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<br /> �--,�. -: - ---- . _ ..l�8ABA8s tbe Cdo�utg 8osrd.oif Supe�►vis�s af Ha11 C�uutgs Neb1�s�l�ts 8t�t#�
<br /> ��. r�Qular�tin�on ltag 19, 1982; held�public.h�earinQ td consider the vacatbn o�
<br /> , ` ���Y��Y iS►��it and upou the followlna descrllab�d real Propert�r, to- .
<br /> . �rfta . . ° . : - _ � .
<br /> - . . , .- . ,
<br /> _ -- _ , Plat o[a trru�t ot livad co�prhinQ a�rt d Nine Brld�e Rosd situsted ia the -
<br />-- , ' . NorthMestquart�ra�th�Southwestt�uartertNMl/�SMl/�)ot3ectionTwentp
<br /> = (�0), To�inship Ten•(10) Nort�t, R�age Nine (9) West o�tbe 6th P.�[:ia Hs11
<br /> - CauAty, Nebra�lrs, more particulsrlp descrtbed as tolbws: . .
<br /> - Be�tnainQ at�the southe�st carner ot Iat OAe(1), Krug 5ubdivisf�on; thence
<br /> ��--�= northwest�rly albng tbe nortLeesterly Iine ot�aid Lot One(i),ai�o b�in8 t�e
<br />=`'=��i southaesterly rtght-o�-wsy line of Nine Hrldge Baad, e� distance a! T�ro
<br /> - Hundred Seventy Five and Siuty F3ve Hundrsdtl� (275:65) teet; thenoe , '
<br /> deYlectlng rlght 80 degrees 00'and running northessterly,a distance of Forty — ---
<br />- . .- Ffve.t�l5.0�.Yeet to the�northeasterlp rl�ht-of-way lfne oY Nine Brfdge Road; _ �.Y.-�,___ -
<br /> ` � thence d t 9� 00' aud southeaster ata tl�e �.=�-.-_=�_--
<br /> efieean8 righ degrees u runnin8 1y n8 - _- -
<br />. northeesterly right-oY-rray line oY Nine Bridg�e Aosd, a diatance of Tbree � =_
<br /> � Hnndred TweAty Tbree and Thirty T�vo Hun d r e d t h s (3 2 3.3 2) fee t ta t h e ` - -
<br /> �� northerly r3ght-of-wa,y line of Highw�y I�-80; thence deflectfng rtght 136' �r��
<br /> - �.^�.__
<br /> � � degrees 39' and running narthwesterly atong said I-80 rlght-of-hray Ifne, a — _- ��
<br /> � ` � distaaoe of 3ixty Flve and Fjfty Five Hundredtbs(6�.55)feet to the plscse of � ---===
<br /> beginnfng and containing 0.309 acres more or 1ess; and ' -Y1-�';:=
<br /> � �,;��:
<br /> . �� �
<br /> WHEREA5, the representative of an adjacent property owner spoke fn favor ';;.:�-y:�;�. :.�
<br /> '�' `�1�r,!�
<br /> � �� of vacatfon and no one appearEd to speak in oppositlon of vacation; � _ �;�.;�
<br /> �� ' �.�-:�
<br /> i• _. -
<br /> �� 's NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT R1sSOLVED by the County Bosrd of Supervisors of • ;��
<br /> , h_.
<br /> .�°`� Hall Couaty, Nebraslca, that vacation of the public rosdway and rlght-of-Fay lying � ' � —
<br /> - . .
<br /> °� � . � ., _��
<br /> � - along and upon the above described real property is in the gublic g�od snd the ssme -
<br />