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P+ r�CrLNY'HD� Il / 7t <br />a��s�..����T, ra <br />201102984 <br />A � of � and known �as part of an is? and or �owhead lying Nor�h of <br />L.ot 6 and westerly� o� a coun�y rc�ad in Sec�ion 17, Townsh?p 9 ivorth, <br />Range I1 t�es� of the 6th P.M, Hall Coun,ty, Nebraska, more garzicularly <br />des�ribed as �ol� ows : Begin.n� n.g at the .So�thwest corner of said. <br />Sec �ion 17; thence northe along �he wes line ..ot said Lo � 6 a <br />dis�ance oi 1420.� the meander corner; th.ence de�Iecting _righ� <br />49 �7' and ino� norzheasterly direc.tion 266.�5 iee� (assuming .said <br />1�ne being N a8. 33" �') to the ac�ual point of beginr_ir?g; thence N�0 <br />36' � a d?s�ance o� �53.� �eet; �hen�e N 44 33" E a�d�stance of 260.2 <br />=�e�; z�?ence N 3.9 19 ' E a distance � o` 3e . 8 feet; �hence N 53 Ol " E.a <br />d? sLanc.e o� 12.5. 3 feet _ i.o a point on �.he cenLer �ai i.he Coun�� Road <br />R1�'_r? L thence S 18 15 �� �' along the said centeY .oi t�.e Cotz�ty <br />Road Right--oi-Way a dis o� S 90 . 8� ieet to a p.oint on �he. <br />cen�erTin.e of a d?^y chanriel; • �hence S: 75 07 W a�.d alona zhe <br />�en�e=1?.r?e oi a dry channe� a dis�ance o_ 7?4.S iee�; thence. N 7S� 07' <br />W a d? s �ance o� 65 . 2 reet �o Ghe ac �ual point oi beginning and <br />con �aining 4, 8g acres, more .or � ess, plus accre�.ion �o �he center o_� <br />the middl channel oL �he �1a��e River. <br />