. . . . . . . .� :e' � � �,� . . ' �.�� . .. - '. � �� ,�%. � < . '
<br /> f_��,.
<br /> � � Ca� ta,nvs+a�r9
<br /> . - iv�c9��c. . � .�
<br /> • .z��::_,
<br /> _ ;:,` R,,.;;,•
<br /> 4;.;y,.
<br /> 9�P��nt oi ths indebi�dnass cEtcusts�by Utls Oaed o}YI�i9t�n��1r�c1�1.¢�!1g sums udvancs�to proiect the secudr�07 thl�a�ed n :,�:-�;
<br /> ' � 11 S.00U O�i .whichavar ts grea4or. ..��:�:
<br /> `:� �rust,exeeed�ort$Inal p�tmnipJ amaunt stated hereln,or� • �.,.
<br />"``' � t0.�tt�tnn�ous FravfrSoai�. 'A�' '
<br /> (e)�rtowir Na!R�twa�B.F.xisnsian o4 tP�e tlms tor paymsnt or modii;c,ccitton oi amortfa�Uon ot ttis sum�¢�caco�by tnt� �. �•, �
<br /> • Ucne�,and without aHecting tPte It�rt or cherQe o4 t�le Dged o!Teuat upan ony porcior+01 ih3 Pro�sr�y Ro!tit�n or tif�rotdforo , .:� �,
<br /> re!e��i a5 aeeu�(ty tor the tull rimovnt of all uc�atd oQligattans.l�eedor mny,trom uma to time ared wltt�ut noske p)mta�se �;. ; ,.:::
<br /> m
<br /> ; . . • any peraan so 1lab:e,l!i)exterttl the matuAty►er alter sny ef the terma o!eny such oDiigt�4ions.pn)prant other tndulgerv�o�,(tv) _
<br /> • rela�sa or comrey,or cau�ta ba r�f�ascd or rescnveysd ai any Ume at Lsndo�e op�ore any parcel,portion or att o1 the _
<br /> PropeRy,(v)take or reteass any a3her or add�ltona!secudty or recanveyed at any Ume et LensMts a�tlon arry parcel.poRbn a "
<br /> '��.c efi of ths Property,(�ta�ce or nalease any other or addiUonal secudty tor any obligatton harai�msnttcaed,or(vl)mako compo- a,�__'
<br /> sitians ot other arrangement�with daDtora tn reietion thereta �
<br /> _- (b�I.Qn�r'e Por�ese.Withgui affec�in�tt�e Aabillry a!any other psrsan ttahle for the paymant o!any obligztion hssotn mart- �Tj�;;��,'_,
<br /> tiorted,end witheut aHecBng the lien ar eharge o!th(s Oeed o!Trust upon eny portlon ai the Pmpariy not then ot t4�vretofure � k
<br /> rateased as saaiirtty br the tult an►ount of ell unpaid oDligefions.�endar ma/,fram�me to ttme artd without no�ce(i)rolsasa � `��
<br /> a
<br /> `, any peison so liable.(Ii)exten�the mawrfty or alior any of tha tarms ot eny such obliQatlons.(�grant other indutgencas.(iv) :.�=�
<br /> � retease or convey,or ca�:.�s to be reteased or reoom►eyed at any tfine at Letvdars o�Uan any paroel. Pottion or all of the �
<br />- ' Pmperty.(v)tatce or celease arry omer ar ad�iUoaal seeu�tty or reoomrayed et arty t�r1x�at�enda�s op'tlun any parosl.portlon or "r�:T:'^=°{°•
<br /> . atl a?the PmReRy,(v��ke ot reSease any oUer or addiUonaf securfty for eny ab�tiora hOrafrn manttoned,or(vi�m:lce ommpo- � `'�� '
<br /> ��-_�_ ::.
<br /> sitians a!other arrangements with de+�mrs in refation thsreto.
<br /> ' {c)ForO�rat�s Izy I.�t�Q�r[�int a WatYe�kr►y tat6earance by Lendar tn exercistr,g any righl or rem2dy haseunQBt,or oin- ____--_-
<br /> ' • emisa afta�d by applicaIIte taw.sttall noi be a waivar of or pr+�ctude t�e exeroiso of any ssich dgftit or ramecPy.The pro�ure- �_�_
<br /> msat of tn�c,rtce or 4he payment ot taxes or other pens ord�arges by Lender sha]f noY be a watver or Lenders�ight to acaaler• ��,;.:._
<br /> - ate tlte¢ar�aity of tf►e irtQ96ted�s�ured OythRS�eed oT Tnist u.',=..,.:=
<br />' . (c!)�xssara end Assiq�ns Bav�4;JoFnt tnd Several SJabtlity;Ca�tions.The oovenants and agreements hsre3n con- ���--__
<br /> ' tained slti.7 bind,artd tha dghts herounder shan a.nure to,the respe�tive suca�ssora and assigns o1 LertQer and Tn�stor.A!1 _
<br /> .. cauen�and agresr.r�rfs of Trustor shaU helQ`���veral.The captions as�!headir.gs of the paragraphs of ti�is Deed ot - -
<br /> � Tntst a�F�r oonven'.a;x�Evdy and 2��not to be�i to in'erprei or dafine 4he�:�ians hereof. '�:;`,.:;`�;.
<br /> ,;.K`: (6b C�4 tor t1i�'F'.,�'�E:a��hereby reguest that a oapy of any no�s afi defa�t @.�c=�under and a copY��Y�� rT:r; '•�'�•
<br /> ,s�,... .:.
<br /> of�'0 7�re�nder ba�r4...'ad ta��#:T I�arty to this Deed of Trust�E Ure address sat fortb�ra in the manner prescri3�a9 I��+ r,.4�`, .
<br /> 9s
<br />�`�"'4� aPAli�2ha�er_Exce�ri fcr;arry e�r�c��aa required nnder applic�Y�faw to be Qn�an irt anc�r c�.armer,aity noitc�p7oti►`�Gms ._.:=`
<br /> `:��" in this�ed o!Tn�i�,"aall�a g's�,��`cY ma�'ling�c�sw�ae by cert�ed m27���sed to�+s o�rar paRies.e!�e addte�s:T ., .,;H,,•-.
<br /> � torth above.Any rtc��pr.s,id�cl for in this Dea��'Trust shall ba efiecti�.��ma111ng in t h e manner cr�.�raated harein.ii ' ��;.-_:
<br /> •, ! Trustor is more tha��:�re t�saa.r.Q�xe seni to L'z�ar��'sss set faM abati�e�tt I�noSce to ell suc4�pezs�. ,.:;' . ,.`�
<br /> ,�.:r' ;i,. (fl frst�etloa.i.�►�r z^.ay��r rause b�a made res�s�;:.ta arrtr,�.u'�n and ins�rkons of ttse�'raparty.pr�rttled _:..-v
<br /> ,:; U�a t L�r:r d e r s h a l t g i v e'i�s f a f c:��pna-90 an y si:�.h ins p e c t ian s�e c i f y I n 9 reasanabte c��o�a�`.er retai�t to Landefs ir'�� ��"�:"'-
<br /> .�.�. '�;:i,1,:<....,
<br /> �r,i�L�fi 83t G^1'�1TH FtGp6(ty.
<br /> ;'�.':"'� (9)�Y���D�PaYment of all surns s�ured by ihis Deed of Tn�?.t2nd�..7 s�i3:a�'.:est Yrr�s E�Bcomap� ,
<br /> ;. v,`.; Property and shall sarrestder thfa Deed of Tru�i and all notes av(dencing irtda�i�nass sasvred by tdns�eed o!Tnist to �' `�.'
<br /> •;��f.f , Trusfea.Tn�stee sAail reoom�ey the PropeRy.witfwut wanar►ty and without ctrt��a 2o tha�a;son tag,ally enti�dad Utierefa.Ynuto� � '
<br /> ��..,
<br />>°�::�''�'; s h a ll pay a II o o a t a o r r e c o N a ti a n.ff a r ry. _--`--�-'"�
<br /> <�y.�'- (h)PY�rsonal Propsrty;Secudty Agreement As addi�ona!secvr�ty tor the payment e7 4h�Plot�.Tn�stor hsreby granta _—
<br /> Lendor under the IJebraske UNtorm Commercial Code a secur+tj in�orest fn all Hxwr�s,equ'p;ranl,anti oL`tar parsanal praDariy; '-`
<br /> � ��� ,.� used in oonnectlan with tha real ostate or impmvernenta located thereon,and not otherwtse declared ar deemad W be a pari o1
<br /> . . � the real esTate secur�d heraby.Thts instrument el�sill he construed as a Seeudry Agroemern under satd Coda.end the lsnder �` •' �
<br /> shali have a0 fhe�ht8 and remedies of a secured puRy uader said Codo in sdditlon to the��end recae�►9 under thts �
<br /> -- . par�grapD shall be cu�wtaUve wqh,snd i�r.o way a iimiSation on.�r�rt�+b asaf��,s��.:�ta�r��s;ctMr�t�ss�,��_,,, --__-^
<br /> .. . merrt stqned by Bartower or Trustor.
<br /> (f�L3wa artd Enct[rt�rariea.Tnistor hereby warrante and�epresents that t�ere ia no atefauit under the provisions of any �.:.',
<br /> • mortya�e�deed at trust.teasa or pur�Aase canUacl descdbinfl efl or�r►y part of the Properiy,or otlier oont�act,Instrwneni or
<br /> a�reernent consti�a lien or er�cumbranca a�ainst a11 or any part of tha PropertY(collecUvay.'Ue�'l�e�tlng as d tlte
<br /> deie M t�is Deed of Trusf.an0 that eny and e;l exisUng Uens rert�aln umwditled except ae disr,�osed to Lender in T�ustoj's writ �,
<br /> ten dtsciosure of Uena aad encumbrances pravlded tor hereln.Trustor shall Umsty pe�torm aU of Truatar'a obltQsttcrw, -'� -
<br /> . . covsnanto,ropresentaUorr�end wartanUe�under eny and a l l e x i s t i n 8 e r b t u t ure U e n s.s t�a 1 1 P r o n�U Y t a�w a r d t o L s n d e r c a p i e e �f_.
<br /> . of all n�9ces W dafauft sent in cannectlon wFth arry and all existlrtg or tuture LJens.end shail not wiUaut Len6efo phor written
<br /> ., ooc�sertt in erry manner madity the provFs�ong of or dlow erry tu�re advance�under arh►extstin9 a tuoue Nen�. �s.'_�:,�.
<br /> . � m Apptleaftons a9 Paymeab.lfiieas aihetwise reGulred by law.sums pafd to Lender hereurWer.F�g wittwut imtm- �'�"'°'
<br /> Uon OaY�ffi�D��P�and tnterest,insur�ce proceeds.condemnatison praceetJs and renb and profiis.ehe11 be appIIed by -:=:--
<br /> .. n . .
<br /> t.ender to the arr.amis due and owtng tram T�r and horrower in such order as Lender in its sote�scretion deenu3 Qesir- '�
<br /> '� Qea
<br /> .;.�
<br /> abie.
<br /> .;;f:ry��f'z (k)S�rarabillty.if any pravfslon o1 th}�Deed ot Truat oonfl:cts with appltcabte law or is dectared invalid or othenwfse unen- �=`".
<br /> ���;�r�1� foroeabi�,s�x�oonfl�t or Invatidity ehail not aHeci the other provision9 of this Oeed af Tnist or the Nate whicl�can ba ghran �� `
<br /> � ';'' etted witt�out the wr�flk;ting pravlsion,and 4o thl�end the provisions o!this Deen�o!Trust an6 fhe Note are dedared to be sev- ���y=�
<br /> �. . erab Terma.Tho terms`TNSioP and'Borrowef shaU Inctud�botb singtdar er�tG��1.and when the Truswr and Borraxrer ere
<br /> �.;�ii;:{;�:. tha FaJase petson(s).ttase tertns s�e��d in ihis Deed o1 Trust sttiatt be intetcha+SzabSe. _ __
<br /> ,«,:'� (m)�st�ntinp Lsw Thls Deed dr Trust at�eU be gavemed Dy the taws of tha Slate of Nebra,ska. _ _�__
<br /> ,�yi:��?,�
<br /> .;,.
<br /> �Z`� �- -f=;"..
<br /> {{4...::-�'
<br /> ��i(�7','.�
<br /> ''',�;������ �y
<br /> � '. � �r�atar h�s executed this DeoB ct Tnist as at the daU��rf�ten above. - --
<br /> '„'j,;S,�;� � � Q�yl� ,-�,_
<br /> � ,if4.;: ' r-. .
<br />-.:;�:��`'`;} ` JOH�� MICHAEL �MNLEY, HUSB 'J T�r Tnutcr �'_`;'��:_
<br />',�s�:;;,�,'� CY HIA M. MANLEY9 WIFE T�s��r 7nistor �
<br /> �:=:-__.
<br />.s:vi�;lr� -�
<br /> �,.. i:�,�
<br />:�t;t"h;,�
<br />� :3�`p� r •-.
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<br /> � . � `.�;µ,
<br /> t'�•...� ,
<br /> . ._.. , . . . ... . � , • � ,. •
<br /> . -•` , ' ��. _ :: , ': `,� . . . . .:�.r'� t�' �'� . .
<br /> . . - - . . ,. • . . . . . . ��.. . . . � s . . . . . '••:... ' � ._. ' . ,. •� . . • � .. . ..
<br />