- � . . . . .. . . , .�: .. .F. . . . . . :r3"'T'7.�z:�.-- - - • _'
<br /> � . , - .. . o - . . � � . . . . G ,. ' - .. .
<br /> � . ':� �..:.�, �. . ' c� .. r. __ . r;'�p•.qi�'`'�i[J , , � ' . � . ` .. . .. • .. .. . .
<br /> 1
<br /> . .� i��4et-i.� _.._.i.�_�..lrn_...�...�..�....�..._� - - ._.vu..a.__. ____...__�- . J t"o.fl�' _—.
<br /> r _
<br /> �� covEruuiTS ��y— ��'d��`� ��.,.; -�."��.
<br /> t. �ay�. Qorrowar egrees to make a� paymonta on Uw saaaed debt wtwn dus. Untess Bonowar and Lender agree othervvi;:o. eny -,�___ ;�;�',
<br /> paymerts Lender roaetves fram Harrowar ar for BsrrowtPe b�fit�bll bo ap�liad fimt to cny amounte Barro�ver ovrss nn tna seturofl dt�t , � -
<br /> � • exettutve of IMmaat er pHnc(pal,aetortd to lrmrast,enA Non co OrInWDa�•�t panlal G�D�nt of ttw eoewcd QtsDt osaus tor any rorson,k wiJ "'-�
<br /> not raduca or ezcusa atty etTt�u(ed psYmeM urttil the s4auod dQQ!ta pa'S in fu!1. f t . `-',��'•-`"
<br /> .� . __.
<br /> � Z,Qg�mo Ay�[n9t�.Bcrrov�cer wiH�av et1 tsxea.esse�amecrta.and ott�r ahergss ettribv-ta�fe to tha proparty when�and wiG d�tsnd titto � � - ' .-
<br /> to the praDerhraII4nst any c1�Uas wR[d►wnutd impair the Iien of tnts Qaed oi trust Le��dar mey reQuiro Bartawer to assipn�ny rtphu,et�Sma or . . ,�
<br /> Qstctnsas�vJ�Ieh 8flno-�+rar maV heve egainst partles wAo suDDh►�abor or mauriats to tmyrova or mainta!n tne praperty. �'-
<br /> . r.:. _�.,
<br /> S.trawa��.Bottowar wi8 keaA�s R*aDanll�sxued under terma aueptabte to Lendet ai Bortawar'e expsnsa and for Lend2r's 6enaftt.Ali " =-
<br /> tns�anee paCS3es shal tnesuda a�ud m�rtsage efmre in favor ot 6en�er.l.enQer wiil De nsmed as loas paye9 or e.s the truiuod on eny auch -�. "i
<br /> . Insuranoe{toCcy.My tnsurance�axeds may 5eep pl;ed witttin LanQe�s disaetion,to aith:r th3 roataratton ar rop2fr o}tha dem2g�progeny , .
<br /> or to the aaeurcd d�t M Lender re�.'ras mo�rtgtgs irisusanca.Borrouver e�Bas to matntain sush insuraneo tar as tang as Len��r ro8ulres. - -
<br /> �` i 4.F�ty.Barrorvar un7l k�ap ttm p.roDanY in gaod eor�di@an and me[ce afl mp�irs reasorepbill naceasary. �..: -.. ,, - _
<br /> � 6.F�ansaa.8onower a�rses tu D aE5 Lendars expons6s,inetudng reasona6le attomsys'feas,if Bnno►ver hreaks eny covEnanta in this de2d - - "
<br /> `_ 04 truet m in eny abl:QaLon securad�y tMa�aed of truat 8ortowar wio ps�y thaso amnwns to LendEr as provide�In Covenznt 9 of Ws deed of . -
<br /> � t• UusL .:, z.=�._.....,.._a_'.--;�'�
<br /> x.
<br /> • 6.Priw S�eui3y 6rt�nsb.Uniesa Borinwer fuat obntns Landn�o wsitten eonsarit.Banower wi0 noi matae or '•:"'•~"��'�'�=�'��`-
<br /> 6rt nsb P�rt enY changes to any piiar ' �?;�
<br /> 6ecurity Irrtetesb. Baerowet wili pertorm afl of Gorrower's o6ligsit[ans unC2r erry pdar martpeIIa. deod of Vust or other security apreamem, �� '
<br />� tnctudinp Bmmtv�fs eovaner�m to malco payrtconts vrhan dus. ''�i=``"�'��''"=�'
<br />� 7. af Rmts�nd�otfb.Borrower assi�ss to Lender Me�ertts and profita ot ths property.Un:sss Horrower and LenQer hava sg[aed �-����
<br /> • othet�w se�io�v=irith�g, Bartotiver may eoitect end retain the rerts as(onp ea Barrower is not In datauft If Harrower de'taults,Lender,L$nd�r'c �` ' "�""`' f
<br /> . egent,ar a caint ap�ainted reeeiver may teko possassion artd manage the praperty and eollact the rertts.Acry reMS Lende�coBec�shatt tre ;:
<br /> appiieE fust to ffie costs of mana�pag the Rraperty. incNd'mg wur4 eosts ared attomeys'teas.commiscions m rentaf spems, and arry ott�r �`=��u-r,��r.-
<br /> • necessary relatad e�enses.The rorntininp amount of rents+�n"!1 then apAty w Daymerta an th�seaued datrt as provided in Covarazrt 1. �y
<br /> i�:��e�riic_.�r- ,
<br /> Q.t�oids•CenQo�Nai�+ss3 P.us�td lt�tt�vatapm�nt�.Borro►vsr ap�ees to compiy with tha R�ovlstons af any tem-e'rf thls da¢d ot trust is an —_�-:- --�
<br />�• ee�r�covena�cctsa dWaws.a�c�gulatlon�s o U��n�do�mW��um oi�plamed wiFt�devetove�pmerrt.Bwrower w�1 psttorm aU of Bonowsrs dudes - -- -_
<br /> �„� �_ --_---,
<br /> 9.Au9atitl►of l�d�r to FsrWcm ta Borro�rv.ff Bor�owar fa�Ts tn aerfarm�sY Of Borrower's duti�s�crvCEr ttils desd of Uurt,Lend�moy � ,
<br /> �.<� peAorm the dutlas or cause them to be pev[arrt�nd.I.sndsr may Fign�flrrawers nume or puy any artwnrit if nee0ssary far perfarmance.If anyr _-°-- -`•
<br /> constructinn on thsprapsny ts disca�rxisd er not cartied on in a�easonaMe mannor,Lende�mry do whataver is ne�ss�y m protect Le�er's ��'��rr�:
<br /> ceciuity interest in Utie ptoperty.Thia may Indude eompktlnp tha construction. - -.,- ..
<br />-. ���- -- — --
<br /> Lendefs failure to perfoem will not praeiude Lender from exercising arry ot its other rlghta undar the faw or tlds de2d of trt[st. `T� '�"�°`;-�esri'�:
<br /> . AnY amourns pafd by Lnnder to ptoteet Lender'a seauity interest wll lse seaaed 6y this deed ot trus�fiuch amaunts wiG 6e due on damand ��z�o�'_� �
<br /> � and w(0 bear i�erest trom the dato ot the paymecst unti7 peld in tull e4 the iirterest rata m eHect on tfie saciued dcat. "�'F'�•'-<-�.;
<br /> . '�
<br /> 10. ON�it�nd Aec�hr�. If 8orrowa faila to mske any�ayment when due or breaks erry covenanU uridei tlds Geect of uust or ury '�;.'i;�:_
<br /> - oAGpatton sac�ed by this dsad of mut ot en{r priw matQage or deed of uust,I.endar mzy aecaferata the maflairy of Uw aaaauod dabt and �' �'
<br />. , demand immediate payment and msy invoke the power af safo and e�ry other rerradias p¢rmEtts�bY eDDficah.'s law. : `�'.•• � ;�'' �.r
<br /> ' �� .�,�},,r. 7.-:.. .-�.
<br /> � o�.F/:�_`'..'?�ir'""�.
<br /> '�•..r, 11.Rpu�st tor NaCu ot Q�tmlt.k is herehy requested that copies of t4�e no6ces of Qefauft aM sate tro som to eaeh poroon who is a p�P,� . .1 �'i.�;..;r-;.,�:
<br /> �;r;n. heratn,at tl�e addre�of esefi sueb person,as set fartb hereln. • �•
<br /> ::;� 12.Poww a!Sale.If the LertGcr invoiesa ths power o!a�le.tho Tn�stee aha(1 Gcst record in tfie offlca af ti�capt5�of deeds af ead�catiurf-� • +i��'�f; ''�"._
<br /> wherc'n the trust property or eam9 part or paresl theraof is situated a notiee oi deTaiit eon�1nIn�tfis intormz:.�n reQuYed by tav�.ihe Truet�a
<br /> �'�� shsft also mai!eopies of the nottee of detautt to the BoROwar,to each person who is a party fiereto,end to other persans as prescm'ized by ��. ��
<br /> �`:-. �i[c�bte law.Not less than ono montfi after the Trustee res�eds the rrotiee of dofaidt,or two momhs'rf the trust gm{yartS/Is aet trt any x<.
<br /> '•�:: crrasrpntated city or viltese and tv ussd in farmir�a ruti�u eaztie�3 an by th�trustor,the Ytustes thsli qlve puD&e notico of¢a!a to Uta pFrsorta - �•
<br />:::,,rf;' encf tn the manrter presrritud by apppueabte taw.�ruatea,w:x�au.�demand en eacrowe►.ettafl seD tits prop at pubt'ic aucuon to ma tti gt`$sest '"'�.•
<br />'.��.;;t b1Q�r.lf requUad tY{the Farm Homastead Pac�ew�Act,Yrus:ea sha8 ctirsz�property in t►vo separe4e�a9 raqu3red by apatiCatrla fr,.cv. �''•���:�. .��.�
<br /> °'°a Tnt�tse m�s+►pos+_?a�Rafs of all or my preai�L'9s ProDa�tY bY fwbllc ar¢�r�ass�ment at tM tlme and pitoa of any prevtousty sched�ad¢�ae. • �i„��._,�-=
<br />.:'°"i� Lsndm or its dastf[��Y P�osv the ProP��Sr at any sata. � ...
<br />. � .��, �
<br /> � Upon rocelDt o9 paymer►t of the prfoe biQ,Trustee sha8 deliver to the purcfiaser Trustea's dead canveyinp the property.Ths reeitlals eornained in ': � . �-� �' '
<br /> TrusYee'a deed shall be prima fa�o ev(firance of the truth of the stetemertts eontatned thcretrt.7�a afiail appty the praeaeds of the safe in tho 3' '"*�" '�;
<br /> foHnwUp arQer: (a?w at!e�erses of the sate, inctudir►g, but not limited to, reaaa+w�61m Zalstea'a fsas, reazor�sba attwnsya faes and -' `� �
<br /> ro(nstateme�teea:@)to all aur.0 seameb by tfUs Ceed af trust,and[c)the balance.if arry,tw t�persons lega(Iy erttiUrA to�ecetve rt. r r"I.T'���:,�..��C`;,�.
<br /> ' '��` Y:, � .
<br /> 13.fa�cios�a.At Lendars op3lon,this Qced of trust may be forectoserl ln the manner provide by appL�CabSS law tor tore�osure of mortQaq�a � • ::�:.= Y°
<br /> .,, onre�IGroDertll• c,r•.'• `-at;�?r:�>.:T_..
<br /> � 14.��y� Lender may ertei+S�'�a proprx:,�to inspect it it LenQer givas Banowor noUoe be9oreharb.The naitcs must state ths reasoruLte �
<br /> aawqa far Lenders intpectfcn. �..`'-"_.�4�,.� � .
<br /> . _ if�.�4c�fA�rtwt3on.Borrower essQ�a'�Lrrider tlseprocaeds of any award or ctaim for Qamages aam�ected with a condcmn�fon or otner Ukltp ���,,,��` �,.L
<br /> � ot rq{�or any p�rt o!the property.5::�►proa.s�fsa e�vi11 be epp(led aa provided(n Covonant 1.Thta es;.tgrmient is suD�ct w t"�terms of anr�tslar �-, .
<br /> .,f� �'nY�EertlErtt. .,a�'�...;...: ,.�.,,y.;,,,,�,..
<br /> 1+�' �� -_--�
<br /> t0.Watvar.By ea�o.sing eny reme�y av�U�J�i��o Lender,ter►der doea not�i�ai+��am rtghte to ta2e�uteary otfitr romedy.By not exeraalnp 'y�`��-
<br /> erry romedy upon 6crrowers d��lt.LaMer daes not wa(ve arry ripht to later consider fhs event a default if ft happens agnIn. �^ � �
<br /> 1�. Jolnt�nd S�varat Lta6�t�r��st�wn: Sucs�sson�rb Auipn�Bow�d.QII dutles urx:nr�is deed of Uust are jolrt and sevanl. My � . , . �i '.,
<br /> Borrawor wiw co�sigrts thts �unE of trust but does not co-sign the und�irg deDt tn[rn��rtr.tts9 dacs so or�iyt to yant and convsy that '-�`�.--_
<br /> ' .' Bonower'a imarest in ttsa proper.t�to tha Trustes under the terms of thts dea c9 uust.tn aC�„fn�^n,such a Borrower��eea th�t the Lender and �.�,.,: .__
<br /> � `�: snY other Bortawer unQer tt�Is dee0 of truat casy exiend,madi or make any�u�xher��anfles in the terms of th�deed of truat or the seaued r
<br /> ?(,�!:kE_ debt withaut that Barrowaro consent an0 witSrcat,t retesaing tfiat�rrower hmsr�fan terrtu of thla Qeed of uu:� ' =�-—
<br /> ,,,f�:: � ,�`
<br /> � �. � Tha dutlas and banefiL of thlz dead o}trust 5:;11 Otnd anA�anefrt tha suceess��s end assf .�±P.i�-�- � #._-
<br /> Qrw ot Lander e.�f Qzrnwar.
<br /> •. ' � L 1SR hl�.Uniesa otherwlse rmm�i►�0 bY law,am/crotice to Han�xxver chall De givsn by detivaring k or by mafirva it by cerGfiEd meit add►essed Yo t�`�'",`�'-.
<br /> ' ; (iarrrswer et the prop�rty adC�aro r�r ar�y oUU►adQrera ttut f'.�ara¢rer has alvan to LarWer.Bor►owar w�U give arry nc,itas tn f.ender b eartified r"''•''�'°°.°°
<br /> ti� Y 7�...,..:,.
<br /> rr;;b to LsnQera addr�ss on pag�t of thli d�ed�t oust,cr�s,as�g ather ad�ess whtcb Lender hes deaf�tb�.Any ott.es naif,ce to I.andar shafl ��f
<br /> f; �G d �•�.,:'"'
<br /> :.;,i,i!��' b�sent to l�ndN'u BdCres9�sp2e0 otf�2go T r.9 r'!r3a decd+�i��,n3t. ' S'�'f�� .
<br /> ,,�1�� ���`itii
<br /> `,��;;��� Any notlse�hatl Ce deamsd to Mw Ceen ylv�u�tn P.rxrcwu cr Lortder when���an in the menner stated above. �'�i���±',�:.-�--
<br /> +ak,
<br /> ; tf1.Trans?r of ttN Frop�rty ov�it�a�W kK�:�n tIu IT�se�uvrsr.If all or any put ot ti�i�coperty or any imeroat in ft is cafd a�vanuforr�d 4;;,� ' _ .. __ .:-•
<br />. . ' wittwut LeMers prlcr virtitter�c�er�r,r.Z lenQei na��CeRamrl rmmadiats psymertt of ifu oua�a�e0 daDt. LenQer msy auo Cemand imrttadtsW ����;�T�-.=--��-�•
<br /> ,�� paymertt(i tfis 8orrowar t�Rct T na�ralpe rsan and a bc+c�cial irtterest in ths Eunowar. ��sotd or Vanitened.Ftowaver,Lendet fnay n�t 1�9�.:.:��;.�.:.;�.. -.. �{.
<br /> Qeman4 ps�nem In th9 ebove a:c.r,�icn�a if it'ca Crahibitsd by teQerel law es of the Qnte of t4Yo deeA of truet ,+•r;" ::' �'
<br /> �.�•�'_
<br /> , :_ y4:�ac,�.,-,pr ,r.._...
<br /> '; 10.R�conwyanc�.WMn the oDIlpaUon sac�umt I�y this deed o}trust has been pald and Lenda has no futther obtigatlon to mako aducncea ;.�rw�er�,�•;':'.;`
<br /> <. under the lnatruments or apreemerte seauad IbtJ htis deed of Vust,the Trustee sha(I,u�on wriiton re estb�the Lendor,reconvey th.o trust � ;...,�; ;,�;;�",�,?J. :
<br /> •. ;t pro�rty.The LeMer ahati dettver to the Borrower,ot to 6anotiveYs successor in intereat,tha trust deed and tho note or other evldence ot the ;, •,;'„���r�,•��L,,,
<br />• . � oblrpadan so esUsfied.Barrower shall pay eny recordatian cc�su. •,\�r::�:.T,-.,.-...,,-�.�:�_' _-_--
<br /> � •�o�-�ti-lr-�r
<br /> 1r by flrct, maitlng a oapy of Uto �'1`1r', 1
<br /> 11. Saee�ssa TnntM. Lender, at Lender's o�tlon, ma ramnvo Trustoo and apDOint a suceescor trustoa 4`::,-
<br /> suDstitutien of trustee as requirad Dy applieabfe aw,and then,by fit'mg the su6catuUan of trustoe for reeord in the offlce of the reglater at QeeQs •' �'�,�`-'' ---
<br /> of eaoh wurrty in whfeh tha trust ptoporty,o�aomo part thoreof,is situated.Tho successor trustoe,without convayance of t1�.o proporty,sAoD ..;�.T.�,,,,��1�1��r" -
<br /> sueeead to a0 the power,dWOS,authority and tiUo of tho Trustoe named tn tho deed of trust and of any succosso�Vusteo. .�?f"I',;•� , :
<br /> � - --.��-�.=- -�.
<br /> . ;:�.�b. . .
<br /> _. __,,.�:. .� -
<br /> `•.�,� .. .
<br /> WrQO?ol?J �� '
<br /> ewrxa�s svsTV�s.u,c..sr.aow.Mri caso�n�ooa9�•xt+n wsw oea�.naxe onsr9i �'-�.,�,;.x„��
<br /> .! ,
<br /> �, ,
<br /> .4—..- - � .1.,„IT . '" .. , ' •. .i' . .1 . � � • ;..': . ��!` Y.', "r/ .1` � � ' _ • . . ' .
<br />. !n • . � • -. . .. .. . .... . . . . _ . . . ... . . • . ' _ . . . . . • ... _ ... . . �
<br />