existing or hereafter erecied on the Property4ns:.�ed „
<br />. ,. ,,:;;,; .. _ .,, � �.
<br /> •;,.,;..,.
<br /> ••; � against lass fcy flre.hazards in�tudsd within the term extended coverage".and such other hazards as Lender may req�:re ' , 1'u;,,':�,_
<br /> and tn such amounts and tor such periods as Lender may require. ;,�,t__
<br /> The insurance canier prodtding the ins�rance shal�by chosen by Borrowar subject to a��ai by Lender.provided,that ,�..y�.,._
<br /> ., .. :".�. '''..,�_
<br /> such approval shall not be unreasonably v�ithheld.All insurance policies and renewals lhereof shatl Q�i�:afiorm ac�eptabfe ` _
<br /> to Lender and shall inctude astandard mortgage ctause in tavor of and in a torm mxeptabie to Lender.`�r shall have the T ..
<br /> r l g h t t�o h o l d t h e p o l i c i e s a n d r e n e w a t s t h e�i�T��to the terms d`a�►y mortg�w deed o1 Uust orother security agreement 1,. .,
<br /> . �,�� ` with a Ilen which has priorlty aver this D
<br /> In 4ha event of loss.Borrou�rer shail give prompt nottce to the insurance carrler and Lend.e�I�nder may matce ptaa�'�Ross .}�z�<<�:; .,�;`'•
<br /> tf not made promptty by Harra�rrar. -'-'�.�?";:;
<br /> if the Property is abandoned by BoROwer,or it Borrower faila to respond to Lender witP�in 30 days trcm the date notice is
<br /> ,�,s.��•�' r„ailed by Lender to Bortower that tre t7aarance car�ier offers to settle a clatm for insurance benef'ds.Le�er is suthorized
<br /> .... n .:•:'�•
<br /> �;y��k4�'�r toocllectandappiytheinsuranceproc�c�atlender'sapUonefthertorestorationorrepairofthePropertyortothesumssecured , ,,�#���°r ".;-.'_
<br /> '� by this Oeed of Ttust. ;1��'���;���'a'
<br /> ' t'�; • ..:�.:,,;
<br /> � presenratlon an��?n'cnterta�sq of Prope�tyP;�a%e����+�ndomintums;Ptanned l�al4���e�nta B��a ,{ �,'��_.� ,
<br />. �� shatl keep the PropeRy ire�repair and shali not cccnmit v�aste or perr�it tm�alrment or detefloratto�e af tt�e Properry �,;�'•�'�.� ; ;:-�N;�
<br /> ' shall oomply wtth tho provisiorss a7 arr,y�ease if this Oeed o!Trust is cn�t��fiofd.If thfs Deed ot Trusi is cn a unit in a
<br /> � �` contlominium or a ptanned unit deua9�t�pm3nt,8orrower shall�te��cm all of Borrcwer's obligations under the deClat'a+Krvn or � � �� .,.,
<br /> �� "r- oaroenr�nmcreatingagrnremingthea���iniumorp'ar:aesiuNtdevetopment,thobydawsandregulauonsoftheoondornir.;um t�`,�.`.�.. .
<br /> . Q�pienned unit deveiopmeat,and oand"".�ent daa.�.s. �`--�� �
<br /> ' T. Pr�beCtlo�of L,ertder'a S���l•�f�►eo;''►�"fa��n to p�rform the cavenants and agreements caniR�?rted in thIs Deed � �_s
<br /> P. _�
<br /> � ' ��:'�r' ef Tiust,or if any action or proceed!nrr 6g ce�mrt�o�cc�which materialty aftects L�nder's intere�t in the G�npas�y,ther�lsader. r,�,,,,;;����i _ '.
<br /> ,s;�;,4;i ; � -'•.�:�y�.�4•.:, .
<br /> ,:;�: ' at Lender s opilon,upfln notica to Bar�v.r�.may maka such appeargne�s,dis6�rse such sums,inciudi�g�•e��reeys' ,. ,,`.>�,. -
<br /> ' t �� and take such acUon as is necess�ry to protect Lender's interest.II Lender requ ire d mo rtgage insur�.�;ce�s ac��S4Uon : : ; �1�,�, .
<br /> te99. . . .':��.�d;1 �ar�
<br /> � � atrriakingthetoansecur�e3by4hieDeedofTrus�t.Borray►ershallpaythepremiumsrequiredtomaint�insucl�i�surancey�effect • Y ,;
<br /> Y SSSS,i. 4�".=�`��
<br /> untilsuchUmeastherequ.drr�tnenttorsuchinsurancoterminatesinaccordancevrithBorrower'sandLertdrar'mK"ittenagreerr�ent _4,,,�,�„� -
<br /> ' . or appiica�ote law. `�`.' . .: � �
<br /> My amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragtaph 7.wilh interest thereon.at the Note rate,shall become �
<br /> additt�onaf irtdebtednessoi Bo Imtiwersoc��btrom Le�dert Borrowei�u�r P Y�';entthereo.! Nothing can*.ai�ned i�this ..�' •_� `', " " °
<br /> s u c h a m o u n t s s h a l l b e p a y a b p o . • �
<br /> " � paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or take any a c t ion heraun der. , . � [__�
<br /> � 8. Inspection.Lender may make ar cause Lo be made reasonabte entrtes upon and inspections of the Rropar4y,provide0 �:.�,�,;,; ,�;y
<br /> . ; that Lendar shall give Bo�rawer notice pr[or to sny such inspecNon specitying reasortable cause thareior retated to Lender's �,_
<br /> interest in the Propsrty. � , ,
<br /> • g. Con�emnatton.The pm�e�ads of nny award or ctaim tar damagas,direct or consequential,in c4nrtecUon with any
<br /> candemnatlon ar othertaking of the Prope►ty.or part thereaf,or for canvayanco ie�Geu of oandemnaUon,are hereby assigned _---
<br />— `— - artd Shafi oe paiti iv���sutt�ta it�.:l�r:s�o!�:y mts�*-g?ye.deed°��+��other securtty agreement wi4h a lien whtch -_ ----.-- -
<br /> � ha3 priority ovet this Deed o4 Trust. � ; �
<br /> . �
<br /> . . onGE2 �- ��...
<br /> � 1� '`.�: . ;4 ; � . , . . , , " .. . . `.� 5 � ' ' .. . •..
<br /> { ,i�'�' ' . - . '.1�::. ..v :�f ....> .. ' - . '_ .. _ . ,. . . .. . .. . _ . . . , .. _ �-' � ' . ��. .., _ • . � . . -
<br />