<br />2�1io3oso
<br />The Southwest Quarter (SWl/4) of Section Twenty One (21), Townslup Twelve (12)
<br />North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Ha11 County, Nebraska EXCEPT Lot One
<br />(1), Ostermeier Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska, EXCEPT a tract more particulazly
<br />described in Warranty Deed recorded in Book 76, Page 505, EXCEPT a tra.ct more
<br />particularly described in Warranty Deed recorded as Document No. 92-104442,
<br />EXCEPT a tract of land comprising a part of the Southwest Quarter (SWl/4), in Section
<br />Twenty One (21 }, Township Twelve (12) North, Range Nine {9) West of the 6th P.M.,
<br />Ha11 County, Nebraska more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the
<br />southwest corner of said Southwest Quarter (SWl/4}; thence rnnning northerly on t.�ie
<br />west line of said Sauthwest Quarter (SWl/4), on an Assumed Bearing of N 00° 21' 31" W
<br />a distance of Eight Hundred Twenty Five and Seven Hundredths {825.0'n feet; thence
<br />running N 89° 38' 29" E, a clistance of Forty One and Forty Seven Hundredths (41.4'7�
<br />feet to a point on the easterly right of way line of Highway No. 281, and to the ACTLJAL
<br />point of beginning; thence running N 00° 15' 25" W on the easterly right of way line of
<br />Highway No. 281, a distance of Four Hundred. Fifly and Ninety Two Hundredths (450.92)
<br />feet; thence runni.ng N 03° 48' 37" E on the easterly right of way line of Highway No.
<br />281, a distance of Fifty Five and Fifteen Hundredths (55.15) feet; thence rttnning N$9°
<br />44' 35" E, a distance of Four Hundred Forty Eight and Sixty Eight Hundredths (448.68)
<br />feet; thence running S 03° 00' 45" W a distance of Thirty and Fifly Four Hundredths
<br />(30.54) feet; thence n�nning N 88° 27' S5" E a distance of Three Hundred Thirteen and
<br />Eleven Hundredths (313.11) feet thellCe rnnnin� S 08 41' 33" W, a distance o�Two
<br />Hundred Two and Thirty Nine Hundredths (202.39) feet; thence runni.ng S 45° 38' 47" W,
<br />a distance of Two Hundred Eighty One and Sixty Six Hundredths (281.6f} feet; thence
<br />rt�nnin S 00° Q9' S4" W, a distance of One Hundred Suc arid Ninety Four Hundredths
<br />(106.94) feet; thence rurming S 88° 57' 23" W, a distance of Two Hundred Ninety Four
<br />and Forty Nine Hundredths (294.49) feet; thence running N 46° U1' 21" W, a distance of
<br />Twenty Four and Sixty Hundredths (24.60) feet; thence ru.nning S 89° 44' 35" W, a
<br />distance of Two Hundred Seventy Two and Forty One Hu.ndredths (272.41) feet, to the
<br />ACTUAL point of beginning
<br />AND
<br />The South Half of the Southeast Quarter (S 1/2SE1/4) of Secti.on Twenty (20), in
<br />Township Twelve (12) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County,
<br />Nebraska EXCEPT a tra.ct more pazticulazly described in Deed recorded in. Book 77, Page
<br />34, EXCEPT a tract more particulazly described. in Warranty Deed recorded as Document
<br />No. 92-104431 and EXCEPT a tract of land comprising a part of the South Ha.Lf of the
<br />Southeast Quarter (S 1/2SEl/4), in Section Twenty (20), Township Twelve (12) North,
<br />Range Nine (9} West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska more particularly
<br />described as follows: Begirming at the southeast corner of sa.id South Fialf of the
<br />Southeast Quarter (S1/2SE1/4); thence running westerly on the south line of said South
<br />Half of the Sountheast Quarter (S1/2SE1/4}, on an assumed bearing of N 89° 06' 47" W, a
<br />distance of One Hundred Fifly One and Ninety Two Hundredths (151.92) feet, to the
<br />ACTUAL point af be�inning; thence continuing N 89° 06' 47' W on the South line of said
<br />South Ha1f of the Southeast Quarter (S 1/2SEl/4), a distance of One Hundred Two and
<br />Twenty Five Hundredths (102.25� feet; thence running N 00° 52' 22" E, a distance of
<br />Four Hundred Sixty Seven and Thirly Four Hundredths (467.34) feet; thence mm�ing N'
<br />89° 12' 13" W, a distance of One Hundred. Fifly Seven and Fifly Suc Hundredths (157.5G)
<br />�. ,.
<br />