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<br />•` � 4, �,
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<br /> `� balance tlue h�seunder and any acczued interest sh�ll be paid on ;:x-_-.��:�,�.T=��,
<br /> February 28, 2002. All insta�lmeat peytnen4s thex�eunder shall bQ �:Y���,�,y�-�
<br /> � app.liQd first to �he payment of faterost computed annually on tha , �_�{.,tiA:
<br /> unpaid balance, pursuant to azx amorti�ation schedule, s cogy mE �,�:��, ,,- ��;..
<br /> which has been provided to each of the paaties thezet�, and µ�,,a���" :, <;:
<br /> remainder of each payment of each installmeat to be a lied te. ����•�����;��°
<br /> PP ��,:. :�.�'-;�
<br /> principal. All pa�naen�ts due on s�id note shall be paid at �be - "µ.Y; .,�__
<br /> office of the BENIEFICIRRY or �s the ho�der of said security sha11 •-•..';;:,s
<br /> desigasate in writing. y��_ .;
<br /> A A
<br /> It is aqreed b� and between the parties hezeto tha� orbil�e `�'�
<br /> �_�_�_�=::�-':�_'
<br /> title is vested in the TRIISTICE and untig filing of Noti�ce v� �:.�:�_`.�:.,.,:;.
<br /> Default, the TRUSTORS s�tall: _ �--- _ _
<br /> ��._�:R-,:.�:.�:,
<br /> A. Rat�a.in possession of the psoperty at all timc�s, except as ;�,8�: __
<br /> �.,'+ E�e otherwise aqreed by the partfes in wrating. _�._-
<br /> f`^�r� t f�1._
<br /> '- �' B. Maintain the bui.lding and its i.mproneraen�s and a11 pezsanal „
<br /> proger�y sold undes tFne parties' Contract for Sal�e mf �isa3. __ _ ""
<br /> � �c�ate, in good cox�ditioa and repair. ,��:��-_-
<br /> ���� �r.:.::., .
<br /> : :, rt•'Aryj+;,�j,�,',_.
<br /> �. C. Pay all general aaic�. sp�cial t�es and all special asseser�aats .,. ,,.,,;,..
<br />'°` ° Qf every kind levied or ass�ssed aqainst or due upa�n �aid _� � .� .,,.
<br /> �..:�'"`�:
<br /> �S�,perty before d�linquency, and to deliner to BB��'Y���,&RY !=:_���__�':
<br />; '. cagies of receip� showing paymen� af such tastes o -
<br /> `,, f:.� "
<br /> .` �r..,�_:
<br /> ri. ProcYare a.�.3 maintain gsolicies of all-ris�: insurance an said --"���;�.;��, �
<br /> �:;r.,=-�-,-�.,,a
<br /> � im�orovem��.�s, in sums aacfi unde�written by �or�an3.�s acc�pt�ble �.,:t:,� �::,. �
<br /> � the BENEFICIARII, in a� amount of a� kg�s� Fi9e Hundrecfl
<br /> � �i�xi�.�and Dollars ($500,OOm.00), wYaich gabici�s gbaZ�L nar¢c� �he �. . :: � �:�:
<br /> ' }�I'FYCIARY as ac��itioatal insu��3� v�s.th the la�s groaeeds �a���
<br /> �S�,�able to the �arti� as �ir,�ar in�asests m,ny aFsgeaY' ��—_
<br /> .' L�sreunder. TRIISTO�S agrcc� to provide BLNF:iFICI�f.i3Y w�.th copies
<br /> a.i� such policie� �� certi¢icates a.� insur�nae duriag the t�rm --=-o, _�
<br /> :;;;'� a� this indeb���s, whi.ch poli���s �f insur�nac� rnay not be
<br /> .� �a,r::�..�..,,,;
<br />� ;�'� canceled by saicc� �arrier without fiEtesa (.�.5), d:��s written L.,�;-"-.:. . .
<br /> .... t, notice � BENEFICIBRY. __ _ __
<br /> . �
<br /> T�tIISTORS covenaats and agrees tha� a f�sil�ure to m�lte any �1
<br /> . .�� payment, either principal or interest, on ghe Note secuYed hereby �
<br /> , when due and payable, or a faila�re tao czor��Oly with a�ny of the
<br /> :.. f coveaaats and aqreements herein m�d�e s�l l� cause t h e w h o l e s u m o f -___-_
<br /> _ ��� ffioaey hereby a�cured to becom� immadiately du� and collec�ibl�: at `�-��'�"�'
<br /> � ;,,..3,;�,.;-�:
<br /> �r,J,:;.�y;;;'::
<br /> ..� , the option o� i��a BENEFICIARY, and BEPIr��CIARF .�.izall have the r�a1;�� � r,,.,,,.,,,. .
<br /> �..,;;���. to aaus�� Not�� of Default to �e gi�on r�ad the premises to be sold �":.,,,�.,.,�.j.,
<br /> �4 aa psav��ded ��rein. -'-`° ''-
<br /> �' r.••�'�
<br /> �'� �. ?
<br /> �,.�.��.., .
<br /> ' The par���s mutually agr�ta as gollows: ����_��,::�;..,.�
<br /> ,..
<br /> .�: _.
<br /> , ��LY...�_..:..
<br /> � g. Z�� any time and from ti.� to time upon writtea request of �"��
<br /> ��, ', �A"c�FICIARY, payment of f�es and presentation of this Deed of ��.
<br /> � iruat and the Note for endorsement (ia case of �ull ,i_. ,,.
<br /> � �, reconveyance, for canaellation and re�ention), without � -��`. .
<br /> ,,i,r
<br /> affectinQ the liability csg any person fa� the payment of the � �. •.. ,;�
<br /> ' indebtedn�ss, TRr�S'�EE rs�*� (a) consent to the IInakiaq of any map �:w...:__:,.T,
<br />: ' or plat o€ said �rwperty; (b) join in granting any easement or �T'�=.=-:_: ',:
<br /> '�J creating any �estriction thereon; (c) join in any t' �:F�kti,,1�._,:,.
<br /> '�t subordin�Yion or other egaeement affecti��� this Deed of T�ust ;��3����r� �
<br />. �� or the l��a or charge thes�of; (d) recon�Q r tbis Deed of T�ust � ;°i:t�;;_,;.� ,_,
<br /> 1 ��i��_;._
<br /> � � or the lien or charge t�e��c�ofc; (d� recon��e�, without warrmt�.4y,
<br /> �'� all or any par� of sa�.d �aropertg�. �-�•_�-=--•�
<br /> �.:.�.—
<br /> B. The gram�ne in any D�ed caf Reccnveyaaace may be dosczibed as .�:.;-__-:-W�-�
<br /> :_} "the pe�r�c�a or persons r-_�titled theretoH, and the recitals �--��_.
<br /> i tberein rsf any matters or facts shall be conclusive proof of "-1'== -
<br /> the truthfulness thereaf. ����.� �������-����
<br /> �•Er.��o:
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