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0 <br />� <br />201102975 <br />EXHIBTT °A" <br />A Iract of lund comprising a part of We Eest IIalf of the Southeast, Quarter (El/2 SEl/4) of Sectias➢ <br />`Ilventy-elght (28), Townshlp Eleven (I1) Nurth, Range Nine (9) West of tlie 6lh P.14I., in tlie City ��' <br />Graad Islend, Hall County, Ne6raska, more particularly described as folluwsc I3egiuning at th� <br />SouWwest Corner of Lot One (1), VYoodland �'irst Subdlvision, said polnt also befng on tlie Northeriy <br />rigLt of way line of �i'oodland DrlYe; thence running Norlhwesterly along tl�e Norfherly right of �vay line <br />of �'Yoodland Drive, on �,❑ assumed bearing of N 89 49' OS" W, a dfstance of IVinety Nine and Nin�Teaths <br />(49,9U) leet; t6ence runnlag S DO° p5' S�" E along the �i'esterly rigLl of Way line of Woodland prlve a <br />�iistance uf Sixty and One `Tenth (60.10) I'eet, to the Northwest corner of Lo� Seven (7), Woodlaod Second <br />Sut,dlrlslon; tLence running S 89° 59' 31" W, a dlstance of Seven Hundred Nlnety Seven and SevenlyNine <br />Hundredfhs (797.79) Feet, to a point on the Westerly line of said Eust Hulf of tl�e Soulheust Quarter <br />(E1/2 SEl/4); thence runn►ng N pp� pp� ppn E along the Westerly Une of said East Ilalf of ti�e Sautheast <br />Quarter (El/2 SEl�d), a dlstance af Six Hundred Seventy 'I'l�ree and Forty Oae I�undredlhs (b73.41) <br />feet; l4eace running S 89° 54' -1b° E, a dlstance of Elght Hundred Ninety Seven und 5eventy Fuur <br />Hundredths (897,73) fee[, to a polnt on We �Yeyterly line of Woodland First Subdivision; thence runnfug <br />S DO° Ol' lb" �y along t4e Westerly line of Woodland Flrst Subdlvisloa, a tUstance of Six Huadred <br />7'b�Fteen and k'ltty Three Elundredtlis (613.53) feet, t4 We polnt oF be�inning, <br />