2 b ,�. st[ rn'-,,:,:..:il ���,�r.r .f�...-:aw..�-rr-�:,L-
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<br /> ��� �� + g2_ �oss�s
<br /> '-'"^. . . '�"� 6. Aaaesa.
<br /> •,�1[��_.��t��.�
<br /> - The Lessee shall have aaaese from the leaaed premises anto the ,
<br /> � � � • Leseor's roads and ehall aleo have the riyht to uae the lake for
<br /> '� �" �,.;�, boatinq, swimminq, and fishing. Theae acaese riqhts are in
<br /> - � -'.,. . aononon with the other leasehold�sra at Kueater Lake.
<br /> ;.,.;,
<br /> ���1 . �� ��,� 6a. Prior Leases. �_ _r _ _
<br /> `��, This Lease replaces and supersedes any prior Lease for said
<br /> ' ;,�;�,���..,��x��•� premises whiah the Leseee or his predeaesaors in title may have __
<br /> -.:•...� , , held.
<br /> ��`�:; a,. ..:.. �
<br /> '�����;��=�,�' 7. Determination of Houndaries.
<br /> �'���W�i,: j The Lesaor shall have the r ght, on a reasonable basis, to
<br /> _,�.---. � , _�- � . determine the boundaries between the Lessee and his neighbore if __ �--
<br /> - �..�; ��. , � the Lessee and his neiqhbore cannot aqree to suah boundary line.
<br /> —� � �, : The lake front boundary of the leased premises shal]. be to the r
<br /> ��'""'�'��`�"''-' s� water line as the same may exist from time to time with ehanges
<br /> � " � � u�" in the water level of the lake. The boundary line of the leased _--
<br /> -- -"'"`��=�''�'"� � premises abutting tihe Lessor's comnon roads ahall be reaeonably �.-
<br /> :�� °�'�.���'''�''�'`,' determined by the Lessor. R�
<br /> 1�.-�a.,. —";_
<br /> n - -
<br /> `�;�: S. Peaae.ful Possession. �J
<br /> ,:�.,.,�- ,"ny�,.. ..� .____��_
<br /> �;��� 6 ` ., As long as Lessee conforms with the zequirements binding upon him .
<br /> „ ' �:,�,,;.,....
<br /> .•:., � ���-��-�-�� �'; in this Lease Agreement, the Lessee shall enjoy peaaeful �,i�;
<br /> �;�: ;;� .• ��� ^ posaession of the leased premises. "�,_�_.__
<br />-�u=� , .�:r�e►.a�,°.�:-� 9. Im�rovements. �r' �
<br /> -`' ��� "�''��' ''�° � The Lessee shall keep the leased premises in a neat and clean �'�L', ,'
<br />:;;-.�:�� condition at a].l t imes an d s ha l l kee p a l l i m p r o v e m e n t s o n t he
<br /> _ � � � leaaed premises in a good aondition of repair. �.:
<br /> .-:'1 .:ti.. �,>�'.l.dGY�
<br /> ._'�- _. ..w�.. .
<br /> � � � � 10. Ak�andonment. _
<br /> � The Lessee agrees not tc abandon the leased premises. --
<br /> .. , �..��-_-
<br /> � 11. Access for Installing Utility Lines. '""F".`'��
<br /> � The Lessor reserves the r ght to come upon the leased premises
<br /> ° � y �or installation of underqround ar abave-ground utility lines and �_m�.'y��_'
<br /> ` � the making of necessary repairs or improvements to or abuttinq w•�� � �-�
<br /> the leased premises. The Lessor agrees to restore the premises
<br /> . . � e an suah ��
<br /> to substantially the same condition as they were befor y �„�_�
<br /> „ inetallation and at the Lessor's expense. =.=--
<br /> . 12. Rules and Reaulations. ��-,.��s
<br /> ° The Lessee agrees to comply with the rules and regulations as �
<br />. � .. prepared and furnished by the Lessor to the Le+ssee, from time to
<br /> time. Such rules and requlations shall contain restrictions and �Lr-- -
<br /> .. ," �.� limitations, for the mutual benefit of all Lessees at Kuester -
<br /> � Lake, pertaining to the use by the several Lessees at Kuester _
<br /> � I;��,. Lake of the lake itself, common roads, and the leased premises. ` �
<br /> '.+5� �� It is understood that the basic use of the leased premisea shall
<br />: . . ' �' ma ermit 'from time � +�,
<br /> be for residential purposes, but the Lessor y p , � 1yy;
<br /> to time, commercial activities on the leased premises. Any such �•��
<br /> � . rules, regulations and permits are subject to change by the ��
<br /> Lessor, exceptinq that the basic purpose of the leased premises
<br /> as residential shall not be abridged. Any changes in the rules �
<br /> ° and regulations must be approved by a majarity of the
<br /> � leaseholders present and voting at a meetinq called for such � -
<br /> purpose of which written notice has been given to all � ',
<br /> leaseholders (one vote par Lease). ;
<br /> 13. Termination of Lease by Default of Lessee.
<br /> ' If the Lessee fails, after ninety (90) days prior written notice
<br /> from the Lessor, to remedy any default in his or her compliance
<br /> � with any of the obliqatio�ns binding upon him or her under this
<br /> Leaso Agreement, or under the Rules and Regulations furaished him
<br /> . t�_ �.i.... .�..�..�n�i�n4�a
<br /> Or her by tr.e L@SSOr� tDE L@SSOr �iidy� ai, i a.o `v�...+.....� •
<br /> this Lease and retake possession di the leased premises but only
<br /> ., after the following Frocedure has been complied with:
<br /> (a) A special meeting of all sCockholders of
<br /> ` Lessor shall be called by the Hvard of
<br /> Directors of Lessor, and written noticc
<br /> �
<br /> . +•,. ' r
<br /> � _
<br /> � _ - _
<br />