�c.�l.�-. .'.�. .` — .' _ _ .__ _ _ . 'L . H _ -.— ___' . _ _-' - - __ ___.
<br /> .t i .i,t..: __ . " "1�,� . �. . . _ - . . -
<br /> . � .. ._ � . . _
<br /> , �:- .' ' . .. '_ ' " _-__
<br /> .. _ :..�e�'--. . __'__tY�`: '� _ . _ . _ .._ c - . . . . _ __
<br /> '{'' - _' � ( ._C'-`y�j,� iw__"_ ', r, ._. . ' , _ " _ �" �-.Y^�:_ _ -.
<br /> ��ct -
<br /> .� , 1 ' ..�.-.�
<br /> .�::_. . - .. ,p' _
<br /> .. .. ' '_�'""." ' __ "' -`.._�_' __ _
<br /> .
<br /> . -. . j ._ ..,. . ' "-_-..__' .... �. . ..--""___'__—__ _..
<br /> ,- , . ' ..t--..�. ' _ . ,
<br /> t ' "' k:. . . _ . �'. . � . . . . -. � ,.. .
<br /> � 3 .�=�_=L� _ . .�,. � -' . -�--- -, . - .-- ' `---.( .._ _ . � , � � i:` � � . � ��.
<br /> •� �' � �� . �� . �92=� � 3��`_� : . ,
<br /> � � - . . _ . � . .
<br /> t � �< i t �a � �: t� �ar ��.�, - - , . �.
<br /> � Rotic� is h�rsby givsn o! thi d�;l�ult ot R�.char� L. Hastsan
<br /> --
<br /> and Patrfaia 1►. �r�n. husband and vil�, Tr�stors, u�d�r a Trust
<br /> DNd tii� tor ricord�8�pt�ab�r i, i989, ,and r�cord�d a� i ___ ._
<br /> - � Xo. 89-iQ468& in th� ��aeo�cas o!,tLi R�gtst�r`a! DNds in and !or • �
<br /> — HaZl CountY. .l�i�braska.� Th� propart�t o!� the trust is dsscsib�d as
<br /> tollavs: � � • , , �
<br />-�.. , . -- -
<br />--_-- - � . - - .-�- --- - - - =
<br /> -_ . : TIu Itorth �Hs2! af ttt� �ltorthv�tst 4�rt�� �1i 1/Z liiT �/4), �
<br /> -_ . ' 8�ction Tttt (10�., Tawnshig T�n (lOj•,Rsri4� 11in� `{9), i[�st Ot ;
<br /> - . ths 6ti1 P.1t.,' Aall County. 11�rasks. . .
<br />:�=: •
<br />_ - � Kotic� is h�r�by giv�n of the d�la►ult o! Richs=d�L. Has�n � --
<br />:::,��:. , � �:.: and Patricia 1!. Hart�ain, husband.and viis,` �'nistors, und�r a Trust ' . !-_--
<br /> � �� D��d til�d ta� racaYd on 1luguat 16, 1988 and r�aord�d a� InstrwNat =-
<br /> - - No. 88-104514 f=►.tbe oftice o! the Register a! Dee�s f,n and !or- �-�=-.-
<br /> _ - gall1 County, xebraska. .Tha property of the trust �s describ� a4 ��-=-;��<-
<br />- _ . - tdli�si , . . . . - ;-"Y_h`-'
<br /> . �'`-3:=- -
<br />�+ ;'._.�:._ _-.
<br />-4 Th� xorth 8st1! o!` tha xorthttsst qaarter �N i/Z 1�iN iM�. -.�_,;���:-
<br /> 1`' � � section Tan (�o), Tawnsbip Ten tio). Ranqe Hin� (s;, N�st o! �
<br /> �; -.:.
<br /> _ 't �'° ,' .. • the 6th P.K.� a�il County, Nebraska. . '. _. ...... . . �
<br /> ��_-= _
<br /> ' � � .Notica is hersby qiven of:.the def2lult oi Richard L. 8artasn ; ; =. _�-
<br />. =.� . • `.-and Patricia 7�. Hartsan, basbatnd and wite, Trustors, under a Trast � ' :�;��-�_
<br /> '1= �"=':y�Y".-' - .Deed �f led tor rscord on July Z6, 1990 and recorded as Instrusent Y ., �� � . __
<br />� . •a.i�rf:e,�,�;:-... , . ,'.P
<br /> ` -�'�:::;,�. �.No. 90-10�287 ia the records oP the Registet ot�Deeds �n and !or . . __ . _-
<br /> _ F� ._ .
<br /> �. ��� : Eail County, xebrnska. The propertY of the trust i6 describ�d as �.��a,,.,_.--, °--
<br /> e �r:,�,:•...
<br /> � ta-• . i0�1��i . � � . :,iy'`t: . .
<br /> . .!�{
<br /> /' , '
<br /> n' '' ` s�. � �ill o!. Lots Four (4) and Ffve �5) � in Section Ten� (10); - � : --�-
<br /> .��_,.�. s . �'�
<br />. �'_�°. ' x, =:� �, Townshi Ten (10) Nol'th, Ranqe lline (9) West of tIIc 6tli P.H.� , , �;
<br /> ' � ;,u'��. ,:- .< . . Hnil County, Hebraska, exceptinq therefroA a traet ot isnd � .�_ t;,�•:
<br /> .;�,�: .. more particularxy described in a Deed recorded in Hook 138 at . ,' ti-_•
<br /> �:;`�� ° ` .���� Paqe 508 in' the Ott ice o! the Register ot Daads ot Hall � � �:.
<br /> � :��� ._._.��«. •� , ' County, Nebraska, and tusther excluding a tract containing • ,{.._
<br /> ' f�.:�:._. � 0.481 acres conde�ned by the City o! Grnnd Island, Kebraska, �;�-_
<br /> �.::r '. .Y .
<br /> �� the traat containin 72 acres, aore or less, taqether vith any , ���-
<br /> ,.�_ . g '
<br />� ' . ����.;.:;�" aacretions thereto; also, - . . . ,,--
<br /> � .:;�,;;_;.,.:-._- , . •`:�: . �? :
<br /> � •-`''��'��='� � � � Iat Two �2j, $lock FiPteen (15) Wallich's 1�dAition, an . .
<br /> � °:���>,:.� . � . �
<br />� :���:�,�.• � addition to the City ot Grand Island, Hall County,� Nebraska� . , ,�.::
<br /> � -%-'� • 7,ot Ona '(s) Hiock six (6) wiebs's lldclition, an addition to th� • f ,� :
<br /> � ``J�:�;�4 � City o! Gran� Islana, .Hall County, Nebrasks= tbe South 75.7 I . _ . _ --
<br /> `�r.•�''' ' ' Faet ot Lot Ten (10), Block Forty-Eight (48j, iih��l�r's ( •.. . . �.."`_
<br /> ;r`;°;��,�,-�� ]l8�ition, aa addition to the City oP Gran� Island, Hall t � � __
<br /> � • � -'�'��`�`� ' County, N�braska; Lots Seventy=six (76) and Seventy-sevsn (77) � � ; � ' -
<br /> . � - __:x:��:�:r
<br /> � ' y� �` rs:- , in Ha�orne Piace, an addition to the City o! Grand Island,
<br /> , :�,-r�e;����,.�, � _ .
<br /> ' Hall Coup►ty►, Nebraska; and Lot Seventy-Eight (78) and th� � � ;� •
<br /> .����`;;. ' Horth Three (3) Feet of Lot Seventy-Nine (79j in Hawthorne i .
<br /> _= , -- --- P2ace, an additf.ote to the city of �ran@ Island, Hall County, t. ___
<br /> � �,, � .:. . Nebraska. � .
<br /> , .I , .
<br /> ��,�;� � . . Notice �ls hereHy given cE ��ie default o� Richard L. Hart�an
<br /> . . . ,;, ;;: .
<br /> ' �':�;-.;;:��.�•�' and Patricia 3�. Rartman, husbaz�d and wife, Trustor�o, unfler a Trust
<br /> � � Dead liied !or record on June 31; 3991, and recorded as instruaent ...
<br /> � � No. 91-103645 in th� secords at the Register of Deeds in ana !or ...
<br /> - . � Nall County, Nebraska. The propert,y of the trust is deaorfbad as � �
<br /> . loilaws: • :
<br />� �f,�' . North One Na1F (H i/2) of the Northwest One Quarter (NW 1/��, . � .
<br /> - � � ' Section Ten (10j , Tawnship Ten (10) , West Aanqe Hine (9j , �Test , �
<br /> - -. -- � ot the 6tU P.M., Hai� County, #ebraska. - . .
<br /> � � ' � � 1111 og Lota Four ��) and Ffve (5� in Section Ten (10), . �
<br /> . Township Te� (10), N, Ranqe Nine (9j , West o! the 6th P.M., , �
<br /> � " � I Hall Cownty, Nebraska, exceptinq theregrom a traat a! lan� � . . .
<br /> , iJ� aore particuiarly described fn a Deed recorde� in Book 138 at
<br /> - -- Page 508 -f.a the �fice of_ the Regi.ster _e�, Qeede o� Ha:l �---�--- -
<br /> , � . � � Caunty, .Nebraska, and further excluding a tract containing u
<br /> ' � ; . . . , , � , . �
<br />