- " .i . . . .. . . _ . . R ' .. � y�.__-
<br /> . . . '' .t ' .. '- . __
<br /> . ` • . .._ ' ,� ...�...�--_��.r.___-�_- --� -----`4 ,v�.-_._�_.:'��_- `t t --�•-�+-_._. .�L.`�(F�.a-�.L _ r . ...
<br /> � -- 20Q564 10/QS/1996 .. . . �- , • ,-.,.,..:
<br /> . MART�bf LQ88BB M3W.VIN Ltl8SB8 gQ�i�f��� 'k . � , � �,-:..�-� ', '�
<br /> T.. i :. _
<br /> ' 9.Carrtf�s�n.Tt►e paaceeds of any a� or ciaim isar d�m��es.direct or wnsequeadal. in connection with any r`._.
<br /> ` � or art the�eof. or far coweyagse in lieu of coudemnadon.ac�t�er�by . ,;�� :-y-
<br /> '�� consi��an ar othor tss�ing of thg Pcoi►ertY• R as�evith a . ;„ �,r;,•�,�`
<br /> �!and s�al!be p�id tu l�ender.s u bj�t to t�t e m�s o f a n y m o rt g a g�.deed Q�uusc or other secuaity ugcee ..y'=.i•�.:..^__�
<br /> assi � _ ,
<br /> lien w�ictt has pri��ity aver ttus Beed af Teust. ��y, Plat � i�VeSscr. Facteasian af ttc� tir�e fir payntent os . ;' , -
<br /> ` fl0. 8orra�ver PIot �eieasedi Farbearaat�e �l � Lender ta any succe�or in interest of • � .�� ., �
<br /> <_ . ���,.•�-
<br />' modi8cadon of ansoiei�tYion af the sums�by this Qeed of Taust gi�ted Y r �
<br />� Eom►wer shall not agerate ro release.in any man�er. t}�liai�lity of �ch successorrro�ref�ue to extend time f�9Y�nt ,� _ ''�.'.�� �
<br /> 7 ��. i,eader shall aot tx required to cam�ce Pm�eedia�s$S� �; . •••��
<br /> rtirdtion uf ths sums sec�u�ed SY t�Deed of Trust by�.son of an}r demar.�made by the ori�inal
<br /> �.7 OI Qf$BTWLSC IIlQ�lfy 3I1I0 i1CI211�C�, " _ � ,r-
<br /> in in�. Any fo�ce bY 18u�ler in exen�isin8 anY ngh�oz remedy D
<br />'-� Boxsow�et and�rrower's snu.'ess�TS =, •. ., ..-
<br /> •� or athen�vise affotd�by applicable law.sh�ll aot be a w�iver of or preclude the ex�°�veyuams sud i�ag�ements heeein .: .T. � . .
<br /> 1 1.S u��A%���un�13 aoir.2 usEd�veeall I,abiltiy+ Co�• o f L e n d e r and Boimwer. •� . . .�'.
<br />. .� cunt�iae�sb.all biv�d.a�tRe tights hsceu�er sh�ll imaa�to.t h�r e s p x t i v'z s+�s�°�a n d a s s i g n s -, :'... ,.. . '.� . • .'�-
<br /> � ats of Botrower s�li i�e jouu ar+id sevecal. s. .'.':.:'`.'..: .
<br /> ? subject to th�pmv�stnns af patagrapb 16 hereof. All ooven�ttts and agreeme ��.:� .-� :..: �_.. ,, -
<br /> aot execu�e e�Note.(a)is co-signing tbis Deed of Tmst c..�:y to „�,,,�°'Y„„ _.
<br /> ��'g Any Ba�wer vrho co-si�this Deed af Ttust,bvt dc3es .-:��-'"•,,. ''r . . ,,�'- .
<br /> 3e .
<br />, ` { grrni avd wavey th3t Bonavver's int�est in tt� Property to Tiustee under H� �of tbis DePd of Trnst. (1�)is ant `� �..,,z„_�-=a��s;�•-�.
<br /> tf�at Leud�6r amd anY odier Bormwer het�nder '"� ';,,...._,��,� .
<br /> personally Uable on d�e Note ar under�his Deed af Tnut. and(c)�8� to th�te�s of tbis Deed of Tmst or a.°=-;r�:-: . .
<br />. qmy ngree to elctead.mailfY.forbear.or malce suy+at�er ucommadatiaas�vath regatQ Deed of Tmst as w that . ���._l
<br /> � the Note.�richaut tbat Batrower's consenc snd anthout rel�that Barrower as uc��ifyin8 this ;;,`' _��-.-:T
<br /> J .1�...
<br /> • Boaawer's intetest in ths PioAertY• �er applicabte law to be given in aaa�r manQer. (a)suY notice to :g:�°�,s _'=--
<br /> • ' 12. Nattce. ExcePt for any uatice cei�uire� deliverin it or b �8��ioe by ce�ifed mv1 ;:- -_--
<br /> � .i Bunasvec pmvidsd for in etas Deed of Ttust shaIl bs given bY 8 Y �;F;=,t ;:<i;`"�
<br /> other address as Bnaower may d�si�ate b5►�dc�ta E�der 1s ,._�.�; x.� � . .--��,cr�,:
<br />, .;,� addr�ssd to Bnrrocver at the Pmpe�ty Addtess or at snch �-g m sach � �L'`;:'"'�_
<br /> . pl,a�id�d hetein.and fb?�i3►�ce to]xnder st�aU be given by certifed m�ail to Lender's ad�ess statcd h¢z'ess .�Fj�,;�-*��::
<br /> . other address ag leader m►y d�signu Y ��n.�Y��F�vid�d for in t�ss Deed of �`, ,:,..,1...:, : i�,�•
<br /> ;�� e b noSce to Sam�ar�r as pravidod ,. . ;�-. . - .
<br /> 7'�ast sball be dee m e d w h ave b e en g iv e n t o B o i r o z v e r o r l a n d e r w t�p ve�in th�m�nBer des�a�d��- .: _
<br /> I�able to 4his Beed of Trut�tall be t h e I aws o f t h e �. -"�'`�''. •. `, °�.
<br /> " 13.Gt�Yerotn�I.ewi sr+eves�Ni�• . ��:�:�
<br /> ,�.� � The sYate a�local laws app of FedetaL law to this :-�` �� �
<br /> juiisdicdon in which the Ft�p2s�Y is loc�ted. '11ae PoreSa�B�n��not li�it t�a�'1�'c�"�+ �f<<,�����;
<br /> °.�' Deed mrf 1Yas�t. In the eveat�th�t�l►Pmvision or c6ause of this De�cl of Tm�t az fi�Na��ps with a�plipble law. �f � ,;,f..'., ,"�^_�-�;:
<br /> of T� or the Nat�.w��can D��;ivea effect vFithaut the ,"��°"-�-•��,�e'� '_�.
<br /> sasL co�ia s�ail nat affxt a4her pravisons of this De� ' � • ' '��`�•,-
<br />',` ,� conBletjng P�ston.a�d to t h i s e n�i t h e p ro v i s i o n s o f t h i s D e e d o f T t¢s t u i d t h e N o t e are �dn.�cTared to be�erab a� ," • , , #,. .�-,
<br /> � •suoensys' fees'inclnde all s�w th.extars n�� b3►app . � . . •. ..
<br /> i nsed(setein. .�.• .�• :.`�. . '.,,� -�::
<br /> �`.' ' lunited hetein. ''".;. -`::
<br /> ' Bormwer shall be fiu�i�e4 a canfoimed caPY of t�e Ntote and of this Derd of Tcust at t�e �:�',. . - � .
<br />' 14.Bar[o�'s CoPY• �^..-�� . ��_
<br /> .. �;.,�:
<br />� '••��t' time of e�aaarinn ar after cecordaoion iierco� ''��` -=
<br /> .� ';•'' 1�. g�a o�t��s�ton Losn A�• Bprravsrcr st�U fcilfill all �f Borrowec's oblig�daas�r Lender's . :rY'-�.`,�`' � ..
<br /> � �}� or atber toan sgQ�emem�vflish Barrotiv�r e�ters into with Lender. . �� ��
<br /> „,�. ceGab�iratian.i�PmYe�ne°=+� ,in a farm acce��able w Le�er. an assiga�af any ��,�> ��'
<br /> rT�` �na,�y�uce Bmmwer co eaecu�e a�:&in�so I�r � �t.��or senrEces `_ .."::.'� � s -. .;
<br /> .� gLts.cizims or defensea whtch Baisower may bave ag,dinst�udes wbo saPA Y �n cou�ction ,�, -5'f::;:.
<br /> y � w i t D i�n p m Y�e n t s m a d c to tLe P�+a P e r t Y• f' . '` `` ::
<br /> ,5�;{ peety or a Bc�e4ic1�1 I��st I n B a r r o w�. I f a l l o r u ry p a rt o f t l�e P t u p e r t Y o=a n Y��� 3�
<br /> � �
<br /> ' 16.'I'ra�Yar ot tl�e Pto and Bomawer is mt a ff�tura9 ` �� ;
<br /> ;'�.ti:� r -
<br /> '' �� or if a benefci�t interest tn Bomower is sold or transfemed -�F�S.�Stt'� n.Q �,?�.,
<br /> . in i t i s sotd 0!aa�C�red ( �� at its opdun.re4a�re i�iate PaYme�t in fnll of aU sum� ���r' :�;';` .,'� '�
<br /> °r pe�son)withoat 1.eaQer�s Fnor written cansen� �1 aat be exercised by Iendcr if exeteise is Pr'nW'bited bp federil "`"�` _ �'�'�'- - , �:
<br /> �pY this DeEd of Trost.How�ver.this option ' _ f� -
<br /> �. � y ....:..
<br /> • Qaw as of the date of this Deed of Tmst. •` ''� . ;. :��`�_
<br /> �''�'� If Lender execcises this option• Lender sball give Baisawer oaace af acseleration.'fhe mdce shall Pravide a pertod -
<br /> �:�;����' �,- .,--:.
<br /> `}���i, of nat less than 30 days from tbe date the nntice is detive�ed or mu'led witLin w9�c6 Bor�ower must P�Y�11 sums seca�d �.,
<br /> . by this Dee�of Tmst. If Borrower 6ils to paY t�se s�s Pria:to the eapirarian of this p�rsda.��Y n►vaice auJ+ - ---.—
<br /> � �tmodies permitted 6y eh��Doed of Tmst withaut fuither nooice or demaud on Borm�fou6a�: �
<br /> NON-UMFORIUI�e'�i�NAIaTS. Boltower a������e ��y`.y�+g �S�Of a�► . '�'�*'�
<br /> :• 17. Aa�la'�tiom3�anrflie9. Exc�t �ra 16 6�. � �r _...
<br /> .L,��;.:- of Bon'owa'tn t�Ls Dx�ot Trrast,i�d�diaQ���e faiiurc�i�m pa9,b7 ti�c a�d at td � ;. :,�„ �_,=
<br /> ;,i,�:�,�• wvaoaait air�� to ac�e�tlon ahW� :'.:,,,;..; -.-...:
<br /> ..�r ������y �due,tny suas seau+e4 by tffitg Deed ot 7'r�A.eada� R;�,,.,,5��:,�,.y-,:< -m
<br />. � . ao8ee to Ban+a�scr a�pmvided in par�ap�12 6�4�edt�a (y1 tbR i��: ta)t$e adton�to c�re —
<br /> sucb er�cb;t3)a dat�,n�t trss tUan zo d�ys rrnm tee dase ctes rnotloe ts�cs eortovver,�pooHce�maY�� _
<br /> m�t be�:am(�t�faflure to aue sac�Dreirb an ar bpfoc�the d�te sp�i���s�Q fIDrtht�fniorm Y '�:','� ���;'_..
<br /> , � . a�i�+a?tII�e�Ee�d b7 t6t�Daed of Tn�t and sate of 36e�t+op�9• � r��'��., .
<br /> �_...
<br /> Bt,�nnwe�dl the rdgitt to reia�te after ac�eler�tian�ad t�e r1�d to ba�aE a wurt actto�to aa�+at We��� - ;� ,c -
<br /> m d�'an�l or wy ot���s1'�sse e�Boero�var to aaoda�ation and sak.U tbe 6e�scb is oat c+atid on�de[9re the dde -_-- " -
<br /> 3 p e c i f l e d i n tl�e nst.�s��dtc.at l.mder'9 opttau.mtay deelare aIl ot the sw�sxasa+ed Dy tE�1s Qeed[s�"b'ra5t to be — --_,F_:i..
<br /> . :;�-..
<br /> . `'�, imrmcdiat�,,,q�lae s���pn,1'abk wiWn�furtP�d�a��m�i c v m k e t i u f�n�v:r e?�e a n fl a r►y a e l D�*�a� ,�rt
<br /> . .'. ,u�1� Iaw. Latder shaD be eat�tEtd 30 o�1�Tr.et a!1 re�a�e � � aP� � �° "sr""•"'•�
<br />;�•.,'`'rij,,�•+ pe�ttrxt p,c.� �' . �.
<br /> ��,;=';�;�� 1]tra�4D��aod in thi�pa�eA'!n 1�,6ac3�diu6t„it�t not iha4te�9 t�,a�mrs��e a L tatQtgs�(c e s. --
<br />:�:;c.,,r•;: [11� ' f.a Wh1C6th�3�'Gjye�&S'c[� -.°---' ' '--�-'_
<br />..;;,.�::r u,,�e pc�c�r cc sd�is��okea,�c.,�seee snm�►ca�rsB a a�c�ot aera�r.!n�atb�r � -�
<br /> , ti�e�.:� co
<br /> �,�°-
<br /> �;;::,,��;;: �:�«r r���a Rna s���r��sr�,��e��ms����+�n��a�' : . �-=- ��•�
<br /> n
<br /> e;� Borromc�un�to the oth�p�offi Pr�a�ibed by aVPiicabie lavv.Af'ter the�of socb t�me�may Iba�c�cdr�8�D .�= --
<br /> f,"��° �� a�p t twft�cs�aw, T�ce shall Siv�Pu6fic nattce v1 sale ta t6e persu�and 1n the man�Pres�� 0Y aff4��'IItr. '.:;�'` . .-�: .
<br />: • � l�w.Tra�tce,w���°d on Boranwpr,shall sdl the P r o p e l i y d p�b 8 c a u r t�n n¢o�i a s L L'�f f g�!b i d d e�r ai tise time --• :: r;F'`
<br /> • �ud in s�ertiv as Tn�a ' ��
<br /> ed in ttr�not�ce of sate in aase ar m.are Ryrce+s -"•�•;Y'
<br /> � �na a���a�,ae�«e��� ,�; ,.;,�,.�;�;,Y- ,
<br /> . ¢s�y dete�mtne.Trmtee muy po�poe�e s�le oP av1 ar arr9 Pu'cd ot the��ea�y Dy PuDL.�c annoimeeicent st 3he ttme .. ,.�,•� ,•..:r:_ : .,�
<br /> octie '�aSe t6e Propet! f .'>�'
<br /> , ���q�n y p r e�i o n s i y�uled saie.I.�e or I.end�'s desf�nee cr�sy�us� at any saie. � w�a�v. �k
<br /> 1�?:. . :•: t,
<br /> �,. '�, '•,,� "•:. : �:
<br />: � . Upon�pt a1 paJme�t o!the price 6ld.7'nstee sball deito�r to the psae�ser'�'n�s tee's d ce d c o�v e y i n�t l�e Mi*;::��i f.?.....:..
<br /> pmpety sald.Ths re�tals In the Trastee's deed shall be�ri�Pc�te evt�auae ag 4lte rnri6 !e costs and txpenses of �,_� `�' t,l� �
<br /> � � t�n.Ta�stee sh�11 agQf9 ttne Proceed�of the�le[n t�Po1Ic�sin�ardc�:f0)to ail eea5 nab . �. . . -_-.__
<br /> ,_ _ the sak.indu�tets bd eot Itm�ed to.Trt�ee's t��aaltt nii��-��•.'"°-�-' �; !�° t-�--o n�;an� () the — �
<br /> . reasonab2e attoraeys' Pees and casts o!titte evidence: � . . �-.
<br /> . exa�s.if�y,eo et�e p�son o�px:soas te�iy mmtt t e�t her e to. • . . '. . -,--_
<br /> . page 3 or s t , � . �.
<br /> . NebrasYa 7b876-2 S/95 Or.iginal(RecorBed) Copy�i8ram�chl CapY(Cuatosoz) . .
<br /> . ,:. •�,F. .. . . „e
<br /> ;�i••'•;• . . , _ • • � . . . � , • .
<br /> • , . �� ' ... ..,, . .�. , �� ',;. , ' ;. .. � . . .. . .. �� .:: " , ,. .. . .. . ' . . • •
<br />