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...� ld=.. . . � <br /> a����_�'a��1'F. . __"_ .,.l�f�VU "�.4-•_ __—" <br /> ,.�t� `. � � :� .?� .r���• . . .at1��i4:� <br /> ..y�r,�a.. . i.. <br /> - � Mll��. ' ... <br /> .,� , ! . _—_ _ ___ ." _ __. _ _ —�. <br /> ^.�; IF�e�i <br /> _�Y�; � ..,� _ 92— soss4� <br /> TOOETHER WITH ull Iho improvements nc�w ar hercAfter erecicd on thc propcAy.wid u��cascmcntx,appuncnnncca. - <br /> •nd lixwrci now or herea4er r put oi Ihc propcny. All replucemenl�end additions shwll nlro be covered by Ihis Security <br /> � Incwmtnt. All ot�he faregoinQ is rcfcrred ta in Ihis Sccurf�y Instrument as�he"Property." <br /> --- BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrowrr ia luwfully seiced oi the estatc hcrcby canvcycd and haw the right tr grant <br /> -- -- - -�:� und convey the Propeny and that Iho Property is unencumbercd.excep�fot encumbmncex of�ecord. Bortower wurtantr w�d _ <br /> - - will defend generally the IiUe to tfto Property agoinc��II cluim�and demaadg,subJect to uny encumtxances uf record. ___. <br /> =..��� <br /> ��._ _ ___ THIS SECURITY IN57RUMENT combines unifam� covenuntR for nu�io�al u�: and non•unifc►m� cavenants wi�h <br /> — ---= -:. <br /> . li�nited variations by jurisdicdon lo constilutc a unitorm�cecuril,y ina�run►.�m covcring rcu property. _ � <br /> UNIFQRM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agrec ac+fallowx: __._ <br /> - —_—----:q�� l. Payment of Principal and lateresti�'�PAyment And Lote Cb�rQe�. Bortowe�shull prompdy puy when due the <br /> .� n <br /> ' - princip�1 of and intenst on!he debt evidenced by the Note und uny prepayment and lute charges due under�he Nac. =- <br /> """""""�"r'� 2. Fymds tor 71n�ces and InsurAnea Subject ta upplicable IAw or to n w�ilten waiver by Lender.Sorcawer ahall pay to <br /> �!a�"-"='��`� Lender on the day rnonthly payment�sre duc under�he Note.until ihe Ndc is pufd in full,u�:um('Tunds")for. lal ycurlY �,..W <br /> _ _ ____--r-•b.--� uuees und ossessments which may actufn Priority over�his Security Instrumenl ag n Ifen on the Propeny;(b)yearly IcASChold � <br /> -�'���R"•`�°�: eurl hnzard or ro rl insu�Ance remium.r•; 1d) ycarly itaod <br /> payments or ground rents on tlie Property, ff ony: lc) Y Y P I� Y P � <br /> '�''��f ' insurance premiumR, if any:(e) ycnrly mortgage insurance premiums. ff any; and lf)Any zums payable by Bortower to <br /> Y �.:..� . �,..t _ <br /> �-���'� '� �<-•, ncco�dance wilh the provisions of purugroph 8,ln lieu of the payment of mongage insarance premiums. These <br /> s_�-�,,�`'�.:�: <br /> �:�;�-;�� itema ure called"Escrow Items." Lender any time,coUect und hold Funds in un umount not to exceed the maximum �, <br /> �R;�.:W.�:���� amount a lender for a federally reloted monguge loan may r�equire for Borrower�escrow account under lhe federal Reul � <br /> ������� Estate Setqement Rrocedures Act of 1974 as amended from tima to lime. 12 U.S.C.�260i cr seq.("RESPA"),unless anottier �_ <br /> ---__ -_ law that applies to the Ii�nds sets a leaser amount. lf so.Lender may,ut any time,collect und hold FUnds fn un nmount not to �,x� <br /> —� = - excecd the lesscr umuunt. Lender may cstimatc the �unount of Funds due an Ihe t+asis of curtent du�n und reasonAble �- <br /> - `�: . "`•�'•"•"'� � estimates of eapendinve�of future Escrow Items or otherwise in uccordunce wilb applicable luw. � _. <br /> e <br /> The FLnds shall be held in an institution whose deposits ure insured by u federal agency, instrumentality,or entity -- <br /> ` ���'�� .� (i n c l u d i ng L e n d e r.i f L.e n d e r i s s u c h a n i n s d t u t io n)or in an y Federnl Home l.00n Bunk. Lender shall upply thc Fundx ta pay <br /> .. :t'i�i 1'..�. ;• — <br /> - :�:;;�s.�:,� � lhe Escrow Itema. I.ender may not c harge Borrower fo r h o l d i n g u n d a p p l y i n g t h e F u nds,onnuall y nnal yzin g t e escrow __ <br /> �`�`'°' ° account,or verifying the Escrow Items. unless [.ender puys Borrower interest on the Funds und applicable IAw permits <br /> y�'`'`"'�'�''`!�""' � Lender to make such a charge. However.l.ender mey rcquir+e Borrowp. « pay u one-time charge Tor an independent real -__ <br /> � ,,,..,,.,. . �" <br /> �'`�""�`�°"' ' estate tex repariing service used by Lender in connection with this loan.unless applicable law provides otherwitie. Unicss un <br /> - .�:.:';.,.+':' �`` <br /> "' ' � r;� ' agreement is madc or applicable law requires ioterest to be paid.Lendcr shall not 6e mquired to pay Borrower any inte►est or ��_ <br /> '=�"''`'''•`''.��'�`� ' earnings on the Funds. Borrower und L.ender may agree in writing,how�ver.thnt intcrest chnll be pnid on thc Fund�. Lendcr —. <br /> ,.t.�..:• �, �' . <br /> ��i ehall give ta Bornower,without charge,un annual accounting of the Funda,showing credits and debits to the FLnds and the __ <br /> ='��Y�A�++?Y;�:�f�•�• purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are ptedged us udditional security for ull sums secured by — <br /> -1+��:''a.�r;ks_.�. - , _ this Securiry lnswrnent. -- <br /> �— ` -- - If tite Funds held by Lender exceed Ihe amounts pem�iiicd iu bz heid tsy applicable lativ, Lender sha!! accQUnt to __ <br /> _- ,�, .,;.,.;,,g%'',,�•�•.� Borrower for the excess Funds in uccordance with the requirements of applicuble law. If the amount of the Funds held by __ <br /> -- - � • l.ender at�ny time is not sufficient to pay the Excrow Items when due,Lender muy so natity Borcower in writing.und,in � <br />__-' ��•`'�'� '� such case Borrower shall pay to Lend�r the umount necesr,ary ro m�ke up the def icicncy. Borrower shall mAke up�he ���� <br />--��'. .;;, +::�, � <br />__ __ - a :�, ,+ deficiency in no more than twclve monthly puymenta,at Lender's solc discretion. <br /> --�,.��. .. Upon puyment in full of all sums�ecured by�his Security Instrument. Lender shull promptly refund to Banawer any <br /> _---- "'�'� � � �Lnds held by Lender. If,under pArugruph 21,Lender shall ucquirc or scll the Praperty.Lender,priar to the acquigition or ��:v <br /> �'� - ` - sale of the Piroperty, shall apply uny Funds held by I.�nder nt the time of acquisition or sule us o c�edit against the sums _.:__ <br /> '�"'� . �'�� .� . r�ecured by this Security inawment. <br /> �.,, <br />�����` °• •• • • p . 3. Applkation of PnymeMs. Unlezs upplicublc luw pravides othcrwisc,ull payments reccived by Lender under [_�-� <br /> --•�•� ' puragraphs 1 and 2 shall be npplied:first,to any prepayment churges due undcr thc Note; second,to t+mounls payable under =,-.- <br /> �,-�� •�=�••=�� aragrnph 2;third,to interest due;fourlh,ta principvl due;nnd last,to nny late charges due under Ihe Note. � <br /> —� �""'.� , p 4. Charges: Llens. Borrower shull pay ulf taxe�, ussessments,churges,fines and impositions uttribuwble ro the �r�_ <br /> _--"" �:� +�.�:�� ,' � property which may attain pdorfty over thiy Securlty Instrument,und leusehuld payments or ground ren�c, if uny. Borrower i.;- <br /> �3.ti;� '� � •� shull pay these abligations in the mnnner provided in pnrugraph 2,ur if nat pnid in ths�t manner,Borrower shull pay them on �.,_, <br /> --- ada-:"' . time direcUy to Ihe person owed puyment. Borrowcr.r•hall prompUy fumish to Lcnder�II notices of umaunts ta be ppid under ��- <br /> '�� • � • this paragraph. lf Borrower mukes these puyments direcdy,Borrower xhall prompdy furnish to Lender receipts evidencing =� <br /> -- - •,� . , Ihe payments. <br /> .- " • . Barower shall promptly discharge any licn which hns prioriry over�his Serurily Instrument unless Borrower.(a)agrecs _ <br /> .-_-'_� �� - , � in writing ta the paymem of the oMligation secured by thc lien in a munner uccep�uMe to l.ender;(b)contests in good fuith the ��,,, <br /> �::�:� _ ••• . -` u lien by.or defends against enforcement of the lien in,legnl prcxeedings which in the Lenderti opinion operate to prevent th� �_ <br /> - ' enforcement of 1he lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien un u�recment satiafactary to Lender subordinating the lien qR <br />` '�'i ''' � to this Security Instrument. If Lender determines thut uny purt of the Prc►pt:rty is subject to u licn which mny anain priority �,�i <br /> '�*�- �� •. � , � over this Secudty Instrumcnt.Lender muy give Borrowcr u noticc identifying the licn. Borrowcr shall sutisfy the licn or�ake -� <br /> =^F�� � � one or more of the uctions set forth above within IU duys of�he giving of natice. �''-" <br />- � ° a' S. Hazrrd or Property Insurance. Borrowcr shull kecp the improvemen�s now exixting on c�reaticr crccted on the R-= <br /> °���` x �c - <br />'x��;�" " Property inaured n�pinst loss by fire,hazurds included within the Iemi "ex�rnded cnv�rugc"and uny uther huzurds,including <br /> . ,.�,� ��'- <br /> ;:. floods or flooding, for which I.ender requirex inaurnnce. This insurance .hull be muintainrd in the amounts and for the �� <br /> • �����io '•?1�; Form Jo2x 9/90 1/wXe 2 njn puxe.►i �` <br /> . ���: <br /> I� I �,;. <br /> � �,. ' l __ . ---- -- - .. _-_ , . . ... . •, . , <br /> � ,� .. � <br /> ,. ' . , , <br /> . - � � ' . <br /> i <br /> ' � - -- ` <br />