_[-...; ,. . . C- . . �.'i . ' •�y. � � .6 . ;� _ }�, .6 _ -...
<br /> ` I(. ;`. .`M`. . .. , y✓-` �- f ' .. ��r..........,__ • �� iAi` _
<br /> � .. � �����-..����.��L ..l �u..�=_•,i. '.:� _ �.�. . � ��._. � . S lY�
<br /> � . . .- ,��� aoo5�6 ia/aa/ssss — .''•``: �
<br /> a�naR�Z. °.°.C��`.L`P"�� !'�,vP n,�nar�mnv S� '��ICy�V � ���_�Y�
<br /> .. UMFORA9 COVENAW7�. Banc�wer a�Le�uler coveffi9at sus!ageee as follorvs: . "'� '-;�__
<br /> 1. �ayr�€� 0� Pr[�ctpaf aa[D [niera�t, Borrower shall promptlY PaY �vhen due tfte prittcipal and inieress '�� . � � �..��u;�'�
<br /> � i�ebtednes�evideaced by e�e Note auu�llate cLarges as provided in ttte Note. -�'°�`�
<br /> a ar •
<br /> Z.�ds[or Taxcs and[�. S'ublect to appucable law or a written waivez by Lender.Sarr�w2r shall pay to `��:_
<br /> .,,.�...•,._
<br /> ' Lender au the day�nffih!Y Pa3�eats of principal su�iuteee�st are payable uader ttfe Note.unril the Nate is�id in fiill.o •
<br /> sum(herei� °F�nds')equa�to Que-cwelfth of the yeariy ta�ces and a�n�s(inctuding condsnilniun�and planncd uni� r y. �. ,.;�`y-"
<br /> �, developmeat asses�ms.if ury)wbicb may atmin priority over thi§Deed of Tnast.an�Brouud rents ua tha Pmpe�ty,if _ _-' .-__ �� -
<br /> . any.Pius ot�-tvsretRh of yeariy pr�minm it�tallments for harard ins�uaace.plus o�-twrelftb of yeariy p�tnIum i��t1__m�t� . '. T��A _
<br />, fimr a+angage insvrarxe. if an}r. all as tea�nably estimated InitiaUy and from tiva� to dme by Lender on ttse hxsis of ��,�_:-
<br /> assess�pis�vaf bills End reasoffable e5timates dieteof. HoYrovrer shal!aot 6e ahligatod ui make suc6 paymsats of Fuads '`� :. .. `��-.�,�,;�..
<br /> _- e�����p��ut t�t Eo�rot,�r m�4es�sh p3yu�n�to dte hold�r of a prior martgage or deeal of tr+ut if sucG t�old�r _ -_,;,�;��_�_
<br /> � is an institutiuml lender. ' _'°.-
<br /> ;� the Funds sha19 be h2l�in an institution[he depas�ts or acoovats of whira a� � 4'=��`
<br /> if Boarower pays Fua�ds to L�eadu. ,. _- -
<br /> ir.�iod or gi:a¢�by a Federal or stzte age�cy(iIIClufli�8l,endu if I.ender is such�a►iacdtadon). L.eadee shaU apply , _.s-���;=u
<br /> . � ;
<br /> : ...� �-y-_-�°_:,_
<br /> t4�e Fu�Ss co pay saESl�aes.asse��**L nts.insuiamce�niums au�d gro�d teuts.Leuder may tmt chnr�e far so hntding and ,
<br /> . _ �;_
<br /> ! th� ��d's. �alyzing sai�acwnnt or vefifyeng and c�mpiling siid ass�s�mettts and bills. unies� l.ender pays .;;����=_.
<br /> �vrer ir�aest m che Fur�a�l appllcable law pear�iss lend�r to mafte snc6 a cGarge.Baaoa�r u�L,�ter ma�►y ageee ' ,. �' ,,,, `:°r
<br /> in wri�u ti'�e t�of exaudon of this Deed of Ttnst that ir.te�st on the Fuuds shall be psi�oo Bmrrawer,aad unless _::,�:;;,� , ,.:,.
<br /> sorh agtee�etu is made or�pplicabte!aw tequires such intetest eo 6��i d. Lender shall nnt be c e�u i r e d to pay B orrawer "'-`'-`_�. _
<br /> .. ._ �•`..: "�:
<br />• a�r interest or eamings oa the Fcwds. Lender shall give to Bormwer.widioat chuge.an a�al accauntinS of tDe Funds .t�' ,�' •
<br /> sftowIng ccedits a�l debits w the Fm�ds su�t�pmpose for�vhisL edcd debit w the Fn�s was m�. '1T�Funds ar� � .'���5,�:•_^�_�
<br /> piedgetl�s�ddido�l secatity for ttae snms Eeca�xed by this Qeed of Tn�.st. _ ' .' : <� �
<br /> If t�e�.:..omu of the F�ads held by I�eader.wgether with tl�e fiiture moathty��_�^"¢of Funds p�yable prior to .�=��-
<br /> the due��of taxes,a�es4neats.�prem�ums and gam�d rents.sLaU exc�l t�e�t reyuired to PaY sa�d � :.."� `-�
<br /> taIICS. ••°�•°•^ee j��p(�g�y�gpOU�IP.7�5'iS t�C��dII d1IC. b11CL CRCeSS SD�Il�, 8I BOY[BPlCP S OjStl011. ' � .T�V��, _. -- --
<br /> eithes pmmptly tEpaid a►ll�arrower or cred'sted to Benower on�a�thlp insmllmems of Fnnds. if t�e a�uurms af the Funds :,,;{"�'`, •-:.``•;';=.•."• � :-.::.
<br /> held by Lender sball cum¢IDe s�cient to pay taxes,assessmects.i�ar�ce guti-�v�sns aad�anund zents as they fall due. .�,Z} . E..:�,�
<br /> tCe QeHae�g paYments as Lenrler m�y .� �• '�-'�' :`~'~�'°
<br /> Borrower sLal�pay to I�er any a�nt�su�e�u�alce v� i�one or� 1-'``r: .,.;; •
<br /> .,;,,,.".,;�:
<br /> �U• m full of all sums�cuied by d�Deed of TrrbY.Ixuder shall promptty r�d to Borrower any F� .�:r> . .
<br /> P�PSY��
<br /> hetd by Leader.If nnder parigraph 19 heteof the&�cy is sold or the Pcopercy is otherwise acqnired by L�.ad.��,II.�'� '� .
<br /> ar its sidoa by txmder. any�.mds I�ela� x ����"
<br /> sha11 apply. an faier d�w immediately prior�ou t��niVe of the Property acqu� �-.;;- . . -
<br /> � Let�er at�.:time of applicat�on as a c�it against ti�.°sums ses��by this Dced of Tmst. � ?t�;; �
<br />.:_�.� 3.�,si�'reoiiBm oP Pa'mmts. tidless a�lic�v'le law grma�t���{htrvrise.all payme�c�sved by Lender ander s� ¢` _
<br /> ' f Note ae��grapbs 1 a�2 hereof�'i7 3�a�liad by I.end�Y m�n�paymeni of am�un�G�'�le ta Lender by Boau� . ,.�,�� ,,...
<br /> � {' under puagrip6 2 her�a�3�en m iaterest paygb�a���a:Note.t.s�d tben to��,�ioosqpal of the Note. ,y���` _ .. . . . •.
<br /> �� 4.�rIas M�pt�ft�an�Deeds af'['rast; Q� Id�,Bormar�si�ni7; -rform aU of Boma�"s oblisasions �f�'` ,.�`�.
<br /> 9 ,�ne :,t� .dt,i� prIorlry over this L�ed of Tniss, ��' � ';:i ���.�
<br /> =� �s,.'As a:l s�x't�e.de�:of s:^�or otl�xs�i.�'-� ax, a lisn hu '�.�._ .r�._.•s..,,t:�:_
<br /> � incIvdi�IB�r�awer's cavenan�s to m3ke paymeuts when dae.B�mcr�r shaal p�y or cau�e to be pa�d all taxes.a� ;i�A�'.,.�`;�'�.,.,:�:;:-;,:,
<br /> � �� and ai�er�iarges. fi�es and impa.dtions autibntabte to the PropertY wtrich may attain a priority over this Deed of Tmst, ` �`'` � ,,
<br /> a e
<br /> ' and lease6oid payments or gmund ze�.if wY• .` ":�: :'
<br /> � r , ?,-�'
<br /> . S.Hra�rd�. Borrower shaU keep the iuspmvements now exisiing or her�aRe.r erected om ta'�,:Praperty _,� , .,"�;,t J'�°„�n'��;,
<br /> , �r.. . ..,
<br /> . ; iu�ed agaiast loss by 6re.ha�rds incind�d within the tetm'extaaded cave�e'.and s¢ch other ba�rds t�a 3.endsr may •'.,�;•.Y,;z�: "'.,., ��.,� .
<br /> : reqaire�t►d"m sach amounrs and for susl.i p.riad�s as Lender may tequiie. kf`►3.r :.�-
<br /> ;. T&iasimace curter pmviding th�e insatane s1�U De chusen by Borrawer subject to s�sval by l+eoder.providarii, �`i�' h��� •,;, .�
<br /> t
<br /> t i�a t s u e L a p p�m v a l s b a U a n t b e a�n s o n a b l y w l t h h e i d. A ll i n.�a t a n c e p o l i c�e s a n d n a e u�}a�r x r e o f s h a U b e in a far� . . ... '",�: .._�' � �,.
<br /> � �� � '. .�.� _,. ..
<br /> � ��� �coeptable to Lendet�rs�U irxIude a snndard martgage clause in 6vor of and in a fa*r.,�:u�ptable tn La�der. Ixnder s:','- �.-�-. :::``�-
<br /> . s6�11 I�ave the dght eo hold the�olicies wd renew�ls thsreof.sabjeet to the terms of azry m:�gage.deed�t unst or otber �'�.���`;i�°i�;°
<br /> .i secudry a�ment adth a lien wt�icb has ptiority aver this Deed of Ttust. T,_�' ':
<br /> . i ..;�:\.`., '"_
<br /> Era r�te�cvent of los9,Boimwer shall give promps�tice to tbe insurauce ca�rier and Iender.Leoder may m�ice pruFs� . �"'.
<br /> �,+. of la�sii�t m�de Di'��FUY bY Bornawer. ...�. � . . �: ' .;•;`
<br /> �er i�:Proptny is abaudo�d by Bon+avrer._�s�fi F.,�muwer faiLs to c�spoac!to Lender within 30 days from the date '�.�-:.*`.""�.;;;;;:��.
<br /> andt�:�t�ed lsy Leader to Borrower that tt��:rmlu.9nce catrier offets to seute a claim for i�viance beaefits.Lendea is — --�L4�.:.
<br /> - authori�3 to collect and agply tke in�nce pioceeds at i�ea�sr's oPtion either to restoradan or ie�ir of the Prag�r��ar. •.�-==:-�
<br /> ' to the sums secarod by t6is Dead of'�.v:. ' ��F�
<br /> i. �resavattan �nd Maintensn¢r of &'tc�aty: Lc�e6Wdgi ConGo�inl�st �IaIIned Unit Deve�apinents. . �'�''� �� �
<br /> . :L.�•.,. ,..� •�,�.
<br /> Borrower sball tccep t�e Property in good n�pti.*�er3i sLall mt cammlt wute oz permit impairment or dsterioradon of the �
<br /> e a
<br /> Property aad sh�l➢�:y wItb ti�e pravisions e�`ma,y�s�se iP this Drxd of 7'tust is a�a tta�old.If this Deetl of Tn�st is .�,`��'--�
<br /> �
<br /> . on a unit ia a ooada�TR.:�OS e ple�ed ut^.it�t�i��nt.BCSrn�+ver sU111 peifo�m IIll of Boslo�vet'S obllgdt[oaS Ilnde[th� �lr,..�`,'��. ' .
<br /> declars�am esa ooveoaats cuating os�r,rercu��d.��:�c?c '�.���p1w�d unit develap�t.the by-laws aad regalatiaa� " -.�,
<br /> of t�e oa_i��mi�t�es�or p3a�ed nnit deveto�.r.e�t:aau��x'c�.t:��i�nss. .: .-`"Y'`"' '"_ .
<br /> 9. YY+atectioo 08 Le�tder's Seao�tty. If C'a:am�� fails to perfor►n the covemnts aad�groemeass oontainal in t�.i.� �..;�����}b ? s;
<br /> Dce8 of Tin.��-t.or if ury acdon or pmeceding is a�enced which mazetlally at�'ects LendePs intemst in thz Fmperty.t�en , 4-_ -- �.�:
<br /> Lea�er. at Lender's op�an. c�pon m�ce to Bonower. m3Y matce such appea�aace.c. disburse such sums. igctuatiu�► .:-- '°'r""�"-.-
<br />. �soa�b2e attorneys' fees.and tais�:�ucti acdmn as is�ry ro pmtect Lendst`s interess. If Lemer required mort��e ��"_ -
<br /> insuranoe as a ooudi6on of m�Scir�g r`.�e loan secund by this Deed af Trust.Borrower s6a11 p�y the premiwns requice�@� •._
<br /> ..,�.'r".
<br />. �_ m�intain sncL insnranoe in e�eet nnW suc6 time as the reqniremeat fnr sash iasvraase termtnates in accorda.noe with � '�:`.`.�.:.� ��
<br /> :,,�.:_ .
<br />- Bomawer's�nd I.ender's written agree�ent or upplicable la�v. � �='` -
<br /> � Auy amounis disdursed hy l.ender pu�suamt to this paragraph i.witb interest thereon.at t�e Note rate.sha11 became . ''�.''"�::�' �':.
<br /> . additional indebted�ss of Bor�awer savred by this Deed of Tn�st. UWess Bomuwer t�Lender agree to other teims of __ . � � � -
<br /> paymeat. s�cb ama��ts st�il be payabte upon�ttce from I�nder to Botrower requessin8 PaYment thereof. Not�ing � ''.'�.-:: .' . ..�—
<br />� wntai�ed in this par�gr�►H 7 st�all reqvue Lendtr m incur a�r expease or ta1�e aay action tteneunder. �_����'� .:• . � �
<br /> . 8. II�e�on. Lender may malce or cause t�be made teasnn3ble entrtes upon aa� €nspectioms of the PropP�y. . "�: -
<br /> provided tLu Lender sh�ll give Barmw�er uafice prior ro any sutb iaspectton specifying rrasanable cause therefor relued to =°-
<br /> � �:
<br /> LeBder's inter�i in the Ptaperty. . .
<br /> - ,. � .. �,.
<br /> NsDraste 268162 3l95 OxigiII81(It!►COrde$1 COpy(H�enChl Copy(CuetOmes') Pnge 2 ot S ' ' , . . ' .
<br /> -• --. . -., �, . .. . . .. ' . �. . ..
<br /> . . . . : . . . � :
<br /> , •
<br /> .. . _ , . , . , . � •'
<br /> U.. . /.}f a _. .. , . ' . , - ,
<br /> .. , � ,, �t� � . . . . . `` r . .
<br /> . . ..� .. . .. � .. ... . ' . _ . . . ... . . . .1 �. 1{_ . _ .. • ' �. . • �. .
<br />