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<br /> of Boirac,rer's coven�nts and agaeem.�nts under tbis 3�auiry I�ms�umsns �d the Note. For tbia purpose, Bflzrower __
<br /> Inevocably graatv and oonveyE ta the Trustce.in tcust.w�power of eale,the following descdbe�pmperty taxied ::�_;-
<br /> in HALL Caunry,Nebraasra: ---s-
<br /> J� LOT tiIHE (Sj, I�t BLOCK NI�lE {9j I�! H.�. CL�RK'S RODITIQH TO "�E CIT1f Of GttA!`�D -r<�;�;:;:--
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<br /> wh�ch has the address of 608 WEST O7H STREET,6RAI�D ISI.lII�D Esae�.cuyl. �`.`�
<br /> NEbrd3lCd 68$Ol L�P�l (��F�Y AddIE38'; �r'�`,
<br /> TOGfii'�Lt W1T�i aU the impFUV�auw rr her�r Fa�ted � the pmperty, � all ��, . . � '��_---
<br /> agpmrcan�ees and guctum.�c+s� or herzaftcr a part �f�e g�etty.All�l�ts aad�ditloas�i�' r�.-�be fz:�,r'
<br /> covend by tLis Secairity I��ment.All of the foiego*�ia nfe.rced w ln this Ser�rity Issnuraeut as the°E�tr.�g�s.y.' 's;���y4;
<br /> BORIt�PF�i COVENANTS thai Borro�ver is lawfaity sei�a�the�stats herrby anmeyed aa�d h�s t3�e r�..�t to � -`-`-'
<br /> graat a�oo�,ty the Fmg�sty and ti�at tue Pcuperty is a�.except fo:eacumbnaces aY�coid.� _ �-:_
<br /> warrants and wUl dsf� geaernliy the title to tl�Praperty aga�nst aU ctaims aad demands. aub�ec� �m �ay "'"�:°:�,
<br /> ..�. e�ambl�es Of�+CSOId. `,y 'r
<br /> �•,,f ,�
<br /> ;�ti:: T�S SECiJRTTY INST'RUM�PI'e�mbines m�ifbr�n covenants for nasional use and n�-mufolm�vea�nta %.
<br /> : '. wit�limimd vaiiatioas�y jurlsdictian t�r�nstlurte a rmifor�secarity instirument oovtrin,g reai�.T�S�ty. '' -`
<br /> :.��f�t - �:7�':
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<br /> ::�au.: , uNff'�RM�vF'a�.�ll.�i, . _ .:�Y u�i,
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<br /> ;:���: 1. 8ay�mt of Petactpal, Int�t�sn�➢ I�te C�arge. Bormwr,r ahall p�y whm due tLe prfndpal o� and . . ��.�''c�.
<br /> .i.�:r_
<br /> '`,+'f: intectst on,the debt evideasoed by the h�'ti:�d late chazges dne uadtr the Note. . �;s-;
<br /> �'�'� . 2. �do�1y P�►yatcad a4 Tases� Y..����mn�Oth�r C�r�ges. Bomuwer a�l� iactnde ia arb mrmthlY .��rf�tr_r
<br /> prymr�t,wgetLer with tLe prindpal�d�t a�set forth 1a t�e Note and l�te chargas.a aum for(a)pxcs aod •""'�?'?:':;��
<br /> � � �,;;i;;..:.s,,�_
<br /> :'��; bpP.t,�Ia1 aSSess�is l�et1 or to bE Ievied 8ga3nsi the.�m�p. (b)22asQho2d os Ieats oII tLe `r.
<br /> P3Y�� � �j��..,
<br /> �;::�`h property,wd(c)Premiums fos iaga:wce.reqn.asd undsr puagsapD 4. In aqy yaa in whIch.±�e Lead�er mstsi gay a �'.-•
<br /> � ';�`s^ . mortg,�ge iasruaac�p�mium to the Setaetary of Ho�sing�ad Utb�Devalopmmt(•Se�D.ar ia any ypr in
<br /> � which sucL prtminm waold have ban rec�uiied if I�erder atiUU beld the Sxuriry In�m¢N.eacL monthiy paymeat ��
<br /> . `� �•, ah�ll atso iaciude eitfler:(i)a aum for ttie waual ma:�ge Insarance premiam w be paid by I�der to the Ser�t�y, �_v
<br /> or fi�a awntHly chugz inuead of a m�ngage insnrmoe p�mi�if tLts Sa�uiry Insuumeat is heid by the Soc�w:y. iN��"��,
<br /> !n a re�sanable amouat to be dsteim�ned Dy the Sec�etary. Bxoept for the moetbly cl�arge by the Seecaary.tbae
<br />�� �' t items are c�lied"Bserow Items'aad the ss�paid to 1Rader u+e callod'Etcrosv FumH�.• -_.—
<br /> • : ' I.etjdet mry,at aay nme. collax sod hold amounts far Esccow itams in an aggieg�e amoout not w ea�aa!tIIe • .—_
<br /> m�x�mum amaimt thas�ay be rcquited for Borrower'a escrow aooavat m�der the Ral EuaLe Seitlemeat Prncedans �-
<br /> ,;y Act of 1974. 12 U.S.��ectFan Z�OI'et aeq. and implemeating ngnla�lon$, ?a CFR Put 3500, af tlx.y may be ,°i��
<br /> �..� ur�udcd t�ti�e ta tim;('I3ESPA'). e x c e pt th� tht ca�:�on or reserve g:tmitted by R85PA fox arna�a�tcf � :_,.,
<br /> ' ": � d�w�ar diabarsema►ts befam the Bamnwes's paymeat9 am availabie ln tha aaoouat mry not be h�sod an
<br /> : ..+ ,� amauaia due foi the�tgage�piemium. �--'` ` .
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