, ' ' ` ;<, . , ....•o:r�a.,. .t=s - - ------- V.....,..�......._. �' ` �- .
<br /> -�-� � —. - �d w
<br />— � ��=�a.f�= _-
<br /> ms=--
<br /> � • . • V�� ������ ---x----I::. ��-r�;
<br /> . ' '-""" .e��.
<br /> �,
<br /> . cont�ininq r�fer�nce ta th�s Besd af Trust and it� place of "'_.�y:��',
<br /> �.r�..;;;�,.:_
<br /> record, vrhich, when secordecl ia the ogfics of the Regi��eg c� _� ; Y ,,.:.
<br /> Deeds of tEx� �ountY or coianties in whi.ch said property is < wR�
<br /> situat�d, shall be coaclusive proof of pgopflr appointment of ':_�__.;
<br /> tP�e successor TRUSTEE. The foregoinq power of substitution � _ =- ;
<br /> �nd the pro�adure thorefor shall not be esclusive of the power .:�_^� �;}
<br /> — and proccxlure provided for by law for the substitution o€ a .. ,
<br /> TR�STEE in t�a place of the TRU�TEE n�n�d �exein. �.'t-y.�:,,
<br /> �__.�...-..�.5�_
<br /> G. TRIISTORS cove��n.t and agree th�t �apfln any at�empted �"`
<br /> conneyance, as�i�m�n�, gledgo or transfer of any of his `^.-,;f?i:
<br /> • in�ex�est in the pre�nises �u.�ciag the t�rm a�f the losn sectared L,.;:,
<br /> -rr�;;;;,.,-
<br /> ...t,_.•-..
<br /> �e1�y, ti�ap BENEFICIAitY s�.al1 havQ thca op�ion of declaring �ha , �.t;
<br /> uai paid balance immediatel j d�Q a� pay�le, �ns� if said �v� . ���-=
<br /> �� ��au�e No i e�of Defa lt to �sta�given rand the premi.�ses�b�+ `
<br /> � can c `;�
<br />� ` sald as provided herein. � �,�;�.`�;-
<br /> g. es additional and collateral s�curity for the loan, and �.._�_..
<br /> effective forthwit� npon filiuq of a Notice of Default, this °"=
<br /> � instrument sha].l serve as an assignment by the TRUSTOItS to the �_-�-
<br /> TRUSTEE, of all ren�s and sevenues resultf.nq fram the �:�:�-�-
<br /> : property, and TRIISTEE is authorized to take possession af the ��::�,
<br /> � property, rent or lease t3�� same on terms he deeffis best and to �A;
<br /> � � collect the renres and revenues and app�y the same upon unpafd � ��
<br /> interest, princspal► tases or i.nsurance premiums or for ��:-'�,y:
<br /> maintenaa�e anrl preservation of �i�e premises. `_,____- _
<br /> I. The waiv��er by TRUSTEE or HENEFICIARY of any default of ����=
<br />: -,;:: �tUSTORS under t�a..is Deed of Trust„ on one occasi�n, shall not r°�`�•;
<br /> oa or be deemez� to be a wai�r� of anY other or similar
<br /> defaults subsequ�tly occurring. � _ _
<br /> . J. If titl� �o anY part of �� property her�.an shall be tak� in ��:..
<br /> �ndemnation proceedings, by right of emin�nt damain� �r �f;f•
<br /> :,s�.mi.lar actioa, or shall be sold under threat of condemnat�aa, ������:,,
<br /> � �.il awards, damages and proce�ds are hereby assigned and s��31 ___�=---
<br /> �e paid �o the BENEFICIA.RY, v�ho shall apply such paymen�,- �r �'
<br /> : any par� thereof, in �hc� sole discretion, to the s�un du� ,�t
<br /> � t�at ti.me on this Deed of `Frust and Trust Deed Note, witPa �ny ��,
<br /> .�.:y, �aace above �he sinount due hereunder pay�ala.�e to the �;
<br /> �'r `,"�USTORS.
<br /> K. The 83.�'�'�CIARY, its agenta or repres��tatives, are Aerc�by �1
<br /> ���.;:a�: . authoriW�ed �o e�ater, at any reasonable t;�ne, upon any pa� of `'
<br /> � ';'�� the trus� properity fo�c the purposes of inspecting the same and ��,:r�
<br /> `'�'} for the purpose of performing any of �he acts they are
<br /> � autAori W�d to perfor�n undes� the terms of this Deed of Treist �
<br /> • and otl��a accompanying documents. !�•�.-�
<br /> � y. '��i.s Deed of Trust and all accompanying ri�cumenta are sub ject �,.-�=.:v,
<br /> to, constructe�i and qoverned by the laws of tc�.e State of _ _
<br /> Nebraska for all purposes. —�=��-=
<br /> .'r '' p .b y..�r`:'
<br /> � M. In tlae �ven� any one a� mor� o£ the rd��.sio�as contaia�i in
<br /> �.��:•�S'i�� �his Deed of Trust, Trus't Deed Notea, or any otf��r instrurnent ,�
<br /> .��, �i1aS.1 for any � '��.:.
<br /> } �iven in connection with t�is transaction, �_
<br /> ` :'r}";�l ��ason be held to be invalid, illeqal or une�farceable in any �;
<br /> ' � respect,. such invalid3.�;�, illegality, or unenforceal�ility �_2„_�_
<br /> ��.:;,:;� st�all, At the option of �?�r� BENEFICIARY, nat affect aai� �a�c�er ���5';,.`
<br />�:...y��,J�� pro��.sions of �his Deed o� Trus� or Trust Deed ���te, but �his .rw
<br /> 1��,0d of Trust a�n�l� Tzus� Deed L�c��a s4�a11 be cQ�trued as if ,.
<br /> �� '���� �uvh invaZid, illegal or unenScerrcealble provi���n had never
<br /> �;_�.
<br /> � baen contained therein, it being the intsntion of the parties f=--�-��y
<br /> that t3�a provisions of this Deed of Trs��t are declar�d to be �_£
<br />`:;::�;.f�;�! sc�verable. •.{�i�..
<br /> � y3
<br /> •�ct4:;;;;., -
<br /> ':�?s�'• N. This Deed of Trust shall inure to and bind the heirs,
<br /> �._4.
<br /> . .� devisees, personal representatines, successors and assigns of --_-�-- ---,�,.u_
<br /> . �he parties hereto.
<br /> �
<br /> ��s, -4� ��-::.
<br /> .� .
<br /> �.. � .
<br /> _ ;,, .. ��tr�_ . . :iS'.•`iv.�`k,;' • : � , ' .. . �. ' ' . `�` • .�
<br /> .l'1 ,,, .���Jt��S�Z1�•`�� ' ,•. �` • .
<br /> :i;�,., s: ,� . . .,�t.. . . .... . • . .. . . . , . ,. _ . , • . .. , • . °
<br />