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<br /> , . ` . DEED OF ��U$T � _ . ' , -
<br /> ' Tbis�DEED OF 2BUST .is �ade this 23rd day of duae, 199`2, �by��tnd aadng ALFR6D F. '1'OS� �
<br /> , y� iWi,Y CAIppL �UWt[, hosb�nd aad Mf#e,. hereinafter referred to es "'trusto�s:"�ehe�dei' nne �
<br /> or rore,, Whose railins addreas is-388 8 tB MtY 11, Iloal iii�er, tlebtast�►�58883; � STAY'i,
<br /> - . _ BAI� qg CAiyp,�,_�, �ie6r�lct_Banki��X Corporatii�n. hereinafter rePerre� to as °'�rustea.« Miwse `
<br /> �� . �ailf4s ad�ress is.Hoa 428, C�iro. Aebra��a 688?A, �at� THS S�ATB BM[OF CAIiIa"s '�lkbrasts - -
<br /> Bwtia$ Carporatfog, tiereinaft�r refer.ced.ta as "Beneiicisr�,° Khose �ailing nddress is B�x ="
<br /> 4�l8„ C�iro, Irebru�s 68825. : ' ` � . , `.
<br /> Far valaable consideration, Trustore irrerocably gr�nL, transfer, coavep And a�csiga to .
<br />-- � Trustee, in trw�tt, witti poKer of eale, for the benefit and�security of Beneficiary, under
<br /> _- and aubject to the ter�s and conditions of this I3eed of Trust�, the foliowing described real
<br /> .�:� praper.ty IocatecI in HALL Cou�ty. flebraska: ' . . .
<br />= - � � 'the tiorth fLli. of the Nortbesst Quarter (R i/2 1�B 1/�1 0! Section 24,
<br /> � � Tamdl�ip 11 �orLh, �anse l2, Mest o! the 6th P.M., escegtion two�purtions ,
<br /> - - - � tliereo! Dre�ionsl� oaa�eled b� deeds recorded�in Book���at `paae 307 aad in . ,
<br /> Boolc 118 at �e,332. botb eo recorded in the officisl deed n�corda oL:Hall ' __-
<br /> _ . P.ount�, liebrasl[a, • ' , ` _
<br /> =�.,.:,-
<br /> - togeth�er xith �1 buildings, iaprove�ents. tixtures, atreets, 'slleys, pasesS�+aY$, _._
<br />= ease�ents, rights, privilegea and appurte�ancea located thereon, and �11 pereon�l properto
<br /> that �ay be or 6erea£tar beco�e an fnteqral. part af such 6afldings and i�prove�ents, a2I ��v:-
<br /> ����
<br /> crops raised thereort, and all Water rights, all of Which, Iac,�ing replece�ents and � �;;.�;.:-
<br /> - '' additions there�o,� xre.,Aereby declared to 6e_a part of the real �state conveyed in trust ;'�`'_�--
<br /> _ `F . ���.�-'�..'..:...-.
<br /> - . hereby, it being aqreed that all of t�e foregning ehall be hereinafter referred to as the -:.::; _; ::
<br /> � ":Property." . . ��;...
<br />� . . � . [� TF� PlIRP09E OF 3HCUBING: . . - ..< ;''�.� _
<br /> • ,-� _ � . .. _`._,.���_�-_.
<br /> ::�':.�, .. - . �- ' � - �L1t:�`-.�'���.
<br /> :,�. �. � s. ga�nt of indebtedness evfdenced hr k�-ustol`s notes o� even, date heret+ith. �r,�;.:,-�_--
<br /> ` � �� � together �+i�h interest at the rate or rates provided therein, �and any and all reneNals, •��;"�,��`;.�-
<br /> - � �` �odifications an��extensions of such note, both principal and interest on the note being �:.:�;�"':.:.
<br />� � �: pagable in accordance s+ith the terns set �orth therein, whieh by this referenee is hereby :;, , -_
<br /> ' ��; • • �' ` sade a part hereaf; ' . -
<br /> •�'�''' � b. The aerforaance of ear_h agreetent and coF�nant of Trustora herein contained; and
<br />' � �=':='���� . e b Beneficiar under the terwa of this Deed of ' � • v• . . ��� �_.
<br /> ,.:.�ss;r�,;��, , , c. ,The pay�ent of a�l l sv�s adv»nc d y Y . _
<br /> '�:��"l'`�-� >`- Trust, together with interest thereon a� the rate provided in the note. �� .
<br /> =�"��"a;.. ± ' d. The above aaount is aecured even though all or part of it �ay not yet be advance. (. • � _
<br /> �'�`- Future advances under the agreEaent are contenplated and r+ill be secured to the sa�e extent _
<br /> `'.�� '' as if nade on the date this deei af trust is executed. ' . =
<br /> �..
<br /> ., s =� - ,.. .
<br /> �ry � �" '
<br /> � �IJ,4a�(^:.._....�. . - . `
<br /> �e`-.?'•.,+:c�. r: t, . . ;'.
<br /> � ;,�`.i:r�=�;.�°�` • TO P80TECT 'i'HS SECURITY OF THI3 DEED�OF 'f'ItU4T, TRIJSTOR3 3�BBEBY COY@IANT AND AGREB: . .
<br /> . fa�r ��.��:.� • .: -
<br /> . •.A�"-..�;�= 1. To pa�o�-*_r:�� the princiyal r,f. a�d L�.a te!Freet on, the ir.d?ttedRSas evider.:ed by tee nnte, s�ara?a. fees and ell ot!tr eue u pto�ideQ `� .:
<br /> • "��,. +�,.�-: �, , ,
<br /> `�,.- � ia the loen inett�tt?:e. . '�-
<br /> . . s;r,� . � � c �.> a n , � a��� , as. a --
<br /> • ..;z +.. fra�Gare nce tAe ornere c: . ?rop.rt➢an�ea9e th. r ght sa�a�thnrit� t�zi,.,tP �dis �. i of .raet in reepect to the propetty. , . _
<br /> ,- °r�a:�.'r'.,.`� ' .f., f0 , r�ee dne, A�t :.��:, 9�2:ia1 se�ss�er.te aid all atc?t cnatges �4�inst the p!'�-.h"p, tefore tGe ea�B�'ECC/i�!}iqQalt�. TtEl�O�A �.. � , ,
<br /> !• �'''� �� 3�::, �3)a��f:�?E 3�� 849299/?,tta Y6tth��y�>. i?�`-��. uD40 fQ(!o[1�t�Iy�9 lDtpf?8t ���P30 n� t,.l 1h18 O??�0�Ttos: nr t6?d?bt e?cared 6era�3� � . , �
<br /> �.. 'y''�,�:�°:'=.!', � •
<br /> -,,<> . 'k'"-� f�=.r � rit'sozt regsrd to��z iav t�et �ay he eaast?d ie::°,`�,p�q�ant of ±�e�^ole ot��p:�rt tfleteaf ti�oa t�e Ber.Pfics�t➢. E..
<br /> �.T' • , • ' s.. T4 tp?p te? iiDr39?tenta,'.C�Of r4i?•11iF' 10"3ied�Il tll°DfOp?tty ieenre9 Sj�ir3t C913a2 b( �tt? i"9 89Ch 9tf!!T I:!!dtd8 01 ts°�CtE�1C16tJ
<br /> ' `
<br /> ._�._ . . I:r t2Q4ire, in e�aante snd C"l,;:r•-e acseytabie t�� ?bf E��°(IGlat?, �9�5 !:i?it:�JC?pG1lCj e`.;:1 "9'�Ldlf! 3 91�A'�bfd /bttet82 C�00LB 10 �6t5f 71 f
<br /> .. . . pc.'v-�• '��.y i a a f t ► o ' r � ----� --
<br /> _ _ _ _ tnry. iraet�t e��ll �tc�-�:_ .p�ir. ��ir.t�i� 3�d r��la�_ tF �r��er.7 or 9..y D!r t�.r�-. es fhs,, ��enc,ior or6inaq•e�r�m�tear, to� ; .-- -
<br /> .. , ,°;:� _ , prapert�ahall n�s�F��ri,race, ., ' ' �
<br /> , � . - • •. . . S. jG tf? :�?I""��7I0�'?T!y� �if 11Y C:t •"91� 5�)��tF �4Yo1 t% %1'""L ��N1C. t':c {;n��i���j�•, . .'il�P� �9 c9II2Ct C1�f tptBlt? i!. I .. .
<br /> _ ' • - . r91D?�9l►.201 Y!t!L.`.Ci� 7�(�31': �;! li9 j,!iI'��t7 -<,:-'. r t�,f '1i132�3 �,� i,r•�•.�..ir e.i. ';:sa, a:.� t�o � �.1 CI's.';_ ... 9:�1g �'p•% rt/."ggA�l�". ':L +'.} �� '
<br /> ' ' ��::`,?�Plth?t t�i 8 t?3u.tlr,n 'i t•> ':�9t-l:esd a�csf?f hc�oG�, • • •c:•4:( i'; rapr;•, .=� 6f'7'r:f q:. /31?G. ' ' .�. '.
<br />� • � • j. fde Beneficiaty �ay, bc�s�:i! leve c�obliRstio� to,4� :�: 5;C��!!C�SttIBLG1P 1!�4P A�(?2� E71 Ib1IPd t0 d0. en� t±�e BeceSicserl �s} et�o do
<br /> . a�l 3S� it dee�e r.?eeesary to gcoter! �!!i' �lE1 hP�p9f. Q�I19L7f9 ��EPO E9 re��y. ce?r:de�atb, aa� su�e�o erpe�Ae4 ba the Beeeti�:�u�fct th�e5c�t � .
<br /> � purp�ees. aod a^.q ea� sa eXpeadrrs s�81! �?�a99°��,; !hP IG�?5L°ia?aA s�tnre�h=n'ty 3"� ��r'7f?F°.i,fP�Ejl?�P �1P0 D°.fQ9�. fCe Eeneficier9 f�3�� °7
<br /> • insur anY linbility 6e�a�ise p� ?ai�Fj�� jt �gy r�r� r�f ���1? t4�9 �?l"JL�°f. ' -
<br /> .. . !. the Banetic�eri sh�ll h:9?th� ra;D., yc�et a�3 ao!Esrrt� djr;a� t�= �• �ti�a�nr^ �t !hts Eze��f frast !o cojlsct tt? re�ts. IP97?8 85i , .
<br /> . �iD{!t9 Of t1?pro�?rCj!"��it 39��e[57^11 Pto:frr� ,9;ylpj eqi�a�- �t•;�!'Yit�):� �3it5�:aasQ:si;n�f th°OCvQ?t►.�7 aEfpctaj iPl'�y. 8.'.h f�Gl�Ot! •
<br /> . __ .__:__ " .' �4f?Ep �:80�G�2)y��� !:;5�.".�1:14:^,3�:p :59lQ". .:il 5�:7"_ t'I!19. lcgyoc ?rg �tq�i•9 �_� qe, ��r,?'jrj;rY. }'ho�c�oi]CIDIY• 111YoyP�� ho•e�} �.)�ce�/g f� .
<br /> _. . _ ...- - --- --�.: ,
<br /> f[�6�)!S� C��l?:t17;! S"b fPt?"tl7� �t?T°,F ,'°C`?. .Sd:°9 i'I :� fir?� `• T h: i� it::;"•�g :f" ,^it. !t 37r• t:C?. t^}?}9�It vtff t?3.f�'S t0 7Sg1?1! Of
<br /> ' . • Sdy lA�°.7C?j9B89 9?CDt?�E?f?�f� 9t 1± ��v r.pt(���;�;� ;f a.� qp•��D°AS �=."�?:�t. 1( 't'.f i::n :�� d?rS:i� �?9:!�C?3 '"�P3I�°? T!! f°3'y?C� t9 2Cle ;
<br /> • 112°.'� 4�4�C9! 9�lII El1P 0".cetre� s��F?�.'A1i5s/6;� tt;,ha�.(:rt�r�� s: t t9tta� �i l:Q�! h"�rF[`?;t C�:lt? +.�4te�tots ct.e»;aa:I�i�:nR a�Q?�
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<br /> . . � ��iLIQ�U�ll�1^.tI011 �9'*�:9ID! 3[e''�I�pf:,j•ti;u }�•,a�Ej,
<br /> ' � 1. It? BBG��I:l:f�j. Jt l�c S;p^:3. 1�� :.lr_.�s(o.j t�4�!?� !� �'� '?:;y.ys�u t��5 7��.^. '1 11 S2j 73�C ;f rnn:�f.)�oN.j �72 �7E^•4tC`.9°. Qj . '
<br /> .
<br /> . .� � •• . . . � ' .s ' ' ' ' t .a..c►.. �. .� .�al�e aRt 6 8 f�.1 ''s
<br /> _._____ _'_" --___ ' '. . . .� __ � � ' '"' ' "
<br /> - . . T'I�IL�'tII?8A?"dfi7 i7i'{-_=�.Fier v{��°tF*'Tit`4�'-F, ,y.�1:{• =f ., s i2e:s:3E-'t E=p=Fr?Ffr iav- --e, -ii5- i�. t.!' • .r.'._° L:4--' - .-- - ---`-,__._-
<br /> ' • � Qj�tSDi?fA�
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<br /> � ' . '. ' E°QPf1S�3li. LE?.�'?:?fltt3l'[1.3j CP:�Sl?3jI fiit5�3°.'7i'� rJ.!Fl9 ifi9?:�r°�?': :° FI{�fI1C?!;j:? 91f j�])8S1'. �"f Q•Jr..�� �r t�a •01:;1�9 iY:t13�.? �
<br /> , . . . - S? ?! St�?f'.te !�4!�71t 6t31t3'.G'8 ?„�t3t�?2 i'feit,. - , --- -� - --. - - - -. _ . .. --. _ . _
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