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<br /> �� : � ..KII/]W ALL l�EN 5Y T4fSE PR�SENT5: � ` � ; ��"" 1�� ' `V�\
<br /> ` � Y�REAS, all.of the�indebtatness secured 6y the .Trust �0eed executed by �1
<br /> 1AlIF A S P�E AIID JLD"� Irl S EPl.E hus6and and�t�f� �_ s g
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<br /> Trustes, for the fi of !QE FF.�ERIM. SAYII�S MD LOAN IATION ff GRMD I9-MD. �
<br /> I�EBRJfSItA. tt�e�beneficiary naii�ed Ehere.iie. dat,ed �:._ Sentember 14 , lg 84 :_ <
<br /> and recorded Sante�er 20 � , 19�, i�l the Offfce of the Register of tAesds af -
<br /> ' Hall County, Nsbra�icas ss Instru�ent Nianber 84-fl04927 - . . has been paid,
<br /> and aaid 6eneficiery has requested in Ya�fting that this Oeed of �tecanveyance be exe-
<br /> cetteci and delivesed: � � � , �� .
<br /> � � NOW�_TFEREFatE, in cansideratfon of such payment in, accordance With the request
<br /> of the.6eneficiary naiiied tfierein, tTie wndersigned, as Trustee, ¢o�s by these presents; ,
<br /> grant, reini.se, release and �recQnuey ta the person or persons entitled tteereto all the .
<br /> interest and estate derived.to said Trustee by ar thrcugh said Trust Oee�.in the fol-
<br /> laoing described premises, b�ut only as to such premises= �.
<br /> `A Tract of land ccmprisin a part of Lnt Five_ (5), situated in the•Sauthwest Quarter
<br /> of the Sauthirest Quart�r �SUF�SIJ�) of Sectiart Tuielve•(12) Tarnship Ten (10), Narth, .
<br /> � Range Nine (9) West nf the 6th P.M., in Hall'Cou�ty. Nebraska, more particuiarly de-
<br /> scribed as folloms: Beginning at the southeast corner of said SouthWest Quarter of the � _
<br /> _ � Southwest Quarter (SW;ESW�); 7hence northerly along the east line of said SW}SGF�, a
<br /> - distance of ONe Thousand Three liundred Nine a�d Fifty 1'wo Hundredths (1,309.52) feet �
<br />- to the northeast corner of said SW�SW}� thence westerly along the north line of said
<br /> - SW}S4t�, a dfstance of Seven Hundred Three and Eighty-Faur HundredtFts (7D3.84) feet to
<br />_ the present right bank line of the Platte River; thence deflecting left 41°22'13"
<br />=�_ � and running southwesterly along said right bank, a distance of Three Hundred Fifty F'aur
<br /><-.� and Thirty�Seven Hundredths (354.37) feet; thence deflect �g left 85°08'49� and running•
<br />- southeasterly, a distance of Five Hundred T�renty TWO and �eventy Seven Hundredths
<br /> - (522.T?) feet to the south line oP the f+1�SW#SUI�; thence easterly along said south line � _
<br /> of the N#St�}SGt;, a distance of Six HUndred Forty (64p.!]) feet; the�ce soeitherly parallel _
<br />- to the east line of said SW}SW�, a distance of Six Hundred Fifty Four and Seventy Six
<br />