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<br /> - � -
<br /> . . . 10.0296 Fiie i�io. 83�A �-:
<br /> : � � �.����9 _..
<br />_ b. Except as amertded herein,all of the terms,tanditians artd provistar►s a¢th�Asst�nment
<br /> � of€����and Itet�ts sFnall r�m�in ir�fup force and effect. ' , �
<br /> . 3. 8ttitdi [Ra�a L�,qses�t'tenR. _
<br /> t `
<br /> r-�� Contera��oraa�uucly �rvit6� the exc�uttan 4�ereof, �arrower and lend�r have exece�tc�! � �`
<br /> , 5uppteReenta!6uitdin�LQan A�rotent da[�d of even d�te her�etvith whici�shall be d�me�to ament! n
<br /> t
<br /> � Nee l3uitding Loan Ag�era�snt exccutc�by and b�t�ree�Boe�avverand�.e�derdated)une 24, 199G. -
<br /> .. 4. �e���a�iTs�a2. --
<br />'` a ��eCtive�cpon the executfon hereof,Paragaph(1)fiounsi an Pa�e 2 af t�ae�c�ed of Trusi " �_
<br /> _ is hereby deieted artd 4he following provision is subsiituted therefor.
<br /> ' {'i) Payment of indebtedrtess evidenc�6y�+vo cerQain Fromiss�ry�Eotes -
<br /> dated june 24, 1996,and�cto�r� 199b(collectively,the"Pnomissory Note7
<br /> � executea�byT�u�tstr in favw af Ben��iciery,in 4he principal a�nounts of$1,34O,OOiD.00 `=_
<br /> � and 32,760,O�Q�.dO, res¢ectively, hearbn� interest and being payable as pravided •
<br /> a��,� therein, acmrding to their tetms, and a!I extensions, r�newals and modiftcations -
<br /> � thereof;
<br /> ��.'� b. Except as amended herein,a!I of the terms,conditians and provisions of the De2d of
<br /> ;
<br /> ��;.�t� Trust are N�lzy ratifiet!and conftrmc-�and shaQ remain in fuU force and effecL
<br /> 5• � ..Rn4ati ns n Wae��,�'tes,
<br /> � 6airawer hereby represeMs and�warrants tro lender tha� �
<br /> � '! . a. Each of the representations and warranties set forth i�this Agreement and in the .�
<br /> •�� ':�'acuments amended hereby are tn�e artd correct as af tfie date h�reof; =
<br /> ,�I 4;� .., _
<br /> ����;��'° � b. This A eement cac+�itutes the le 1 valid acrd bindin abli tion of•�brrower and is
<br /> ,;ti4�...: . � ba� S b'�
<br /> , .�r� . � , � �
<br /> . � . ; �forceabte�n aceordance with i�s terms;amd • ,
<br /> �• c. As of the date hereof, tfiere exists no E+r�r3 of De�au;`I�.��e:�rir..�.;�1,340,Q00.00
<br /> � , Promissory Note,�he Assigrome��i c���tents and Leases or the i?eed of 7NSt,Secu�;4�.��Ngreement and
<br /> • � Assignment of Rent� �vr.any at��ier document executed by Borro�ru in connection with the
<br /> '��'.,�.,::. . . _
<br /> .r�&�.. � �
<br /> �`'�:� $1,344,�'4[��.��laan,as amencledi by this Agreemen�
<br /> ..�� . . .
<br /> .. ��i
<br /> . b. �. •
<br /> .. :.;i. In�rh�evem of any conflict or incansisten�cy Fietwe�n�h c provisions of this�greement or any
<br /> . �� ? other document hEre�:�fore executed by Borrower in connection wiih the$1,340,000.00 loan,the
<br /> �,���' �
<br /> ..����f:' provisiacros cef this Agreement shall govern.
<br /> i'•'��i �
<br /> �• ���;r",��• �
<br /> ' ' 'IIL�:;s Ageement shall be binding upon,and shall enu�e to the 6enefit of,the parties hereto and •
<br /> � theif respective heirs,persflnal representatives,successors and assigatis. -
<br /> 8. Non�YUaives. .
<br />, Borrow�r hereby acknowledges and agrees that: _
<br /> 3
<br /> , ' ., . . .' . , b . .' " �' ...``°
<br /> •. ,_ .. • ..,. ,
<br /> , ..._ . . .. . ,. .. • . .
<br /> . .
<br /> , •
<br /> ,,. ,, . . , ,.�. , . , , �� , . .
<br /> .. . � ' >,, • , ci _ . .n: _ .
<br />