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� � �b <br />� <br />� <br />l <br />i <br />I <br />I <br />201�02�79 <br />Exhib�t A <br />Legai D�.sCrigtirnt <br />A tr��t af �a�d comprisir�g �e p�rt of #Fr� Er�t H�tf•of �� Nor� Qt�arter (�2NE1l+�� ofi <br />Sec�un �ourte8n {14j; A�f part of th� W�t Walf ��e l�o� t��ter (U�Yl2MN�f/�) <br />of S�t�fion ThU't�t Cf3) a!F t� To�msi�l}� Nitts tS1..R�ge �even �11� W� o# thg �th <br />�'.M., ir� H�il cazmty, Nebras�tc� more �parbt�la� cf�a8 ss rott�na�s: �. <br />Bfl�gir�ttng at a po�nt ovs ihe �� l� t�' said Nerthessi Qusrte� {NEl��)'o� s�id �ecti�n <br />Fourteari {9�j, aa�i pdtrt b�elrsg 'fw�Mj+-�lgftf {2�j fset �sst af the �auth�at vame�r of <br />sa�td E�l2�f�'114; the�x� t�arther�y p�raltet�tv the Wesi'iMe +c� s�aJd Ei12htE�1�, a dis�ta�ipe . <br />of K?r�a Hundrs� S#xte� {91$.Oj 9�a� tt�er�e�W�ter�y pas��i � ffi� �oufi line af said <br />N�N�. a ttiststec� o� tw�nty-al�ght (2&.�} f�et to fh+� Wes� Itt�e eaYt� E1/`2!d€V4�.#h�ni�a <br />Norther�y etor�, the W�+Bt• pn� af s�kl Elf�fd�f4 $ t�st�t��'o�' '1'WO '('ttousand Ftve <br />Hundred Seven s�d Seven Hundr�rlihs� tZ,507.t17; feert ta t�'+narthwest comer of satd <br />E11ZNE1/4; thes�r� 'E�rfy, afcmg the 'North Nn� crf sai� SeLtic'x►• �t�rte� (9�),. a <br />dist�r�ce afi ; �e "thoassand Thro� fiundre� TweMy. ���.32A.0� i�t #� the Na�thv�s� <br />comer of saki Sa�1on T1iirt�n {13�: thence �ast�riy along th�: Narth t�ne af �aid Sect�on <br />Tt�irteen {13}, a dis#ance oP Oi�e Tlmusand Thr� Hur�dred Twenty t�ns f 1,339.0) fieet to� . <br />the l�+artheaat crom� ar sald VIf?�fE114; th�rx�e Sr�crbhstly ator� �� Eaat Une of sa�d <br />1N�f�NW114� a dlstettcs af Twa Tfrot�at�t Thfrty�two ar� Forly #wo Hund�'8dths <br />{2,tf32.42�' �et► �thetjc�� West+9dy paraq� 'lo the SflUih ii»a of ssid A�cri�w�t 4uarba�' <br />{I►C�NtI�� � dEstancs o�' dne Hur�dred Tv+r�r�ty�3ght �nd N�'t�#y-�ivp Hundredi�ts (12�.9�) <br />�fe�et; �thenc� �ou�erty par�#Iel to the Eest tirte t�# sa�d WU�IVtI�, � s�start� af Forty <br />�€ve ;A5.0) �eet; ttt�ae W��ESriy �aFratlel t�a tha� Saith lii� t�f s�dd Ptortttw�sst <br />{Nwu4} ���tance of si�fty-tive�and one Tentts �65.�t) �e�t;, tt�r,cae dea,ac�,tg laft 48° Zs <br />55" as�d mm�ing 8aesthwes�Eeriy,. �+di�ana� of Sev�en Hu�dresi ES�My-8ight ar,c# �ilfieen <br />Nundredit� •{7�8.15) feet to lt�a Scivth pns of sa18 NarthvNest Qu�tss (�tWU'4)� thenc� <br />W�sbsr�+ .atong t�e S�ot�th t�, of sa�d ldo�v�resi t�uarter �N1�Vil4�� a diet�nce vE Fiva <br />Mur�dre�l� 8e�v+enty-fow and N�ety-faut Hundr�li�s �574.94)..feret t� ��outhwest corne� <br />of ��sid Northwest � 4tsartet (NtNl1�); the�ce.. Westerly along. � 5r�uth �ne of sa3d <br />t��rttteast Qust�sr 4t�11�4) of S�Ort Foniteen (14j, a c�tic�e �i' Gs� i'ht�uusand Two <br />htcmtired EtgMy-Facrr and� Yriirly-E�ht Hundre�ths �('f �284.�8� �eet � ta th+3 plac� cr� <br />begbtctin�, . .. . . . <br />