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;� • �'M1'A,IIF, i t.::.'. ��`�._^'�- <br /> .. .�'� ':� ..rT,` <br /> " � �y ._:lC�_- - <br /> =Y����� � �. _ <br /> ,�.�.....��f�' <br /> .�-���s�rrraao+v's2rw•.__.+Vf'� <br /> �- 's_�`:~�� BXHIBIT A <br /> � :.,,.,; I.e�l Desctlptlon <br /> � :.i' 1 <br /> �• . <br /> --'--a- --.� .c_-__� <br /> -.����r�as---- _ <br /> �"� A Vact ot land Qomprtsing au ot Lots Sixty-ftve (68)� Sixty-six (88)� Sixty-aeven (87)� <br /> '�" Sevent ei ht (?8) Sev�nt -nine <br /> �`;���° � Sixty-elght (68) S[xty-nlne (89)� 3eventy-seven (77), Y- B � y -- <br /> � Y• ��" ' �.= (79)� Eighty (80�, Eighty�ne (81)� Nlnety-six (9B), Ninety-seven (97), Ninety-eight (98), <br /> "�' � � �'� and One Hundred Three (103), and part of Lots Focty-six (AB), Forty-seven (4T), Focty- <br /> :i�h.i:,..! '��:, -,•- � <br /> — ���,�,,;��;,.t;, .: eight (48)� Forty-nlne (49� Fifty (SO)� FiPty-one (Si)� Slxty-four (64), Elghty-two (A'), `_f <br /> �`:� :'��-� ...:��;�� Ntnety-five (98), and One Hundred Four(104)� aU in the Industrlal Addition to the City of <br /> "�""�" ��-�'�� . (3cand Island, Nebraska� and lying in the Southwest Quarter (3W i/4) of 3eetion Fourteen <br /> `�";-'��`:� �,�� (14)� Townahlp Eleven (il) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., HaA County, <br /> �.. �, <br /> r..�� � • �� � � Nebrasks, and moce parttaularly deaccibed as foilowa: _ <br /> ...y.. ..i'� " � �...— <br /> � .•,�:t�:.�. _ .. <br />�r"����l.c. v..=r " '_ <br /> �:, .• <br />-__�- . ��.a*ti.;�•.:� Beglnning at a puint seventy (?0.0) feet South and thirty-three (33) teet East of the _ <br /> �— Northwest corner of satd Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4); thence running easterly and __ <br /> ;-,c,,,.. <br /> ��A� u' � .,,',fti,,,,{ � parsUel to the Nocth line oY said Southwest Quacter (SW 1/9) s dlstance of one thousand "°'° <br />- � � �'?"'����� � nine hundred thirty-seven end flve-tenths (1,9�7.5) feet; thenoe running southerly and �� <br /> • .-.� 4'i.:� <br /> ��� :::�'��;��. parallel to the West line of said 3outhweat Quacter (SW 1/9) a distanoe of one thousand �� <br /> �.:�i .� . , ;.�,fc;�•.:;. <br />_��� . .���.<,:�;..�.. six hundred thirty and thirty-two hundredths (1,630.32) 1e�hen e punning northwesterly �'� <br /> ,s ' ,.,::;;�.,!` <br /> .?;��a.• �'�, r[ght-of-way line of the C. B. dc Q. Railroad Company; <br /> '=f0��,.� ��!:, ��; ��r �• along asid rlght-of-way a dtstance of aeven hundc ed thirty-four and ninety-eight <br /> `'�1�'" � hundredths (734.88) feet to a potnt on the East 1[ne ot the Southwest Quarter of the _ <br /> ����r«a�s►:: . �: ; . --- <br />«;�-.�s Southwest Quarter (3W l/4 SW 1/4)= thenae rwning northerly along the East line of the � <br /> * Southwest Quarter oi the 9outhwest Quarter (SW 1/4 SW 1/4) a dlstance of thirty-nine <br /> `,-�=°w_-_;:,',.'__�=.-� <br />- - - -_ _= and a�txty-eigist l�w�dredihs i��•�$� tRet to the Northesst aorner ot the 3outhwest Quarter <br /> „ �,�':.,,,,,,.�. oP tho Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4 8W 1/4)i thence running weaterly along the Narth Iine � <br /> of the Southweat Quarter of the Southweat Quacter (SW 1/4 SW 1/4) a dtstanae of <br />� ���� �'` ' � seventy-aix and thirty-seven hundredths (T6.3?) fe�t to e polnt on tha northerly rtght-ol- <br /> way line o� the C. B. 8 c Q. Railroed Company; thenoe running northwesterly along seid _ <br /> . right-oi-way s distance of one thousand three hundred aeventy end f(fty-six hundredths �, <br /> �� " � � (1.3?O.S6) teet to a point thirty-three (33.0) feet �ast of the tVest I[ne ot said Southwest <br /> '�Y � Quarter (SW 1/4)i thence runntng North and parellel to the West line of sald 3outhweat <br /> �:.,,: Quarter a distance ot six hundred nineteen and thrQe-tenths(618.3) feet to the point of � <br /> :;.��;� ' , •� beglnning, and Qontatn[ng 50.0 acres� morc� or less, and described in a survey dated � <br /> ., October 6, 1983, prepared by Thomas L. Jordan� Regtstered i.and Surveyoc� Grand Island, � � <br /> ��;;' � r Nebraeka. :, � � C —• _ <br /> � ��! rn N t A en•a. �t'�\ 6 <br /> -°,. ' .. ' fl tl �� � fl x ��• � i� 1- � .�r -. <br /> ° �,�,. � � �� 1 J• � ' '�. ? -� � — <br /> - ^ �r . rrt rn �� , '. �..= _� t„ N �. <br /> °'_.' ' �'`�,,y�,,,.,: � , C � anc " � i � ^� ' � 1 0. <br /> -r , `�• . � 1 ' ' � .� � a+ :�n.:; <br /> . � n , - r*t i-+ tA <br /> .� � � �. � . ._ � � � �... <br />_- - ,,,; , �- �.� � n '- � —. <br /> .. . ,� n 1 � !. �� �� w � �:; <br /> ., U � � . �� - ' '�'- <br /> • L) � � �n � � ••l' <br /> � � � <br /> � <br /> V1 84 051882/3/9-1531 <br /> � .. � <br /> „ . <br /> � . . .. ,. <br /> , `..� , <br /> . <br /> , . .� ' <br /> , ' S <br /> .. , <br /> , <br /> • _ <br />