n'���t���'. '`��t �r,P .`F 1t,T�JI� S1�t��,7. r'�M.nY���.w'- T.�La[�u[^.._ .. __ -�_ ' _----'--•----_---.. Ms _-__
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<br /> ���:�-:b; 92�..iossss
<br /> `�`-`�'_'`-':=- TRUSTOR HEAU THIS BEFORE 810NIN0:
<br /> ---—._,�
<br /> �� ''.a.-A Trwtor undemm�ds thet tlw doaumeM thet Truetor i�about to�x�ouh b a OMd ol Truet�nd nol�mortp�p��nd that Ih�powsr
<br /> ol e�ls provid�d tor In ths Ossd ot Trust provide�wbsnntl�lly dNfu�nt►I�hu�nd obllp�tlor�r to T�u�Wr th�n a mortpap�In th��v�nf
<br /> � �' �,, o f�d e M u l t o r b r e a a h o f o b l�p e U o n u n d er the Osed of Tru��Includln p,but not Ilmll�d�o,lh�L�nd�r'�ripht lo h�v�Ih�Prop�rty�old
<br /> � • �t• •• by fhe T�ustee without�ny�udloi�l p►ocNdlnp.Trwtor��prea�u�nd w�rr�nts Ihat Ihl�aaknowl�dp�m�nt wn�x�out�d by
<br /> _':�=�,w,•,�; . � Truqo►b�fora th��x�oudon of th�Dwd of Trust `
<br /> A r ;#ib'Mt- * `� �Z � .�- -
<br /> ����;"� M .cr� e Soott orl�Ato�
<br /> �yi�4Hi���;.�7.A_� '\/�wwYti. K� Yl{'�'�__ �_—'
<br /> 4'
<br /> � ` � � Cheryl . Jone Truuor
<br /> �"'' r`��...
<br /> '� . .. •��•r..
<br /> � THI9 DEED OF TFiUST,ie mede a4 of the 23 dey o1_ Ju�e , 1�92 by�nd�monp
<br /> "�-F'�+w �'�� t�u 1h9T�Wt0�. Miaha�l Soott Jones and Cher 1 A. Jones huaband and wife of eaah
<br /> �;��,,.:,,..., a o er, eac n s an er own r
<br /> " �""' '�"':°:,' who�a nwllinp addres�I� RR 1�Do nhan� NE 6 B8 2 (herNn"T�ueto►;'whdher ons or ma�),
<br /> __. . .���. , �
<br /> `f ^ �Y ` ' the Truetae, Hast nq�. Stiate Bank -- � �
<br /> ^' r�`"' P.O. Box 2176 Hastinas, NE 68901 �
<br /> whose mallUp addrees lo � (herdn"Trustw'7,�nd
<br /> � the Qenellaiary, Hastiticts State Bank .
<br /> . . ., � .
<br /> ° " .. whoae maillnp eddress Is p ^ Sox 2178, HaetingEi� NE 68901 _ �h�n�n"�onda"). _,_
<br /> � �� •• �=
<br /> •• �� FOR VALUA9l.E CONSIDERATIAN,IncludinQ Lende��extenslon of crodit IdentlNad horaln to M�chael 3cott JOneB
<br /> ' •� „ ' ai�d Cheryl A. Jories (hereln"eorrower",whelher one or more)ond the trust herain ere�l�d, _
<br /> the recalpt of whlah le hereby acknowledged,Trustor hereby irrevocebly�rants,tranelers,conveys and aaslpns to Tru�tee,IN �_-
<br /> __. _,,;,•�. ,«4 :.,,�,__, TRU8T,WITH POWER QF SALE,for the benelit and�ecurity ol Lender,under end sub�eot to th�tarms and condftlons h�r�lmtt�r wt J
<br /> .� forth,the real prcperty,tlesa►IOOd e4 foilowa: `-`
<br /> ° ��;.,� Lot One (1) , Scott's Whitetail Meadow Subdivison, Hall County, Nebraska
<br /> , Topethe�with ell bulldlnpa,Improvements,lfxturea,streets,alleys,paesageways,easemente,rf�hls,prlvilepea and appurle- ____
<br /> � ° ` nancea located thereon or In anywlse peAalning thereto,and the rents,isauea and prollts,reverelone and remalnders thereol,end =-;_.
<br /> „ � euch pereonal property that le attached to the Improvementa ao es to comtitute a�txture,lneludinp,but not Ilmited to,heatlnp�nd
<br /> coolinp equtpmenk and togelher wlth the homeetead or marltal Intereate,il eny,which Intore�ts ars hereby released snd wdved;ell
<br /> ' of which,fncludin replacements end edditfons thereto,Is hereby declared to be a pert of the real a�tYW socurod by the Ilen ot this ��"
<br /> 0
<br /> Daid of Truat and all of ihe forepolnp belnfl refened to herein as the"Properry".
<br /> �• Thl�Deod ot TruYt ihell oeaure(a)lhe payment of Ihe principel sum and interest evldenced by e promiesory note or cndlt ��`
<br /> • aqreement dated 6'23'92 ,hevinp e matur�ry da�o of 10-21-92 , _
<br /> in the or inal rincl a1 amount ot 8 53. 200.00 ,end eny end all modlNcatbne,exten�lom and renewala �--
<br /> b P P �:".
<br />_ . thereof or thereto end any and ell tuture advances and readvencea to Borrower(or any of them If more than one►hereunder ._
<br /> �� purpuent to one or more promlesory notea or credlt agreements(hereln celled"Note");(b)the peyment o/other eume advanced by �%`
<br /> . Lender to protect Ihe securlty of the Note;(c)the parlormence of ell covenants en�aqreements of Trustor set lohh harein;and(dl�II —
<br /> " • . present end luture Indebtedneas and obllpatlons of eorrower(or any o►them II more than one)to Lender whether direct Indirect,
<br /> � abaolute or contingent and whether arlsing by note,�uaranly,overdraR or otherwiae.The Note.thlo Deed ol Trust end any end ell �w.
<br /> •�;,�.-��•. •,� other docuente thet aecure the Note or otherwlae executed In connectlon therewlth,Includiny wlthout Ilm►tetlon querontew,waurlty �_ _
<br /> � apreemente and eseiqnmenta ol leases and rents,shell be referred to herein as the"Loan In�trum9nte". �,pa
<br /> Truslor covenents and agrees with Lender as follows: �
<br /> , 1. P�ym�nl ol lnd�bt�dtNts.All Indebtedneas aecured hereby shall be paid when due. r�-
<br /> ' 2.Titl�.Trustor Ia the owner ot the Property,hes the rlght and authoriry to convey the Proporry,and warranU Ihal the Ilen
<br /> • creoted hgreby le a first and prlor Ilen on the Proporty,except for Ifens and ancumbrances ael lorth by Truetor in wrfling and ��
<br /> 6' dellvered to Lender betore oxecutlon ol thl8 Deed of Trust,and the executlon and dellvery of this Deed ol Truat does not vlolete any �
<br /> cont�act or other obllgatlon to which Trustor Ia subject. �
<br /> 3. T�x��,Mnnm�nb.To pey belore delinquency all taxes,speclal asaeasments and all other cheryes apamat the Property
<br /> now or hereafter levled. �'
<br /> :' 4. In�unnc�.To keep the Property Insured against damnge by lire,hazards incwded wrth�n the term"extended coveroge".and �
<br /> euch other hezerds ea Lender may requfre,in amounts and w�th comparnes acceptnblc lo Lendei.nnming Lo�d�r as nn addlt�onal ,
<br /> named Ineured,wNh loss payeble lo the Lender.In Case ol l0sa under sucli pol�cies,ihe Lender�e authorizod to ad�ust,collQCt and
<br /> „ compromise,all clalma thereunder a�d shall have the oplion ol applying ell or part ol tlie Insurance proceeds(1)to any Indebtedness
<br /> �ecured hereby and In such order as Lender may determine,(ii)to the Truator to be used lor the repelr or reatoretlon ol the Proporly
<br /> or(III)lor any other purpoae or objecl8atlefactory to Lender without aHectfng the lion of thla Deed ol Trust���the lull amount�ecured
<br /> hereby before euch payment ever took place.Any appHcation ol proceads to indebtednesa shall not extend or poetpone the due
<br /> • d�to ol eny paymentB under the Note,or aute any delault thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> � a �'_�... �����....�w....a,...,.�..d�...� ....a... 7.....�....ti..0......�..1 e..An. In�urh mnnnnr n�1 ondnr mwv dwafnnAlo u�H1eINM _
<br /> —. _ -
<br />� ' ' _ —' .r. cwww•vp.n�..��....��w..�........�ra.�....�.. ......w. ..�.....r..�...�....��.....__'... ._...._. _'_' -" -• --- . . _. ..
<br /> eums lo enabte Lender to pay es they become due one or more ol the lollowfng:�p all taxes,�osesamenis And othar ch&rgea ayulnal
<br /> the Property,(H)the premfume on the property Insurance requlred hereunder,and(iif)the premlums on any mortyopo�nauronce
<br /> . roqulrod by Lender.
<br /> , B. M�Inl�n�nc�, R�paln�nd Compll�nc�wNh Lawf. Trustor ahall keep the Property in yood condition and rppa�r,ahall
<br /> , promDlly �epalr, or replace eny Improvement whlch may be dameged or deetroyed; shall not commlf or permlt a�y waste or
<br /> - doterlor�tlon of the Property:ahall not remove.demolish or subatantlally alter eny ol the fmp►ovements o�the Property,ehnli no1
<br /> commll.ruNor pr permlt any act to be done In or upon the Property In violatlon ol any law,ordlnance.ar regulouun,ond shall pey and
<br /> promplly dl�charpe et Truetor's cost and expense all Ilene.encumbrances and charfles levied,�mposed or aesessed apninel the
<br /> P�ope�ty or eny pert ihereol.
<br /> 7 Fmin�nlOom�M.Lender la hereby assigned ell compensatlon,awarde.damages and other paymenla or rt�llel�herc�innflu�
<br /> "Froceedi')In connectlon wllh condemnetlan or other takinp al the Property or part Ihereol,or lor conveyance�n I�eu ol condemnn-
<br /> tlon lender fhell be enfitlod at Its optlon to commence,appear In and prosecute In Its own neme any eCtion or proceedinga.nnd
<br /> �h�ll al����nl�llod to meke eny compromlee or eettlement In connectlon wilh auch taklnq or damape•In thv avenl any purt�on ol
<br /> MM s�ei,w�.,.�����w�.�o..ma..�o•ee `
<br /> - OIMYMN+.w����►dlo.��uf�u�11no8w�np�broeuUOn.4�tolnN�dub '
<br /> . .�i �
<br />