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<br /> • SS54
<br /> periods�hot Lendcr�equires. TI►�insu�nco cuRier providing the insurancc sh�ll be chokn by B�rruwer subJect w Lendcrk
<br /> approv�l which sh�ll not bc unneASOnably wlthhcld. If B(HTOWC�PAIIR to IIIA�I1111I11 COVCfOg��CiiC(I�d At10V@.Lender may.at
<br /> Lenderk option.oMAin cove�ge to pmtect l.endc�k ri�Ms in the Pmperty in uccordunce wi�h paragrnph 7.
<br /> All insuranco policies o�renewalx sholl be accep�able ta Lender uad ahall include a standa�d mahgage cluuse. l.ender
<br /> _--_--._,.� shall havc Ihe right to hold Ihc policies wnd�cnewalF. If l.ender requiecs,Bormwer�hull pmmptly give ta Lender ull recelpts —
<br /> -- _ _ of paid premiumc o�d rcnewnl notices. In�he event of'loxs.Borrower xholl Qive prompt naice to the ioaurunce curie�wul
<br /> ��.�� �� Lxnder. Lemler may make proaf of Imcc if not made prompdy by Borrower.
<br /> � Unicsw Lender wid&�rmwer aherwir�e aptrec in writing,insuronce prc�cecds shull he�pplied to rcs�omtian ar repair of
<br /> ��, �_-_ -- _ �- _ ,
<br /> '� '� the ProlxAy d�maged, lf the restamtion or repuir is economicAlly feaxible and L.enderk securi�y ia na� Iessened. f t e �-
<br /> - resroration or rep�ir is not economicnlly feasible or l.cnderx secu�ity wauld be IesFened. Ihe insuronre proceed�xhAll be —
<br /> applfed tu the sums �ecured by this Secu�ity In�lmment, whether ar not then due,wiU�uny excesti puid to Borrower. If
<br /> - �! Bomower ubandons the Property.or does nat unswer within i0 daya a notice from Lender ihat the inKUrunce carrier ha�
<br /> ��_�_:.:� ofFered to senle a clvim,Uun L.ender muy eollect ihe insurnnce proceeds. Lender muy use the proceed�to repair or realore
<br /> � ' • the Propeny or to pay sums ser.urcd by this Security Insaum�m�.wh¢ther ar nw then due. The 30-duy period will begin when
<br /> �. -s�,.�,,;-;-;:,1� the nouce is given. ..--
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise ogree in w�ting, any upplication of proceeds to principal ghall not extend ar
<br /> __'°���"'-'��"''';' 1� pastpa�e the due date of the manthly pAymentr�refemed ro in parugrophs I and 2 or rhunge the wnount of the paymen�s. If
<br /> ="`v-'�z��'`'`�� • under rn h 21 the Pro n fa ac uired b Lender, Bomawer's�i ht to an insurnnce licies nnd rceeeds resultin
<br /> p�8 p l� Y 9 Y 8 Y po P 8
<br /> y����.�.q, from damage to thc Propetty prior to the acquisition shall pass to L.ender to the extent of the sumw secured by thia Secu�ity
<br /> ----;_.:! Insuumem immediutely prior to the acquisition. �
<br /> --- • 6. Occupancy, Preservntion. Maintenonce aad Protection of Ihe Prnperty; Borrower s Loan Applic�ilon;
<br /> „��`r: I,essebolds. Borrower shull occupy,estublish,und ur.e Ihe Property us Bomower�principal residence within sixty duys after
<br /> -� ��;��,;3 :; the execution of this Securi�y 1n,tnnnenl wid shall continue to occupy the Propeny as Borrower� principal rexidence fnr at .-
<br /> ..-,a:.-,xo�..�,,.'• :. . least one yeu after the date of accupnncy. unless Lender othenvi.r•e ngrees in wriling, which conr,enl shull �ot be G
<br /> ''�"'""""` unreusa�ably withheld,or unles.c eatenuating circumstances exist which ore beyond Borrawerk cot�uol. Borrower shull not
<br /> ����� � � desvoy.dumoge or impair the Property.ullow ihe Property to deleriarate,or commit waste an the PropeAy. Borrowsr shull _
<br /> ;,. ; be in default if ony furfeiture action or proceeding,whelher clvil or criminal,is 6egun thnt in l.ender's goad fuith judgment
<br /> _ —�� ;���,;�•,;;�,;,,.;,�;; could result in forfeiwre of thc Property or othenvise mnteriAlly impair the lien creuted by ihis Security Insuument or R_
<br /> � "� � L.ender�seeurity intercst. Borrower ms�y cure such u defoult and reinstate,ns provided in pnrugraph 18,by cuuging�he acdon . .._
<br /> �r' ,
<br /> •:. ar proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling�hut, in Lender�c good faith determinution,precludes forf'eiwre of the Borrower s _
<br /> , �' inter�est in the Property or other material impuirment of the lien created by Ihis Securiry Insuument or Lender's secudty _
<br /> '�r;��f�iy.�"� jnterest. Barrower shull ulso be in default if Borrower, du�ing the loun application pracess, geve muterially fulse or �••
<br /> inaccumte information or stutement�to Lender(or fuiled to provide Lender with any mute�ial lnformution)ln cannectlon with
<br /> — the loan evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited to, representAtions conceming Borrower's• occupancy of the
<br /> �i�".�a�ifl,:y�.:_ Propetty as a principal residence. If this 5ecurity Instrumem is on u leuschold,Borrower ghall comply with all the provisions -
<br /> --_ -
<br /> ""�= '� �: - �� � of the lease. li'Borrower acyuirex fee tiUe ta the f'ropeny.the ieusehoid und�hc fee uUe ahmli uut u�rge unless Le r agrccs --
<br /> • . to 1he merger in wriling. —
<br /> -: ,��'"•' „ • 7. Protectbn of I.eoder's Rights in the Property. If Borrower fuils to pert'orm Ihe covmunts and Agreements
<br /> - '"—=' �+ '- �. .. coMained in�his Secudty Instrument, o� Ihere is u legul praceeding thut may siga�ficantly aifect Lender's rights in the
<br /> �o �, �� �._
<br /> ��:_�� , Propeny(such c�c u proceeding in bankruptcy,probate,for condemnutian ar forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulutions),then
<br /> - • .� I.ender may do and p�y fa�whatever ix necessury to protec�the value of the Raperty and Lender's rights in the Property.
<br /> -- — • ' Lender's uctions may lnclude pnying nny�umx secured by u lien which hus priority over thi4 Security Inslrument,appea�ins
<br />-_`�Y_� �� • � . in court,paying re�.wnuble altorneys'Pees und emering on�he Property to ms�ke nepairs.Ahhough Lender moy lake action
<br /> � .• � . F-•� under�his paragruph 7,I.cnder docs not have to do xo. ___
<br /> - Any umounts disbursed by Lendcr undcr this psuugraph 7 shall become nddi�ionul debt of Borrower secumd by�his ---
<br /> 'r>�� • Security Ingtrument. Unles.Borrower and Lendrr agrce to o�hcr�crms of payment,�hcye umouats xhall bear interest from the �_�
<br /> :�� '° . s� 'f ��'^ � date of disbursement at the Note rute und shall t+e puyuble,wilh interest,upnn notice from l.encler to Borcower requesting �--=
<br /> F••� , •. �ti payment. �.-�
<br /> y=`-'`-�' ,^ ��Ytet�� S. MortgAge Insuranee. If Lender reyuireJ mortgugr insurunce us u condition of m:�king�he loan secured by this trt'-
<br /> `"r�� ° Security Instrument. Borrower shall puy the premiwm required to maintuin thc martguge insurunce in effect. If, for any "`-
<br /> .s n�.� _:;:.�.: ""_
<br />--�.z� . ,>,x;;'' :.. reason. Ihe mongoge insunu�ce coveruge required by Lendcr lup+es or ccaaey w br in effect Borrower shall puy the d--
<br /> ='"'�::�� : •,�, premiums requircd to obtain coverage sub+�untiully eyuivnlen� �o the mortguge inxur.�nce pm��iouxly in effect, A[ A WSl _ '
<br /> --� ,;;i;,." ' v substuntially equivulent to the cost to eorrowcr uf the monguge insurance previously in rffert,from un ultemAte mortgage _
<br /> �° insurer opproved by Lender. If substantiully eyuivalent mortguge in.urance cover�ge ix not uvuiluble,Bormwer shull puy ta _
<br /> `��`'`�•�� Lender each month u sum eyu�l to one-twelQh of Ihc yea�rly mongugc insurunce premium being paid by Borrower when Ihe -
<br />-_. ,s.,.: .. ., _ _
<br />�z;�� , insurunce roveroge lapsed or reused to be in effcct. Lender will uccept,uxe nnd retuin the+e paymentr as a los,reserve in lieu __
<br />__�:�� - , •.°..c, of mortgoge insurunce. Lu�s reserve paymem� m�iy no longer br reyuired,ut the option of Lender,if mortgage insumnce __
<br /> =���� +<< ,, . cuveroge(in the umount And for�he periai that Lcndrr reyuirexl provided by un in+urer uppruved by Lender aguin becomes
<br />':�:• �'.� � uvailable nnd ix obtained.Borrower�hall pay the prcmium.rcyuind to muim•rin nwrtguge inxu�anrr m effert,ar to provide u �
<br />-"� .t �''- � '' '` ' loss reserve,until the myui�ment for monguge in.uranre end.in uccordunre with uny wriuen ugRement Netween Borrower
<br /> � �
<br />---:r�^._ q - � _
<br /> �� ,• und Le�uler ur upplicuble 1:►w•.
<br />=T•'�:� ; 9. Inspeclion. Lender or il+vFent nivy�»ak� na.��nuhle�n�ri«u�x�n:�nd in.{x�ti�ns uf thr Pru�xny. Lender+hull �';�
<br />" • • , , give Born�wer notice at thr time ul'��r prior to un ins�xriion�Fxcif}�inE renumablr rau,�tar the in.Fxction. f s�-
<br /> .... " l0. Condemntltlon. The pnxced.ai smy uwurJ i,r cluim 1'��r d:anagc,.Jirerl o�conticyucntial.in runn�w�ion wi�h any
<br />, Sfngle Funfh••Fannie\fae.?reddle�1oc CNIFUR�11\tiTRI'�1F.1T--l�nd��m�C�nrnant. 9/9U q�u.p�}u)n�ti�.�rc� _
<br /> - • �i'at lu►ra Xu•inrw�F,mM Inr ■
<br /> �
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