.. �` . . . . . . r .
<br /> " . . � . ... . ' � ` � . . , t ' . - �^�t . . a�. "��
<br /> , _ ,. r . , . ' � - . . i � ' . _ ' . . . .. . ;,�,, - �,' '
<br /> - _— �— __ �.��...��Z�.`�....7.....-� . .... .. ..�... .�... ................ .. ._.. .�....... ,: ���...... .�(n.a�.��-. . . t __-
<br /> g��, i[��8g� , '; ```�' � : ���- -
<br /> 'I1DGE'T#�R WITH all the imprnvrmeats now or hereafner erected on Ihe properiy,snd aH easeme�ts.aPPurte�:a�s.md ' �c . ; 2 �u -
<br /> Cixtiues now or hr�eafter a part of the prop�ty.All replaoemeats aad additians shtill aLso be oovered by th.is Securicy lrutruw�a� . �;. �`
<br /> All of the foregoing is refcired tn in this Securiry Instmment as tbe"Ft�npeny" � ' ' � � � R
<br /> BORROWER C04'ENANIS thai Borrower is Iawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and ttas the right W g��t and �� • . . ` ��
<br /> <
<br /> oonvcy the Rvpary and trai the Property is nnenauabered, exce�i far encumbranQes of record BoYmwer wana�ts z�d w�'il • ,.
<br />• defend geaecally the titde Oo the Prope�ty aga�st all ctaiuLS and d�nands,subject w any encumfiances of reoord. � . �
<br /> � THIS SECURTfY INSTRUII�N'T combines unifarm�oveoants far n�tionpl use and non-unifonn coveaants with limiiad � � .
<br />_ varia�ans by juaisdictioa ro constiwte a�nifonn security�e�t cov�ring real pmpeaey. . < -
<br /> UNIFORM COVEAIAPJTS.Barroive�aad L.ender covenani and�ee as foUow� - - --- ,--�-�F---- _--
<br /> 1.Piaym�t of Pr�efgal and Int�aes4,Prepayme�.+Y and L�te�intu'ge�. Batmwer shall F�mP�Y PaY whe0 d�ee the -�' �
<br /> prinapal of and interest on the debt ev�:de�oed by the Nute znd nnY 1�Y�eat aad late chazges�ra:andea the Na�. , `�,U ��'} .�� '
<br /> �J-+ c)- ��c:'<r
<br /> . Z.�''�tFu fOr��Y2S 8II��DtaQfC. SIIbj�2 S�3�P�1qb�E�SZV I if1 }i i �j ' ' �'� �'#,Y • ' "
<br /> o a wriaen waivez _� ..�,:�;L,ar6r.+er p=Y tm ,. -P• � � �' y'-°i'-'--
<br /> �y q�,. th� Lmnl whe Nnt�e is t``�� �`��Y "�
<br /> „ �?::i ` .�t" viFT�::=.
<br /> � I.eadea on the day�ant�iv FaYments aYe d�ca aader \�e, ��,:���:�s c"7"'z,�s•°�tcr_-(a)yc-�Iy t�s ��-,;�`'��S+ �yr���`''.
<br />:C.( ��W r�PC�TT'�d�H'�.��'r.rF�a�.+�J�4J Y�w�+�w�L7 aV�W���r'�ai�i^'..I1G.f�Z 1.._.. .��r.�!t/� � �:t�h�'/-�il4.\� ' • r .
<br /> k yearly lea�eha2�fl Pyra� �,:.
<br /> _ tc�c,rau3:e�^�«¢c3ri��iqq�cac�:.;�a�r;a�s!e���ar3.-�F ar pY[sp�tA�s���:�g��ftood insutaaoe paeminms,if • °�.,� '-
<br /> '��} �:;Ce���+'�us�.'aace . �f r •,- � }., _.
<br /> �i�s.� aay;and�tI�Y�FAYab1e s��Bor[owe,r to Lender,in aconrd2uoe with tha „ � `, Y.�.�
<br /> � provisions of paragcagh S, m lieu of the payment of morP�ga in�uanoa premiwr�. lhese items are ca�2ed "�scso�v Itan�., . : , -:�:�_n�
<br /> � Lead�a�y,at aay time,collect and hold Fands m an amount not to exc+�d the maximaru amount a tender f�a fed�rully re�u1 "�"�R'
<br /> .�.
<br />'� - mort�e loan may reqnQe for Horrower's escaow aa�unt andor the fcde�al Real Esfate Sep2ement Procedures Aca of 1�7�� � ti
<br /> aa
<br /> ': ame�ded from t�e tn tim�,12 U.S.C.Secttan 2601 et seq. ("�'SPA°),unl�ss another law tbat applies to the Funds sct�p� -
<br /> s
<br />- ,,i emoant If so,L�der amy,ai aay tune,wllect und hold Fuads i�an amount not to eacesd tha lesset amoun�L�ndta mip� . ;-;�����`r_,.
<br /> ' es�nate the amount of Fuads due on the�asis of sunent data snd rax�anbla esumutes of expend�tures o!futuro H�mv Ittanr a�r � ��';.� -
<br /> '.�� o�hawlso tn aa�rr6�t�cC witL�Qiicabk law. =.�;�;. � � ""��'
<br /> `:� 'Yl�e Funds st�all bc hetd in an insti�ut�on wtwso dc�osit�are InsramA by a fedcrul ageacy.i�sgumc�tulity.or c�dry(tn�Sadir� - - -- -- ---- '
<br /> t.cndcr.if Lender is sucb an dnst�tutian)or in nnq Fedcr�f Homo�9ank.Lender shall ap�ty ttte Funds m pzy�hn�tQmv :,��;'�'. � - -
<br />. .��,.�. [tarwv.i.et�der may rtai c4u�rge B�mwer fcr hotdL�g attti applyin8 tho Fundu.�ruruttUy analys�ng dto c�xuve ao�unt,at�,r�tfyrti,� � ��� --
<br /> tha Escmw Ice�ns.un�Lender pays Barrawer inusrest on the i�nd�nnd appliru6le tuw pcamit�l,�udcx to a�+su�a�a `-���'� �:
<br /> How�ver.Leader may require Barrower to pay a one-time ch�trgo�ar an inde�dent real esmte taa rr•porflng sacviw t�4 b}:
<br /> � Leader fn cannectfon arith this doan,unless applkabk taw pnsvidae othecwlea.Ualess an agreeffient is made ar applic�ii6�lu►v °• .,
<br /> : _ �_:�*, ,. :„�. ..
<br /> raquues mtraest W be paid.Lend��aU ttot bc requBed tn pay Horrawer any u►temst or eamings on the Funds.�mm�+tu azM ,�.;.~� '�;� ;
<br /> .�_�.o. _
<br /> Lendea may agree im wrii�g.however,that iater�st sdall be ptintl on the Funda Leader shall give to Bflrrow�r.wiihout cntugn,�. . .��► `'a::. >:.�r=--_
<br /> annual secauntiug of the Fuads.showmg credits eud deblts w dto Funds and the purpose far whicb esch de'bis to tho Funds�vt� r:�� :�� ;,
<br /> made.'Ihe Funds are p2edged as additional seauity forall sums�e�ed by thin Secarity Instrument
<br /> If the Funds he2d by L,endea exceed d►e amoimts p�mUtod to be held by apptis�le law,I.eadea shall a�ca�t to B�orrm�v�f�, �,�.
<br /> the eacess F�mds in acamrdance witb the r�quiremeuts of applic�blo taw.If t➢ce amount of t&e Fimds Ge2d by Lea��r a��ap rimn ief ;::'.,
<br /> - not sufCciem tu pay the Fs�aow Itcros when dae,Leudar may so notif}r Baa+awer in writing,and.ui sacl�case Hannw�siu31 p�j�• �.� �� � . a
<br /> m I.emder the amount w msike . . ..:�,': .
<br /> �saa�y m k ap the dt�iancy. Eam�wer sl�all ��p the de6ciency in��o ILm m�ahv� r; .,�
<br /> mont6IY Puyments.Ex Iea�flar's saIs di�xaerinn. �`, .,``- �,:,��"'
<br /> UFua�ent m fuII of a11 sums sac¢red by��is Secu�ity�.nr.nb Leader�l '�,.' ��•<�fi7 i;;,; � ,'��''•-�.:,:
<br /> %% ' �eld b L,z�:L°r.If.as�dr.r P��F refimd to Ba�onvxr a��Fnn�? ';';���s:�:_�;,-
<br /> Y P�'dPb^�l,LeIlde�Sh2II aCqni[e ot stl�Uh8 Avperty,LeaudeT,F:'r.�t0ltte 2cqi�iilUA Or s�.Ss af dste �.y�t j;��,�..:r�:.t;
<br /> ""7'y "
<br /> sbaD I � Fvnds held b L,endu ai the timo of f� �c . �. . �'r�;:�••,
<br /> �p�y, �P Y 4� Y aoqolsidon ar�..as a credit�a�st th....s�s se�arod bj�litix . .<-,: "' '�:,;�--
<br /> . SeciuiryInsttameai �::t�
<br /> ,
<br /> 3.Applk�ttan a?F'�ta. Ue'esa a�plicable law ptovid�t othet�vise.�payments rec�ved by L��andez A�At� �,'� �r'—
<br /> D and 2 shall 6c 1�:��to� �. '.,._..�"� .�.:.:.._ . e.—:_
<br /> $D➢� 91R�Y�eat c6arge�dae uoder the Note:secand,w�rs�m pay�S3 ua6ea P���2: �- _•.-�.«.
<br /> thirQ to interest du�fo�.tn p:incipa7 dn�and 1ast,ta any]ata c6arges due uader the Note. ..,..;�;�,
<br /> 4 C6aqges;Lkna P.�rawu shaU pay all ta�ces. assessme,als. chuBes.fises and lmposisior�a2tnbut�b�tti i!►c Atap�i}a " ���"•. . `- �
<br /> which may auain plioric�c�-a�ar this Saauity Instrument,and(oas�hold puymea�ec,�ound reats,if any.Baunam�sbt3l�P�t}ltsa �-°- �'''"� ,.,
<br /> obliga6nns in the manner pcovided in p�aph 2,ot if uot paid in t�iuu m�h�13��rower sha1D pay ih�n o�timn c�titc��l).�r,v thE � �
<br /> ���--'-
<br /> . p�son owed paymenl. Bmmwer sLall ymmptly fim�iuh 4o Lenda aU notices of amo���(s pai:9 un'.,:,v ttrjs p�t�!�t�i,If ' ' ' .
<br />. Bormwer malces these payments dsectly.Borrower shall promptly f�lsh to Lendzr receipi��:,^�g tbt�atgm��u. . `;����� `'
<br /> . Bmmwer shaU promptIy di;charge any lien wtaich te�ptiority over this�e�isy i��,=-�-�•r�s 8c�rov:�:(t�l�a;�ra�s In � -::��.,-a.-t..,�,�,�-.-
<br /> . �g to the payment�:.�te obligatiion sec�ued hy Rhe lisn in u mmmea�cce�'��'a?J LEA�;ti�GY�.��3..3"i�i]L j�pD��tvlD•lltE llEil f• . ,.,a;;;�.,�:;r,:,�;�.-.__'�
<br /> '� ��.; by,or defeuds agaiust en`xcPmeat of the lien �, legail prtsc�dings whic� � u:e I.ea:.�'� o�an ap�u.v cu�gnm�f the
<br /> �' � enfom.emeat of the li�;or�c,�:��coo the hotdt3 of the lien an ageernent satisfactory tss Leud:a s�1�di�uP3fi,�tht�i�to .-:,,�a1„i4�-�---<.�
<br /> dils Security Instrumeat 1f Lee�dra Ce�nLies thai any paet of the P�p�ty is snbject tn a tiea�wi�izh m3.g•�t:.��:i�rity�o�er dils ,.
<br /> Seauity Instrument,Leader rr►�y give Bortower a nodoe idCn6fying the lien.HorrowPr sLall sai�sfy tLe:tb��mr tsic��one or more ;; �,���:��i°
<br /> . of the acdons set forth ahove within 10 days of tho givin�of notice. _— _
<br /> , ._ �-:=
<br /> Form80Za 9100 �• ,P,�-,T „5�,-
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