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<br /> `� `+ . .. , , f �'`G. r ' - _ . °��iAL�A��AV� - r . �` c � ,° �. .
<br /> iNON/t�.L Y�!At�'MESE P1tES`EN1TS:Tt[AT t or rYE. T�ob�rC �.� lickss and LYada L. �ieka�,,lptilbsad `
<br /> � �Ifit <, • , < ` - • < <
<br /> -� � Yall `�.` . �i��S�edl�ebnricy{or�Wocreaivra ¢2a.{)Q0.00+���*'hr�atp '• -
<br /> � aol�ar� � no�1
<br /> �O�M�i��5EL a�wi CpIIYEY�to AME 1CAH�AMiLY fiNANCGL SERVICFS,iNC:.(�ottp/�e�alousl�lwty++�d S!Me
<br /> _ _���,�[��N_Doeai�e+sitwwd iM Hsll ` � Eo�scx.u�d State d Netrrk�.tawi�: ---
<br /> Lot �la, ia axpci� �,. in`Dicke�Tbird $afid�vis�on. a Rs�ubdiviiion af`aIi 3�iocks Z�aad-3:
<br /> - `�D�ici�sr�gnbai.v�iod and a21 of alocics 1 �ad 2. Dic�,ey,Sec�nd Subdivisfon of the �"itT cf t �
<br /> 6r�d i�laad , � � . , , �
<br /> � .'II�i.�oppjeijwioim: .- --- --- -. ' _.. �. . _ -
<br /> ��>�i�st �ortgsga.vith Equftsble Btti.ldlag and Losa � � -
<br /> '[w.l�l�+��•
<br /> The inte�tioa beis{w ooavry 6eneby an'abiolau title in fa simplF inatudinj iU tbe djhts of homestad and dower. ,.
<br /> SLl:I1SmOa'I:'Id'saartp�e�eeuee��yamntofWexcurodde6laadtLeperform�uaea�(Lecove�sots�ada�reameRttcoaui�ed
<br /> ir t�ia�orcp�e a�d i�sMy o�ber ducnment incorporatod bccrin_Secured deM,as wed in thu mcr[saje.includa aay amounts 1 owe yod
<br /> N�der tba.aiortjye o�Mader soy in�rumetN�onued by t6is tnm'tEa�e.'
<br /> T1e�eewed debt i�evideaad by s rsvdvio�crcdit loaa apeea�ent daud June,18, I99Z .with iaitiaL�naw1 ieteeen
<br /> r�te ot 8.50 %. . � ,it not psid esrlier.
<br /> 'ibe a6ove obliption is due sad psysbfe on .Juae 19, 2002 '
<br /> F�e Air�ce�: All amoants o��ed under the above agrcemant uesecurcd even ihouah not all amuunts msy yet be adv�nad.Fuluoe
<br /> dv�oas aadu tLe a�taemept u�epptempt�tod�nd+viq be secuoed�nd vri'll have pdority to t6e same estent as if msde on the date this
<br />. monp�e is exocuud.The taat unpaid b�tan�x secared by this mortgage ac an oae time shaU not exexd s maaimum princip�T amounfo��
<br /> Twnty tl�oussnd�aad no/100�daitais tf 20,000.00�**��***�tos in[erest,plus any disbunhaeats made for the
<br /> �t of taaa.spocial�nts,or fussurnnoc on the property.vrith interat on sucb dubntsements.
<br /> Q Vari�llr Rata 7'he interest tate on the obligation sccured by thu mortgage may vuy accord'mg to the term�of ihat obGaatioh.
<br />__- 1(Wesball psy alltsaa,andany intereston,ora�aturinginstallmrnuof principal.due oaanypriormurtg�eand assessmrnts kviedupon
<br /> s�id realatate uKF�ll od�`taaa,kviesanduussmrnts Ievied apanthismortga�e ortheueRSwhicb this mortg,�e isaiivaatosecui+e,befert
<br /> the�ame bxoma deGnquent snd ksep the buildings of said p nmises insurcd.toss.if any.pasa�e to such first mortga�eescsi th is mortaa�ee,
<br /> or botb,then thae preseats 6e void,otherwise to be and remain in full force. • •�
<br />-_ � IT!S FiSRTHER AGREEO p)That if e5e said mattgagor sGal�tail to pay such t�aces�such intess�an,or maturing iastallments of
<br /> pcincipal,due o�sny prior mortgage and pmcun such insurance,t�im this mortgaEoe may pay sucb ta�res a�d wch interat o0.or muurity
<br /> -- installmrnuof princip�tl,dueonsuehpriormoRgageand pracuresur.h insunnce:andthesttmsoadvanixd withinttrestahall bepaid 6ysaid
<br />- mort�or.and this mortgaEe shaii stand as security ta�the same.(2)That a failurc to pal aay af said money.either priacipal or interat on
<br />;;tiy this or any other prior mongage.ahrn the same becoines due or a failure to comply with any of the faregoing zgroements,shall c�use the �
<br /> . whok sum of money herein securod to Ixcome due and collectible at once at the option of the mortgagee. _
<br /> - 1715 FURTHER AGREED That said mortg�gee,pending torcclosuce oi this moagage and after decree and pending stay theceon or -
<br /> appealtherefromandpendingsakotptemisesmortgaged,maypaysuchtaaesandmaturinginterestormaturinginstallmentsofprincipa},an °
<br />_-= prior inores�.proatee s,sch ia+ur�nce and such sums shall be added to the amount due on decne�u►d upon canfirmation of aak by cE�c �-_
<br />`- caurt orderedlaken out r��xds oisale;or if reAamed dnr�ng swy.Appeal ar sale,snc�a�ounu shall be coUecud the same Asthougis it
<br />- wene s p�rt of:ueh decreG. _
<br /> - ITISFIIRTHERAGRE€DThatinthea-entofdefauttotianyofthecoveaanuorconditiorisotthisinstrumentthec��sbfthepremisa --
<br />�s� ue Lereby�ss�ed to the!1�ongagee as secsty for the paymmt of the iadebsedness securcd by this agrament. c
<br />- iTISFUR'PSERAGREEDTh�tthisD�e�tgageNoteshall6edueandp�«abkitthepropertysubjc�ttoctasmoRgsEeuconveyeds►��or �
<br /> ;.� it sitk thereta s�aJ be vested in�ny other. ' • _-
<br />:':;; Sisned this 12th day of June .1992 �
<br />--::::- In praence of .... ...�F�%�....... _.
<br /> (SEAL)
<br /> - wtrrtFss .................................................... obert A. �Fickes � '
<br />---_ — .................�.................................. ./.�. ..(i��..�..��7yZ:!'1�c9f.... (SEA4) �
<br /> _ � ........... •
<br /> "�'" w1�ESS • • �Lyn a L. Fi,ekes _
<br /> . n
<br />.' � -� STA'i'EOF ....��b�Ala�............................................. . coun�yof .....�a��,..........,.,...................._..._. : "
<br /> Before me,a notary public quali8cd f�said county,personalty c�me Robe=t R. Fickes and Lqada L.-Pickea, _
<br /> '�•` husbsnd snd wife �
<br /> � krwwn to me to be the idenNca)penon or person�who signed the foregoi trumenl and ackrawledged the execuHon thereot to be htt, �;
<br /> •"_ her a thelr vduntary act and deed. �
<br /> • .. ' ,� on .............................�................. . ....".^..��", 19 . /
<br /> � .,,,,,��� z ...�y����.4���"•�-:�.•Natary PuDNc•: L
<br /> Y i� .Ie�.Q--�. .,�.�.�. , 19.�1....a............ . �.
<br /> � . �. �� ` . '_
<br /> r
<br /> srAr�OF ....._........ ....................................... �,�.,na ska ia�a �
<br /> . ...... .
<br /> - - Entered on nurt�ericil
<br /> -� a
<br /> _ _ � in the Reaister d IIeed�Office ai stW Caunty the F
<br /> . °� County ...:.............................................................. : . !
<br /> .. , ..................day d ....................................... , 19 ......... . al ...:................,......... ocloctc and .........,...................... minutes ....,.......,... M., �
<br /> , �
<br /> '. ' and rec»�ded ie Boo1c .................................... oF ....................................... at p�se............ . ........................... . i
<br /> ; ... ...................................................................,.,....,..................................... .,.....,........................:...... Rea.d Dre� I
<br /> . .......................................... ..... . . t
<br /> -_- - --- ---- . _ . . By�_......................� . ........................ IkP!MY _' . �
<br /> :� i
<br /> � � a�s u�tsrav��s n�n sY: �
<br /> � ..... .r. _ � I
<br /> . _ _ - . - - -- - . - - --- _ - - - - - -
<br /> _ _._ _. - - -- --- . _ _.
<br /> FS-OZ6611NE) tu.w.��s� � __ ._. .
<br /> �s«- ,
<br /> � ,
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