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04/19/2011 TUE 15:39 FAX 402 471 4429 UCC SECRETARY OF STATE ��y �all <br />� Form b68 Z 3592 • Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service <br />,RB�. ,0.2�0, �� Certi�cate of Release of Fedeeal Tax Lien <br />Area: Serial Number <br />SMALL BUSINESS/SELF EMPLOY$D AREA #2 <br />Lien Unit Pho�e: (800) 913-6050 699037410 <br />I certify that the foflowing-named taxpayer, under the requirements of section 6325 (a) <br />of the Internal Revenue Code has satisfied the taxes listed below and all statutory <br />additions. Therefore, the lien provided by Code section 6321 for these taxes and <br />additions has been �eleased. The proper officer in the office where the notice of <br />internal �evenue tax �ien wa� filed on .� September 21 • <br />2 010 , is authorized to note the books to show the release of this lien fur <br />these taxes and additions. ' ' <br />Name of Taxpayer <br />DEANN E STUBBS <br />.Residence 1324 N BRO.ADWELL AV� <br />GR.AND ISLAND, NE 68803 <br />COIIRT RECORDING INFORMATTON: <br />Liber Page UCC N Serial�No. <br />n/a n/a 91 637982-7 201006865 . <br />Tax Period <br />Kind of Tax Ending lden <br />Recordi <br />�004/005 <br />CRFTL <br />t <br />Date of. I Last Day for I llnpaid Balance <br />Assessment Refi!'utg of Assessment <br />1040 I 12/31/2008� XXX-XX-1778.I06/22/2009I 07/22/2019 � ].854.41 <br />***�,�*** fkok�k�k�fr9e4c�lc#ie�lr ,�*,�*�*�e**�*�r*•k�r�r�r****���id**,�*,�r***,��** ,t****�**�r*�t***** <br />i <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />�' <br />� <br />f� <br />Place of Filing <br />Register of Deeds <br />Hall. POBOX 1692 <br />Grand Island, NE 68802-1692 <br />2011U298'7 <br />57UBBS DERNN E <br />Filed: �4119/2011 02:41 PM <br />Total � $ 1854 . 41 <br />This notice was prepared and signed at � IL <br />the 30th day of March , 2011 <br />Signature <br />, on.this, <br />Title Director, Campus Complian�e <br />Operations <br />(NOTE: Certificate of officer authorized by lew to take acknnwledgments is not esse�tial to the validiry ot c:ernr�cate or neiease ar <br />Fede�al Tax lien Rev. Ru�. 71-466. 1971 - 2 C.B. 409) Form 668 (Z) (Rev. 10-20001 <br />Part 1• RECORD[NG OFFICE CAT. NO 600261 <br />