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<br /> :,. af th�s�sne d�e aad��t3�a Prop�ty des��n'hed in the Sec�cay Iasm�m�t and lncated at ��.,�'—------_- _.
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<br /> . a�are wh�x�oever aow ar b�t�loc�ted m.on.ar nEed,or inte�ded to 1rE a�d in oonnestion with the Ptaper�y, _
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<br /> ,.,:�� ,..,
<br /> Insrttimeaf.AD af the fotegoing wge�t vrith�he Fro�rty descri'berl m ttce SecaUity L�s�umeat(csr the 1QaseS:uld
<br /> �:��ue if the Seearity Iastsumeat is on a t�aidy� refeaed m in this 1� Famity Rider aucY Ihe ��y �;.��''.
<br /> - - IY1SfitlIDPltL 8S 1$E°FtO�.� 'ti . _
<br /> • B.USE OF PLtOPEATY;C011+�'d.II�1�iC��I.A�V. Bairowea shall not sce3�, ag�ae Eo or maYe e ,�,��.,'.
<br /> ; :,� ch�ge in el�osa of the Ptapeity or its ru�g classi&catio0.anless IRader h�s agreed in wribu�t�th�clm�ge. ` :`�, :�.
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<br /> . ,i lacable�d�e Praperty. ; .-� :-�-.
<br /> - • C.S[[B�RDdNA'ff��,l�iS. Excepi ag�aiui5i�r3 bgr fedc�al law.BaQrower st�all nat allow an►y lierc� .�„-:��
<br /> . r�s tl7�:�L�Fs�suum�c�tu�pefeaed egainsi th�pmperty without Lendea's priac v�siur.a pczmissioa `.._ _...:. .
<br /> . . &F�181�I+7T�.OSS INSU�ANCE. floaowa shall maiatam msmauce against re�t loss in addiNan to the��,a �a.., ,.
<br /> Utrifotm Cava�aat S. ���:,�:.
<br /> L��ds fa���eitiisb ins�uanae is requf�d ts�v . ,`�,�-:-`
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